Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #APIs

Most recents (24)

1/14 🚀 We've put together an in-depth series on APIs, covering everything from fundamentals to AI APIs. Join us on this journey! #APIs #WebDevelopment #Coding
2/14 📚 Starting with API fundamentals, we dive into the basics that every developer should know. Get the solid foundation you need!… #APIFundamentals #BackToBasics #LearnToCode
3/14 🌐 HTTP and RESTful APIs are key to modern web services. Learn how these technologies power the web.… #RESTfulAPIs #HTTP #WebServices
Read 16 tweets
87% of data science projects fail.

One reason is the lack of production.

Here's an easy solution. 🧵

#datascience #python #R #rstats #career Image
This is called an #API (Application Programming Interface). Image
An API allows the user to make requests using a tool they are comfortable with.

The API runs a program that the data scientist has created on the server.

And the API returns a result.
Read 6 tweets
🧵1/8 Loading datasets from various sources is crucial for data analysis. In this thread, we'll explore how to read datasets from different sources and software using R! 📚 #RStats #DataScience Image
🧵2/8 CSV Files: The "read.csv" function is a go-to for reading comma-separated values files. For improved performance and more flexibility, consider using the "read_csv" function from the readr package or the fread function from the data.table package. 📃 #CSV #RStats
🧵3/8 Excel Files: The readxl package provides functions like "read_excel" for reading data from Excel files (.xls and .xlsx). Alternatively, the openxlsx package offers more features, including reading and writing Excel files. 📊 #Excel #RStats
Read 9 tweets
URL sharing is essential for online platforms and applications. It allows users to access specific resources on the internet, such as web pages, images, videos, files, and more. #APIs make sharing URLs even more seamless, like those offered by OpenDOSM
With URL sharing APIs, developers can provide users with a more streamlined experience, allowing them to share URLs and other data without leaving the application. This can drive more traffic to the platform and increase user engagement. #OpenData #API
A URL sharing API can improve the overall user experience, making it easier for users to quickly and easily share URLs and other data. This is especially useful for social media platforms and applications that rely heavily on user-generated content. #OpenDataAPI
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I taught two 8-wk courses this fall @JohnsHopkinsSPH and wanted to share the resources (built in #quarto!) in case others starting in #Rstats #DataScience find it useful

🤩 Intro to R…

💃 More adv R #Git #CommandLine #SQL #APIs…
I want to say THANK YOU to all the individuals who wrote such great blog posts or vignettes about #rstats pkgs, the @thecarpentries for developing 🤩 material on #CommandLine and #Git, and @rdpeng who help develop much of the content from 1st class!

You are the true heros.
Also, I want to thank @lmwebr @BoyiGuo for each teaching a week in the 2nd class! I am very appreciative and both of you are wonderful educators.
Read 4 tweets

1/ Get rid of complex, traditional backend servers while building your #websites.

According to @HTTPArchive, now more than 1% of ALL websites are based on the Jamstack architectural approach


(image by C. Fayock)

#webapp #coding #developer #innovation
2/ Whether you are an experienced or a novice web developer, your main, urgent goal is to avoid:

🐢Slow loading times

🔒Security vulnerabilities

📈Scaling issues


3/ The Jamstack is a way of building web applications that utilizes modern tools and technologies based on #JavaScript, #APIs, and Markdown (J.A.M. stack), in order to decouple the #frontend from the #backend
Read 14 tweets
(1/6) Hi everyone! This is the thirteenth (13th) update on this final stage of the evolution of Profit Sharing 2.0 and the first of the year 2023! This first quarter will be full of news for #Zignaly and #ProfitSharing 2.0. 🤩🥳
Read more below🧵
(2/6) Today, we will start contacting the biggest services in the #marketplace in order to start coordinating the migration of their services to PS 2. So if you’re a trader, you can schedule your migration through email, where all instructions have already been sent to you! 🎯💪🏻
(3/6) We are also integrating the possibility for traders to create customized #APIs for their #ProfitSharing 2.0 services directly from the new interface, without the need for us to do it for them. ⚒️🤝🏼
Read 6 tweets
Ni de coña 🤯🤯 Sería mi respuesta si hace un año me dices que:

👉Lanzaba newsletter
👉Tenía ➕2.000 suscriptores
👉Iba a formar a 142 personas en #automatización de procesos

Ayer anunciaba el (pen)último experimento del año. Antes comparto algunos aprendizajes por el camino ⤵ ImageImage
Sí. 27/12/2021 nace la newsletter de @automatistas.

¿Mi idea? Algo egoísta y terapéutico para soltar mis aventuras y desventuras en el mundo de la automatización. Y que se pudiera convertir en una "pata" profesional importante

El guantazo de realidad me llegó rápido 🏌️‍♂️

La newsletter se me fue de las manos la primera semana y me encontré con una audiencia que no me esperaba (>1k suscriptores antes de lanzar el primer mail)

Y con un perfil MUY DISTINTO al que contaba: tenían mucha #curiosidad pero poca experiencia en automatización.
Read 18 tweets
[1/7] I was curious why no one had raised this question sooner. 🧐

The reason for this high figure is that additional #XRP were generated out of thin air.

The reasons are as follows: 🧵👇
[2/7] ❗️ What you're seeing is a "drop".

1 #XRP is represented as 1,000,000 drops in #XRPL terms or technical contexts such as the #rippled #APIs response we received from the reporting server.
[3/7] Think about "drops" in the same manner that you think of #SATs.

It is, in reality, the smallest technical unit utilized for exact measurements.

⚠️ As an example:
1 #Satoshi (#SATs) = 0.00000001 #Bitcoin
1 #Drop (#drop of XRP) = 0.000001 #XRP
Read 8 tweets
5 Cool APIs you can use for your next side project

Thread 🧵👇
1️⃣ Subtitles for YouTube

With this API, you can fetch subtitles for youtube videos.…
2️⃣ WordsAPI

Words API lets you retrieve information about English words, including definitions, synonyms, rhymes, pronunciation, syllables, and frequency of usage.…
Read 8 tweets
Hello #everyone! This is the 6th update on the final stage of the evolution of #Zignaly’s #ProfitSharing 2.0. This week we have an important #announcement to make! But first, I would like to share something about the new Profit Sharing interface we are working on. (1/10) Image
The initial version of #PS2.0 that we will release is finished from the back end, but the UI still has basic functions, while the full version comes later. That way, we can launch the most needed functionalities without delaying the whole deployment. (2/10)
Profit Sharing 2.0 is a massive update and includes most of the requests from our Zignaly community in the last 2 years, so we still have a lot to add - and, we will keep doing that! (3/10)
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9 Public APIs you can use without Authentication.

Thread 🧵👇
1️⃣ JSONPlaceholder

Free fake API for testing and prototyping.
2️⃣ Dog API

Dog CEO’s Dog API. Over 20,000 images of dogs programmatically accessible by over 120 breeds.

Image supplied by the Stanford Dogs Dataset.
Read 12 tweets
Bienvenidos a mi twitter profesional. Aquí encontrarás contenido relacionado con #programacion 💻y #psicologia 🧠. ¡Sígueme para no perderte nada de este contenido! Aquí te dejo todos los hilos que he ido haciendo, con muchísimo contenido útil y gratis. Hope it helps 😉⬇️⬇️⬇️ #it
Read 22 tweets
5 APIs for your next side project (All freemium)

Thread 👇🧵
1. AI Color Generator

Utilize the most recent developments in AI to generate colors.

Find colors for typography, logos, gradients, palettes, and more.…
2. The Cocktail DB

API for alcohol and cocktail data.…
Read 8 tweets
👩‍💻Vous avez manqué notre dernier article de blog “#Banque & #Assurance : 3 bonnes raisons d’ouvrir une #marketplace #B2B” ?

Voici un résumé sous forme de thread ! ⬇️ Image
👉 La digitalisation du secteur bancaire est une réalité, en témoignent les nouveaux acteurs 100% digital comme @shine_tools et les changements de comportements des consommateurs ! Image
💡 Les banques proposent aujourd’hui de nombreux services non bancaires, pour se positionner en tant que “Bank-as-a-Service” grâce au #cloud et aux #APIs, qui permettent d’intégrer à l’offre initiale celle d’autres acteurs de la chaîne financière. Image
Read 6 tweets
1/ Yesterday's thread was all about getting started with #DAO. Down the rabbit hole, some of these tools are the defacto standard for most DAOs!

I've curated a list of 14 tools of the trade to get you a head-start on your DAO journey 💝

🧵 Image
2/ Gnosis Safe (@gnosisSafe) - A smart contract based multi-signature #wallet used to manage community treasury.

⏩In simple words - It requires a minimum number of people to approve a transaction before it can occur
3/ Snapshot (@SnapshotLabs) - A popular off-chain DAO voting platform for easy #token based governance.

⏩In simple words - Snapshot contains multiple spaces such as @AaveAave, @SushiSwap among others, that you can join & vote on proposals
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👉 Además de alojar la mayoría de proyectos #OpenSource, @github es un buen lugar para descubrir contenido interesante.

🏅 Aquí te dejo 10 repositorios para #devs que deberías conocer. Cada uno de ellos te aportará algo.

#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie

¡Dentro hilo! 🧵⬇️ Cartel: 10 repositorios de github para developers que deberi
1. Free Programming Books…

⭐️ Este repo tiene que ser el primero. De los repositorios con más estrellas de #Github. No solo encontrarás libros de programación en múltiples idiomas, también otros recursos y videos.
2. Developer Roadmap…

Otro de mis favoritos. ¿Quieres saber por dónde empezar tu camino #desarrollo web? Aquí tienes hojas de ruta con las tencnologías y conceptos que debes saber para dominar un “camino”.
Por ejemplo #frontend, #backend, #DevOps...
Read 15 tweets
It’s already November? Check out our top 4 #Rust meetup videos from October below! 👀
Congrats @strangeloop_stl @CloudNativeFdn @olix0r @brayniac @wcrichton 👏

#DevVideo #strangeloop…
First up: @wcrichton 's talk at @strangeloop_stl. Get an overview of how you can design #APIs in Rust easily.👇…
At @strangeloop_stl, @brayniac from @Twitter involved us in the process of replacing the server’s networking and event loop with a correspondingly fast #Rust implementation. Check it out:…
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#valiantorganics Update :
1. OA capacity expanded to 4800 MT
2. ONA (Raw material for OA) capacity increased to 7200 MT. It will increase the margins. (New Product)
3. #PAP #paraaminphenol Production started. 200 MT in Q1 and expected to be 2300 MT in FY22. Total capacity 9000MT
4. Increased the stake in bharat chemicals from dhanvallabh venture LLP ( from 40 to 50%)
5. #bharatchemicals capacity of #paracetamol increased to 9000 MT
6. Raw material price increased in Q1, which will be passed on in Q2. #OA,#ONA,#PA,#PNA,#PAP will started contributing
7. New capex for #apis (chemicals for APIs). Mostly for apis manufactured by #aartiindustries and #aartidrugs
Intermediates will be manufactured for following APIs :
1. Ranolazine
2. Benazeprill
3. Elagolix
4. Pranlucast
5. Moxifloxacin
6. Ramipril
7. Montelukast
8. Quinapril
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Let's demystify @graphprotocol and understand #what does this do? #Why developers use it? What problems it solves, #how it works and how to get started!

A #thread 🧵 👇 Image
1/ The #web 🌐 of today has a client-server architecture that grants tremendous power to whoever runs the server. This favors #centralization! But we may have reached the peak of centralization & the power is now slowly getting distributed!
2/ Web3 is the new layer that will enable #decentralization on a mass scale! Blockchains like #ethereum will be the north star of this new movement. 🚀
Read 16 tweets
Even though I haven't been a big fan of Twitter threads so far, a lot of people I know have made 100-tweet threads for @threadapalooza so I thought I'll give it a try as well. I will start with #APIs and hopefully end up connecting them with the #FutureOfWork. Let's go ...

First of all, when I talk about #APIs, I mean HTTP-based interfaces connecting apps and backend servers as well as different services with each other. For now, the technical details, such as whether they use REST, GraphQL, gRPC etc., shall not matter. (1/100)
When humans interact with computers they require a user interface (UI), and when machines interact with each other they need application programming interfaces (APIs). At the end of the day, however, these have to be implemented by humans. Good #APIDesign considers both. (2/100)
Read 101 tweets
A thread on #HeadlessCMS where you will know most of things about what it is, how is it different to traditional #CMS, why it matters, pros & con's, and the most popular Headless CMS.

👇 #100DaysOfCode
So before you understand what this #HeadlessCMS is all about, in the first place you should know need to understand the difference between a Headless CMS and a conventional (or traditional) #CMS.

👇 #100DaysOfCode
Traditional #CMS platforms, like Joomla for instance, come with a front-end delivery layer, otherwise known as the “head” — that dictates how the content is presented to the end-user (1/3).

,👇 #HeadlessCMS #100DaysOfCode
Read 20 tweets
Personal Update: After a journey of learnings of decades compressed in few years, I am moving on from Pantomath. As the saying goes ‘I am not sad that it is over. I am happy that it has happened'. Today, I enable myself to paint on my life’s canvas, a future the way I want to 🤞
Happy to share the PMS performance which has done reasonably well…thanks to #APIs #Chemical #Platform businesses. Thank you @pantomath_group for giving me a chance.
I will take this opportunity to share a few key learnings over the last few years. There have been many, but a sharing the few which have helped me be a better investor....
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TRUTH: "Making the web accessible benefits individuals, businesses, and society." -- Introduction to Web Accessibility

now, think about #APIs... 1/4
more from #WAI (w/ small change):

"When websites and web tools are properly designed and coded, [bots] can use them. Currently many sites and tools are developed with accessibility barriers that make them difficult or impossible for [bots] to use."

still thinking of #APIs? 2/4
then how about this quote:

"A RESTful API is just a website for users with a limited vocabulary." -- @fielding (2015) in…

so, about those #APIs... 3/4
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