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Raport z frontu:

Kupiańsk - bez większych zmian w przebiegu linii frontu. Od wielu tygodni nic specjalnego i ciekawego nie dzieje się w tym regionie. Siły UA miały w kilka obszarach odzyskać pojedyncze pozycje, ale bez większego znaczenia dla sytuacji w regionie. 1/ Image
Swatowo. Tutaj również "względna cisza" na froncie. Obecnie jest to chyba najbardziej spokojny fragment frontu. Samo Swatowo w ostatnim czasie nie jest zbyt mocno ostrzeliwane przez siły UA. 2/ Image
Kreminna. Również brak większych zmian w przebiegu linii frontu. UA próbują sondować rosyjskie pozycje w kierunki wsi Dibrowa, ale bez zbędnego angażowania się w walki. 3/ Image
Read 11 tweets
"Con il ritorno della #Guerra sul suolo #europeo, non potrebbe esserci un momento più opportuno e appropriato per gli Stati membri dell'#UE per concordare una bussola strategica per la sicurezza e la #difesa di adesso. Preparato dal Servizio europeo per l'azione esterna (#SEAE)
negli ultimi due anni e adottato dagli Stati membri il 21 marzo, definisce un piano per rafforzare la politica di sicurezza e di difesa dell'#UE entro il #2030 con l'obiettivo di diventare "un servizio di sicurezza più #assertivo e decisivo fornitore” .
La bussola guiderà la politica di sicurezza e difesa dell'#UE per gli anni a venire, sulla base di una valutazione comune delle minacce e delle sfide geostrategiche #globali, di una visione comune di dove andare, nonché degli obiettivi e delle azioni proposte per raggiungere
Read 35 tweets
@LCI, 14 03, "Brunet Hammet&Cie": journalistes et "experts" critiquant les propos où V.#Poutine se plaint de s'être fait berner par l'Occident font semblant de ne pas savoir que A.#Merkel et F.#Hollande ont avoué que les accords de Minsk => donner du temps à l'#UA pour s'armer... Image
Ils se prennent aussi à la plainte de V.#Poutine => le bloc américano-otanien vise à  dépecer la #Russie, cette fois-ci en faisant semblant de ne pas savoir que cet avatar est inclus dans des documents américains clé tels la doctrine #Wolfowitz et le rapport 2019 de la Rand Corp. Image
... Occulter sciemment des éléments clé pour la comprehension d'un sujet c'est une forme grave de mensonge car, cela brouille les esprits facilite l'occultation des responsabilités et des responsables du pourrissement grave d'une situation...
Read 4 tweets
Die gute Nachricht - 116 Verteidiger der 🇺🇦sind frei. 87 Soldaten der #UA-Armee, 8 der @TDF_UA , 7 Nationalgardisten, 6 Polizisten, 5 Grenzschützer, 2 Matrosen und 1 Vertreter des Staatlichen Notdienstes. Die anderen nicht vergessen. 👇
#ArmUkraineNow #Russian #GLSDBAreFree
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Félix Tshisekedi è il presidente della Repubblica Democratica del Congo #RDC. Classe '63, Gran Maestro dell'Ordine Nazionale del Leopardo, è figlio di Étienne Tshisekedi che fu tre volte primo ministro di Mobutu quando il Paese si chiamava Zaire. 1/nélix_Tsh…
Per i più giovani, Mobutu fu uno dei dittatori più sanguinari e spietati della storia d'#Africa e dominò lo Zaire dal 1965 al 1997 dopo aver eliminato, con il sostegno del Belgio e della CIA, il primo presidente eletto Patrice Lumumba. 2/n…
Fu durante gli anni di Mobutu che l'attuale RDC si conquistò un posto speciale nella grazie della Casa Bianca, in quanto baluardo contro il comunismo in Africa centrale. La Repubblica Democratica del Congo ha anche ottime relazioni con il #Marocco e il 2021, che ha visto 3/n
Read 22 tweets
While the world is caught up in the incredible features of #GA4, it's completely normal to overlook specific differences that make it so.

The ultimate breakdown of #GoogleAnalytics4 vs #UniversalAnalytics, by your new ultimate guide to GA4.

🚀Here it goes!
📊Different Data Models
#GA4 uses an event-based data model as opposed to UA's hit-type one.

📒Reporting Interface
#UniversalAnalytics had more reports, yes, but with #GoogleAnalytics4 you can customize your reports with all your favourite metrics. Universal Analytics vs Goog...
🧑‍💻Bounce Rate and Engagement Rate
The new metric is called engagement rate. It measures the time spent on the landing page and monitors the visitors.

🧑‍⚖️IP Anonymization
Under #GDPR, your IP address is personal data. With #GA4, IP addresses are automatically anonymized. Universal Analytics vs Goog...
Read 5 tweets
/1 Cosa c’è scritto sulla #Vyshyvanka?

Dopo aver esaminato migliaia di varietà di ricami antichi ucraini si è scoperto che questi, non sono semplici #ricami ma i messaggi in codice

Con dentro i nomi, le frasi, le preghiere ecc⤵️ ImageImage
/2 il ricamo in UA non aveva solo un significato estetico, ma anche simbolico e sacro

Cerchi, croci, rombi e spirali sono simboli unici, equiparati a corpi celesti, flora e fauna, famiglia, umanità, ecc

Lo ha descritto Volodymyr Pidhirniak nel suo libro «Ricami di testo ⤵️ ImageImageImage
/3 Ecco come appare l'alfabeto ucraino nella versione crittografata

I simboli dell’alfabeto #ucraino (in #cirillico) venivano ricamati in verticale, orizontale o diagonale

#vyshyvanka #ricami #ucraina #tradizioneucraina
⤵️ Image
Read 21 tweets
950/ #Shaheed / #Geran2 UAVs buzzing early this evening over #Odesa #Odessa #Nikolaev #Kherson #Donbas
951/ 1AK artillery / #DPR battalion "Somali" at work. #Donetsk #Donbass #Lugansk
952/ RF Military equipment on the move towards #Donbas #Donbass (13x MSTA-S and 20x MT-LBu). #Kherson #Lugansk #Donetsk
Read 1333 tweets
Znany z prorosyjskich poglądów i zaangażowany w działania na rzecz propagandy Kremla „politolog” Konrad Rękas po raz kolejny szerzy antypolskie kłamstwa.
W rozmowie z prowadzącym działania dezinformacyjne rosyjskim portalem Strana Rękas przekonuje, że Polacy domagają się od Ukrainy odszkodowania za utracone podczas IIWŚ mienie.
Jak twierdzi Rękas, Ponad 1500 pozwów o zwrot mienia z zachodniej #UA lub odszkodowań za nieruchomości miało zostać złożone w ukraińskich sądach przez Polaków przymusowo wysiedlonych z UA.
Read 6 tweets
RUS #propaganda machine continues to spread false claims that smear Poland & other allies of #Ukraine, pit Poles and Ukrainians against each other, question the statehood of #UA and mock its army, denigrate the West. Below are examples of the recently reported Russian narratives:
- Poland is a US’s tool to spark unrest in #Europe

- #PL instigates the West to wage a war against Russia & #Belarus

- PL’s territorial claims in #UA span from #Lviv to #Kharkiv

- Poles have had it with the #refugees from #UA

- Ukrainians are coming to #PL only for allowances
- Ukraine is fabricating its cultural legacy

- there’s no such thing as Ukrainian statehood

- ordinary Ukrainians are waiting to be liberated by Russia

- the #UA troops are burning down cropland to cause famine

- weapons supplied to UA are being sold on the black market
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#propaganda Kremla nieustannie szerzy fałszywe narracje, w których oczernia Polskę i innych sojuszników Ukrainy, antagonizuje Polaków i Ukraińców, podważa ukraińską suwerenność, deprecjonuje armię #UA i utrwala negatywny obrazu Zachodu.
Oto główne rosyjskich tezy z ost. okresu:

- Polska to narzędzie w rękach USA do zaogniania sytuacji w Europie
- PL podżega do wojny Zachodu z Rosją i Białorusią
- zakusy terytorialne PL wobec #UA sięgają od Lwowa aż po Charków
- narasta niechęć Polaków do uchodźców z #UA
- Ukraińcy przyjechali do #PL po zasiłki
- UA sztucznie promuje swój dorobek kulturalny
- nie istnieje „państwowość ukraińska”
-„zwykli” Ukraińcy czekają na rosyjskie „wyzwolenie”
- wojsko UA ostrzeliwuje pola, by spowodować głód
- Ukraińcy zarabiają na przemycie broni z Zachodu.
Read 6 tweets
"I never check Google Analytics because reports are always wrong - most of my sales are shown as DIRECT or REFERRAL, and it doesn't help me."

This thread is for you if you are a #Shopify merchant who lost faith in Google Analytics' credibility on your sales data.
The basics of #traffic

Understanding where your traffic comes from will help you make sense of your organic traffic and the outcomes of your marketing efforts. Here are the two common traffic #attributions that, if not configured correctly, might mess up your sales data.
Direct traffic: Users enter your shop by typing your URL into a browser.

Common DT problems:
-The cross-domain tracking is not set correctly.
-Unnecessary #redirections
-Not having proper #UTM parameters on your Facebook Ads.
-The #GA4 pixel is installed on your website twice.
Read 11 tweets
One of Russia’s top propagandists, head of Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Naryshkin has yet again implied that Poland seeks to grab western Ukraine after the latter is defeated by Russia and to create a buffer zone spanning central #UA. His remarks convey two lies.
Firstly, with these words Naryshkin amplifies an anti-Polish #propaganda campaign launched by Russia in response to a unprecedented support Poland provides to the fighting Ukraine. The aim of this campaign is to smear #PL & turn Poles and Ukrainians against each other.
Secondly, Naryshkin hints that the Russian invasion of Ukraine won’t stretch beyond Ukraine’s eastern lands, thus downplaying the threat posed by Russia. However, acc to intelligence, the risk that Russia will capture the whole of Ukraine can’t be ruled out.
Read 4 tweets
Russian disinformation: situation report

Russia is adapting its #propaganda activities to the course of war it’s been waging against #Ukraine. As a country actively engaged in helping Ukraine, Poland is one of the prime targets of Russian information warfare efforts.
The following are some of the identified anti-Polish narratives, including those in use for quite a while and completely new ones.

- Poles are most numerous among the mercenaries fighting alongside Ukraine (a narrative now heavily exploited)
- #PL fighters are supporting Russia (an emerging narrative)
- #PL wants to seize UA (old narrative) + granting #UA an #EU candidate status serves this goal (new issue)
- Poland is dragging #NATO into war against Russia
- Poland is steeped in anti-Russian sentiment
Read 10 tweets
Rosyjska dezinformacja: meldunek sytuacyjny

Rosja dostosowuje działania propagandowe do przebiegu wojny, którą toczy przeciwko Ukrainie. Polska, jako państwo mocno zaangażowane w pomoc broniącej się #UA, jest jednym z głównych celów tych działań.
Oto przykłady zidentyfikowanych – stałych i nowych – anty-#PL narracji:

- Polacy najliczniejsi wśród najemników walczących po stronie UA (narracja ost. mocno eksploatowana)
- PL najemnicy wspierają RU (wątek nabrzmiewa)
- RP planuje zająć UA (narracja stała) + po to otwarto drogę UA do #UE (nowy wątek)
- RP wciąga NATO w wojnę z RU
- RP jest rusofobiczna
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#Azov Regiment continues to be absurdly accused of being "neo-nazi/extremists/far-right".

Journalists in many Western Media do not dig deep enough to understand the context & use myths about Azov without the attempt of fact-checking.

Biletsky isn't a leader of #Azov. He neither commands it nor influences commanders.

He has no formal relation to the regiment, which is part of the #UA National Guard.

Biletsky is the leader of the party "National corpus" but commanded Azov for only several months in 2014.

No, #Azov isn't a military wing of the party "National corpus".

Azov was founded by Biletsky, and he has been benefiting from its image since then. There are personal links between former and current soldiers of Azov, but that doesn’t mean Azov is commanded from outside.

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1/3 What Russia (& China!) would support is a global version of The Concert of Europe. It was far from perfect, but see @kylelascurettes via @RANDcorporation:….
"A key norm was that no great power was to be openly disrespected, dishonored, or humiliated."
2/3 Where ignoring this norm of respect can lead:
- opium wars of British Empire against China
- Versailles treaty
- Gorbachev let down by the West…
- George Bush answers Putin's 2007 Munich speech by pushing Nato membership of Ukraine & Georgia
- next?
3/3 In the Concert of Europe, "the great powers were particularly successful in setting up buffer zones between them".
The permanent members of UNSC can do this by agreeing that future #UA will be non-nuclear & will not join military alliances.
Read 5 tweets
MUST READ. #UA negotiator M. Podolyak gives insights into #Russia-#Ukraine talks to @Kommersant. Bottom line: cautious hope that #Russian war aims lowered and negotiated settlement possible over time. Summary of main points from @kommersant 👇…
#Russia and #UA, after 3 meetings - Feb 28, March 3 and 7 - in Belarus keep "constantly" talking online now; in video talks, working groups have been created. Zelenskiy on the talks: the sides are talking, "and not just throwing around ultimatums";
Podolyak: There's a dozen proposals on the table, on the political & military settlement: ceasefire (& formula for it), withdrawal of RUS all is addressed in working groups...once "mutual reciprocal legal formats" are worked out, there will be 4th (physical) meeting;
Read 6 tweets
10 mobile #growthgems 💎 from "Ad Creatives FTW" with @mellyalert (, @hioliviasmith, @DyanKhor (@CashApp) and Rhiannon Price (JamCity) at the live-only SpeakHer event from @AppGrowthSummit

Read the #UA #creatives insights in the twitter thread below 👇 Image
💎 #1
HopSkipDrive uses the same brand feeling and emotional value across channels but what might differ is the goal of each campaign. Example: Twitter for retargeting/re-engagement and Facebook for conversion.
💎 #2
Try to take a portfolio-based approach to creative testing and understand that you're adding something new to the mix. Some channels do not have a "clean" way to A/B test (e.g. TikTok) but even if there is it might not give you results of what will happen "live".
Read 14 tweets
15 mobile #growthgems 💎 from "Mobile Marketing for Card Games" with Josh Chandley (Wildcard Games) @eniac, Jonathan Lau (Weee!) and @jokim1

Watch this 52:14 discussion directly...Or start by reading the main #mobilegrowth #UA #creatives insights in the twitter thread below 👇 Image
A way to test creatives at a lower cost is to start in India with a small budget to filter them out first, then move to Canada and deploying the best-performing ones in the US. Image
💎 #2:
For games that have a strong organic demand, it makes sense to pay attention to ASO and also to potentially try preloads on devices as well as try low cost/quality channels. Examples: Gin, Rummy, Solitaire, Tetris.
Read 19 tweets
Yesterday, I decided to fly back to the US from Turkey, transiting through Schengen area, in light of rumors around the #ExecutiveOrder banning #H1B holders from re-entry. Today, I am stuck in Frankfurt and here is what happened:
1. I bought a ticket from Ankara to Istanbul to Newark with a transit through Frankfurt and got on the flight ankara-istanbul flight. No issues.
2. In Istanbul, they told 7 of us that they recieved the news that the US gov is no longer allowing valid visa holders to enter. They made calls to DC and NY embassies in hush hush notes.
Read 14 tweets
Das derzeitige #Untersuchungsausschuss-Konzept ist zu vergessen. Es nützt nur der #Selbstdarstellung von #Politikern und einigen #Journalisten sowie zur Materialbeschaffung für die #Medien.
Gerichte haben wirkungsvollere Instrumente zur Aufklärung straf- & evtl. zivilrechtlicher Sachverhalte. Nur das, was *nach* gerichtlicher Aufarbeitung bleibt, fällt unter #politische #Verantwortung & kann #UA-Thema werden. Daher sollten die Abläufe zwingend umgekehrt werden.
Die heutigen primär abblockenden Aussagen des ehem #Novomatic-Vorstandes #Neumann sind ganz klar eine Folge dieses verfehlten #UA-Konzepts. In einer Gerichtsverhandlung hätte er es nicht so leicht gehabt...
Read 4 tweets
#RDC 04.04.20| Le Chef de l’État a pris part hier à la 2ème téléconférence de suivi du Bureau des Chefs d’État et de Gouvernement de l’#UA pour discuter de la réponse africaine à la pandémie du #Covid19. Image
Les Chefs d’État Sud-Africain @CyrilRamaphosa, Égyptien, Malien, Kenyan, Zimbabwéen @edmnangagwa, Sénégalais @Macky_Sall, Rwandais @PaulKagame, ainsi que le 1er Ministre Éthiopien @AbiyAhmedAli, le Président de la Commission @AUC_MoussaFaki de l’#UA ont pris part à cette session.
Le Directeur général de l’#OMS @DrTredos, le Directeur général du #CDC @AfricaCDC ont fait le point sur la situation. Et le Président @EmmanuelMacron a également rejoint, à sa demande, les discussions.
Read 5 tweets
Totally winning the best-dressed award at the #FIFAWWC2019 final here in #Lyon: Justin and Sarah McCarty and 7 yo daughter Ella of Chicago, with sister/sister-in-law Becca Perry. #USANED #USWNT Image
The streak is broken: #USWNT had scored in the first 12 minutes in all 6 of its previous #FIFAWWC2019 games. But it’s halftime in the final match: still no score. #USA 0 - #NED 0. #USANED Image
Game time temperature: stifling. #USANED #FIFAWWC Image
Read 7 tweets

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