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I cannot properly express how good I think this is!
"We need to be more critical about narratives of inclusion. It's just not true that inclusion is always good and exclusion is always bad... sometimes
... exclusion is a tool that can be used in the service of inclusion, and that will sometimes mean excluding men in order to further women's inclusion."
... it takes intellectual courage to take on the consecration of 'inclusion' these days, but this is required watching for anyone serious about the analysis of #EDI. ...
Read 5 tweets
Joining @SCURLScottish and @cigscot for their EDI Network Conference featuring @infogamerist and #EthicalMetadata and a Keynote from DeLa Dos, Senior Director, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion @ARLnews
Ellie Muniandy, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer, @natlibscot speaks eloquently about #EDI Workforce Development and how implementing EDI requires a deep and meaningful change in perspective and working culture #SCURLEDI
@natlibscot Organisational culture change can take a long time - there are different levels to implementing EDI from 'quick wins' in libraries like mandatory EDI training for all, to long-term objectives like changing the way we talk about and describe our collections. #SCURLEDI
Read 42 tweets
🎈📢New research brief📢🎈
Democratic innovations like #ClimateAssemblies should be equitable and accessible, right? Right!
What about for the experts that give evidence to the participants?
We looked at this:

Thread 🧵👇🏽👀 Screenshot of Research Brief Title - Inclusion and diversity
[2/14] We set out to examine:
1⃣ Diversity and inclusion amongst the experts informing the citizen deliberations on climate action.
2⃣Approaches to ensuring that participants hear from experts with a diversity of identities and experiences.
[3/14] We studied published reports from 23 citizen deliberations on climate action (Climate Assemblies, Citizen Panels, and Citizen Juries) held between 2019 - 2022 in the UK, looking for information about expert diversity and inclusion 🏳️‍🌈🦻🏿🧑🏽‍🦯👩🏽‍🦼👩🏽‍🦽🦾🧕🏼👳🏿‍♂️🏳️‍⚧️
Read 14 tweets
Fertility Awareness Week starts tomorrow.

Great to see more orgs developing policies/provisions, media attention & private members bill going through Parliament, but much work still to be done

Want to do something in your org? Here's some tips...

#IVF #wellbeing #EDI
1. Start a narrative that people can connect to. Consider posters/a blog and signpost to relevant support services internally/externally @FertilityNUK @BICAuk @gatewaywomen @ChildlessWeek…
2. Appreciate the highly individualised nature of complex fertility journeys, and ensure line managers are aware too & know how they can help. This might be via policy development, training and resources.
Read 7 tweets
Equality as sameness isn’t Substantive Equality

Equality isn’t Equity

Equity is not “special treatment”

Difference isn’t deficit

Call it racism if your decision-making *knowingly* disadvantages Black, Brown people

No to images that equate “Liberation” with removing barriers
Most images that try to capture the distinction between equality and equity are rooted in notions of normalcy, could be conceptualized as ableist. They rarely focus on supports for, say, a diverse range of abilities.
This one from Santa Rosa County Health includes a wheelchair
Think mobility: what do dominant conceptions of equality vs equity suggest?
(Both on the left and right the concept of “equity” and what it requires is rarely teased out. Most conflate “equity” with “equality”. (Even “diversity” is flattened into a perjorative as dead/genocide)
Read 8 tweets
Bundesrat @alain_berset ist letzten Dienstag von der französischen #Luftpolizei angehalten worden, als er als Privatpilot einen Flug zwischen zwei französischen Sportflugplätzen unternahm. Dies teilt sein Departement @EDI_DFI in einer "Stellungnahme" mit. (1/4) Image
Bundesrat #Berset sei allein an Bord eines gemieteten Flugzeugs gewesen, schreibt das #EDI. Nach einer Identitätskontrolle am Boden sowie einem Austausch über den Sachverhalt habe Berset seinen #Flug wieder aufnehmen können, heisst es in der Stellungnahme weiter. (2/4)
Das EDI begründet die Intervention der Luftpolizei damit, dass Berset eine "Fehlinterpretation der Angaben der Luftverkehrskontrolle zu Beginn des Flugs" gemacht habe. Es sei "nach unserer Kenntnis keinerlei Rechtsverfahren" eröffnet worden, hält das Departement fest. (3/4)
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Oh my, sit tight & let's unpack how this case illustrates how medicine is an incredibly unsafe training environment for ppl with intersectional vulnerability. 1/9
#metoo #equity #psychologicalsafety #cardiology #MedEd
1) The power gradient creates no ability for learners to speak up against a preceptor. Trainees in specialty programs want to get hired & can't risk pushing back, esp if you are equity deserving. 2/9
2) The culture forces trainees to be submissive to preceptors in clinical settings, you have to follow their lead. If you can't challenge or speak up, you have a psychologically unsafe space & abuse will happen. 3/9
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Part of this #UNSPORTING situation is the need to ask.
This is the inevitable endpoint, right?
Bullying & gaslighting of female athletes, all for the sake of #sports organizations TRYING to be “inclusive” of (largely) privileged white males representing ~0.15% of the population.
Since I am both a former athlete, #sports program designer, and personal coach who also serves as president of a provincial sports organization (governance), my perspective of “big picture” informs me that retaking lost ground requires a coordinated effort.
One-off efforts …
…will make headlines but deep within #sport random boycotts or tweeting something will never be enough. Nothing wrong with these initial measures, but something much more comprehensive is going to be required, involving:
Read 18 tweets
So, #PrideMonth is almost upon us, which means its about that time when charities start thinking about changing their logos for a month to 'celebrate' #Pride

Which means it's time for a #thread 🧵 about why you should pause 1/10

#RainbowWashing #PrideWashing #PinkWashing
Firstly, please don't do this unless you have great EDI policies in place to recruit, develop + support #LGBTQIA+ people in the workplace - AND you actually LIVE these policies and practices #CharitySoStraight #RainbowWashing #Pride #Pride2022 #PinkWashing #PrideWashing 2/10
And consider, have you engaged in a meaningful way with your charities #LGBTQ+ stakeholders, including staff, service users and volunteers over the past year? Has this resulted in any great content that's worth sharing? #CharitySoStraight #RainbowWashing #Pride #Pride2022 3/10
Read 11 tweets
Hello all, Cathy here (Co-Comms & Media Officer) with live updates from the @stonewalluk Workplace Conference in London!
Really pleased to be representing @UoEStaffPride today. Looking forward to bringing my learning back to Edinburgh to share w/ my colleagues. #BeingLGBTQatWork
As some of you know, I’m a @ucuedinburgh/@ucutheunion member & have been on strike this week. I’m not striking today so that I can represent @UoEStaffPride & share my experience of current issues facing equality, diversity & inclusion efforts in the #highereducation sector. #EDI
As explained in this letter from @UoEBAME, @UoEREN, @dsn_edi, @UoEStaffPride, Womxn of Colour Collective & @ucuedinburgh, Edinburgh Uni senior mgmt cannot claim commitment to #EDI without working to resolve ongoing #FourFights & Pension Cuts disputes:
Read 6 tweets
🧵1. #IPERN officially launched on #StPatricksDay 2021 so it's our 1st birthday today!🎂🚑☘ It's been quite a year - we've hosted 10 events featuring 49 speakers (31% International 🌍 65% Female 🚺). Presented at 3 conferences, secured 3 grants and launched 5 SIG! #IrishEMS
2. How it all began… we announced ourselves to the Twitter world on Feb 1st '21. In Ireland this is traditionally the start of Spring (#Imbolc) so a time for new beginnings. It’s also St. Brigid‘s Day our matron saint who Is renowned as a healer #IrishEMS
3. Our official #IPERN launch on #StPatricksDay 2021 featured a fantastic array of Irish researchers presenting "elevator pitches" of their work and also included best wishes from international friends & colleagues! #IrishEMS
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Thinking, still, about what “we” in the #cdnpse do to “welcome” ppl we’ve kept out and pushed out of universities and colleges.
What’s changed in the “we” who are *doing the heavy-lifting or the obstacles “we/they” face?
Which “we” are *doing the change work?
Formidable obstacles Image
A Seat at the Table: the *same people, at all the tables, sharing the *same ideas: the social reproduction of sameness

Philomena Essed’s research on the social injustice of sameness is helpful: cultural cloning, social facsimiles

“Why don’t we have any fresh ideas around here?” Image
What efforts are “we” who are academic leaders making to disrupt the social reproduction of sameness—in people, ideas, knowledges, perspectives?
If diverse teams are smarter why are we not choosing smarter?
Knowledge, experience, excellence aren’t limited to any demographic group Image
Read 19 tweets
On vacation but still 🤔 about equity,justice,oppression

🤔about how BIPOC folks speak of


when #EDI initiatives that aim to disrupt are overturned @CMA_Docs

while others use the words

“at least it’s a start”

The stark contrast in words is because

those who live this

for whom lack of #EDI is deeply personal, lived&often traumatic

are exhausted

but we are most definitely




we know

that those who hold power do not wish to rebalance/redistribute

we also know that healthcare is deeply racist and still (in 2021)

centres whiteness,
heteronormativity, maleness and able-bodies

and yet also believes that physicians are “neutral” and always “objective”

when we continue to centre this,how can we possibly shift&transform?

Read 8 tweets
SO done with performative Academic #EDI!
Talk: We are committed to diversity!
Action: Only hire white folx
Talk: We are against racism and for equity!
Action: Highly qualified BIPOC folx watch lesser educated and less experienced white folx get jobs and promotions 🧵
I don’t think institutions realize that we can SEE who gets the jobs we BIPOC applied for and never even get called for an interview? We see it is not the CV or the expertise. It is “Fit” and by this they mean “fit into whiteness”
My heart goes out to the BIPOC women I connect with in Canada who are so undervalued at their institutions and suffer under oppressive and racist systems with the prettiest Anti-racism statements.
Read 5 tweets
[1/9] Ahead of #COP26, these @royalsociety policy briefs lay out 12 science & technology areas key for enabling #netzero.
Inadvertently the briefs also lay out clear lack of representation in #STEM and #academia
Reduced inequalities is part of netzero solution #SDG10
✅120+ authors from 30+ countries were included in these briefs, plus another ~40 reviewers. Impressive. ❌Less impressive is the representation within the list of contributors:
🌍the authors are predominantly from the global north
♀️ <25% of the authors are women
[3/9] In fact, 3 out of the 12 briefings are all-male authors (briefing 3: #lowcarbon heating & cooling, 5: #CCS, 12: #ClimateAction).
2 of these (briefings 3 & 5) have all-male reviewers, also.
⁉️Where are the incredible women working in these topics? Their absence is visible.
Read 10 tweets
To my colleagues & trainees who have contacted me in distress over the past few days, I see you and hear you.

I don't post my thoughts about the Middle East because—even though I have studied its history tremendously over the years—I recognize that there are more than one truth.
I understand how you fear—as Jews or people sympathetic to the tragedy that Israelis are experiencing—expressing your views or trying to counter views that see only one side of a dispute that is much older than the state of Israel.
I also understand how uncomfortable you have been made to feel when colleagues or supervisors use their (mostly) professional platform to acknowledge the unquestionable and tragic suffering of Palestinians yet fail to acknowledge the suffering many Israelis are also experiencing.
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@CFREF_APOGEE has given @WesternU neuro researchers the opportunity to do better science and more science, faster. (thx @CulhamARI_Lab + Brian Allman for these words) The impacts of this extend beyond the @Brains_CAN and @WesternU communities and will continue for many years. 1/6
Cross-lab, cross-species and cross-level #teamscience. Better access to cutting-edge tools and expertise. Funding for high-risk, high-impact projects. Programs for truly outstanding trainees. Support for collaborations with our sister @CFREF_APOGEE @HBHLMcGill. 2/6
Action-based programs to improve #EDI. Support for innovation around #openscience. Resources that truly improve our community and help us to redefine our research culture. 3/6
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1. Agree @kimkellymd, equity, diversity and inclusion cannot be achieved without deliberate sponsorship and mentorship. Although I can’t speak to the experience of identifying as a woman, I can speak to my own experience as an Indigenous physician. Beginning of a thread.
2. My ancestry is Anishinaabe, Cree, Metis and Polynesian. My extended family survived residential school and the sixties scoop. I was the first person in my family to consider medicine as a career.
3. My Dad did a Masters in educational administration and has been in management or training roles most of his life. My Mom worked at home full-time. My family didn’t have a lot growing up. We always had enough, but that often meant my parents went without.
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1/23 Honored & privileged to have watched Day 1 of the National Dialogues & Action on anti-Black Racism & Black Inclusion in 🇨🇦 Higher Ed. Congratulations to sponsors & organizers for making this happen & for teaching us all who work in academia 🙌👏🔥🙏…
2/23 👇A thread summarizing Key Insights & Messages for Action that I learned from Day 1, courtesy of super⭐️ panel & plenary speakers Drs. & Profs. Michael Charles, @deanstudentexp, Heather Hines, Alissa Trotz, Dexter Voisin, @MalindaSmith, @ProfWlkr & Mike DeGagne 🙏🙏🔥🙌👏
3/23 Key points re: academic success:
a. Inadequate complaints resolution process w/ frequent dismissal & re-categorization of issues when raised to leaders;
b. Discipline applied unequally;
c. Safe spaces to raise issues w/ leaders fluent in anti-Black racism needed
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@DrCConnell @sarah_bodell @LecturerMish @anita_atwal 1/ Good question @sarah_bodell
Love that idea @DrCConnell , we could even go to say that positive action is taken & there is always a seat specifically for election for each of those #Diversity groups
Thank you for both your engagement

Another draft idea... (cont.) #BAME
@DrCConnell @sarah_bodell @LecturerMish @anita_atwal 2/ If there is ever an #Equality #Diversity #inclusion (#EDI) officer in the college, then attached to this are @BAMEOTUK network, officially in @theRCOT contributing to the EDI agenda (cont.)

#campaign @BAMEOTUK network officially part of @theRCOT
@DrCConnell @sarah_bodell @LecturerMish @anita_atwal @theRCOT 3/ The aim would be to influence & impact @theRCOT activities & raise the agenda at board level regarding the issues of paying #BAME members across the profession & ...(cont.)

#campaign @BAMEOTUK network officially part of @theRCOT
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Dear all, today I (@carlafmfaria) will take over, talk about myself & what I have learned on the way. I am a professor of physics at @UCL working on #attoscience, was born in the Amazon, & I am as mixed as it gets (ca 10 ethnic groups). Hope you enjoy it. Thread will come slowly
1) For those who don't know me, I am also an undercover Black Prof, lumped under “mixed other”. This has to do with not willing to wipe out mom’s Indigenous ancestry with a pen stroke. HR forms reflect British colonization and but my country was invaded by the Portuguese.
2) Being a pardo (Black person of Afro-European phenotype) is not a big deal in the Amazon, b/c we are 70% of the population (German husband is an attraction at the beach). My paleness puts me on top of the racial hierarchy, which shows you that race is a social construct.
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I've reached the stage in my career where I'm receiving invitations to speak about #EDI #Indigenization #Decolonization from the same institutions that also declined to interview me for TT positions... umm, let's unpack/unwind this with a meandering🧵
I need to be clear, as a white/white-coded Métis and Cree scientist, I experience relatively little marginalization, certainly non-comparable to other BIPOC scholars (perhaps more for my gay and two-spirit identities, especially when younger)
I recognize the privilege/advantage being white and male has afforded my education (that's a whole thread on its own) -- But I also see how my work with #EDI and esp. #Decolonization and #Indigenization of botany/science is simultaneously desired yet undervalued for advancement
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Er is tegenwoordig ontzettend veel discussie in onderwijsland. Oorzaak van veel onderwijsgeweld. De voors/tegens van vliegen je om te ogen en het gesprek verhardt. Er is niets wat voor iedereen werkt. Toch wil ik beschrijven wat ik zie in de praktijk en voor mij werkt.
Leerlingen die bij mij zitten hebben over het algemeen moeite met leren (tot nu toe). Weinig van de leerlingen die ik in de klas krijg zitten op het niveau wat een kind van vergelijkbare leeftijd behaald. Handelingen die tot dan toe verricht zijn hebben niet het gewenste bereikt.
Dat betekent dat gelijk vanaf dag 1 bekeken wordt welke interventie ik voor de leerlingen vorm ga geven. Dat houdt weer in dat ik goed moet uitzoeken waar de problemen zitten/hoe ik hier op in moet spelen. Als leerkracht die nog enigszins 'nat is achter de oren' een flinke klus
Read 15 tweets

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