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Et en français : Les Médecins et les Chirurgiens ne sont pas des Physiciens !

Galen Winsor en 1986 vous expose le mensonge de la bombe atomique ... mais c'est encore pire, la vérité n'étant qu'à moitié...
Vous pouvez également lire, et là vous comprenez la première "arnaque", mais ce n'est pas tout !…

Lisez aussi l'article de J.Orient, "Fukushima and reflection on radiation as a terror weapon" et comprenez alors immédiatement ce que l'on vous cache
car l'article est passé dans le "Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons", le Journal des Médecins américains et des Chirurgiens"😈

==> l'article est paru dans un journal professionnel pour les médecins (physicians) et les chirurgiens (surgeons).
Read 14 tweets
🧵Toujours une horreur d'entendre Yuval Noah Harari, beaucoup de choses se fomentent depuis Tel Aviv ... et il a été désigné pour être l'un des mentors de Klaus Schwab auprès du WEF, le portail/Hub des cartels internationaux.
Il annonce que les Humains mourront s'ils n'obéissent pas. Ils seront maintenant dépendants du réseau, les yeux rivés sur leurs mobiles, œuvrant/ventilant tous dans le même sens et répondant à la même Queen Hermaphrodite de leur Ruche...
leurs dieux seront des biogénéticiens, des Sorciers de la magie noire chapeautés par l'OMS. Surtout n'allez pas dans ce sens et abandonnez vos mobiles qui vous ensorcellent. Vous foncez droit vers l'Abyme si vous ne vous reprenez pas
Read 8 tweets
🧵The power of #Melanin that real Hue-mans have in their skins (even if you are white skinned today) is that it is a protection...and on the skin, there are glints of bronze and gold which are much more visible when you are suntanned...the skin shines...
and of course, the Adversary ("Man" is not "Hue-man") knows its 3D worth (it is a super conductor and it is worth over $445 a gram) using what is naturally present in our bodies to insert without any reject, their "technology",
raping our sacred bodies with their poisons, to kill us, to kill the Creature/ Hue-man of the Great Almighty Creator. So far, they have explored its different powers in combination with PUMA therapy to treat skin diseases with the ultraviolet light...
Read 10 tweets
🧵Elixirs de jouvence, depuis la parabiose hétérochronique jusqu'à l'adrénochrome qui est extrait de jeunes enfants abusés et terrifiés, de leur vivant...

Et, comme on parle toujours de "vampires", cela n'est pas nouveau !
Et l'adrénochrome, c'est en chimie 3-hydroxy-1-méthyl-2, 3-dishydro-1H-indole-5, 6-dione .
C'est une dégradation de l'adrénaline qui s'oxyde ...

Et il y a eu aussi beaucoup d'essais dans les abattoirs avec les animaux (on a maltraité, torturé les animaux, prolongé leur agonie..
avant de les abattre, pour récupérer leur adrénochrome et faire des recherches dans ce sens. La maltraitance dans les abattoirs peut aussi cacher autre chose...

Certains disent que maintenant ils arrivent à synthétiser cet adrénochrome ?
Read 35 tweets
🚨La pétrochimie pénètre dans vos corps... Vous êtes cernés de toutes parts, vous poussant à consommer/avaler/digérer des produits toxiques pour vous faire dispar@ître. Toutes les études dites "scientifiques" qui vous sont communiquées viennent de l'OMS, de Big Pharma (suite)
de Monsanto, du WEF, des industriels de l'agro-alimentaire comme Kr@ft Heinz, NEstlé...
La mauvaise nourriture c'est donc tout ce qui est produit industriellement, le pain/farines des supermarchés ou boulangeries industrielles (suite)
les restaurants "industriels" comme les fast-food, les caféterias... et tout ce que vous ingérez comme les médicaments (= pétrochimie) depuis les "soins" allopathiques en vente libre à effet progressif et qui s'accumulent dans vos corps... jusqu'aux thérapies chimiques (suite)
Read 7 tweets
I know that Naomi died in 1972 with her mum ... But it is true that it is not the Real Joe Biden. His son, Beau, whose legal name was Joseph Robinette Biden III (to be continued)
after his father & grandfather succumbed to brain cancer in 2015 at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda , Maryland (not in Iraq !) And Joe Biden II (his father) went to Ireland and met the priest who had given his son Beau the last rites (to be continued)
before he died and he broke down in tears... He never recovered and died a few years later.
That actor playing "Joe Biden" is a diversion while D Trump has time to prepare his return...Think about it, who benefits from that diversion organised by the military? (to be continued)
Read 6 tweets
🚨 Eurogendfor a pour origine les armées secrètes de l'OTAN qui déstabilisent par la terreur l'ordre public depuis la fin de la Seconde guerre mondiale, afin de stabiliser l'ordre politique et renforcer l'Etat policier. (suite)
Le réseau des "Stay Behind" est connu avec l'Opération Gladio et la loge noire maçonnique P2, Gladio étant l'épée à deux tranchants connue et utilisée dans l'empire romain classique. Elle a été créée sous l'égide du Ministère de l'intérieur Italien, par Mario Scelba. (suite)
Cette alliance infernale entre le Vatican, la CIA et la Mafia/Familia... n'a jamais disparu mais a évolué en noms... Ce réseau de l'OTAN et ses dérives, est au pic de son activité aujourd'hui. C'est devenu un complot par la Terreur à l'encontre du peuple européen (suite)
Read 5 tweets
🚨La France se bat contre le régime agricole productiviste industriel décidé depuis la fin de la 2nde guerre mondiale. L'eau est l'enjeu de la Cop 26 qui s'est déroulée à Glasgow en 2021. Fil
Le système des Mégabassines détruit le système hydrologique continental, le système naturel, de l'eau. Il vole avec de puissantes pompes, de l'eau stockée dans la nappe phréatique et récupère aussi les eaux de ruissellement, pour les stocker dans des bassines à ciel ouvert...
don't l'une a une capacité de 650,000 m3, soit 650,000,000 litres. Ce détournement de l'eau, dont les systèmes sont financés par l'argent des citoyens, est réservée aux céréaliers de l'agriculture productiviste industrielle et principalement la filière du Maïs...
Read 17 tweets
🚨Ritual Abuse in the Grand Lodge, London (3 videos to watch). You have the testimony of a young girl who has been raped at home by her father and then, driven to that lodge.😈
She saw a young boy who has been stabbed in the heart and killed, it was a ritual on the altar.
That Grand Lodge is connected to the Establisment, the Government...

Prince Philip of the Gluckburg Dynasty, the direct Heir of Constantine 😈(The Atheist and bloody Roman Emperor who revived the fallen Empire after the sacks of Rome, creating the Catholic Church...
to serve his interests). Prince Philip is a High Ranked FreeMason, the friend of Jimmy Savile (from the BBC, the Propaganda which has been granted the Monopoly on May 6th, 2023 for the Coronation Event, their "EDEN " Operation). He raped trafficked children..
Read 23 tweets
🚨Much more to know about the Operation Apollo 11 and the Sci-Fi "Moon landing" !

On the video, you can see Stanley Kubrick who filmed the fake Moon Landing (a Hollywood montage, Warner Bros. Pictures being a Rothschild Masonic Propaganda Machine) and
confessed later that it was a lie & a giant fraud involving the US government/NASA/Hollywood and the Warner Bros/ The Vatican/ Paul VI...

And that was just the beginning of something much bigger...He decided to tell more about about the giant Conspiracy against Humanity
in his other films such as "Clockwork Orange" where he explained the mind control manipulation for the New World Order, organized by the Tavistock Institute.... And, he was killed in 1999 (a "mysterious" myocardial infarction, many were killed in that way)
Read 21 tweets
🚨Remember that the Pope Pius X declared in 1895, "The Pope is not simply the representative of Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, under the veil of the flesh" but there has never been any "Jesus Christ". D Trump is speaking of "Jesus Christ" (to be continued)
within their designed Trinity. Bishop Timothy Dolan, has been the ideal representative of Benedict XVI, he's president of the bishops conference in the USA working with government to shape laws that pursue social justice, respect for life & the Common Good (to be continued)
But the Black Pope, the Jesuit Arturo Sosa Abascal rules over Maritime Laws (hence, business) . He controls Banking, Freemasonry, the Secrets Services all over the world (CIA, FBI, NSA, SIS, M16, Scotland Yard, Mossad, CSIS, DGSE, FSB...). (to be continued)
Read 6 tweets
🚨I address those who are still skeptical and those who want to know more. NEIL ARMSTRONG was a photographer, he was the first one to have officially launched the Great Illusion of Imagery in 1969 of "we set foot on the Moon",
Here, EDWIN EUGENE ALDRIN Jr took the photo... Nicknamed BUZZ ALDRIN, he was a Colonel in the USAF, a fighter pilot coming from the West Point Academy and an engineer from the MIT. He was also the 1st Freemason😡😈 to set foot on Moon (ordained in the 33rd degree
of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, also a member of the York Rite, also a member of the Arabian Shrine Temple of Houston 😈) and worse, a US Presbyterian Elder (a Church which ordained members of the LGBT Community as Elders😝).
Read 14 tweets
🚨Here are the limits of the AI Machine which is misunderstanding WORDS, it only gathers together blocks of words... The Puppeteers who have nurtured it from the beginning, did it on purpose because they hate you and their aim has always been to destroy the Creation THREAD
before it achieved Enlightenment. The Machine has been programmed in a way that Humans have been described as mere animals of the farm, racism was introduced in the Machine as a competition among animals but now animals of the farm (you are "sheep" or "cattle"), intermarry ...
And many Humans have given up their rights when they accepted the jabs, offering their sacred bodies to Science, believing a Machine and not the Creator... Because you did not reacted en masse, the evil continued to take hold...
Read 12 tweets
🚨Le Salaire Universel

Ils en parlent tous depuis bien longtemps et cela arrive en même temps que le NOM officiel ; les SMART Cities ; la fin de la voiture, symbole de liberté individuelle ; la privation de vos droits naturels ; la fin de la propriété individuelle...
David Lacombled dirige le think tank de la Villa Numeris depuis 2016 (, leur revue de novembre 2022 affiche sur la couverture "Bienvenue dans la 3ème Dimension) . Ce think Tank indépendant est un hub sur l'économie numérique avec une chronique hebdomadaire
dans " L'Opinion" quotidien français depuis 2013 (appartenant à Nicolas Beytout, Bernard Arnault, la famille Bettencourt et Rupert Murdoch) et intervient aussi sur B. SMART, une TV privée française de media Tchèque CMI (Czech Media Invest)
Read 16 tweets
🚨 Le ChatGPT est une imposture !…
En cliquant sur les différents commentaires, vous retrouverez alors mes trois interventions...Vous pouvez apporter votre témoignage, tous les secteurs sont impactés... N'hésitez pas à en parler 🕊️
Le ChatGPT est une IA dite "générative" qui a fait son entrée spectaculaire dans l'espace public français. La Fondation IA pour l'Ecole, présidée par Guillaume Leboucher a tenu le 25 janvier 2023, ses assises à l'Institut de France. (suite)
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🚨It is a Weather Balloon, an allusion to the "Rover", a plot device from the 1967 TV series, "The Prisoner". It is a spy gadget used to keep prisoners from escaping the Coastal Village/the Prison, a floating white balloon that could coerce, incapacitate ...
or kill recalcitrants of the Village. The name 'Rover" was only used once in the entire series and in the episode named "The Schizoïd Man" that you find in Marvel comics describing a Mutate , a Chip Martin who suffers psychological instability, you also find him in Star Treck....
Here it is linked to China, Xi Jinping's personality and surveillance program 😈. Know that the Chinese President has vowed to lead the NWO on September 2016 at the G20 Summit in Hanghzou , China 😈.He said he would safeguard international Security...
Read 15 tweets
🚨Volodimir Zelensky looks like Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999), has he come back from "Nevada" or he is gone back to life from the 1960s timeline when he produced Doctor Folamour, has he come back with D. Trump the time traveller ? ImageImageImageImage
And I just learnt that a false Stanley Kubrick named Alan Conway, had stolen his identity for almost 10 years. He was one of the kings of imposture, who disguised reality, his unbridled thirst for recognition having led him to imposture. (to be continued)
He was a real estate agent in UK and, by his force of persuasion, succeeded to be invited everywhere which was easy since the real Stanley Kubrick scarcely went out...That man, born in London, was a small crook who went to South Africa (to be continued)
Read 53 tweets
@janeway888 🧵Soylent green is a movie released in 1973... Soylent was originally shortened from Soybean and Lentil... And there were the first meal replacements like those created by Rosa Foods...
The movie Soylent Green presents us a drink to drink, a kind of milkshake... Image
@janeway888 a drink of the future, a smart food based on plankton but in reality they are corpses... a provocation assumed by Rob Rhinehart, creator of Soylent.

You have Neo in the Matrix movie talking about a disgusting bowl of snot...…
@janeway888 While France is the country of the "ripailleurs", the country where the lunch break time remains sacred and often lengthens.... it should be known that it has also become the second market for MacDonald's worldwide. It is time to wake up !
Read 20 tweets
🧵Predictive Programming ?

G. Orwell's dystopian novel, "Nineteen Eighty Four", is the first basic script used as the "Revelation of the Method" from the 80s. Today, novelists write dystopian novels based on original stories, many straight from Orwell's work ...

others are derivatives from that first frame which is now used as a basic template. It is the winning formula for Artists : science meeting fiction to create Science Fiction !
What about the Ohio disaster which has just been realeased as a piece of news on worldwide screens ?
It is on the telescreens of worldwide mobile workers, students, pupils, families...
It is infotainment/ intoxtainment !
Here, you have an application of a movie which itself was an application of a novel, 38 years ago, which itself came from a real disaster ...
Read 24 tweets
🚨And He is right here...America is "wicked". You have no choice unless you have already given up and then, are dead . There is nothing more important than life , you must stand up for it and be brave. It is self protection, that is real Defence ! (to be continued)
And understand that you personal zone of defence is your immune system and defenceless people like any unprotected laptop, have been hacked . You must build a stronger line of Defence together, an organized strategy (to be continued)
to eradicate the Adversary, a strategy which does not belong to their fictitious System. Hence, don't fall in the hands of any "politician", all jesters and tricksters of the Establishment which has hijacked the Earth to make it its Property/World. (to be continued)
Read 7 tweets
The Russian delegation to the #AeroIndia2023 aerospace exhibition next week plans to discuss a partnership with New Delhi over developing the Sukhoi Su-75 #Checkmate 5th-generation fighter jet.

Thread: Details...
The Checkmate aircraft was first unveiled to the public at the MAKS-2021 and Dubai Airshows, and is slated to use stealth and AI technology, with a reported acceleration speed of Mach 1.8 and combat range of 3,000km.
The first batch is set to be produced in 2026 at an estimated cost of $25-30 million - Rostec chief Sergey Chemezov.

An unmanned variant is reportedly in development, a 2-seat trainer version can be developed if requested,and a carrier-based version is also under consideration.
Read 3 tweets
🚨On parle du Qatar Gate ou de la FIFA Gate ?

C'est la guerre des Titans 😈des deux camps, un Game of Throne dans l'Arène/le Stade à la fin de l'Apocalypse, les deux perdont 🕊️

La Coupe du Monde pour la FIFA est de faire gagner leur Cyborg Lionel Messi, le "Messiah" pour ses fans ("L'homme qui valait 3 milliards", lisez mes "fils" et "threads"), le produit "breveté" du FC Barcelone et dont les "services sont loués... Il est aussi parrainé par Adidas.
Il n'a jamais gagné la "Coupe du Monde", pensez à la cote des paris... et ce mondial est LE mondial, la machine à cash de Satan pour les deux camps.

La corruption ne va qu'augmenter au fur et à mesure des matchs, et des résultats....
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The Custodians 😈of the Holy Places are the watchers, the caretakers, the corrupt Brotherhood, the Energy Absorbers.... who have plotted and acted against Hue-mans, against TMH Creator for Millenia !

The origin of the "Crimea war" is to be found in Jerusalem where Orthodox & Catholic monks clashed over the custody of the holy places. In 1852, the Russian government, believing that the Orthodox clergy had been unjustly evicted, decided to intervene with the Ottoman government
on which Palestine depended.

The Ottomans recognized the preeminent rights of the Orthodox but refused that Russia acted in the name of all the Orthodox, which would have been an insult to Ottoman sovereignty...
Read 9 tweets
🚨#Darwin-ians (like followers of Copernicus in another field) are Satanists and have always rejected the Creation but it's never meant that the #Owen-ians were right, they had to continue their research until U, the "Thomas", brought the irrefutable proof of the Creation
since you are skeptical and only believe what you can see and hear ("Those who have eyes, let them see ; those who have ears, let them hear") and therefore your goal was to collect all the clues proving the Creation and come back to the Creator...
leading the people from "I believe" to " I know". And what you name "Satanism" led with Terrorism (the Modern Inquisition controlling people), is your own reflection... that you can't stand any longer and want to erase since it harms you now ...
Read 23 tweets

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