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During WW1, Sikhs made up 20% of the British Indian Army in action, despite being just 1% of the Indian population at the time. It’s estimated that over 74,000 Sikhs sacrificed their lives fighting for the British
Seeing @behindthenetra performing last night @RoyalAlbertHall for Remembrance Festival is a reminder to the world that those sacrifices hold equal importance to the many others who did the same. Well done Jaspreet, this will forever be a moment for us ♥️

On this Rememberance Day, my family and I reflect on how this impacted us. My husband’s maternal grandad joined the British Army in 1922, at just 18 years old.

Surain Singh Sidhu was awarded an OBE for his commitment and dedication to his work.

#RemembranceDay Image
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While you’re still in bed, veterans are queuing to take their place on Horseguards for #remembranceday2022
Mirror video supremo @EddieHenryJames and I are with them - wearing the #MissingMedal @thehuwedwards
Streams of veterans of all services coming past us, all wearing varieties of medals. Some weighed down with them.

Nuke test vets will be the only guys here with no medal. #missingmedal
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Today I honour the veterans who fought empires of hate to save peace and democracy. I worry their sacrifice will be in vain if we don’t continue their work.
Foot soldiers of the enemy have returned to weaken the bonds between friends, family and neighbours one conspiracy at a time.
When we’re overwhelmed and exhausted we are more vulnerable. We can more easily be convinced to rally against others rather than respectfully work through our differences.
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It is Armistice Day tomorrow - in 1918, at the 11th Hour, of the 11th Day, of the 11th Month, the guns fell silent ... good wishes to all who are commemorating #RemembranceDay Image
Good morning all on this Armistice Day/ #RemembranceDay , the 104th anniversary of the Great War's end. Australia's Great War (1914-1919):
- national population of 5m
- 416,809 enlisted
- more than 60,000 killed in action
- 156,000 wounded, gassed, or taken prisoner Image
My grandfather in Aug 1918 with his beloved sister Vera before going to France. My late grandfather would arrive for the Allied advance to the Nov 11 armistice. Like many, he would feel guilty for having survived. So many friends killed & wounded in the Great War. #RemembranceDay Image
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After weeks of debates amongst #Tishreeni actors regarding attendance at the long-awaited planning meeting for the third anniversary of the Tishreen Revolution, the meeting finally took place on Friday in #Nasiriyah. 🧵1/6
📷Ali Dab Dab
This is the first time in which #RDG has seen disparate actors within the broader Tishreeni network function properly as a collective movement rather than several power centers that compete amongst themselves for primacy. 2/6
It is not an understatement to say that the meeting was the first time they sat together in one room and concretely planned activities based on a shared vision. 3/6
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Hoy, Diciembre 5, cada día voy a publicar una foto bastante especial hasta el 27 de Enero. Cuando recorro las calles de #París, cada colegio es un doloroso recuerdo de la persecución de judíos durante la 2da guerra mundial en Francia [...]
Desde la ocupación en 1940, y bajo el gobierno de Vichy la policía francesa persiguió a judíos y gitanos. En 1942 comienza la deportación a los campos de concentración. Este proceso termina en 1944 apenas días antes de la liberación de París [...]…
De los 340000 judíos franceses viviendo en Francia continental, 75000 fueron deportados... 72500 jamas regresaron. Poco es el consuelo de saber que Francia es el país en que mas judíos sobrevivieron al holocausto [...]
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#11Novembre #ArmisticeDay Today it is 103 years since the Signature of the #armistice however the state of war persisted until the signature of the Treaty of Versailles in June 28th 1919
In France it is remembered as #ArmisticeDay , in other allied countries it changed to #RemembranceDay and in the US was changed to #VeteransDay
The WWI was called initially optimistically The war to end all wars, today it is used more ironically as the WWII brought more devastation. It took me a lot to starting to get an idea of understanding the world before, during the 2 world wars, and after... ⤵️
Read 24 tweets
Remembrance Day #RemembranceDay #RemembranceDay2021 #LestWeForget #LestWeForget

War Veteran Gordon Lang Dies Of Terminal Cancer With No Apology From DWP Over ATOS Results…
Killed by benefits cuts: Starving soldier died 'as result of Iain Duncan Smith's welfare reform'…
Dying ex-soldier with Alzheimer's who is bedridden in care home gets sent a fitness to work form by DWP…
Read 16 tweets
What’s happening across Canada for #RemembranceDay? Follow along with The Globe's live blog for updates throughout the day.…
Here's what’s open and closed for #RemembranceDay across the country.
In Ottawa, Canadians gathered at the National War Memorial to honour the service and sacrifice of veterans.
Read 11 tweets
Today I reflect of the courage, bravery, self sacrifice, dedication to freedom and human decency required to serve. I reflect on our cultural history of our brave men rising to protect women & children .. and I am proud.
Today I reflect on women, mothers, wives, girlfriends & children that hugged fathers, husbands, & sons goodbye knowing they might never see them again. Yet they all understood that evil had taken root and human decency & future generations required this sacrifice. #LestWeForget
Today I reflect on all the women & young girls that offered and laboured any skill they had or could learn to give support to our military from manufacturing to writing letters... and I am proud of our resilience, ingenuity, and determination. #LestWeForget
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Story about my Dads poppy, it’s made with porcupine quills, birchbark and Sweetgrass. One of my Dads geezer friends, a veteran, critiqued it, saying the Legion doesn’t recognize it. My Dad said Indigenous Vets fought for Canada 🇨🇦 and weren’t allowed to join the Legion. 1/
They fought with Valour and were decorated but when they came home, the country they fought for didn’t recognize them. So my Dad wears his poppy to educate.… 2/
The inaugural #dayoftruthandreconciliation challenges us all to learn throughout the year. As #RemembranceDay approaches, it’s also an opportunity to look at the tremendous service and history of Indigenous Veterans. While I remember with pride, all the men and women from 3/
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Remembering Robert Capa on his birthday 🎂
📷 Alfred Eisenstaedt, New York, 1942
"If your pictures aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough."
One of the greatest of movie set photographs, by Robert Capa: Ingrid Bergman & Alfred Hitchcock on the set of Notorious, 1946. It's been suggested that Capa's love affair with Bergman was the genesis of a Hitchcock film made 8 years later: Rear Window.
Ingrid Bergman was in the middle of a torrid love affair with the great photographer Robert Capa when he took these photographs on the Notorious set, 1946. What a look she gives him!
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Lest anyone forget. All parties at Queen’s Park will support government legislation making it illegal for any Ontario business owner to prohibit employees from wearing poppies for #RemembranceDay. #ONpoli story by @robertbenzie:…
Why? The forthcoming law was sparked by Whole Foods Market banning staff from sporting @RoyalCdnLegion poppies on their uniforms.…
While the U.S.-based grocery chain, which is owned by Amazon and operates 14 high-end supermarkets in Canada, reversed its controversial policy after a nationwide outcry, it was still pushed to have a law on the books.…
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#November 11th-

#VeteransDay Was Originally #ArmisticeDay

#ArmisticeDay began in 1918 to celebrate The Day World Leaders Came Together To End #WWI- The 'War To End All Wars'- And The Idea Of Ending All #War…
"Over one hundred years ago the world celebrated #peace as a universal principle. #WWI had just ended and nations mourning their dead collectively called for an end to all #wars#ArmisticeDay was born and was designated as “a day to be dedicated to the cause...
... of world #peace and to be thereafter celebrated." After #WorldWarII, the U.S. Congress decided to rebrand #November11 as #VeteransDay. Honoring the warrior quickly morphed into honoring the #military and glorifying #war. #ArmisticeDay was flipped from a day for #peace into...
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The #freedoms we enjoy came at an enormous cost. The contribution to #WWI and #WWII required mobilizing our people and our #NaturalResources.

#Wood was vital to every soldier – for living quarters, food and ammunition crates, trenches, and yes, coffins.
Serving mainly in #Scotland and the #BritishIsles during both World Wars, the #Canadian Forestry Corps (CFC) provided lumber for the Allies. Assembled in November 1916, the CFC was composed of dozens of forestry companies. Loggers also occasionally served as infantry.
Known as “the Sawdust Fusiliers,” the men continued their military training on Saturdays after their week’s work in the woods. Rifle range practice, training with bayonets, and tactical exercises helped prepare the CFC to protect residents and neighbouring airfields.
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(1/16) It’s #RemembranceDay in Britain. In preparation for my next book on the history of plastic surgery, I’m immersing myself in diaries, letters, & literature from #WWI. Today's THREAD is in honor of the nurses who played an integral part in the war effort.👇
(2/16) Never before had the world faced such slaughter. During WWI, medical staff applied 1.5 million splints, administered 1,088 million doses of drugs, fitted over 20,000 artificial eyes & used 7,250 tons of cotton wool while applying 108 million bandages to injured combatants.
(3/16) More than 6,000 medical staff would die, & over 17,000 would be wounded in the British Army alone. No matter how extensive healthcare provisions were or how hard doctors and nurses worked, medical care was consistently overwhelmed the sheer number of wounded men.
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@thewiz0915 @Freyja1987 Day 167: Agnes Obel - Myopia
Have yet too hear this but enjoyed the previous three records quite a bit. #AlbumOfTheDay @KyleSnell81 Image
@thewiz0915 @Freyja1987 @KyleSnell81 Day 168: Elizabeth Cotten - Live! #AlbumOfTheDay Image
@thewiz0915 @Freyja1987 @KyleSnell81 Day 169: Sergei Rachmaninoff (Artur Rubinstein) - Piano Concerto No. 2 #AlbumOfTheDay Image
Read 195 tweets
YOU PEOPLE - a thread

You people come here and
Take our jobs
Create our jobs
Steal our taxes
Pay our taxes
Take our food
Cook our food
Serve our food
Grow our food
Wear our clothes
Make our clothes
Make us feel unsafe
Keep us safe

#Canada #Immigrants #RemembranceDay2019
You people come here and
Run our hospitals
Fix our hearts
Fix our kidneys
Fix our lungs
Fix our eyes
Fix our ears
Fix our bones
Fix our heads

You people come here and
Drive our cabs
Make our cabs
Drive our trains
Make our trains
Fly our planes
Make our planes

You people come here and
Clean our homes
Build our homes
Buy our homes
Sell our homes
Own our homes

You people come here and
Watch our TV
Make our TV
Run our TV

Read 8 tweets
(1/13) A THREAD for #RemembranceSunday2019👇In preparation for my book on the history of plastic surgery, I’m immersing myself in diaries, letters, & literature from WWI to get a sense of what it was like to live and die in the blood-soaked trenches on the Western Front.
(2/13) The various ways these soldiers could be injured or killed was astonishing. Probably some of the most horrific stories involve men who died after sinking into the copious amounts of mud that filled the trenches and foxholes.
(3/13) In October 1917, Sergeant T. Berry watched a man slowly drown: “He kept begging us to shoot him. But we couldn’t shoot him. Who could shoot him? We stayed with him, watching him go down in the mud. And he died.”
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So this whole #DonCherry poppy debacle puts my Saturday in perspective. Our decision to get out of the city yesterday for a little drive and some leaf peeping went sideways when we encountered White Canada in Schomberg, Ontario. *thread*
Now, Schomberg is a quaint little place about an hour outside Toronto. There’s a cute pub (@TheSchombergPub) with great pretzels. But just before we’d finished lunch, the conversation next to us between some older white men turned pretty randomly ugly.
One of them launched into a tirade about how #ArmisticeDay is not a provincial holiday in Ontario, and how the immigrants don’t respect how real Canadians died for the freedom and way of life they enjoy here, and how they unfairly get time off work to go into the corner and pray.
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#LestWeForget that today is not all about male sacrifice & achievement. A thread of some Scottish women who did their bit. 👇Dr Flora Murray ran military hospitals in Paris, London & Boulogne. She wrote about the challenge of being taken seriously as a female dr. Say what? /1 Black and white photo of Flora Murray
Give up a little of your #RemembranceSunday thoughts to the 24,000 women who volunteered in the Scottish Women's Hospitals which recruited widely & operated in France and in Serbia. These women were legends. The HQ was on St Andrews Square in Edinburgh where Tiles Bar is now. /2 Newspaper cutting about the Scottish Women's hospitals
#WeWillRememberThem This achievement is the greater cos when Dr Elsie Inglis went to Edinburgh Castle to volunteer to organise hospitals, she was told 'Dear Lady go home and sit still' Luckily Elsie didn't. She died in 1917 having inspired all around her & saved 1000s of lives./3 Elsie Inglis in uniform
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They fought to fight for Canada.

They fought for the chance to give their lives for Canada.

They fought for your right to choose.

They are Us. 🇨🇦

#LestWeForget | #RemembranceDay
Canadian soldiers of South East Asia Command in WWII.

Canadian soldiers of No. 2 Construction Battalion in WWI.

Private Buckam Singh was born in India, came to Canada in 1907, and enlisted in the CEF in 1915. He was treated at LCol John McCrae's hospital.

"We thought that serving in the armed forces would be an opportunity for us to prove to the general public that we are loyal Canadians...that we have no hesitation to don the King's uniform and go overseas to fight for our country."

Sergeant Roy Mah is Us.🇨🇦
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Behind all great women are more great women.

On the eve of #RemembranceDay2019, meet one of those great women: Beatrice Nasmyth. #LestWeForget #cdnmedia
Her name was a footnote in a story I recently read about Roberta MacAdams, #AB’s 2nd female legislator elected in 1917.

Unfortunately, Nasmyth’s inspiring story has largely been lost to time even though the Stratford native was a trailblazer for equal rights in Canada.
When WW1 broke out in 1914, she rushed to the frontlines. Writing for the @theprovince, Nasmyth would often go to great lengths to have her stories describing the horrors of the Great War smuggled back to 🇨🇦, defying government censors.
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#Tories Election Cock-Up Chaos so far - a continuing series :

01 - #Tories admit and apologise for a doctored, misrepresentative video of Kier Starmer. Tory MPs like @JohnnyMercerUK leave it on their feed and actively continue to spread.
@JohnnyMercerUK #Tories Election Cock-Up Chaos so far - a continuing series :

02 - #Tories Boris #Johnson gets booed out of Addenbrooke Hospital by staff and patients alike, unmentioned by #BBC, who were right there.
@JohnnyMercerUK #Tories Election Cock-Up Chaos so far - a continuing series :

03 - #Tories MP Jacob Rees Mogg blames #Grenfell victims for their own deaths. It takes him four days before he's forced to retract and apologise.
Read 61 tweets

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