Reading The Pictures Profile picture
Dedicated to the daily analysis of news photos & media images. Feed of the non-profit
Aug 27, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
A freighted decision for front page photo editors after deadly, horrific Kabul airport attack. Majority chose to lead with the victims while others kept top focus on the mission as it continues, shaken but undeterred. Decision on photo lead balances horrific blow and ongoing mission. A painful choice between terrible human loss and sustained will.
Jun 3, 2020 9 tweets 6 min read
1/ Seeing so many pics of black & white police in solidarity w protesters in Reuters lead “Outrage over Floyd death" slideshow today. This captures our confusion in a nutshell. One dutiful officer w wrist ties at the ready while the other takes a knee. Image 2/ Reuters Floyd protest slideshow today offers significant number of pix (9 of 89) of police at demos either hugging protesters or taking a knee. Is that representative? Or is it wishful and enabling? ImageImageImage
Sep 5, 2019 13 tweets 9 min read
#Dorian as admonition. This not only depicts the effects of a devastating hurricane, but also the kind of violence in store as climate targets fall by the wayside. It’s a helicopter blade but it it also speaks to the demons above. #dorian #climatecrisis
Aug 27, 2019 14 tweets 14 min read
1/ Kicking off our inimitable #G7Biarritz photo tour: Macron's "kill 'em w kindness" thumbs up, one of many, defined the Trump pacification exercise. And it worked like a charm. Said POTUS: “There was great unity…tremendous unity. Nobody wanted to leave.”📷Philippe Wojazer 2/ The #G7Biarritz containment effort started off with Macron commanding/commandeering Trump’s attention during a 5-minute televised encounter at Saturday lunch. This was about the only scene that circulated at the outset. (@andyharnik @AP_Images)
Aug 12, 2019 27 tweets 14 min read
1/ A photographic look at the Trump visit to University Medical Center in #ElPaso. He visited there after the 7th worst #massshooting in US history. Targeting #Latinos, the attack killed at least 22 and injured 26. Pictures from Dayton included. 2/ Trump is vilified by many in El Paso for his border war, and his venom and prejudice appears to have helped inspire a white nationalist to target Latinos and commit mass murder. He planned to visit hospitalized survivors, but none would meet with him. So, what to do?
Aug 5, 2019 9 tweets 5 min read
1/ Gun violence and visual censorship: a running thread. 2/ Remember that rare/unusual shot from Va Beach? Or this frame from Christchurch in New Zealand? Once again this weekend, horrific acts of #gunviolence on American soil. But between police and media, the scenes are completely sanitized. While carnage reigns, we see no blood.
Jul 22, 2019 16 tweets 8 min read
1/ A photographic look at Trump’s meeting with survivors of #religiouspersecution. A thread about suffering and political opportunism. (Photo of Esther Bitrus, one of the woman kidnapped by #BokoHaram in Nigeria in 2014, distracted by the swarm of media.) 2/ People were taken aback by Trump’s ignorance of his guests at the @WhiteHouse #religiouspersecution photo op on Wednesday. There was particular outrage over how he dealt with #NadiaMurad, the Yazidi woman from Northern Iraq.
Jul 15, 2019 25 tweets 37 min read
1 A photographic look at Pence @VP visit to 2 TX detention centers w 7 #GOP senators. A thread about photo access and visual framing in an age of hate and hysteria. The entourage facing US handiwork without game faces. (screenshot: @Reuters) 2 Let's be mindful of goal: to counteract shocking pix from last 2 urgent @DHSOIG (random) inspection visual reports, the @HispanicCaucus pix from Clint, & #BorderPatrol FB scandal. Paradoxically, aim is to show previous scenes inaccurate, yet still "tough stuff" (& blame Dems).