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Durante las #EleccionesEdoMex 🗳, @AlejandraDMV y @delfinagomeza han motivado la formación e interacción de comunidades en @facebook 🖥️ con seguidores 👍🤩 y opositores 😡 ¿Qué estrategias se han usado para respaldar o atacar a cada aspirante?
En #TlatelolcoLab te lo contamos🧵: Image
Con los Grupos de @facebook o #FBGroups, @Meta motiva que usuarixs con intereses en común intercambien contenido en foros abiertos o privados. Así, propicia la reunión de comunidades de aficionadxs a 'hobbies' y consumos, pero también la simpatía por figuras, eventos o causas.
En entornos como #FB, la interactividad hace a las comunidades más dinámicas, participativas y diversas, aunque puede provocar afectos intensos, hostigamiento y conflicto. Se fomenta la libre expresión y organización, pero, en ocasiones, hay guerra sucia, rumores o amarillismo. ImageImage
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Read 198 tweets
ಇವತ್ತು ಬೆಳಿಗ್ಗೆ ಅಪ್ಪ, ಅಮ್ಮ ಅಂಕೋಲೆಯಿಂದ ವಾಪಸ್ ಬರ್ತಾ ಇದ್ರು, ಮೆಜೆಸ್ಟಿಕ್ ರೈಲ್ವೆ ಸ್ಟೇಷನ್ ಗೆ ಕರ್ಕೊಂಡು ಬರೋಕೆ ಹೋದಾಗ, ಫ್ಲ್ಯಾಟ್ ಫಾರಂ ಇಂದ ಲಗೇಜ್ ಎತ್ಕೊಂಡು ಕಾರ್ ತನಕ ಬಂದ ಕೂಲಿ ಇವರು.
ಅವರ ವಯಸ್ಸು ಸುಮಾರು ಅರವತ್ತಾಗಿದೆ ಎನಿಸಿ, ನಾನೇ ಎರಡು ಬ್ಯಾಗ್ ತಗೊಂಡ್ರೂ ಬೇಡ, ಅಪ್ಪ ದುಡ್ಡು ಕೊಟ್ಟಿದಾರೆ
ಶಕ್ತಿ ಇದೆ, ಇದು ನನ್ನ ಕೆಲಸ ಅಂತ ಬ್ಯಾಗ್ ಕೊಡಲ್ಲಿಲ್ಲ. ಬಲವಂತವಾಗಿ ಎರಡೂ ಬ್ಯಾಗ್ ತಗೊಂಡೆ. ಅಷ್ಟರಲ್ಲಿ ಫ್ಲ್ಯಾಟ್ ಫಾರಂ ಇಂದ ಹೊರಗಿನ ತನಕ ಮಾತಾಡಿ ಅವರನ್ನ ಸಾಕಷ್ಟು ಪರಿಚಯ ಮಾಡ್ಕೊಂಡಿದ್ದ ಅಪ್ಪ ಹೇಳಿದ್ರು, ಅವರು ಮಂಗಳೂರವರು, ಹೆಸ್ರು ಶಂಕರ ಭಟ್, ಮತ್ತೆ ಅವರು ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ ಅಲ್ಲ, ನೀನೇ ಅವರ ಮಕ್ಕಳ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಕೇಳು ಅಂದಾಗ
ಮೊದಲಿಗೆ ತಲೆಗೆ ಬಂದದ್ದು ಬಹುಶಃ ಮಕ್ಕಳು ಅಪ್ಪನ ಸರಿ ಇಟ್ಕೊಂಡಿಲ್ಲ, ಹಾಗಾಗಿ ಕೂಲಿ ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡಿ ಬದುಕಬೇಕಾಗಿದೆಯೇನೋ ಅಂತ. ಏನು ವಿಷಯ ಅಂತ ಅವರ ಕಡೆ ನೋಡಿದ್ರೆ, ಮುಖದಲ್ಲಿ ಹೆಮ್ಮೆ ಇತ್ತು. ಖುಷಿಯಿಂದ ಹೇಳಿದ್ರು, "ಇಬ್ರು ಗಂಡು ಮಕ್ಳು ನಂಗೆ, ದೊಡ್ಡವನು ಸೂರತ್ಕಲ್ ಮೆಡಿಕಲ್ ಕಾಲೇಜ್ ಅಲ್ಲಿ MBBS ಮುಗ್ಸಿ MD ಮಾಡ್ತಿದಾನೆ
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Nunez'in Liverpool'a, Enzo Fernandez'in Chelsea'ye sansasyonel ücretlere satışlarını gerçekleştiren Benfica, hücum hattı için devre arası transferinde ise Tengstedt ve Schjelderup'u kadrosuna katmıştı.

Bir sonraki hamlenin ise Midtjylland'lı Gustav Isaksen olacağını düşünüyorum.

TD Roger Schmidt'in komplike hücum varyasyonlarına üç İskandinav oyuncunun da (Tengstedt, Schjelderup ve Isaksen) son derece uygun isimler olduklarını söyleyebiliriz.
Savunma için de Louisville forması giyen, '05 doğumlu Joshua Wynder'in transfer edileceği de bir süredir yazılıyor.

Birçok Scout'un dikkatle takip ettiği gibi benim de sınırsız potansiyeline güvendiğim oyuncunun transferi için 1.5 Milyon $ + %20 gibi ücretler konuşuluyor.
Read 10 tweets
Ya estamos en vivo en #FB y #YouTube. Hoy ⬇

📌UIF revela las operaciones financieras del entramado de #GarcíaLuna

📝Saldos del viejo régimen: Saiht Noé Catalán Díaz, el modus operandi del narcoestado

📝Noticias internacionales con @Hector_Badillo

Al menos 8 personas murieron y otras más quedaron heridas en un tiroteo en #Hamburgo, #Alemania, dentro de un centro religioso de #TestigosdeJehová. Las autoridades alemanas confirmaron que el cuerpo del asesino se encuentra entre los fallecidos
La mayor central nuclear de Europa, ubicada en, Zaporiyia, #Ucrania, ha vuelto a ser bombardeada ayer y hoy, generando cortes de electricidad y agua. El ataque constante podría generar un desastre nuclear que ha prendido las alarmas en Europa
Read 5 tweets
"En México es muy importante, no solamente combatir el #neoliberalismo a partir de esta estigmatización de lo público, sino a partir de la reorganización lo más profunda posible de los organismos de inteligencia y la creación de un servicio de inteligencia..."
...altamente profesional especializado y que incorpore la cultura democrática de inteligencia para sus funciones y para el desarrollo de sus actividades": Dr. Retana Yarto

Entrevista en #ContralíneaTV por #FB y #YouTube
Estas estructuras criminales siguen ahí, no se han desarticulado, están al acecho, el dr. Retana explicó que ahora no tienen el acceso al primer círculo del #PoderEjecutivo como lo tuvieron anteriormente pero los podemos ver actuantes e impunes todavía...
Read 4 tweets
Ya estamos en vivo en #FB y #YouTube. Hoy ⬇

📌Fideicomisos de la @SCJN, @CJF_Mx y @TEPJF_informa superan los 35 mil millones

📝El narco-Estado de @FelipeCalderon

#ContralineaTV Aquí 👇👉
De 2006 a 2012 dos entidades del gobierno federal suscribieron 10 contratos con empresas involucradas en el entramado #GarcíaLuna por un monto total de 316 millones 675 mil 995 dólares. Ninguno de esos contratos fue sometido a licitación alguna
De 2012 a 2018 tres entidades del gobierno federal suscribieron 19 contratos por un total de 410,101,358.51 dólares y 363, 866,666.60 pesos con empresas involucradas en el entramado #GarcíaLuna
Read 10 tweets
Ya estamos en vivo en #FB y #YouTube. Hoy ⬇

📝México carece de política de Estado para combatir feminicidios con @AnaYeliPGa, asesora jurídica del @OCNF

📝Mujeres: discriminación desde la academia y la ciencia con la maestra Thalía Abarca

Aquí 👇
"Más de 20 mil millones de pesos que tiene el #PoderJudicial en este cochinito, ya sabemos que los fideicomisos son muy opacos, que les posibilita que los presupuestos que no se gastan y que deberían regresar a la tesorería de la federación...
...cada terminó de ejercicio fiscal se los queden y los metan a este fideicomiso que acaba propiciando un gran dispendio": @nancy_contra
Read 5 tweets

Should I get a #BlueTick?

Main reason I am thinking thinking of doing this is that my tweets aren't being seen as much as they should. This will allow more people to see my #FB tweets and get more followers.

#FBPE #FBPA #FBPPR #FBPR #FBNHS #FBR #StrongerTogether
Now I wish I had Blue Tick then I could have edited the tweet to remove the 2nd thinking 😀
Read 5 tweets
#Trump ‘not far away from #truth’ on #Ukraine#Kremlin | Jan 27
- “Indeed, should the US President wish to put an end to this conflict, he could do it very quickly, using the opportunity to simply give instructions to the #Kiev regime,” #Peskov on Friday… Image
Google Hides The Main #Reason For America"s #Arming Of #Ukraine | Jan 28
- Google’s censorship policy removes links to #SouthFront for 2 years. #Twitter and #FB also began to delete links to SF articles long before any sanctions against SF were introduced Image
Read 17 tweets
#Facebook: »Jutta Ditfurth hat … 1 Beitrag geteilt, der gegen unsere Regeln gegen gefährliche Personen + Organisationen verstößt«
#FB hat meine Fan-Seite für 2 Monate gesperrt. Rechtfertigung: Solidarität mit ermordeten Kurd*innen in #Paris 2013 + 2022
2/ Seit Beginn der Revolution im Iran habe ich #IranRevolution unterstützt. Offensichtlich haben viele rechtsradikale Türk*en + deutsche Nazis meinen Account gemeldet. Ich darf nicht kommentieren, nicht posten, nicht telefonieren oder live gehen, keine Seiten verwalten und /3
3/ keine neuen Seiten erstellen. Auch meine Beiträge auf meiner Profilseite werden nur noch »unten im Feed angezeigt«. Ihr müsst mich dort suchen.
Selbstverständlich habe ich sofort Widerspruch gelegt. FB hat diesen abgewiesen mit der hübschen Begründung, dass sie aufgrund /4
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Недавно в #Fb был пост от #Залужного с просьбой верить в ЗСУ, и ряд людей приняло его скептично, мол, посмотрите на Мариуполь, на Херсон, что вы нас убаюкиваете с требованием верить, давайте пруфы.
Так вот что я поясню вам.
Основной задачей главнокомандующего было сохранение государства Украина. Я раньше писал, что первичной задачей было разбить и обесточить ударную группировку под Киевом.
Так как потеряв Киевскую область, выиграть в войне было бы очень трудно.
Эта задача выполнена успешно.
На начало войны у нас не было легиона космодесанта, чтоб закрыть вопросы по всем направлениям. Там, где силы противника превосходили силы защитников даже не в разы, а на порядок, войска РФ имели успех.
Особенно вблизи Крыма, откуда был просто шквал ракет и налетов авиации
Read 15 tweets
How I prep for a video shoot🎥

For every client, I make a video shoot in the first month that is structured by BLOCKS.

It saves so much time long-term and I think this thread will help you

Let's dive in👇
Step 1:
You need to do your research and creative strategy. I shared this info a lot but to sum up I do it like this:
👉My own content questionnaire [client fills it]
👉I look at the website, FB ads manager, Tiktok ads manager where I find some creative patterns
[read more]👇
👉Reddit, Amazon reviews, competitors...

I go deep. I want to know the brand/offer/audience inside out

Then I create blocks👇
Read 9 tweets
बायको म्हणजे कोण???
बायको ह्या शब्दाला जर फोडले तर “बा” म्हणजे तुमच्या बाजूने भक्कम पणे उभी राहणारी “य” म्हणजे येईल त्या परिस्थितीला खंबीरपणे तोंड देणारी आणि “को” म्हणजे कोणासाठीहि नाही तर फक्त आणि फक्त नवऱ्यासाठी जगणारी!
सुख दुःखात साथ देणारी म्हणून तिला बायको असं म्हंटलं जात मैत्रिणीला सहज समजून घेतलं जातं पण बायकोला मैत्रिण बनवलं तर आयुष्य किती सुंदर होईल शेवटी नवऱ्यापेक्षा अधिक जवळचा मित्र तिच्यासाठी कोण असेल बाहेर मैत्री आणी मैत्रिणी शोधण्यापेक्षा बायको मध्येच
मैत्रीण सापडली तर तिला आणखी काय हवं प्रत्येक नवऱ्याला वाटत बायकोसाठी खूप काही करावं लागतं पण सत्य परिस्थिती अशी असते तिला लागते नवऱ्याची साथ हातात भक्कम हात समजून घेणार हृदय इतकं प्रेम कि तिला माहेरच्या लोकांची आठवण हि ना यावी
Read 7 tweets
👉 Indexation Google, du nouveau !

Je viens de faire un test sur [90 URLs] avec un freelance chez @fiverr.

C'est littéralement le freelance qui a les meilleures notes et le plus de commandes pour le #référencement et l'indexation des backlinks via Fiverr.

[Thread #SEO] 👇 1/10
Thread #SEO 2/10

Avant de passer commande, je lui ai demandé s'il avait besoin de mes accès Search Console :
certaines URLs sont des Backlinks de Guest posts de qualité ; certaines sont des posts sur les RS, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium…

Voici ce qu'il m'a répondu… 👇
Thread #SEO 3/10

« Pas besoin de Search Console, mais les choses ont beaucoup changées récemment chez #Google, donc je ne garantis plus AUCUNE indexation »


Bien sûr, je paye les 12$ pour voir s'il cache un carré d'AS ♦️♣️ (ou pas…😅) 👇
Read 11 tweets
Teaching Online

Make Money from Anywhere
(thread) 👇🏽 Image
Before we dive into this thread, I’d suggest you check this one out first 👇🏽

These are companies you can work for,
or you can go at it freelance,
which is what we’ll be focusing on in this thread.

Many of these companies aren’t hiring anymore and only a few remain.
Last year China imposed regulations that caused a storm for companies that were profit-driven in the education sector

The result has been the dismantling of a $100billion industry.

Many people have misunderstood that demand hasn’t died, only supply…
Read 22 tweets
1. The judge asked the killer of former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, 'Why did you kill Sadat?
He said to him, "Because he is secular!"
The judge replied: "What does secular means?"
The killer said: "I don't know!"
2. In the attempted assassination of the late Egyptian writer, Naguib Mahfouz, judge asked the man who stabbed,
"Why did you stab him?"
Terrorist said: "Because of his novel - The children of our neighborhood".
Judge asked him:"Have you read this novel?"
The criminal said:"No!"
3. Another judge asked the terrorist who killed the Egyptian writer 'Faraj Fara': "Why did you murder Faraj Fouda?"
The terrorist replied: "Because he is an unfaithful!"
The judge asked him: "How did you know he was an unfaithful?" +
Read 5 tweets
The current episode of #ISISK probaganda #Voiceofhind. Few #ISIS operatives were arrested my #NIA in the recent past.
1.The threat of this poisonous ideology Is real for Hindus, Christians & Jews.
2.They have been raided on #whatsapp #FB & #Telegram.
3. New medium is #Elements
4. #Clubhouse is also used.
5. The strategy is to all align all the local/ regional Jehadi groups to the ideology of #ISISK.
5. Attack on religious places including #Shiashrines, targetted killings, recuriting more jehadis, probaganda thro active use of SM and eventually
*achive ISISK Caliphate.
6. For this objective they are okay to align with any regional/ anti national forces incl naxals/ separatists & hostile nation's agencies.
7. Later finish them or bring them in to their ideology.
8. Check the pointed finger of d Terrorist in the pic.
Read 4 tweets
THREAD: #UN #IIMM Independent Investigative Mechanism for #Myanmar @koumjian updated since Feb 1 #coup, he has received over 200,000 communications, collected over 1.5 million items of evidence. Says facts show "widespread & systematic attacks" amounting to #CrimesAgainstHumanity
#UN #IIMM head @koumjian when asked what he thought of #US ex-governor @GovRichardson's visit to Myanmar meeting #military chief on Nov 2. Mr Richardson was said to be on 4-day humanitarian mission to #Myanmar. Since then, little information been released #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
#UN #IIMM @koumjian declines to specify exactly how many files he has compiled related to the atrocities committed in #Myanmar since his mechanism was formed 2018. But says those who have committed the offences "should worry that the files are on them" #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar ImageImageImageImage
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@CounteringCrime filed a new chapter of our complaint against @Facebook to @SEC_Enforcement early this morning. 1 🧵 Image
Some media is reporting our filing is saying the firm puts profit over safety -- actually, we filed that ages ago, and we have been saying this openly in our reports for years. #oldnews. 2…
Whats NEW in today's filing is that #FB execs have known for years they can't remove the wide range and scale of toxic and illegal content on their platforms and REMAIN PROFITABLE -- and we have that from multiple #FB security team members. 3
Read 7 tweets
Yes, but "was it good?"
Some charts I started to do 4(?) months ago based on Rule 605 Data provided by Citadel and other market participants. Check the monthly Charts starting at 3/12 Jan 2020 to Feb 2021 and make up your own mind regarding
2/12- Overview.

Starting at 3/13:
Monthly charts Timeframe 2020-2021 Feb regarding order execution quality aka. price improvement.

Starting at 10/12:
Comparison of Rule 605 Data provided by Citadel for order execution of #FB #GME and #AMD shares, Jan to June 2021.

The Following Monthly chart will display the reported information regarding order routing (Rule 605) by Citadel and others.
Charts contain 2 months per tweet with.
1. Marketable Limit Order Price Improvement
2. Market Order
for the smalles category report - 100-499 Shares.
Read 12 tweets
#Facebook is in the crosshairs from multiple angles right now, starting with a lawsuit in Delaware charging #Zuck, #Sandberg and board members w insider trading and "epic corporate governance breakdown." 🧵 1/
@CounteringCrime has been documenting #FB's "epic corporate governance breakdown" for years now -- including repeated cover-ups like this one that have harmed investors. We warned y'all back in 2020 to pull your money out of #FB. It's a HOT MESS. 2/…
Moreover, @counteringcrime has documented how the firm has always prioritized profit over public safety and privacy both in our timeline, available here: 3/…
Read 15 tweets
Voce sabe o que a #AMZN, #UBER, #ABNB, #MELI, #FB, #TWTR, #RBLX, #ENJU3, #NINJ3 e Ifood tem em comum? O famoso Network Effect, ou em bom portugues, efeito rede.
A grosso modo o efeito rede significa que quanto mais consumidores tiver um produto ou serviço, maior será sua demanda, tanto de fornecedores quanto de usuários.
Ex: O que faz o whatsapp uma ferramenta tao interessante? O fato de que quase todo mundo usa! Quantos mais usuários vc tem, mais trafego se tem e por consequência mais usuários vc captura.
Read 13 tweets
Congrats Crime branch Ahmedabad 4 cracking ur whip on #lSl’s terr0r module. 👍
STRATEGY: burn down 20-25 shops, cause chaos & ECONOMIC damage. 3 ppl(nw under arrest) wr contacted by ISI through #FB pages run frm Gulf & Nepal.
For burning 7 shops they received Rs 25K.
2/2 One of the shops that ws set ablaze ws worth Rs 45 lakhs. So u can imagine the damage they wr planning to cause. This FIRE conspiracy is part of a bigger game called ECONOMIC TERR0RISM. Now lSl now uses our own citizens against us like in non-contact warfare. 👇
During Shaheen Bagh/ anti #CAA protests I hd written on how such non-contact warfare is played out in 4 STAGES. 👇#lSl now doesnt hv to train terr0rists in P*K, they merely find gullible ones within India and pay them for creating chaos. 👇
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