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The @FoxNews lie machine is loudly denying the reality of the #ClimateCrisis.🤨

Part of billionaire Rupert Murdoch's media empire (his $ comes from #BigOil) it's his 24/7 #disinformation platform.🤥📢

He's denied the science of #climatechange since 2006:… Image
"When it comes to climate change denial, #FoxNews is leading the pack. Through politically-charged news segments and commentary, Fox is spreading #misinformation about #climatechange, telling viewers that scientists are 'torn' on the #ClimateCrisis issue."…
PS: did you see that the author of the "It's not climate change making wildfires worse" thinks Ottawa is a province? 🤨

It's a city, dude.

If Fox can't even get BASIC facts correct about Canada, why should ANYONE believe them about complex scientific issues like climate change? Image
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🚨Famille #Biden, des millions reçus de manière non transparente de la part de citoyens étrangers

Un article de Brooke Singman et Kelly Phares pour #FoxNews

Le président de la commission de surveillance de la Chambre des représentants, James Comer, enquête sur le "trafic…… Image
ressortissants étrangers ont cherché à s'associer et à faire des affaires avec certains membres de la famille Biden et leurs sociétés".

Le rapport note qu'il existait déjà des signes indiquant que la famille Biden avait pu collecter de l'argent auprès de ressortissants étrangers……
des considérations politiques". Elle a également affirmé que le président Biden n'avait jamais été impliqué dans les affaires de son fils.
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1. The Morning after I left #FoxNews was the most exciting and frightening day of my career. Even though by the end of the week we would have 300k subs - only MLB had a live streaming network and everyone said it couldn’t be done .. (cont)#TuckerCarlson
2. I knew a time was coming when the network would need talent more than talent needed them, but 2011 wasn’t it … yet. 12 years later, I am guessing that #tucker feels much like I did. Yet his timing is perfect. (Con’t)
3. #Tucker, everything will work for His benefit. You are too smart to legitimately worry. Millions are standing behind you. I am one of them. What you choose to do next could make all the difference in our country’s next chapter. I can’t wait to see what you do.
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#FOXCorporation perde
930 milioni di dollari di valore di mercato dopo aver annunciato che #Tucker Carlson lascerà la rete di notizie

Matthew Fox
24 aprile 2023

@liliaragnar @mariogiordano5
@RadioRadioWeb @ladyonorato @a_meluzzi
@BelpietroTweet Image
La #FoxCorporation ha cancellato il valore di mercato di 930 milioni di dollari lunedì dopo aver annunciato che #TuckerCarlson avrebbe lasciato #FoxNews.

La scissione è avvenuta una settimana dopo che la società ha risolto una causa per diffamazione con Dominion Voting Systems.

#TuckerCarlson ha costantemente avuto uno dei notiziari più visti sulla TV via cavo. Image
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BlackRock owns 59.1 million shares of Dominion

BlackRock owns45.74 million shares of Fox Corp.

#FoxNews #Followthemoney ImageImage
How Dominion’s Owner Turned a $38 Million Investment Into a Windfall Settlement With Fox News.

Staple Street Capital backed a defamation lawsuit that produced a $787.5 million settlement. #FollowtheMoney… Image
Staple Street Capital acquired Dominion Voting Systems in 2008 for an undisclosed sum. The deal was arranged by UBS Securities LLC, which ultimately falls under the UBS Group of companies.

Three of the four members on the Bloomberg profile page for UBS Securities LLC were……
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Séisme politico-médiatique aux #EtatsUnis: Tucker #Carlson, le tribun désinformateur du national- populisme, quitte #FoxNews, dont il assurait les meilleures audiences à 20h, avec effet immédiat. C'est le choc, totalement inattendu.…
2. Pour l'instant il n'y a aucune raison officielle donnée au départ de Tucker #Carlson de #FoxNews, même si le ton du communiqué de la chaîne, très peu chaleureux, ne laisse pas supposer une séparation à l'amiable.
3. On sera tenté- mais ça reste pour l'heure 1 pure hypothèse- de voir le départ de #Carlson comme la conséquence de l'accord amiable à 787.5 millions de $ passé la semaine dernière par #FoxNews pour faire cesser les poursuites de la firme de machine à voter Dominion...
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[RFK Jr. announced he's running for President, but since he's not pro-Ukraine War, the Lib Dem media have shunned him. Tucker Carlson interviews RFK Jr.⚡️⚡️]
Tucker Carlson: To Democrats, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the face of extremism - he's not… #FoxNews
RFK Jr. said the US has spent $132B on the Ukraine War. Why are we in Ukraine? Lloyd Austin says "to weaken Russia", Biden alluded "regime change", i.e. remove Putin. Washington wants to PROLONG the war, an obvious proxy war. So it's an IMMORAL war. For his righteous view of the
war in Ukraine Democrats have labeled RFK Jr. "extremist". Which indicates that the DNC has become so unhinged and unmoored from OBJECTIVE REALITY that the sane, rational & correct assessment of US involvement in Ukraine - i.e. the Truth - is branded "extremist". This is Big
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Pro-Trump-Propaganda-Sender #FoxNews muss knapp 800 Mio $ zahlen & hat vor Gericht zugegeben, dass sie die ganze Zeit wussten, dass #Trump die US-Wahl verloren hatte & sie trotzdem ständig ihre Zuschauer angelogen haben. Liebe Rechte, sieht SO vielleicht eure "Lügenpresse" aus?
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🧵#PentagonLeaks: Wie erwartbar: Die extreme Rechte feiert den #Pentagon-Leaker Jack #Teixeira als Nationalhelden. #Green #Carlson #FoxNews 1/x #PentagonLeaks: Wie erwartb...PentagonLeaks: Wie erwartba...
2/x Angeführt von der rechtsextremen Republikanerin, der Abgeordneten Marjorie Taylor #Greene und dem Moderator von Fox News, Tucker #Carlson, feiert die extreme Rechte den 21-jährigen Air National Guardsman,
3/x der angeblich streng geheime Pentagon-Dokumente durchsickern ließ, als Nationalhelden. Jack Teixeira wurde am Donnerstagnachmittag von #FBI-Agenten „ohne Zwischenfälle“ in seinem Elternhaus in North #Dighton, #Massachusetts, festgenommen,
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#BREAKING | Sensitive Content 🚨

Security footage released showing #transgender #Nashville shooter #AudreyHale driving & shooting her way into the school building.

Live on #FoxNews, an angry mom at the #Nashville School #Shooting #PressConference, steps in front of the mic and gives an incredible speech.

Meanwhile Fox News is caught off guard and panics, trying to not show her on air. I'm sure the gun lobby and NRA aren't too happy.…
The mass shooting in Nashville yesterday is the 129th mass shooting in the US so far this year. 6 people including 3 children killed the shooter captured here on CCTV. That’s a rate of 1.4 mass shootings per day in the US in 2023.

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In every "crisis" you can find Americans kidnapping the children=>
After the Vietnam War, America Flew Planes Full of Babies Back to the U.S.…
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L'ancien VP M.#Pence déclare avec force que l'histoire tiendra D.#Trump responsable de l'insurrection du Capitole. Mais étrangement le même Pence, cité à comparaître, refuse de venir témoigner devant la justice sur le rôle dudit Trump
Paroles, paroles...…
2. Mike #Pence joue en fait une stratégie politique très compliquée. Il ambitionne sans doute de se présenter aux primaires républicaines contre son ancien colistier et président D. #Trump dont il a soutenu avec dévotion et zèle toute la politique durant 4 ans... l'insurrection du Capitole permet à #Pence, cible et victime de l'émeute, de se différencier politiquement de D. #Trump comme conservateur évangélique radical mais pieux et légaliste, vénérant autant la Constitution que la Bible, contrairement à son ex-colistier...
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1/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4675: John Thune's reaction to Mitch McConnell's statement re Fox News' characterization of events of January 6th 2021 #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #JohnThune #MitchMcConnell #FoxNews #EmotionalIntelligence

2/ Yesterday, Senator Mitch McConnell said, "Clearly, the Chief of the Capitol Police, in my view, correctly describes what most of us witnessed, firsthand, on January 6th..."
3/ Senator McConnell continued, "...It was a mistake, in my view, for Fox News to depict this in a way that's completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks."
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Il processo che vede contrapposti Dominion (macchine elettorali) contro #FoxNews che parlando del voto 2020 ha raccontato che le macchine erano truccate pro Biden sta diventando una catastrofe per Fox e ci illumina sull'ipocrisia del "mondo fake" proposto da Fox/1 🧵
Al processo contro #FoxNews i massimi dirigenti dicono che i loro programmi di punta "non sono fonti di informazione credibile" e nei loro scambi di messaggi definiscono alcuni presentatori pro Trump "roba da Corea del Nord"/2
Diverse volti Tv di punta di #FoxNews dicono in privato tra loro che la vicenda del "voto rubato" del 2020 è una bufala senza senso, ma la sostengono nei loro programmi Tv, alimentando le teorie del complotto/3
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🟥🧵👇 When @TuckerCarlson releases his cherry picked vid this week to support a false narrative? Watch this video & remind yourself this was #Jan6th & when watching look for the long shot of the crowd trying to barrel through the doors.


And if that still leaves you unsure? Here's a playlist from YouTube from reporters & some on the ground videos made by peopJan6thle there -- to remind you of what really happened.…

And if you need even more convincing, here's a well-organized video list from @propublica of many of the videos from Parler that were dropped that day -- mostly by people that were participating in the #insurrection.…

#DemCast #jan6th #TuckerCarlson

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La #Cnews américaine #FoxNews a durant des mois diffusé la fake news des élections volées, notamment en disant que le système de vote électronique #Dominion faisait partie d'une conspiration contre #Trump

Fox risque de tout perdre, de disparaître ✊
1/5… capture de l'article du Gua...
#Dominion porte plainte contre #Foxnews, leur réclame 1.6 millards USD en dommages & intérêts.

La correspondance entre des "stars" de la chaîne comme Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham etc....prouve qu'ils savaient qu'il n'y avait PAS de fraude mais qu'ils mentaient sciemment.
2/5 capture des échanges de mes...capture des échanges de mes...capture des échanges de mes...
#RupertMurdoch, propriétaire de #Foxnews, a admis sous serment qu'il jugeait l'obsession de #Trump comme "folie" mais continuait à donner une plateforme à celui-ci et ses acolytes pour "rester rentable". Et ceci malgré sa conviction que "c'était dangereux pour tous".
3/5 capture d'une émission Foxn...capture d'une émission Foxn...
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Elon Musk is seriously the stupidest man alive. Just a sociopathic conman who amplifies the most heinous garbage & adds to it by lying. NO, Alexander was NOT “put in jail”. He’s a little fascist who disrupted everyone else’s learning with his entitlement & bigotry. #cdnpoli ImageImageImageImage
If you missed the story, entitled little fascist, Josh Alexander, created multiple disturbances in his school using trans kids as his punching bag & publicity stunt opportunity. Disinfo media & accounts then repeated the propaganda to further scapegoat trans. #cdnpoli #CdnDisinfo ImageImageImageImage
Here’s Josh Alexander appearing with neo-Nazi grifter, #ChristineAnderson, on her recent Canadian grift disinformation tour. Because of course he did. Both scapegoat & lie about Muslim & trans people. #CdnDisinfo #cdnpoli ImageImageImageImage
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💥🇺🇸 - "Explosion in the sky" above #Billings, #Montana.…
🎈👁🇨🇳🇺🇸 UPDATE - Balloon over #Montana was not shot down and has not exploded, Defense officials tell #FoxNews.
👁🎈🇨🇳🇺🇸 #Pentagon has now confirmed there is a second #Chinese Spy Balloon above #UnitedStates.
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The #GOP via #FoxNews & other means, is trying to equate teaching kids not to hate each other because of their skin color with teaching kids that being white is bad. This is what they are calling #CriticalRaceTheory. Really?
#CriticalRaceTheory is a scholarly field that studies how racism affects society. It is not a “blame the whites” movement & it isn’t being taught to children, even secondarily. Anything you heard to the contrary is a lie.
“They’re teaching our kids CRT” is part of the same lie as “white genocide” & “reverse racism” — an excuse for people uncomfortable with the topic of race to claim racism no longer exists, & to manipulate our history to keep people ignorant.
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Ils seraient #woke, homosexuels ou obèses, selon la vedette de Fox News. Ils, se sont les bonbons #M&M’S, qui a renoncé à les utiliser dans ses publicités, face à l’assaut de la frange conservatrice de la droite américaine. Petit fil sur ces accusations…
Elle, c'est Purple, le #MMS violet, censée représenter "l'acceptation et l’inclusion". Pour Tucker Carlson, elle serait obèse, en référence à sa forme ovale plutôt que ronde, proche de celle des M&M’s contenant une cacahuète Image
Elle, c'est green. Vous remarquez ses baskets ? Elles portaient auparavant des talons. De quoi faire dire à Tucker Carlson qu'elle serait devenue lesbienne, et "moins sexy" (c'est un putain de M&M'S, rappelons le) (désolé pour la grossièreté...) Image
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Mettiamo in fila un po' di date.

▶️31/12/2019 #WHO viene informato di casi di polmonite dei quali non si conoscono le cause.
▶️11-12/01/2020 WHO riceve informazioni più dettagliate dalle autorità sanitarie cinesi
▶️12/01/2020 la Cina condivide la sequenza del virus

▶️12/01/2020 WHO etichetta temporaneamente il virus come 2019-nCoV.
▶️21-24/01/2020 Stéphane Bancel, CEO di #Moderna, in un'intervista alla CNBC dice che stanno lavorando ad un vaccino contro il #COVID19.

▶️21-24/01/2020 riferendosi alla stessa intervista, il CEO di #Moderna dice “penso che all'epoca non avesse un nome” 👉prima del 12/01/2020 👉prima che la #Cina condividesse con la WHO la sequenza del virus stesso.

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President #Biden ignores question on why #classified documents were found at his think tank | Jan 10
- the classified documents that were found at the #PennBidenCenter for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in #Washington, D.C.…
'Storm Joe #Biden's homes', #Trump tells #FBI after classified documents found in private office | Jan 10
- "When is the FBI going to #raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the #WhiteHouse? These documents were definitely not declassified."…
#Trump Wildly Speculates #Biden Gave #Classified Docs to #China Before Adding Denial No One Asked For: 'I Certainly Wouldn't Do That' | Jan 10
- #Not a good situation for our Country to be in!”
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“Rebel News” is funded by #DarkMoney, in spite of always crying poor. A key source of this dark money? Well, ask yourselves: why is Rebel a constant source of Kremlin propaganda? Not just recently. Remember this from 2018?… #Cdnmedia #CdnDisinfo #cdnpoli
Fast forward to before & since, #RussianInvasionOfUkraine. So-called “Rebel” so-called “News” has become a constant vector of 🇷🇺disinfo & propaganda. Including the role both played in #FluTruxKlan op. #cdnpoli
Since Russia’s attack on #Ukraine️, “Rebel News” has at times been brazen in amplifying Kremlin propaganda. #cdnmedia #cdnpoli #PutinWarCriminal
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As 2022 comes to a close, here’s a brief #cdnpoli year in review. In January/22 we saw the launch of a destabilization op (that just *happened* to coincide with the lead up to Putin’s attack on #Ukraine). #FreeDumbConvoy #FluTruxKlan
#FluTruxKlan #FreeDumbConvoy was pushed hard by multiple malign players & boosted by inauthentic activity, including by foreign threat actors. #Cdnpoli #CdnpoliYearInReview #goodbye2022
Feb/22 #NevrePoilievre officially launched his “prime minister” bid using #FluTruxKlan op, even though we’d just had an election months earlier & O’Toole was still #CPCldr.

#Cdnpoli #CdnpoliYearInReview #goodbye2022
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