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Russia - Fronte Sud: situazione a Orekhovo (20:00 ora locale)
▶️ Il generale Alexander Romanchuk, dello Stato Maggiore delle Forze Armate 🇷🇺, stima le perdite ucraine/NATO subite in giornata a +350 KIA/WIA, 30 carri armati (tra cui 3 o addirittura 4 Leopard-2A4).
▶️ I combattimenti sono iniziati intorno alle 01:30 (ora locale) con l’assalto di un gruppo tattico della 47ª brigata meccanizzata (1.500 soldati e 150 diversi veicoli corazzati).
▶️ Le forze ucraine hanno lanciato attacchi in 4 direzioni simultaneamente
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▶️ Le manovre di interdizione, che combinando un dispositivo di campo minato, postazioni ATGM e colpi di artiglieria + #RuAF, hanno permesso di esaurire l'assalto ucraino e mantenere coerente la difesa 🇷🇺
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Ucraina - Fronte Est Kharkov: Nord-Est di Kupyansk
Dopo la conquista di Masyutovka il 19 maggio, prosegue l’avanzata delle forze 🇷🇺 (6ª Armata)
➡️ Distrutti un posto di osservazione, 5 trincee e un plotone di soldati ucraini della 14ª brigata meccanizzata e della 105ª brigata di difesa territoriale.
▶️ Attacchi della #RuAF verso Kupyansk, vicino a Kislovka e Kotlyarovka, contro concentrazioni di truppe, armamenti ed equipaggiamento ucraini
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Here's the latest updates to documented material #Russia losses in #Ukraine as of today, and a brief overview of the past month in the micro-🧵 Image
Although April might seem not that different from the past, it actually is, with total 203 recorded losses compared to 306 in March, and 347 in February. Image
'50% drop' would sound overly optimistic for #Russian MoD, though. That's still nearly a tank, a truck, over 2 IFVs each and every day, and occasional IMVs, SPGs, MRLs, helicopters and whatever else #RuAF can sustain every now and then.
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Donbass - Fronte Nord: Bakhmut/Artemovsk
▶️ Centro: le unità Wagner hanno completamente liberato l'area dell'Hotel Transit, respingendo le unità ucraine/NATO oltre la ferrovia.
Tentativi falliti di contrattacco ucraino
▶️ Nord: sforzi delle unità Wagner lungo le vie Levanevsky, Oborona e Pobedy (direzione Sud-Sud-Ovest)
Combattimenti verso l'ex caserma/garage
▶️ Nord-Ovest: offensiva 🇷🇺 verso Khromovo attraverso l'area dell'ufficio dei servizi sociali
▶️ Ovest dell’agglomerato: le unità Wagner hanno sfondato il dispositivo difensivo della 93ª brigata meccanizzata ucraina, sull'asse secondario Khromovo-Chasov Yar
▪️Circa 500 m di strada sotto controllo 🇷🇺
▪️I contrattacchi ucraini sono falliti
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Donbass - Fronte Sud Vuhledar/Ugledar
Le Forze Armate ucraine hanno lanciato una potente offensiva nel settore di Ugledar. Le forze russe hanno risposto con missili Whirlwind lanciati dalla #RuAF contro carri armati, veicoli da combattimento e fanteria nemici.
2/2 Il bilancio delle perdite inflitte alle forze ucraine sarà disponibile domani mattina.
Secondo alcune indiscrezioni, le unità ucraine starebbero ripiegando verso postazioni più sicure.
- I gruppi di assalto delle Forze Armate ucraine avevano lanciato un attacco nella regione di Pavlovka
- Seconda direzione dello sfondamento in zona di Nikolsky
- Gli scontri tra le rovine degli insediamenti sono andati avanti per molte ore
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Donbass - Riepilogo e mappa aggiornata al 13 febbraio 2023

Negli ultimi giorni, la posizione delle Forze armate ucraine sui fronti del Donbass ha continuato a deteriorarsi.

2/ Mentre i combattenti Wagner stanno completando l'accerchiamento del raggruppamento ucraino a Bakhmut, le unità delle Forze armate 🇷🇺 continuano con successo le operazioni offensive nella regione di Kupyansk.
3/ Dopo che il comando ucraino è stato costretto a trasferire significative riserve sul fronte meridionale per salvare il controllo di Ugledar, la difesa ucraina sulle linee del fronte Nord del Donbass ha iniziato a crollare.
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Donbass - Fronte Nord: Bakhmut/Artemovsk
Dal 10 gennaio: netta diminuzione del fuoco di artiglieria NATO/Kiev:
1 - Distruzione di batterie ucraine mediante attacchi 🇷🇺 (artiglieria + #RuAF)
2 - Crisi logistica (mancanza di munizioni e pezzi di ricambio)
▶️ Da dicembre si sono intensificati gli attacchi degli UCAV Lancet, dei Su-25 e dei 2S5 Giatsint-S da 152 mm (Krasnopol) guidati dall'UAV Orlan-10/30, contro le batterie di artiglieria delle brigate meccanizzate 28°, 53° e 63° (+ logistica) ucraina.
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Inoltre, in Ucraina si è verificata una grave crisi logistica: in particolare, problemi di approvvigionamento per gli obici semoventi 2S1 Gvozdika e 2S3 Akatsiya (di origine sovietica), che mancavano di munizioni e pezzi di ricambio.
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Donbass - Fronte Nord: Soledar
▶️ Le forze 🇷🇺 controllano l'asse logistico Soledar-Seversk da ieri e parte dell'asse T0513 Blagodatnoye-Soledar è sotto controllo del fuoco 🇷🇺
➡️ L'unico asse logistico controllato dagli ucraini rimane per il momento la M03 Privolye-Soledar
▶️ Il comando del Gruppo ucraino "Est" ha annunciato l'arrivo di rinforzi per la 128a e 46a brigata (mobilitata con scarso addestramento)
Ma una parte significativa è stata distrutta dai gruppi Wagner: almeno 100 i caduti
▶️ Fuoco intensivo di artiglieria 🇷🇺 + #RuAF e attacchi di precisione:
▪️ Notte del 6 gennaio: Attacco 🇷🇺 contro il quartier generale della 128a Brigata (Starlink HS)
▪️ Notte dal 30 al 31 dicembre: attacco 🇷🇺 contro il quartier generale della 46a brigata (comunicazioni HS)
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Donbass - Fronte Nord: Bakhmut/Artemovsk e Soledar
▶️ Settore Soledar: confermati scontri in direzione dell'amministrazione comunale
=> Pesanti perdite nelle fila NATO/Kiev che sono private delle comunicazioni
=> Ritiro ucraino dalla città ora possibile
▪️Tagliata la rotta logistica ucraina Seversk-Bakhmut
▶️ Nord-Est di Bakhmut:
▪️ Sfondamento della linea di unità della 17ª e 60ª brigata ucraina da Podgorodnoye e Bakhmutskoye
▪️Unità 🇷🇺 a Krasna Gora e Paraskovyevka
(Sgombero in corso)
▪️Parte delle truppe ucraine ha disertato, ma alcuni resistono ancora
▶️ Settore di Bakhmut: le forze NATO/Kiev cercano ancora di fermare l'avanzata delle truppe 🇷🇺
Il centro città è stato trasformato in roccaforte
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2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣2️⃣ Good, bad, or ugly, one thing's for sure: this year turned nothing like #Russia was hoping it would be. With ~26 average confirmed daily losses, it seems to have become one of the greatest material dumps in recent history. Or has it? Let's find out 🧵
But first: while average figures are quite reliable, daily counts not so much, since loss dates are almost never known accurately. Good example is Mar 30, seemingly the worst day with 166 recorded losses:…
Most of them didn't happen on that day, though, only discovered as #RuAF was 'regrouping' away from north #Ukraine. This applies to many more entries on our list with few exceptions. One of them: infamous river crossing attempt near Bilohorivka in mid May.
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Fronte Nord: Bakhmut/Artemovsk
➡️ Bakhmut
▪️ Contrattacco ucraino fallito a Sud di Opytnoye (Sud-Est di Bakhmut)
Sforzi 🇷🇺 nel villaggio da Sud
▪️Kleshcheevka sotto controllo ucraino (resti della 53ª brigata), ma le immediate vicinanze, alture incluse, sotto controllo 🇷🇺
➡️ Rinforzi ucraini:
Un gruppo di mercenari 🇩🇪🇨🇿 della NATO è arrivato sulle posizioni dell'asse Bakhmut-Soledar per rinforzare la 57a brigata di fanteria motorizzata ucraina
▪️Battaglione di artiglieria ucraino trasferito via ferrovia da Pokrovsk a Ivanovskoye
▶️ Settore Soledar: sfondamento 🇷🇺 delle difese della 10ª Brigata della Guardia Nazionale ucraina a Yakovlevka in Belogorovka (Nord-Est di Soledar)
▶️ Settore Toretsk/Dzerzhinsk
▪️Contrattacco fallito del 5° rgt d'assalto ucraino alle difese 🇷🇺 Linea Shumy-Novgorodskoye
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⚠️#Ukraine - Front Sud (18h00 local) -1/3-
▶️Secteur de Posad-Pokrovskoye : forces🇺🇦 ont été relevées ; l'artillerie🇷🇺 a frappé les formations nouvellement arrivées
▶️Secteur de Snigirevka : échec d'une nouvelle attaque d'unités de la 63e brig. méca🇺🇦 à Maksimovka
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⚠️#Ukraine - Front Sud (18h00 local) -2/4-
▶️Secteur Andreevka : malgré l'échec des éléments de la 46e brigade sur Sadok ce matin, le commandement🇺🇦 continue de transférer des effectifs et du matériel via les pontons sur l'Ingulets
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⚠️#Ukraine - Front Sud (18h00 local) -3/4-
➡️Artillerie + #RuAF frappent régulièrement les pontons et les positions défensives🇺🇦 sur l'Ingulets
Sur Blagodatovka : déploiement de moyens de défense sol-air🇺🇦
▶️Des duels d'artillerie se poursuivent sur le secteur de Berislav
.../... Image
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⚠️#Donbass - Front Nord : secteurs de Kupyansk - Svatovo (12h00 local) -1/4-
▶️Effort🇺🇦 freiné des 1er, 2e & 4e bat./14e brig. méca au NNE de la poche de Kupyansk
▪️Freinages dus aux frappes🇷🇺 (artillerie + #RuAF) & actions des DRG/Spetsnaz🇷🇺 sur les artères logistiques🇺🇦
⚠️#Donbass - Front Nord : secteurs de Kupyansk - Svatovo (12h00 local) -2/4-
▪️Refus d'une partie de la 14e brigade (épuisement de la troupe) d'attaquer la zone fortifiée🇷🇺
▶️Frappe missile🇷🇺 a détruit une unité logistique🇺🇦 à Sinkovka = unités déplacées à Petropavlovka
⚠️#Donbass - Front Nord : secteurs de Kupyansk - Svatovo (12h00 local) -3/4-
▪️Des batteries sol-air🇺🇦 ont été amenées vers Kupyansk
▪️Des systèmes de défense aérienne🇺🇦 Osa-AKM et Tor-M1 (sortis de la réserve) déployés à Ivanovka (Nord Lyman)
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950/ #Shaheed / #Geran2 UAVs buzzing early this evening over #Odesa #Odessa #Nikolaev #Kherson #Donbas
951/ 1AK artillery / #DPR battalion "Somali" at work. #Donetsk #Donbass #Lugansk
952/ RF Military equipment on the move towards #Donbas #Donbass (13x MSTA-S and 20x MT-LBu). #Kherson #Lugansk #Donetsk
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Ucraina, Fronte sud: settore Andreevka
▶️ Per 1 mese, le forze ucraine hanno subito perdite molto pesanti in questo settore
➡️ Il comando ucraino non può più effettuare la turnazione degli effettivi, ora le unità sono in posizione di difesa

➡️ Il comando operativo meridionale ucraino attende nuove riserve e equipaggiamento occidentale
➡️ Le condizioni meteorologiche non facilitano la minima iniziativa a terra
▶️ Ieri, a seguito di un altro tentativo fallito ucraino di assalto a Davydov Brod, le unità di Kiev si sono ritirate a Bereznegovatoye per ripristinare la loro capacità di combattimento
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Let's take a look at the topography of #Severodonetsk and examine the role it is playing in the battle for the city.

#Severodonetsk is flanked to the SW by hills running along the Donets River that are between 300-500 feet higher than the city as shown in the topo map below. 🧵
This offers a series of advantages to whoever holds the hills. Some of those assets are: Observation, better cover, excellent firing positions, ability to fire from defilade, and one of the most important assets in this battle, the ability to observe and adjust artillery fire.
#Ukrainian troops have been using the hills along the Donets to shield their artillery from observation & fire behind the cover and concealment of the hillside. This is also known as firing from defilade. Essentially, using the trajectory of a round to hit an unobservable target.
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#Lyman Axis - #Russian forces have likely already captured or are in the process of capturing Svyatohirs'k, after the bridge SE to the Donets River was destroyed, This cut off all supplies or reinforcements. Bridge destruction was confirmed via video below.
#NASA #FIRMS 24 hour data shows huge fires in Svyatohirsk & Bohorodychne, especially when considering the cities small size. This indicates that some type of shelling or other explosive discharges are very concentrated on these two cities. This is likely #RuAF artillery fire.
Video clearly shows the Monastery on the #Ukrainian controlled side across the river from Svyatohirsk that has dropped its last section into the water. The #UAF needed this bridge to keep a resistance in the city supplied and reinforced. It is now lost.
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#Severodonetsk - #Ukraine suffered a major setback to its counterattack in the last day & has been pushed back into the industrial zone in the W of the city. #Russian forces have advanced forward of previous lines but a blistering artillery barrage from both sides is underway.
#NASA FIRMS 24 hours data shows that huge sections of the city were on fire today, which is an indicator of shelling or explosives. The shelling appears to be from #Ukraine & #Russian directed at both forward units and resupply and command control areas of the opposite side.
This artillery barrage is creating a zone between the line of contact that is essentially occupied by neither side at the moment because any soldier who is spotted in that zone is immediately hit with a massive barrage. We have updated our map to indicate the unoccupied zone.
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#Severodonetsk - #Ukrainian troops pressed their advantage in the city today & pushed #Russian forces back for a second day. #UAF is now in control of around 50% of the city w/ the entire industrial zone to the W & several portions of the residential zone under #Ukraine control.
#Russia is quickly moving reinforcements towards the city to try to finish the assault, however #UAF is also moving more troops into the city to continue the counterattack. Videos of #UAF Foreign Legion operating in the city were released today.
Several #RuAF sources have confirmed the counterattack, foreign legion fighting, RuAF casualties and the intense fighting. They have also stated that #Ukraine is attempting to create a kill box in the city to cause RuAF casualties. However, these sources deny the lost territory.
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#Severodonetsk - In a surprise move, #Ukraine has reinforced the city with heavily armed troops and the #UAF foreign legion & counterattacked #Russian Forces. #UAF has reportedly recaptured 20% of the city & Metolkine to the E. This was first reported by pro-#RuAF sources.
This counterattack is evidenced by #NASA FIRMS 1 day data which shows fires in Metolkine & to the NE of previous frontlines in the city. The map below indicates that fighting has dislodged #Russian forces from their previous gains & that #Ukraine has recaptured ground.
#Severodonetsk is a must capture city for #Russia, no matter the cost. Therefore, it is highly likely that #Russia will dump any remaining combat power into the city ASAP to complete the capture. #Ukraine likely realizes this and is merely trying to inflict max casualties.
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#Severodonetsk - #Russian troops made further gains today capturing the cultural center (Chemists Palace of Culture), the city council building & other city administrative buildings. The mayor today said that #Ukraine controlled only 20% of the city mostly in the industrial zone.
#Ukrainian troops have started to withdraw across the river to the defenses at Lysychans'k. A contingent is holding a line in the W side but will be forced to withdraw soon. A video from today (screenshot below) was geolocated to 48.95361, 38.49073 w no fighting in the area.
The video in question shows several dead bodies that appear to be civilians. There is now way to determine who killed them from the video. It also shows that there is no fighting or #RuAF defenses in the area, which indicates the frontlines have moved further W by some distance.
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#Severodonetsk - #Russian troops have made significant advances in the city today. #RUAF has advanced beyond the city concert hall & have captured government buildings in the city center. Geolocated videos show #RUAF in control of at least 50% of the city. Videos in next tweet.
Videos of #Chechen fighters from today show a tour of the city center. The blue and white roofed building has been geolocated to: 48.94644, 38.49439. The lack of fighting or tactical posture by #Chechen's indicates that the frontlines are far away from this location.
There are rumors that #Ukrainian forces have begun a general withdrawal from the NE side of the Donets River. This is likely to happen soon if it has not happened already, given that #Russian forces are now in a position to trap #UAF into pockets with no escape route to the SW.
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The #UnitedStates is considering whether to send HIMARS to #Ukraine in its fight against #Russia. What is the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) and could a deep strike precision guided munition tip the scales towards #Ukraine in the #UkraineRussiaWar?
HIMARS are capable of firing both rockets & missiles. The most common rocket is the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System M31A1 rocket (see below) that comes in pods of 6 rockets. These rockets can travel beyond 70km (reportedly 84km) to strike targets with an accuracy of 2m.
The M31A1 rockets have a 200 pound warhead with a variable fuse that can be used in different modes to engage different target sets. This include: point detonating (explodes when it hits), proximity fuse (explodes at 3m or 10m above ground) or delay (1m or 2m delay after impact).
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#Severodonetsk - #Ukrainian troops have successfully counterattacked & removed the #Russian forces on the #Bakhmut - Lysychans'k road and have started moving supplies W on the road again. This "Road of Life" is not the only route but it is the best one the #UAF has right now.
This road is a must capture for #Russia and a must hold for the #Ukraine. If #Russia is able to re-capture & build strong defenses, #Ukraine will likely be unable to take it back anytime soon. This leaves 1 well built supply route on the Siversk to Lysychans'k road.
#Russia still has excellent observation and can fire artillery at vehicles passing along the Siversk to Lysychans'k road & #Bakhmut - Lysychans'k road. This means that all #Ukrainian resupplies will be under fire by #RUAF for miles as they pass in front of the frontlines.
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