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1/13 Disinformation and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine: This thread is about the Informational Warfare Landscape in which #Nafo operates.

#Disinformation is the false, inaccurate, or misleading information deliberately created, presented and disseminated, whereas…… Image
2/13 The Russian disinformation narratives are often false, or obscure facts with half-truths and “#whataboutisms” (efforts to respond to an issue by comparing it to a different issue that does not engage with the original one).

Russian actors employ a diverse strategy to…… Image
3/13 Similar tactics have continued and expanded during the war, pointing to the ongoing evolution of disinformation approaches and constant need to adapt and respond. The UK Government, for example, found that TikTok influencers were being paid to amplify pro-Russian narratives.…… Image
Read 13 tweets
🔴 #Sputnik | #Rusia 🇷🇺
El agresor Alexei Z, quien ya había pasado 10 años en prisión por una causa que se relacionó con “sus servicios sexuales”, se declaró culpable de asesinar al científico. Image
#Alexei Z., de 29 años habría entrado al departamento del científico #Botikov, para más tarde, estrangularlo con su mismo cinturón, según la agencia RIA Novosti y otros.
Por su trabajo en el “Centro Gamaleya”, #Botikov había sido premiado con la medalla “al mérito a la patria”. Image
#SputnikV | Rusia 🇷🇺
Según Yulia Ivanova, asistente principal del jefe de la oficina central de la capital del Comité de Investigación, el hecho se produjo este viernes en un departamento ubicado en la calle Rogova, en Moscú. Image
Read 5 tweets
Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱#MxplayTV|💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | @lopezobrador_ adelantó que hoy se presentará un informe sobre el juicio de #GarcíaLuna que comenzó el lunes 23 de enero, y dijo que es "muy vergonzoso" que el ex secretario de Seguridad Pública presuntamente protegiera a un cártel y recibiera dinero
#ConferenciaPresidente | @lopezobrador_ explicó que los abogados de #GarcíaLuna alegan que la Fiscalía no cuenta con pruebas, "que se están valiendo de testigos protegidos que tienen también antecedentes penales", y destacó que "hasta ahora no ha habido pruebas fehacientes"
Read 36 tweets
🧶 Ce qu’a réalisé @MarvelStudios avec #WakandaForever sur le plan de la désinformation géopolitique est inédit. L’idéologie woke d’une giga-entreprise vient de frapper la réputation mondiale de la France en la représentant en train de coloniser le Mali.
Wakanda Forever a déjà réuni plus de 3 millions de spectateurs en France. Pb : c'est un film révisionniste, une fake-news MONUMENTALE. Sous couvert de fiction il fait directement écho à la guerre du Mali, dont il livre une interprétation ahurissante.
La 🇫🇷 y est représentée comme une puissance néocoloniale qui fait intervenir ses mercenaires au #Mali sur un motif fallacieux afin de pouvoir y piller un métal fictif rare, le vibranium. Comme si l'armée française était assimilable à #Wagner.
Read 23 tweets
Take a look at how #China #Russia #Iran and #DomesticExtremist conduct influence operations – #disinformation and #misinformation campaigns – to disrupt and influence US #Midterms2022 elections. Read the full report here: Image
The #Russophobia theme emerged on a #RussiaTimes interview with #DmitryBabich and in June 2022 with FSB-directed #Southfront. This appeal to ethnic Russians could drive tension between them and US govt, possibly motivating a hack-and-leak or hack-and-fake #OctoberSurprise. 2/7 Image
Russian state-controlled media are diversifying existing infrastructure through registration of alternative website domains – website “mirrors” – and are increasingly using country code Top Level Domains within existing infrastructure. Chart shows mirror mentions for #Sputnik 3/7 Image
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🇪🇺 "Nous sommes dans un monde compétitif où tout est militarisé. Tout est une arme : l'énergie, les investissements, l'information, les flux migratoires, les données, etc."

Excellent discours de @JosepBorrellF hier en ouverture de la conf. des ambassadeurs de l'UE.

THREAD 👇 Image
🇪🇺 "Nous sommes dans un monde d'incertitude radicale. La vitesse et l'ampleur du changement sont exceptionnelles. Nous ne devons pas essayer de le nier, [...] d'y résister. Nous devons l'accepter et nous y adapter, en privilégiant la flexibilité et la résilience." @JosepBorrellF
🇪🇺 "Je pense que nous, Européens, sommes confrontés à une situation dans laquelle nous subissons les conséquences d'un processus qui dure depuis des années et dans lequel nous avons découplé les sources de notre prospérité des sources de notre sécurité." @JosepBorrellF
Read 53 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 214 - Iniciamos el #hilo diario con este vídeo de un drone de diseño iraní impactando sobre un edificio en #Odesa. No se ve demasiado claro, pero sí lo suficiente.

🟥 Gracias por compartir 🙏
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 214 - Este es el informe de situación sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 214 - Cuando te convocan con 51 años y sin experiencia militar, cosas de la administración... Tampoco pasó ningún examen médico.

Read 40 tweets
🇫🇷🇲🇱🇷🇺 Une guerre informationnelle entre la France et le #Mali sous la houlette de la #Russie et du groupe #Wagner, se déroule actuellement sur les réseaux sociaux.

Longtemps passifs, @francediplo et @Armees_Gouv se sont résolus à riposter.

🇲🇱 Souvenez-vous, le 22 avril dernier.
Une vidéo comportant des images chocs de cadavres noirs à moitié ensevelis est publiée sur Twitter.
"C’est ce que les Français ont laissé derrière eux quand ils ont quitté la base à Gossi." #desinformation
(vidéo via @lemondefr)
Pour les militaires français, aucun doute : il s’agit d’un grossier montage des mercenaires #Wagner, arrivés à Gossi la veille aux côtés des #FAMa.

Manque de bol pour les Maliens, l'@EtatMajorFR avait flairé le coup et un drone Reaper filmait le "tournage des Russes" !
Read 49 tweets
Dear @POTUS @JoeBiden @WhiteHouse,

1/ I've been an admirer since the 1980s when I would've identified as @GOP. Joe Biden always seemed like one of our smartest and most decent public servants. You were my 1st choice in 2008 & I was very happy when you were chosen as VP.
2/ Obv I supported you in 2020 & was able to help advance that campaign in small ways. Having a good person for the nominee was a happy bonus. But overall it was a crisis that called all-hands-on-deck. I would've helped anybody.

That crisis still is here. It hasn't gone away.
3/ Now as we near the halfway mark of the #BidenAdministration & #Midterms2022 the crisis actually has worsened. Things have gotten worse, not better in #Biden years. Now is an urgent, maybe last chance to muster the nation to meet the crisis.

I'm worried you're not doing that.
Read 14 tweets
Unter #ploetzlichundunerwartet sammeln Denkpest Infizierte immer wieder Todesfälle ohne jeglichen Zusammenhang zur Impfung für Impf-Panikmache missbrauchen. Nun hat sich Wolfgang Süß die Mühe gemacht, all diese "Fälle" auf einer Webseite zu sammeln
Alleine schon die ersten Fälle auf dieser Seite sind Sportler, die #ploetzlichundunerwartet gestorben sind, bevor überhaupt in dieser Altersklasse geimpft wurde 🤡
Dann noch Fälle wie Katie Mayer, die Selbstmord begangen hat - angeblich auch eine #ploetzlichunderwartet #Impfnebenwirkung?
Read 31 tweets

Te voy a pedir que prestes atencion a cada detalle, fechas, precios, documentos oficiales y sigas hasta el final para conocer la verdad.

Pero sobretodo a que le des RT para que SEPAMOS que paso!

2⃣El 23/12/2020 partia hacia Moscu el primer vuelo de @Aerolineas_AR en busca de las #Sputnik V para regresar a Argentina el 24/12/2020

Traerian las primeras 300mil dosis para el #COVID19 segun informaban las autoridades

@AgenciaTelam daba la noticia🔥…
3⃣El operativo fue de @ginesggarcia y @carlavizzotti y con el aval de @CFKArgentina y @alferdez decidieron pagar 3 veces mas

Hora de pagar. Aqui el documento oficial! @Aerolineas_AR recibia el ingreso a los 60 dias.

Una aventura de 305.250 dolares!🔥🔥…
Read 11 tweets
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
L'Entità che rappresenta il governo sovranazionale vi fa credere che siamo deboli perché ci temono.Nel momento in cui noi ci uniremo, cadranno. Per questo temono il Risveglio dei Popoli
Siamo armati di consapevolezza, il potere oscuro dei media è finito
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
L'Italia supporta l'Askenazita, non Ebreo Zelensky finanziato da S🕸ros e messo nel governo ucraino per gestire gli affari delle Elite mondiali.
L'Italia è nei Bio Laboratori venefici in Ucraina pronti a spargere veleni in Russia con mezzi aerei turchi
Via #vincenzotrasmissioni
Il file di #Sputnik il sistema non me lo rende disponibile.
I rapporti tra mafia, politica e finanza sono il cuore del sistema corrotto definito Entità dagli stessi Magistrati come Ferraro e Imposimato. L'Entità ci ha ucciso i nostri Magistrati
Read 53 tweets
Vi ricordate quando i #novax agitavano il feticcio della #Russia che sconfigge #COVID19 con #arbidol e #avigan ma i #noncielodikeno?
Quando #sputnik era un #vaccino ma non "i #vaccini", col 200% di efficacia e #Putin ti insegna a cavalcare gli orsi? Forse non è un caso...
Read 5 tweets
The #Kremlin again accused #Ukraine, without evidence, of developing dirty bombs and biological weapons. Meanwhile #TikTok will ban Russian users from uploading content and #Telegram’s founder speaks out. This and more in today’s #RussianWarReport🇷🇺 🧵⬇️:…
.@mfa_russia claimed that Ukrainian forces "mined a reactor at an experimental nuclear facility” in order to “accuse #Russia of creating an ecological catastrophe” and that it had obtained proof that #Ukraine and the US had collaborated to develop biological weapons. Image
@mfa_russia The #Kremlin has repeatedly used forged documents, including false signatures, as part of previous influence operations, notably a campaign that @DFRLab referred to as Operation Secondary Infektion in its 2019 investigation of Russian influence activities.…
Read 15 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania (día 11) - Un nuevo día y, tristemente, un nuevo #hilo 🧵 sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

Gracias a todos por estar ahí.
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania (día 11) - Hay reportes (cautela) sobre el supuesto traslado de carros de combate de las escuelas de entrenamiento del Ejército rusos trasladados hacia Ucrania, lo que significaría que tienen problemas para cubrir las pérdidas.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania (día 11) - Medios rusos hablan sobre la posibilidad de que Ucrania esté construyendo "bombas sucias" basadas en plutonio, como alternativa a las armas nucleares:

Read 55 tweets
⚠️⚠️List of Sanctions on #Russia⚠️⚠️
The following companies have decided to limit or suspend operations:

@apple Pay — full lock;
@apple — complete exit from the market;
@adidas — refusal to work with the Russian national #football team;
@AudiOfficial — exit from the market;
@AMD — ban on the supply of #microchips & soon ban on the supply of #videocards;
@amazon — CEO pledges to help in logistics, cybersecurity;
@Adobe — turned off their services;
@BALENCIAGA — removed all posts from its @instagram page, leaving only a post with the #Ukrainian flag and words of support;
@bp_plc -withdrew 19.75% of shares from Rosneft;
@BMW — closes plants, blocks supplies;
@boltapp — €5M in assistance to #Ukraine;
Read 26 tweets
#RECAP ⎮ From an important resolution and show of unity at the #UN 🇺🇳 to updated sanctions, discover the latest on how #France 🇫🇷 shows its support to #Ukraine ⤵️
#UN 🇺🇳⎮ #France 🇫🇷 co-sponsored the General Assembly resolution on #Russian 🇷🇺 aggression against #Ukraine 🇺🇦.

@franceonu urged all states to vote to defend the @UN 🇺🇳 Charter and to uphold Ukraine's sovereignty with this resolution 👇 Image
@franceonu @UN @francediplo @francediplo_EN @Elysee @EmmanuelMacron @Europe2022FR #UN 🇺🇳⎮ 🗳️ The @UN #GeneralAssembly adopted the resolution condemning this #resolution with 141 member states voting in favor.

Per @franceonu, this is an urgent call on #Russia to stop this unjustifiable #invasion.

Read 9 tweets
.@Google, @Meta, and @Twitter all took action against Russian state-owned media accounts to limit the spread of harmful info online. Meanwhile, #Russia has continued to escalate its crackdown on independent media. New #RussianHybridWarReport🇷🇺 out now🧵⬇️…
@Google @Meta @Twitter .@Google, @Meta, and @Twitter took action against Russian state-owned media accounts, restricting or blocking several Kremlin-owned media organizations. @Facebook and @instagram prohibited ads wile @YouTube blocked #RT and #Sputnik’s channels across Europe.
@Google @Meta @Twitter @Facebook @instagram @YouTube #Russia’s #Duma chairman approved a proposal that would introduce criminal liability for sharing “fake” content about Russia’s armed forces. Currently a draft, the punishment outlined would be 15 yrs in prison and could intimidate Russian internet users.…
Read 15 tweets
On #refugees, 🇪🇺President @VonDerLeyen says she is proud of the Europeans who have travelled to the border to help the arrivals.

"We welcome with open arms those Ukrainians who have to flee from Putin's bombs"

The EU will send assistance to the Eastern member states to help.
@JosepBorrellF, who will chair a meeting of EU foreign affairs ministers starting now expected to last all night, says "Ukrainian forces are fiercely fighting back and showing a heroic resistance to this invasion"

Ukraine asked for #SWIFT & arms he says, and now 🇪🇺 is doing both
"This afternoon #Putin has announced that he's putting Russian nuclear deterrent forces on high alert," says Borrell.

G7 foreign ministers just had an emergency meeting on this.
Read 7 tweets
EU-Kommissionspräsidentin vion der #Leyen hat soeben mitgeteilt, dass Werkzeuge entwickelt werden sollen, die Medienmaschinerie #Russland's (z.B. #Sputnik und #RussiaToday) zu stoppen. /TN #Ukraine…
#vonderLeyen will #RussiaToday & #Sputnik verbieten. Endlich. Diese Propagandaschleudern hätten schon vor Jahren bekämpft werden müssen. /MS
ich persönlich sehe es wie Mario.
Die #BILD ist Rügenmeister. Wir haben Compact. Wir haben die Falun-Gong-Sekte. Wir haben noch viele weiterer solcher Medien.

Ein Eingriff in die #Pressefreiheit sollte stets vermieden werden. /TN
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🇪🇺President @VonDerLeyen and High Rep @JosepBorrellF announce, "for the first time ever, the European Union will finance purchase and deliver military equipment to a country that is under attack."

"This is a watershed moment."
President @VonDerLeyen also announces that *all* EU airspace is being closed to all Russian airlines. Any plane: chartered or commercial.

"Our airspace will be closed to every Russian plane, and that includes the private jets of oligarchs."
Third - the EU is banning Russian state propaganda TV channel #RussiaToday and #Sputnik.

"They will no longer be able to spread their lies to justify #Putin's war and to sew division in our union."
Read 12 tweets
Étant d'origine Russe, ayant de la famille sur place, j'en ai plus que marre du #RussianBashing des médias français, et des occidentaux moralisateurs en général. Que dirait les USA si la Russie allait installer des bases opérationnelle avancées au Mexique et à Cuba ? 1/2
De plus, n'oublions pas que les accords de Minsk ne concerne que les territoires de la Crimée et du Donbass. Les termes était l'arrêt de l'avancée des pro-russes au-delà de ces territoires. C'est ce qui a été fait. Poutine ne fait que reconnaître une république qui a déjà 8 ans.
Biden et les représentants de L'OTAN n'ont qu'à arrêter de prendre les gens pour des cons. N'avaient ils pas promis en 1989 de ne pas s'étendre en direction des frontières Russe ? Qui sème le vent, récolte la tempête.

#Ukraine #RussiaUkraineCrisis #Russia #UkraineCrisis #Donetsk
Read 90 tweets
BREAKING [Thread] @sahpra1 has registered the Chinese #COVID19 jab of #Sinopharm 4 people of 18+:

1. Internationally, the jab = known as Sinopharm/ BBIBP
2. It was originally developed by the Beijing Institute of Biological Products
3. It’s given as 2 injections, 2-4 weeks apart
2. Who applied for @sahpra1 approval?
1. International companies can’t apply directly to Sahpra 4 authorisation. They have to use a local company
2. #Sinopharm (a Chinese state-owned company) partnered with MC Pharma, a SA pharmaceutical company
3. Don’t get confused: Two local companies have applied with @sahpra1 for authorisation use of #Sinopharm’s #COVID19 vaccine:
1. MC Pharma (this is the application that’s been approved)
2. LHC Pharmaceuticals (this application has not yet been approved)
Read 21 tweets
JUST IN [Thread] 1. @SAHPRA1 is reviewing 6 #COVID19 #vaccine applications for emergency use authorisation (called Section 21 approval), including new applications for #Sputnik Lite (1 shot of the 2-shot #Sputnik V jab) and #Novavax.
2. Four of the 6 #COVID19 #vaccine applications are for 2 of the same jabs. So different companies applied 4 approval 4 the same vaccines:
1. #Sputnik (Dr Reddy's Labs, Lamar International)
2. #Sinopharm (MC Pharma, Lamar International; Lamar also applied for Sputnik Lite)
3. On 18 Oct @SAHPRA1 rejected Lamar International's application 4 #Sputnik because of concerns that it might increase HIV negative people's risk of #HIV infection. The application remains open. Lamar needs to submit data to prove the jab is safe.

Read 10 tweets

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