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👩🏽‍⚕️ #ACP trainee about to embark on your training at a HEI in Sept 23-March 24?
📍 Training in North East, North Cumbria or Yorkshire (NEY)?
🫱🏾‍🫲🏼 Want to meet other tACPs across NEY?
🏫 Come and join the NEY tACP Summer School' hosted by @HuddersfieldUni
& @SheffieldHallam ImageImageImage
These @NHSHEE_NEY funded events give our tACP workforce the opportunity to network with their peers from across the region and meet our HEI & NHSE NEY teams, all in a very friendly and supportive environment.
Read 6 tweets
That feeling when you submit ~150k words of #AdvancingPractice goodness to your wonderful publisher 🎉

Thank you, thank you, thank you to our fabulous contributors, my wonderful editorial team & our publishing house!
#ACP #ACCP #AdvancedPractice

Acute, Emergency & Critical Care for the #AdvancedPractitioner is the first book of it's kind to be mapped to the following curricula:
🗺️ HEE Multiprof Framework for #ACP
🗺️ ICS/CC3N/NORF ACP Outreach
🗺️HEE ACP Acute Medicine

It has been edited by a team of experienced and enthusiastic professionals with a passion for #education , #CPD & #AdvancingPractice.

Our contributors span the acute, EM & ICM specialities and bring a wealth of expertise to the book. They have all worked tirelessly 👏🏻

Read 7 tweets
@DeborahAlsina This is frustrating isn't it? Your mum deserves to have a plan in place for foreseeable events that she's helped to shape & respects her choices.
A few ideas and comments:
1. Advance care planning (#ACP) is the process that considers current & future care needs. Whose job?
@DeborahAlsina #ACP needs teamwork.
*GP is usually the coordinator unless someone else knows a particular person better as their patient.
*Plan belongs to & respects the wishes of the person.
*If the person lacks capacity, a plan using Best Interests decision-making can still be made.
@DeborahAlsina #ACP conversations might include
- person's best hopes/worst dreads. We want a plan to steer us as close as poss to their hopes & as far as poss from their dreads. This is a useful conversation for all of us to have with loved ones.
- decisions to decline specific treatments.
Read 11 tweets

👨‍💻Tercera reunión del consorcio del proyecto #ComoEnCasa. Iniciamos la sesión presentando el marco del proyecto, y explicando las novedades incluidas en el mismo, fruto del trabajo y reflexiones realizadas hasta la fecha.…

#ComoEnCasa es un proyecto financiado por @MSocialGob @P_Recuperacion @FondosUE_Esp en el que, con la coordinación de #Matia, sumamos fuerzas con: @socialasturias_, Organismo ERA, @agirrecenter, @ActivizaT y @ESNsocial.

👉Objetivo: avanzar en la #desintitucionalización

Nuestro compañero @lvaroGarcaSole1 explica el proceso de evaluación que acompaña al proyecto #ComoEnCasa y en el que intervienen @ActivizaT, @agirrecenter y #Matia.

Read 9 tweets
Much love @TeenVogue for sharing my story.

I came from a place where my options were limited as a young black man.

I'm only here b/c of the heroes in my life.

I'll spend the rest of my life paying their acts of kindness forward.

A personal thread..…
My story wouldn't be possible were it not for the heroes I had, like my mom who sacrificed her dream so I might achieve mine.

@Twitter doesn't have enough cloud space to hold all I could write about what she means to me.

Put simply, what is best in me comes from this woman.
My 8th grade Math teacher Ms. Weise (former tennis pro then in her 2nd career) saw something in me that I could not see, that I was smart.

And yet, she knew the margin of error for black boys growing up in our town was slim where the dropout rate was 4x the national avg.
Read 16 tweets

⚠ Da comienzo la presentación del proyecto #ComoEnCasa en una jornada organizada por @socialasturias_

👥#AnaZapico, @anamarsu, @gamunarriz #Matia, @AldazErkuden #MatiaInstituto

📺Retransmisión en directo:

Más ℹ️:…

.@gamunarriz sobre aspectos organizativos a atender desde la #acp:

✅Las normas estáticas confrontan con el dinamismo de las relaciones ligadas al cuidado. Debemos comprender que hablamos de un sistema dinámico.

✅Diversidad, de quien cuida y quién acompaña.
Intervención de @AldazErkuden: "#ComoEnCasa es un proyecto que tiene como objetivo generar una propuesta de transformación de los #entornosresidenciales hacia entornos centrados en las personas, con dos ámbitos de trabajo: investigación e intervención."

Read 19 tweets
1/ Dice el artículo:”Cualquier médico sensato les diría que parasen.Deslizarse entre rascacielos con una telaraña o levantar un martillo de peso descomunal no son planes para la tercera edad.Lo suyo,a estas alturas,sería más bien un retiro plácido”.Abro hilo
2/Cualquier gerontólogo sensato les diría:
A)Ni se os ocurra parar, que la cosa está muy complicada.
B)Retirarse y vivir una vida plácida, no es la única opción. Necesitamos que sigáis aportando. Los súper poderes no caducan con la edad no?
3/ Además….
C)Vosotros, tanto Spiderman, como Thor, o Hulk o Iron Man, siempre habéis sido frágiles y vulnerables (ese es parte de vuestro éxito en realidad), así que la cosa de adaptarse a la vejez…se os hará más fácil. Inventar algo.
Read 5 tweets
🌈Hoy participamos en una jornada de @SocialDiba dedicada a espacios de innovación en la atención integrada del #SAD. Compartimos la experiencia #EtxeanBizi que muestra que, aún necesitando grandes apoyos, es posible continuar viviendo en casa.… #ACP

🗨️@NereaEtxanizU: "#EtxeanBizi, ha trascendido de la cartera de servicios, poniendo a disposición de las personas todos los recursos públicos, privados y comunitarios del ámbito tanto social como sanitario, para el apoyo a la vida propia."

Jornada @SocialDiba #BBPP #Innovación
📽️Finalmente os dejamos un vídeo que ilustra los avances de Pasaia Zaintza HerriLab #EtxeanBizi, un proyecto de @Gipuzkoa, @pasaiakoudala, @AdinberriFund y #MatiaInstituto, que busca integrar a la comunidad en la cultura del cuidado.


Read 3 tweets
Hoy en Hendaia coorganizando una jornada de difusión de resultados de #QAVAD, un proyecto @ErasmusPlus_pro que persigue favorecer mejores prácticas de atención domiciliaria a través de formación de las personas cuidadoras y desde un enfoque #ACP.…
En este primer bloque de la jornada #QAVAD, desde @nazaretzentroa y @LAMBERTMlodie1 describen los módulos de #formación y sus contenidos para profesionales de #AtenciónDomiciliaria y familias.

#acp #ProgramaFormativo #cuidados cc @ainhoadomin
Continuamos en jornada #QAVAD presentando la "Guía Práctica de #CalidadDeVida en el Hogar" a cargo de @MirenIturburu #MatiaInstituto y Laguntza Etxerat. Material para cuidadores profesionales y familiares basado en casos prácticos y enfoque #ACP. Apoya los módulos formativos.
Read 7 tweets
Hoy en la @sextaNoticias compartimos nuestra experiencia en cambio de modelo de #cuidados de larga duración, y los avances en esa dirección que incluye la propuesta de @MSocialGob. Desinstitucionalización y #ACP para la humanización de los cuidados. #ElCambioEsPosible #ComoEnCasa

Reportaje en @sextaNoticias sobre la reforma que impulsa @MSocialGob del modelo de #residencias con un nuevo enfoque de los #cuidados basado en aspectos como la personalización, la actividad significativa, la apertura a la comunidad...

👉Agradecidos de poder contar nuestra experiencia tras una década implantando la #ACP. Un paradigma del #cuidado que favorece la autonomía personal y el sentido de vida, en entornos hogareños que no olvidan que la persona es mucho más que su #dependencia.
Read 3 tweets
Sigue en directo el seminario @FM_Ageingnomics sobre #envejecimiento, salud y cambio climático.
Una cita que comienza con el Dr. @LuisRojasMarcos hablando sobre “El poder de la mente en el #envejecimiento


@sancho_mayte @PDiazVeiga
🎙️En seminario @FM_Ageingnomics turno de @lanzalp de @unican@IDIVALdecilla para hablar de "Patrones y predictores del uso de #ServiciosDomiciliarios y comunitarios entre los adultos mayores españoles"

Comentarista: @sancho_mayte, experta en #CLD

.@sancho_mayte se felicita en seminario @FM_Ageingnomics por la oportunidad de disfrutar de dos presentaciones sobre #CLD.
👉Avanzar en un proceso de #desinstitucionalización de nuestro modelo de #cuidados y bajo un enfoque #ACP. "La persona es mucho más que su #dependencia."
Read 3 tweets
Hoy 15 de Junio, Día Mundial de Toma de Conciencia del #AbusoyMaltratoenlaVejez, nos gustaría recordar la importancia de aspectos como la escucha activa, el fomento de la autonomía, la importancia de desterrar estereotipos, el ligar #vejez con VIDA y experiencia.

Abrimos hilo 🧵
🌈#NUEVORECURSO #AbusoyMaltratoenlaVejez

🆕Coincidiendo con este día, #Matia y @acpgerontologia hemos unido esfuerzos para elaborar un novedoso material con pautas orientadas a favorecer un buen trato a las personas en el cuidado
desde un enfoque #ACP…
Este nuevo material pretende facilitar itinerarios de progreso dirigidos a centros, servicios y equipos en ruta hacia una atención centrada en las personas, aunando claves que han estar presentes en la praxis profesional.

🆓Descarga libre y gratuita:… #ACP
Read 12 tweets
Six reasons to assess the cranial nerves in the MSK clinic.

A thread 🧵

Reason 1.
You assess and manage patients with neck pain/ headache/orofacial symptoms
#Physio #Physiotherapy #PhysicalTherapy
Reason 2.
You routinely assess neurological function when you encounter
1. Distal symptoms in the upper limb
2. Distal symptoms in the lower limb
It is logical therefore to do the same when it comes to the neck/head/face
Reason 3.
You will see patients who complain of post trauma/insidious onset dizziness/nausea/visual disturbances
... which may or may not be linked to CN dysfunction.
CN testing should form part of your routine risk assessment.
Read 6 tweets
The DISCHARGE trial in online on the NEJM and it confirms what we all experience every day using CCT in a proper manner. CCT is safer, reliable and allows better management of stable patients with suspected obstructive CAD as compared to invasive strategy.
The main observation that comes to my mind however is still the very low prevalence of patients with obstructive CAD (25%) in both arms (CT and ICA). This is well known from previous studies and it is related to the selection criteria adopted for referral, partly.
The fact that still we send for an invasive and costly examination (CAG/ICA) this huge number of patients is simply astonishing in 2022. Healthcare cannot be managed like this, especially in universal systems like Italy, Germany, UK, Canada,...
Read 13 tweets
Thank you to everyone who responded to our call below.

All signposts to resources/networks/committees will appear in the following Wiley texts (if proposals accepted), see thread 🧵👇🏻

#AdvancedPractice #ACP #ACCP #SCP #CNS #FCP #ANP @HonoraryGeordi_
📕#ACP at a glance - approved, due in print Autumn/Winter 2022
📙#AdvancedPractice Framework (APF) for UK practice - approved, due in print Autumn/Winter 2022
📘 APF for Acute, Emergency & Crit Care - proposal under peer review

#CriticalCare #emergencymedicine #ACCP #ECACP
📗 APF for #Paediatric & Child Health - proposal in development
📙 APF for MH, LD & Autism - initial expressions of interest (EOIs)
📕 APF for #PrimaryCare - initial EOIs
📘 APF for #Frailty , Rehabilitation & community-based care - (initial EOIs!)

#AdvancedPractice #ACP #AP
Read 4 tweets
Répondre à des questions souvent posées : pourquoi l’Union européenne @UEenRDC fait-elle de l’aide publique au développement (presque toujours sous forme de dons) à la #RDC? Comment l’#UE met-elle en œuvre ses projets? Comment sont choisies priorités et zones d’intervention? #FIL
L’aide publique au développement #UE répond d’abord à un engagement international négocié ds les années 1960 #ONU #OCDE : celui pris par les pays riches de transférer annuellement 0,7 % de leur PIB aux pays les plus pauvres pour les aider à rattraper leur retard de développement.
Les États membres de l’Union européenne ont très vite décidé de faire transiter une partie de leur aide par un budget communautaire spécifique : le Fonds Européen de Développement (dès 1957, le traité de Rome prévoyait cette possibilité). En 2020, vient de s’achever le 11ème #FED
Read 18 tweets
Throughout December I'm doing a #PalliativeCareAdvent; every day I am going to challenge #misconceptions about #PalliativeCare, #EndOfLife and living with a #LifeLimitingIllness. Some personal, some factual. Do join me!
#Hospice #EOLC #PallMedEd #HPM… Image
Day 1
"#PalliativeCare is only for those who are imminently dying".

Palliative care can help people throughout their illness, from point of diagnosis. It can help people live well, live longer and focus treatment/care around their wishes.
#PalliativeCareAdvent #Misconceptions Image
Day 2
"#PalliativeCare can only occur in the absence of life-prolonging interventions"

It can be given during life-prolonging treatment or in the absence of it. It's about quality of life, symptom control, the person's wishes and preparing for the future. #PalliativeCareAdvent Image
Read 27 tweets
From today's #ACP half year report ;
"advancing project level funding discussions with two prospective parties so that we can progress our project through to mine construction in a way that minimises dilution for shareholders."

Important to appreciate how low ACP keeps...
...operating costs.

H1 2020 running at c. £150k, which at c. £436k remaining cash, means the company should make it through to finance close without running costs based dilution.

Such stinginess also reflects well on the above quote on funding and dilution.
There are also a considerable number of warrants still in play, which should feed through on the coming months, as such things as the mining license and

"binding offtake agreements for the supply of our graphite product" are brought to a close.
Read 7 tweets
Been focused on other things for a few days but a few thoughts on shares I hold, given the perceived turmoil.

Main focuses for me for a while now, has been shares exposed to Covid, battery metals (incl. energy storage) and gold.

The events of the last few days if anything strengthen that stance.

In terms of Covid (and I tread carefully because both my stocks have other things in their locker), its a waiting game on both.

I think 1 strong update from #GDR and it moves much higher from here.
In terms of #AVCT, an update, one way or the other is pending, whereby the exact progress of BAMS/LFT tests, should be made clearer.

I see no reason for concern and the lockdown measures announced today in the UK, only go to strengthen that argument. Nothing has changed.
Read 13 tweets
In terms of #ACP Mining Right, Blackrock Minings progress is well worth looking at, given they are a neighbour of ACP's in Tanzania and ahead of them in terms of progress, be it Capex is far higher and grades lower.

Here's their Mining Right progress from 30th January 2019. Image
Now here's their Mining Right announcement.

Note the dates.
Submitted 9th November 2018 (post DFS completion, same as ACP).
Received 26th Feb 2019.

Total = 3.5 months, which is quite remarkable efficiency with "recommended" status coming even earlier on 10th Jan 2019. Image
ACP have approached things slightly differently because Blackrock already had their Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) approved (Sept 2018), prior to applying for their Mining Right because they had no completed DFS. and so pushed this to completion first.
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More positive news from #ACP as the project builds up to financial close.

I personally feel financiers will need to see the Mining Right in place first before committing but like HZM, should all come to an exciting head in H2 this year.
As an example of the potential speed of the Mining Right application, Black Rock Mining, the neighbouring project in Tanzania, applied for its Mining Right on 18th Nov 2018 and received it on 26th Feb 2019.

So c. 3 months, be it the same cannot be guaranteed for #ACP
If about right, then that would place the Mining Right at c. end of Sept.

Next after that will be the Resettlement Action Plan, binding off-takes and the government's free carry negotiations, which for Black Rock, run at 16% and are still to be fully resolved.
Read 4 tweets
Once the #COVID19 crisis is over, I think colossal sums of retail money (particularly from Millennials) will flood back into companies striving to repair the natural word. 4 key issues are:

i) Global warming (and pollution)
ii) Deforestation
iii) Animal welfare
iv) Plastics

Here are just some of the industries focussing on addressing these issues:

i) Alternative energy generation, energy storage, EVs, green metals mining

ii) Vertical farming and other agri-tech

iii) plant-based meat, cultured meat

iv) waste-to-energy; plastics alternatives

Companies in these industries are already attracting mind-blowing valuations (standout example: v. ICE manufacturers).

Yet I feel these industries will attract even more dizzying valuations throughout this decade.

Long-term investing in these sectors is vital, IMO.

Read 5 tweets…

Billions wasted, countless communities terrorized, and an increasingly hostile political landscape no longer interested in doing his bidding...

The case for firing Tom Farrell, CEO of Dominion Energy (A thread) 1/
Across Richmond, monuments to the confederacy are falling, but the people who capitalize on systemic racism need to go too. Time's past due to dump @DominionEnergy CEO Tom Farrell, whose grip on #RVA politics threatens BIPOC & working class communities throughout the Southeast 2/
Tom Farrell, CEO of Dominion Energy, should resign or his board should fire him. Farrell cancelled the Atlantic Coast Pipe way too late, which hurt investors, though not as much as his continued leadership harms our communities. 3/
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