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Read 198 tweets
D'après un inventaire publié par le ministère de la Justice, parmi les documents saisis chez #Trump à Mar a Lago, il y avait- aussi- 48 chemises marquées classifiées. Mais vides.…
2. Outre le désordre façon inventaire à la Prévert qui ressort de ce nouveau document du FBI, se pose la question simple: où sont les documents contenus précédemment dans ces chemises? Et #Trump a-t-il tout rendu?…
3. Le document initial est ici: il s'agit d'un inventaire établi par l'équipe d'enquêteurs du FBI et du ministère de la Justice qui ont perquisitionné chez #Trump début août. Il a été rendu public par décision d'un juge.…
Read 5 tweets
Four takeaways from the sixth day of Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot hearings
@Reuters #Trump @moirawarburton…
-@RepLizCheney: General Flynn, do you believe in the peaceful transition of power in the United States of America?
-#MichaelFlynn: The Fifth
Read 122 tweets
#Conte: "Io non c'entro nulla con le elezioni USA".

#Conte: "Gli USA volevano uno scambio di informazioni. La cosa è secretata. Io non posso dirle..."

#Conte: "I nostri non hanno aperto i nostri archivi, non hanno dato documenti. Si sono limitati allo stretto necessario rispetto ad un prezioso alleato".
Read 12 tweets
#Conte dice di non aver mai incontrato Bill #Barr. Prendiamo atto del confidenziale "Bill", visto che tutti lo conoscevamo come William. Credo la sostanza non cambi.
Domanda: Conte ha acconsentito o meno che gli uomini di #Trump avessero accesso a documentazione riservata? 1/7
Durante l'incontro a #Roma tra i vertici dei Servizi segreti italiani, "Bill" Barr e il procuratore Durham, #Conte ha dato il suo benestare affinché gli emissari di #Trump ascoltassero dei nastri registrati in cui il docente maltese #Mifsud chiedeva la protezione di Roma? 2/7
#Conte dice di non aver saputo di una cena tra #Vecchione e "Bill" Barr a Roma: gli crediamo. Il punto non è la cena.
Domanda: Conte sapeva che Donald #Trump cercava informazioni in 🇮🇹 per difendersi dalle accuse in patria? L'🇮🇹 ha collaborato con gli USA o con un presidente? 3/7
Read 9 tweets
Non c'è da sorprendersi che #Trump abbia chiesto a William #Barr di trovare con #Conte le prove di un complotto (il celeberrimo #Russiagate) orchestrato ai suoi danni.
Barr è lo stesso a cui #Trump chiese di negare la regolarità del successo di #Biden, sostenendo l'esistenza 1/5
di una grande frode ai suoi danni.
#Barr è emblema del circo che è stata l'amministrazione #Trump, ma anche della credibilità (spoiler: infinitesimale) di cui potevano vantare i governi (come quello #Conte) che cercarono di duettare con la Casa Bianca in quegli anni. 2/5
Era almeno lontanamente credibile la tesi di un fantomatico complotto ordito contro Trump ed architettato in Italia?
No, dunque perché #Conte ha deciso di incontrare #Barr, acconsentendo allo scambio di informazioni tra i Servizi nostrani e i sodali del presidente USA? 3/5
Read 6 tweets
Documents MAJEURS pour l'étude de la fin de la présidence #Trump et son viol des normes admises de fonctionnement de la #démocratie US que ces courriels de pression sur le ministère de la Justice pour faire invalider l'élection de #Biden en décembre…
2. On y apprend donc pêle-mêle que #Trump, ayant à peine nommé l'intérimaire Rosen comme ministre de la Justice à la place de #Barr, lui fait parvenir le 14 décembre des documents fantaisistes et démentis par la justice sur des fraudes imaginaires au #Michigan...
3...on y apprend aussi que #Trump et son entourage voulaient que le ministère de la Justice dépose un recours auprès de la #CourSuprême fin décembre pour faire annuler le scrutin dans 6 Etats et convoquer une élection spéciale...
Read 20 tweets
Le point #café du matin sur la fin de la présidence #Trump en pleine déconfiture. Cette nuit, piteux, il a condamné les violences d'une insurrection sur le Capitole qu'il avait lui-même appelée puis encouragée et promis-le 8/01- 1 transition en douceur.
2) Ce virage à 180 degrés de #Trump ne doit rien au hasard. Dans la journée d'hier, les départs de ministres et hauts fonctionnaires de son administration, se déclarant choqués de son incitation à la violence, se sont multipliés. Le roi est nu. Et seul.…
3) Le changement post-insurrection sur le Capitole est que les conservateurs traditionnels ayant passé il y a 4 ans 1 pacte faustien avec #Trump (on oublie qui tu es mais tu nous donnes juges à la Cour Suprême, dérégulation et baisse d'impôts) le lâchent, feignant de le découvrir
Read 12 tweets
En 10 minutes, le ministre de la Justice sortant #Barr, qui part mercredi, a dit, contrairement à #Trump ou à son camp:
. que la cyberattaque était probablement russe.
. Pas besoin d'1 procureur spécial sur #HunterBiden
. Aucune base légale pour saisir les machines à voter.
2) Il était vraiment temps, donc, pour #Barr, qui fut le plus puissant soutien conservateur de #Trump dans l'enquête russe de partir. Cela montre aussi combien le président s'est radicalisé dans sa contestation électorale.

3) 1 question cruciale de fin de mandat est désormais de savoir si le nouveau ministre de la Justice Rosen sera 1 simple "finisseur" (closer😉) expédiant les affaires courantes jusqu'au 20/01 ou bien 1 exécutant beaucoup plus docile aux ordres politiques de #Trump...
Read 5 tweets
#DOJ investigating potential presidential pardon bribery scheme

The records show Chief Judge Beryl Howell's review in August of a request from prosecutors to access documents obtained in a search as part of a bribery-for-pardon investigation

The filings don't reveal a timeline of the alleged scheme, or any names of people potentially involved, except that communications between people including at least one lawyer were seized from an office that was raided sometime before the end of this summer.

The prosecutors believed the devices revealed emails that showed allegedly criminal activity, including a "secret lobbying scheme" and a bribery conspiracy that offered "a substantial political contribution in exchange for a presidential pardon... for a convicted defendant

Read 6 tweets
MAJEUR (aka the last nail in the coffin) #Barr, ministre de la Justice et âme damnée de #Trump qui l'a nommé, déclare que ses services n'ont trouvé aucune preuve d'1 fraude électorale massive ayant pu changer le résultat de l'élection.
2) Quand on parle d'âme damnée de #Trump, Bill #Barr est l'homme qui a publié 1 abrégé du rapport #Mueller en atténuant la portée avant publication, qui a fait abandonner les poursuites contre #Flynn et atténuer la sentence de #RogerStone, contre tous les usages historiques...
3)...bref, Bill #Barr a profondément modifié le sens même de la fonction de ministre fédéral de la Justice en faisant le parapluie politique et judiciaire du président #Trump, y compris pour ses affaires privées...…
Read 15 tweets
Even if they support the #DeathPenalty, most people think that only people who've killed should be killed.

🔴Prosecutors never claimed #DustinHiggs killed anyone, but #Barr has scheduled him to die 5 days before inauguration. Deeply moving video: /thread
#DustinHiggs was in his early 20s when he drove a shooter from a crime scene. Prosecutors said the shooter "acted alone," but they failed to get the #DeathPenalty. So they accused Higgs of being the mastermind.

The shooter got life w/ no parole. Higgs is to die on 1/15/21.
Jurors did NOT hear mitigating factors that might've led them to choose death in prison by no parole over execution. They didn't know he was 10 when he was his mother's f/t caretaker as she died of breast cancer. Nor did they know he has learning & developmental disabilities.
Read 4 tweets
✔️Trump & #Barr are on a #KillingSpree. The official cause of death for executions is homicide.

If there are no more stays, they'll have killed 13 in 7 months compared to 3 in the 222 months since McVeigh's execution in June 2001. | thread
Dept of Justice website: "There is no proof that the #DeathPenalty deters criminals."

Death in prison by no parole (not execution) saves +/-$1 million per case. The capital punishment error rate is 1 in 10: 1 exoneration for every 9 executions.…
Chart source: Wikipedia, List of people executed by the US federal government

#Execution schedule 2020-21 & #DeathPenalty information:…
Read 6 tweets
La présidence sortante #Trump aux #EtatsUnis met donc en place 1 effort résolu et déterminé de contestation de tous les résultats électoraux qui lui sont défavorables et de refus de reconnaissance d'1 présidence élue #Biden. Rien n'est terminé.…
2) Avec 1 soutien de la majorité des élus républicains, redémontrant que #Trump EST le parti républicain, moins quelques francs-tireurs, le récit-sans preuves-d'1 élection volée au président sortant est affirmé, s'ancrant dans les esprits des…
3) La tradition des élections US, fondée sur 1 reconnaissance mutuelle d'1 possible alternance et les projections de médias est en ce sens 1 aubaine pour #Trump dont la doctrine politique se définit par la disqualification des médias et la non acceptation a priori de la défaite
Read 20 tweets
2 dozen senior Trump admin officials fear he'll use gov't power to refuse to leave office or "create favorable terms for negotiating his exit." They worry too about foreign adversaries using the internet to undermine the election. thread>…
NYT sources: most senior officials w/ Senate-confirmed jobs, regular access to Trump & highest-level briefings; some still serving. Several are currently in Intel, law enforcement, nat'l security & are focused on violent, far-right white supremacy groups encouraged by Trump.
Officials: "in 1st debate, when the president offered one of the most astonishing performances of any leader in modern American history--bullying, ridiculing, manic, boasting, fabricating, relentlessly interrupting & talking over his opponent: that’s really him.... That’s Trump.”
Read 51 tweets
""#Unmasking" probe commissioned by #Barr concludes without charges or any public report" 🤷‍♂️😤🙄🖕…
"Even if it ultimately produced no results of consequence, legal analysts said, it allowed Trump and other conservatives to say Obama-era officials were under scrutiny, as long as the case stayed active."…
"From early on in the Trump administration, some GOP lawmakers have sought to investigate and highlight Obama-era unmasking requests, believing them to be inappropriate. The effort was initially pushed in part by Rep. Devin Nunes..." 🤦‍♂️🙄…
Read 4 tweets
Vous vous souvenez l'#Obamagate, #Biden et #Obama promis à 50 ans de prison par #Trump? Eh bien, SON ministère de la Justice mené par Barr a enquêté sur les demandes de "désanonymation" des comptes-rendus d'écoutes sous #Obama. Et...RAS. Dans les règles.…
2) Et comme on l'écrivait dans cette enfilade d'explication sur le cas Flynn en mai dernier,si des responsables sécurité nationale d'#Obama ont demandé la désanonymation de Flynn sur des écoutes, c'est parce qu'il avait trop causé à l'ambassadeur de Russie
3) Bref, en décembre 2016, le futur conseiller sécurité nationale de #Trump, Flynn, a négocié en douce avec l'ambassadeur de Russie contre la présidence Obama. Sa conversation a été interceptée. Et la sécurité nationale US a fait son job en désanonymant.
Read 24 tweets
In an interview, #Trump called for his political opponents – #Obama, #Biden, and #Hillary - to be jailed, relating to 1,000 pages of unverified documents rejected by both #Dems and #Reps on the Senate Intelligence Committee as Russian disinformation.…
The spurious documents suggest Clinton personally tried to “stir up a scandal” against Trump by “tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the DNC,” and that Obama was aware of her actions.
Trump: “Unless Bill Barr indicts these people for crimes — the greatest political crime in history of our country — then we’re going to get little satisfaction. And that includes Obama, and that includes Biden.”
Read 13 tweets
Jusqu'en 2016, la "tradition" non écrite était que le ministère de la Justice ne puisse interférer 60 jours avant 1 élection. En 2020, le président #Trump reproche à son ministre de la Justice Barr de ne pas inculper son opposant politique #Biden.…
2) La présidence #Trump aura été un moment de dévoilement historique de la fragilité des normes "par consensus" de la démocratie libérale US qu'on avait cru- naïvement- gravées dans le marbre par la seule grâce de la démission de Nixon en 1974 après Watergate...
3) Rien dans la Constitution ou dans la loi n'empêche un président US #Trump de considérer le ministre de la Justice et ses procureurs comme simples agents de l'exécutif comme les autres et devant obéir à toute injonction présidentielle, y compris sur le déclenchement d'enquête..
Read 10 tweets

Federal Judge REFUSES TO DISMISS #PeterStrzok and #LisaPage’s Lawsuits Against #Barr’s DOJ Over Release of Texts

Like #McCabe, #Strzok and Page say they were fired from their positions at the FBI in an act of political retaliation

Trump has repeatedly vilified #FBI “lovers” Page and Strzok, claiming their messages proved the “DEEP STATE” CONSPIRACY THEORY that federal investigators attempted to malign the president as part of a politically motivated coup to remove him from office.

“The concerted public campaign to disparage and, ultimately, fire Special Agent #Strzok was enabled by the defendants’ deliberate and unlawful disclosure to the media of texts, intended to be private, from an FBI systems of records, in violation of the Privacy Act, 5 USC § 552a”
Read 3 tweets
#Barr Used #DOJ Against Writer

#Trump’s Justice Department and Personal Lawyer Threatened Melania’s BFF Over Tell-All, Documents show

#StephanieWinstonWolkoff played a key role in planning the 2017 inauguration and is now assisting a federal probe

On July 15, the Acting Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Division at the #DOJ, Ethan P. Davis, joined the ultimately failed efforts—or their perceived version of such a book—from ever hitting shelves, citing the gratuitous services agreement to #Wolkoff’s attorney.

#Barr has Abused his powers to BLOCK other BOOKS deemed negative to the president, or his family.

#MaryTrump, the president’s niece
#JohnBolton, Trump’s former NSA and a well-known foreign-policy hawk
#MichaelCohen, Trump’s former longtime “fixer” and lawyer

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#Barr accuses Justice Department of headhunting and meddling with politics

He insisted on his absolute authority to overrule career staff, whom he said too often injected themselves into politics

“What exactly am I interfering with?” he asked.

“Under the law, all prosecutorial power is invested in the AG”

#Barr’s comments were remarkable, in that the head of the Justice Department catalogued all of the ways in which he thought his agency had gone astray over the years
#Barr said it was he, not career officials, who have ULTIMATE AUTHORITY to decide how cases should be handled, and derided less-experienced, less-senior bureaucrats who current and former prosecutors have long insisted should be left to handle their cases free from interference
Read 6 tweets
#Barr’s DOJ under investigation for political pressure during #Stone sentencing

Prosecutor #Zelinsky testified before Congress that he was told by the office of the U.S. Attorney to request a “lighter” sentence for Sone, a #Trump buddy

“Zelinsky said the U.S. Attorney, #TimothyShea, was ‘receiving heavy pressure from the highest levels of the Department of Justice to cut Stone a break, and that the U.S. Attorney’s sentencing instructions to us were based on POLITICAL CONSIDERATIONS’”

AG #Barr stepped in, saying that the sentencing recommendations from the #DOJ weren’t acceptable and were “too high” and told the prosecutors to rewrite the sentencing document.

Prosecutors resigned instead.


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Now we know Trump mocked a man's #disability because he feels "disgust for those who have suffered." As president, he told staff "not to include wounded #veterans" in an event because “Nobody wants to see that."

Trump's views of #vets: reporting from @TheAtlantic (thread)
.@FoxNews @AP & other media organizations have verified @TheAtlantic's reporting that Trump lied when he said he couldn't reach a French cemetery to honor America's war dead. In fact, "he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain."
“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers," Trump told senior staff members," referring to America's WWI fallen. During the same 2018 trip, he referred to the "more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as 'suckers' for getting killed."
Read 22 tweets

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