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Jozef & Wiktoria Ulma risked their lives to help Jews during the #Holocaust. On 24 March 1944 the German police discovered the Jews in hiding.

The Jewish family was shot, as was the entire Ulma family - parents & 6 children. Wiktoria was 7 months pregnant. Image
March 24 - the anniversary of the murder of the Ulma family - is today in Poland the National Day of Remembrance of Poles who saved Jews during German occupiation. See this thread to learn about #Righteous linked with #Auschwitz.
#Auschwitz prisoner Jerzy Radwanek helped many Jews in the camp.… Image
Read 16 tweets
Dear friends, we all know election is just around the corner and we have friends & pals on the other side. So once in a bit, we get into arguments 🥳
Recently a friend asked why I like and support ASIWAJU BOLA AHMED TINUBU.
See my response issa 🧵
I was able to get bits and BATS from all of what Tinubu has done, with credits to different writes who had written about BATS verifiable track records & other news sources ✍🏽

My sister why not Tinubu, it is easy for us to sit and scream, we want good governance & leadership.
But when it’s time to elect people who can actualize our dream, we go with the mob based on sentiments and biases

It is unfortunate that this election year is seeing the most incompetent humans in the field with one of the best men we can boost of.
Read 24 tweets
:: Hits of 2022 ::

Getting this in early,
and for those that have followed me for some time,
yes, there are marked differences between threads in 2022 and those of 2021.

It's been a year long set of little tests and comparisons.

Thank you for sticking with me!

First off ...

A quick look at elements that most pages should have.

Then we have concerns over how people are choosing what content to delete :(

Read 21 tweets
Tagesansicht 09. November 2022 |
Projekt Schuldenberg /Kneipe: 🍽VOKÜ AM MITTWOCH !! leckeres veganes Essen im Projekt Schuldenberg!!
#thisdayhistory: AUCH „Schicksalstag der Deutschen“ bezeichnet.…
Da auf dieses Datum eine Reihe von Ereignissen fällt, die in der Geschichte Deutschlands Wendepunkte markierten,
Reichspogromnacht am 9./10. November 1938
Die 1930 eingeweihte, im Bauhausstil errichtete Synagoge der Stadt wurde in der Reichspogromnacht am 9./10. November 1938 durch einen Brandanschlag zerstört…
Read 7 tweets
Do you know what #UNITY means?

It means #WE ALL ARE 1 people.

All anyone wants is to touch the hand of God, the whole world is waking up.
Why do you think ones come into this Country?
They know God is here & are showing they stand with God?

Your once MAINSTREAM minds
Have Been programmed to see the glass half empty, why ?
Do ones come here to stand with God, KNOWING God is here?
[THEY] make you think differently, WHY?

When the Flood happens, the wall was specifically built/designed to do something
specific for when the water freezes, would that be A SOLID FOUNDATION for an ICE WALL?
Receding water?

If there were to be A Mini Ice age, THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what [they] want you thinking, who would be prepared?

Programmed minds that think “global warming”, would
Read 11 tweets
I have A sUrPRISE for You this evening—Stay Tuned … 🎸 🥁 🎤 🎶
Paranoia Is IN BLOOM.

You “Love” what all of you have earned throughout your lives but you will LOVE what is coming even more.
Your blood, sweat & tears put into everything you’ve earned will not be for not— Image
-You will be given back what is rightfully YOURS;
-You will be given back what has been stolen from you;
-You will be given back your soul;
-You will be given back FREE WILL;
-You will be given back your lives;
-You will be given back your FREEDOMs;
-You will LIVE again … ImageImage
GREED has poisoned the Soul of Man, that greed has caused humanity to live with stone hearts—Stone hearts to flesh is what saves the world.
You love what you have earned because you earned it being A slave to A corrupt system that was purposely making it hard for many to truly Image
Read 30 tweets
CW : #Death
It's 13 days since my #father passed away unexpectedly. A very important day in terms of religious ceremonies in #Hinduism. A day to celebrate and #remember the person. In some ways, as positive a day as it is possible given the circumstances.
#memories #parent
On this day, I wanted to share a light hearted #story.
My #father used to travel to Bombay (now #Mumbai) by air. It is over 1000 kms from our city. He would normally take his bicycle, park it in a garage, take a train to the airport to catch his flight.
The return would be the same way.
As I saw him go and come back in his bicycle,I would tell everyone that my #father goes to Bombay and back in his bicycle! 😂😂😂
#parent #memory
Read 4 tweets
#THREAD on #WHAT is #RBI likely to do tomorrow at the #MPC and #Why and how it would #IMPACT Markets? #RETWEET

(1) A rate Hikes I’d probably 30-40bps
(2) More #Importantly, a 25-50bp CRR Hike as well

What are the Drivers of this Decision?
RBI biggest Driver of Policy in my view is FOREX.

India is suffering Daily Forex Outflows Due to
(1) high Commodity Prices (Oil & Coal etc)
(2) FPI outflows
(3) Rising Remittances while FDI has slowed down

Recall that Jndia is still NOT added to the JPM EM debt Index (NA)
Two ways to arrest the INR depreciation is to raise Rates (REPO) or reduce Liquidity (CRR)

But we know India has a Demand Issue.

More #IMPORTANTLY, higher Rates will HURT the Govts Borrowing Cost and Eventually Raise System Deposit Rates
Read 19 tweets
I know, 🐝 all around me …

I promise you, I will not put myself into any scenarios/situations many [need] me to get myself into so the bees sting. .

Being 1 with.
There is only 1 for me.
17 Again, ALL GOOD …

& I defeated/avoided ‘My Girl’ “fate”.

My Girl, the children, Family l, A Family & My people mean so much more than feeding into the things [they] [need] me feeding into for the bees to sting.

#Jackass Made the Put, FOEVER !
Everything created in
Life, Created to SHOW A path away from the path [they]/evil [needed] me on in hopes I would be destroyed … Me destroyed = the world destroyed ..

Saving Private O - RION & All his Privates …

So many who have been helping plan/leave truth hidden
Read 13 tweets
Once, we lived in the land of crocodiles...…
in Spanish "El mito creador de Timor Leste es el cocodrilo, básicamente estimulado por la forma del cocodrilo que tiene la isla" Source:…
More here:… "The Boy and the Crocodile: The Legend of East Timor," illustrated by children from Familia Hope Orphanage East Timor (Cover image courtesy of Familia Hope).
Read 32 tweets
Jozef & Wiktoria Ulma risked their lives to help Jews during the #Holocaust. On 24 March 1944 the German police discovered the Jews in hiding.

The Jewish family was shot, as was the entire Ulma family - parents & 6 children. Wiktoria was 7 months pregnant.
March 24 - the anniversary of the murder of the Ulma family - is today in Poland the National Day of Remembrance of Poles who saved Jews during German occupiation. See this thread to learn 11 stories of #Righteous linked with #Auschwitz.
#Auschwitz prisoner Jerzy Radwanek helped many Jews in the camp.…
Read 16 tweets
Auschwitz steht bis heute als Symbol für die unfassbare Monstrosität der faschistischen Vernichtungspolitik. In das Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslager #Auschwitz wurden vom Sommer 1940 bis Januar 1945 über 1,3 Mio. Menschen aus ganz Europa, Jüdinnen und Juden, 1/8
Sinti*zze und Rom*nja, politische Gegner*innen und andere Ausgegrenzte verschleppt, mindestens 1,1 Mio. wurden in den Gaskammern, durch Erschießungen oder durch „Vernichtung durch Arbeit“ für den IG Farben Konzern und andere Rüstungsbetriebe ermordet. 2/8
#OnThisDay: Am Vormittag des 27. Januar 1945 erreichte die 322. Infanteriedivision d 60. Armee der 1. Ukrainischen Front zuerst das Hauptlager von Monowitz. Einheiten der Waffen-SS u der Wehrmacht leisteten noch militärischen Widerstand, so dass über 230 sowjetische Soldaten 3/8
Read 9 tweets
V2 Version für mein #Applet zu #VerstecktesAnwachsen ist online.

Wenn wir es nicht schaffen, die Verdopplungszeit von #Omicron auf mehr als 3 Tage auszudehnen(*),
dann hätten wir in den nächsten 40 Tagen rund 30Mio Infektionen, 5* so viel wie in 22 Monaten zuvor.
(*) Unter Annahme, dass aktuell 0,8% #Omikron, und dass aktuelle Maßnahmen für 9% Rückgang Delta reichen.
Andere Werte ausprobieren:

0,2% #Omicron wird vom @rki_de als Anteil für KW47 angegeben. Seither wohl 2 Verdopplungszeiten, daher: wohl 0.8%. ➡️
Natürlich ist mein "Modell" nur ein sehr schlichtes, eher kurzfristig für "ab wann dominant" als für einen Ausblick in der Nähe von "die meisten in D haben's gehabt" nutzbar. Zumal ja (irgendwann) Politik dochmal reagieren muss /müsste.
Bei @dpaessler gibt's heute nachmittag➡️
Read 71 tweets
#ENGELBERT_MVENG(23 Avril 1995) #Cameroun #Cameroon

Né dans une famille presbytérienne mais baptisé dans l’Église catholique, E. Mveng a reçu une éducation chrétienne de ses parents.
Son intelligence est remarquée par le Père Herbard qui l’envoie au Pré-Séminaire d’Éfok (Cameroun) de 1943 à 1944.
L’étape suivante l’a conduit au Petit Séminaire d’Akono (1944-1949).

Après une année d’études au Grand-Séminaire de Yaoundé,
il y est admis comme stagiaire où il a enseigné le latin et le grec. Désireux de s'engager dans la vie religieuse, E. Mveng veut d’abord se faire trappiste. Mais il en est dissuadé par Mgr Graffin, qui l’informa de la présence des Jésuites au Congo belge.
Read 13 tweets
Come Clean
2 Simple words, "I'm Sorry" ..

Sorry = YOU ALL get what you want & the SWITCH gets #FLIPped .

Why it took this long is beyond me.

He who is free of sin, cast the first stone.
Do you know how many stones have been thrown?
Been Looking, for A long time ..
Just as the ones I Love looked at me.

Looking glass sure seems like A type of "Stalking" in A way, No? ..

Only difference between the good guys & the bad guys looking through the glass is, evil uses it against humanity & the light (REAL LIGHT)
does it to help guide or TEACH humanity how yo change their ways doing things the right way & not the corrupt cruel ways so many have chosen to act ..

EVERYTHING was seen.
Read 10 tweets
Neues aus der Reihe der #NMFG (Nicht-Mathe-Fähigen-Gesellschaften)..
Wieder wird öffentlichkeitswirksam und bei politischen Sitzungen auf das #DGPI Survey verwiesen.. Wieder werden anekdotische Zahlen in den Raum geworfen.
(Thread 🧵➡️)
Im "aktuellen" Update (Stand 29.08.2021) tauchen mal wieder einige Unstimmigkeiten auf, die mich an den Mathekompetenzen der Verantwortlichen zweifeln lassen.…
Zumindest am Kompetenzbereich "Mit symbolischen, formalen und technischen Elementen der Mathematik umgehen", wieder im Bereich "bis zur 6.ten Klasse". (Vgl. "<" vs. ">" im gestrigen Thread)
Read 33 tweets
Thokozani Ogogo No Mkhulu👏

Indeed there is a difference below stated.

There is Umdawe we #Nhlanga most reverted to Inzunza (Njunju)

There Umdawe Called #Mfukwa in many relevance this is a ndawu spirit that is traded in. Eg one goes to ElMorcambique at Tete, Mamboni, Image
Nyembani or Ngorogouza & attain such spirit to work with it.

There is An Ndawu spirit called #Mdliwa this is a spirit of an Ndawu descendant that was brutally murderd in order to serve a certain purpose or none then returns as a spirit of mdliwa (O wa dliwa)
NB : Mdliwa & Mfukwa most believe it's the same. But it's not, yet have the same side effects.

Lastly Mdashana (An ndawu that died at a young age) this is Similar to Umnono.
Read 10 tweets


Women's month💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃🛀🛀🛀🛌🛌🛌🛌

Manual for beginners in spirit journey

1) #Callings/ubizo

It's the frequency of spiritual divinity from universe (spirit) to child (soul) regarding your purpose in life
#Remember purposes vary

/ Sangoma





/Dreamer & solver of problems verbally

2) #gift/neo/isipho

It's the baby spirit gifted to you by universe. It might not be so much that you need to twasa or open it, Nooooo it might just be a normal presence or might be huge presence of spirit frequency

in short gift means spirit presence
Read 28 tweets
Jozef & Wiktoria Ulma risked their lives to help Jews during the #Holocaust. On 24 March 1944 the German police discovered the Jews in hiding.

The Jewish family was shot, as was the entire Ulma family - parents & 6 children. Wiktoria was 7 months pregnant.
March 24 - the anniversary of the murder of the Ulma family - is today in Poland the National Day of Remembrance of Poles who saved Jews during German occupiation. See this thread to learn 11 stories of #Righteous linked with #Auschwitz.
#Auschwitz prisoner Jerzy Radwanek helped many Jews in the camp.…
Read 16 tweets
The President of South Africa.

"There are no killings of White Farmers in #SouthAfrica"

Proverbs 26:28
"A lying tongue hates it's victims, and a flattering mouth works ruins"
Statistics on #FarmMurders and #FarmAttacks confirm an average of 510 attacks and 56 murders per year. That is more than one farmer murdered a week.
"The cowards are scared
Shoot shoot
Shoot shoot
The cowards are scared
Shoot shoot
Shoot shoot
Shoot the Boer
Shoot the Boer
Shoot the Boer
Shoot the Boer."

"Kill the farmer, the Boer
Kill the farmer, the Boer"

Read 54 tweets
This is not a pop @NicolaSturgeon any more than @BorisJohnson, but the argument that it's too soon to make comparisons is wearing thin.

1.6M cases (pop. 67.9M)
85.7 deaths/100k

S. Korea
34k cases (pop. 51.6M)
1.0 deaths/100k


The UK has a death toll that is 86 times that of South Korea and 34% f those deaths happened after 1 June 2020.

Date chose as that's when the first lockdown ended.

Well... Started to end...

Comparing and learning could have started well before then - there were definitely lessons to be learned when our death toll stood at around 40x South Korea's.
Read 9 tweets
Why is it becoming harder to #remember things you have recently read? New work… out in @nature from Anthony Wagner's group @Stanford explore how multi-media #multitasking impacts a specific axis of #attention that in turn, impacts our #memory📱🧠🧵1/11 Image
When we're reading a book and simultaneously checking our #twitter or #finsta feeds, we're not actually multitasking - we're task-switching! We switch our focus from one goal to another, interrupting our train of thought and scattering our #attention 2/11 Image
Researchers are beginning to understand that #attention prepares us to perform actions that align with our #goals. But if we're switching tasks all the time (reading a book while scrolling on finsta), that means our goals are also shifting! How does that affect our #memory? 3/11
Read 11 tweets
The world is controlled by a satanic elite.

My research/experience has confirmed this. To talk about politics is meaningless. It is truly sad to see people asleep. Everyone is focusing on the matrix. If I'm dismissive, it's because I don't care to eat fake steak. #annuitcoeptis
Funny how the satanic elite perfectly describes the conspiracy to discredit it. These are not coincidences.
There's a reason why the Egyptians worshiped the snake, cat and dog head. Some call them "Jinns" the ones that can take the form of the reptile. 🦎…
I am using this tread to tackle all angles of the level of control that the satanic elite has on this world. Exposing their tools, method, and form of slavery over humanity.

Money/debt is the first level of control.

That's why the pyramid exists. 👁️

Read 129 tweets
#QuarantineWatchParty #onlyfans #news #newnormal
Let me share some things with you, I'll do my best to put it into words,and Let those the Creator of all Reality our Heavenly Father should have to see, see. Today we're going to talk about #Letters and stuff. #alphabetsoup
Let's look at a more controversial Alphabet, #Hebrew, where we even get the English word above from, Aleph Beth. Remember #children #Layers meanings within meanings #hmmyeeealright
So what letters stand out to you? Tha's nice, those which I noticed most are T-taw, Q-Qoph, And W - Waw or is that a Y, why oh me oh my? #WhyWomenKill #Youtube #Y
Read 25 tweets

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