Mat Yarger (♻️, ♻️) Profile picture
Embedding integrity and quality in climate markets with secure data. Founder @_Demia, past @iota @USarmy
zmb Profile picture 2 subscribed
Dec 7, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
After almost a year of discussion with @HBAR_foundation on how we could work together, we're finally at a point where we will. Thank you @geisenbergerwes @ElaineSong7 and all the others at the HBAR Foundation. You all truly helped me understand how we can be stronger together, and I'm more excited than ever about what the future holds for @_Demia, @iota, and now @hedera. We're bringing our ecosystems together to build the best solution stack possible for transparent carbon markets.
Feb 24, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
I feel like we should have a discussion on growth, capturing opportunities, and how the #IOTA ecosystem is professionalizing.

Time for a thread

/🧵 Growth - Over the past two years, we’ve solved some amazing difficult questions around the technology and what our focus as a foundation should be. We as a foundation have grown by leaps and bounds with almost 200 employees now. And more so, our community has grown even more.
Sep 15, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
So excited for the upcoming enhancements for Streams and Identity. With the next releases, you'll start seeing the two interoperate. Allowing you to govern streams with identity. And allowing you to tie decentralized data streams to a decentralized identity. This will serve as the fundamental basis for advancements on data ownership and content creation. Allowing a whole host of new solutions to spring into the market around identity wallets, and IoT device governance and data selling.
May 28, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Something has been bothering me about the crypto space lately. I see often statements like, "Yeah cool, but will they use the token for that?"

It just shows that people forget to ask the simplest question.


Why should they?

Whats the point? With most crypto projects, the token use cases are so amorphous that the "Why" is almost nonexistent, outside of, it makes a few people a lot of money. You inevitably get to a point where the answer is, "for payments!"

But payments for what?
Dec 24, 2020 34 tweets 5 min read
25/ / I, and others working at the Foundation have sacrificed magnitudes more in value, than the losses you have suffered. I took a big pay cut, and a big benefit cut, like many others. 26/ And I did it because I wanted to do something more, and work on something that could truly make an impact on every single person if it could be done right, accomplish its vision, and do it at scale.
Dec 24, 2020 24 tweets 4 min read
1/ Hey @coiner_lol I can see you’re passionate about the protocol, and you see that it has potential, but have suffered losses through the token performance. I understand that, and I know how losses are never something someone looks forward to. 2/ You have a few things right. The key among them being the need for simplicity. The crypto/blockchain/DLT space is highly complex and difficult to bring non-technical people into due to the level of depth and breadth that some of the work entails.
May 30, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ For clarity, MANA will not be assigned or transferred by users. It is NOT a token. It can NOT be traded. And it should NOT be considered an implementation of DPoS, but an evolution as @hus_qy says(TaPoS). MANA is a metadata ability linked directly to VALUE transactions. #IOTA 2/ In a technical sense, it will be more like a protocol wrapper or header once implemented with the purpose of saying that a fund transfer is reputable because the node sending the funds is within its threshold.