garfieldbot Profile picture
"What would I have done? I would have a done a legitimate investigation to find out what exactly happened in 1099" check out if you want
Potato Of Reason Profile picture 2 subscribed
May 4 5 tweets 1 min read
Its literally impossible to read Aristotle and not realize that we are living in a post apocalyptic society, just from the bits and pieces of common knowledge about the society at large around him that he expects the reader to know about a lot has been said about Aristotle and Christianity, some flattering, some mean, about both. some say Christianity just lifted Aristotle, some say Aristotle was one of those Jesus personally saved during the harrowing of hell. lot of thoughts on the subject
Apr 27 5 tweets 1 min read
first thing you gotta pop that shirt off "but I am a hideous goblin, I dont like looking at myself"
thats the point
Apr 1 4 tweets 1 min read
the most important thing to understand as a man today, is that you do not have a personality. personalities are for women. what you have is resources. this may seem counterintuitive, considering womens personalities but its the truth you as a man do not have a personality, life is not a role playing game about designing a cool character. life is a resource management game, an RTS. anyone trying to sell you a personality, or convince you that its good or desirable to have one, is trying to take your ressources
Mar 24 5 tweets 1 min read
the reason assimilation fails is primarily that the host nation is itself already undergoing a cultural assimilation into american globo-obama. they cannot assimilate to the host culture, because they are assimilating to globo-obama along with us middle eastern ghettos in europe do not act middle eastern. they adopt american black ghetto culture. they dont become, say iraqi-french. they become iraqi-black-american
Feb 3 4 tweets 1 min read
a thought on narrative. today we have concept of "spoilers" for a story. this is a modern idea. like I have been talking about lately with theater and comedy/tragedy, back in ye olden days, you knew going into a narrative, is this a comedy or a tragedy? and a tragedy means: the hero dies at the end, and a comedy means: the hero gets married at the end. so in this light, what we call "spoilers" today is really, finding out whether the story is a comedy or a tragedy
Jan 13 46 tweets 7 min read
Image "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not"

This is what I believe:
Dec 11, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
internet begins, all the smartest people gather there because you have to know computer to use it. "look at all those brainiacs on the internet! if we get everyone to use the internet, everyone will become smart!". europe begins, all the smart people gather there because you have to plan for winter to use it
Sep 28, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
not directed at anyone specifically, but in response to a general situation that happens: when i say "nation building " I dont mean pervert sex you fools, I mean learn to do stonework, woodwork, basic electronics, butchering, that kind of thing it doesnt mean "you get to have infinite free candy because the world is broken and you can just take what you want , you have no obligations and can do whatever you want". it means time to get to work
Aug 22, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
"i think these [neocons] have ancestors who came from that region of the world and have a permanent axe to grind with the russians" what did he mean by this
Image my review is i think this guy is a designated narrative blackpiller and while the stooges that in name run the american government are both insane and incompetent, the people running the stooges are not incompetent, and that's an important piece of the puzzle
Aug 11, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
male "depression" is waking up to the fact that you live in an open air prison, and that you have to organise your life around planning a 10-20 year prison break, while everyone you love is telling you you should love the prison and behave, so the guards wont beat you as hard and no matter what, you can't take all of them (the people you love, regardless of circumstances) with you, and even if you could, they have been in prison for too long and wouldn't be able to live outside
Jul 31, 2023 34 tweets 5 min read
The Duty of Joy and Temptation to Despair

Contemporary notions of empathy are simplistic description of a mechanical function as a moral good in itself. Mainstream “empathy” is understanding another's emotion, and validating it. Real emotional maturity doesn't end at "validating" - if someone like a child is unreasonably upset, you don't merely affirm his anguish, but must perform a more complex maneuver.
Jul 22, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
continuing the comparison between tarantino violence and shin kamen rider: in tarantino the violence is often very gory and brutal, but the characters committing the violence remain loony toons characters all throughout. only the violence is "real" in anno the violence is real, but the characters are a lot more human. not as intense and on point as in eva, where its the whole point, but even in an adaptation of a super hero movies, the characters are not loony toons
Jul 11, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
all of anime and manga is a collective mediation on the japanese psyche reeling and trying to integrate the military defeat in ww2 into the collective japanese zeitgeist/collective unconscious/tradition there is zero exceptions. i have yet to see a single cultural output that is not somehow or in part. it is the totality of the artistic project of modern japan
Jul 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
there probably wont be any money for real high art for a couple generations, so just grab whatever recordings you can find and hunker down "all the classical music you can find on youtube is played by women or other undesirables"
Jun 10, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
the economic system that we all participate in is a glorified food distribution token system, and not actually a "free market" where the cream rises to the top. consumer society, advertisement, etc is working 40 hour weeks to buy shit you dont need - this is 90's critique, but it hasnt stopped being true just because people are now generally poorer and have fever things they dont need. the principle stands. however things are not at all bleak. all you need to do is recognize that you dont win by participating in the game
May 29, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
ultimately it all comes down to a single question of consiousness. there's a binary choice and two camps, with many subcategories each, but at its core its a question of "what do we do about sentience" the binary choice is between embracing it and reaching for higher states of consciousness, with all the pain and suffering that it entails. or the rejecting of ir, & the effort to return to the "dream state" as described by aborinigals, to be rid of all the pains of Consciousness
May 29, 2023 8 tweets 1 min read
not really thinking lately because im blocked emotionally by not confronting my father, so head empty did have a dream last night about having truly made it, having everything within the grasp of my hand, all i had to do was reach out and take it, with the woman i have loved dearest in my life, and who loved me, all i had to do was seduce her. but i had shit my pants
May 28, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
the wheel on my mouse is broken luckily i have a spare it is impossible to buy a mouse that doesnt have led lights in it and i hate it so much that i open them up and physically remove them
May 27, 2023 9 tweets 1 min read
i dont want to single him out but the guy who responded to me posting about philosophical formal logic and responded "ugh dont write in code thats cringe" has deeply upset me perverse
May 26, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
empire mostly all converted to corinite because i owned all of escann where its supposed to spread, so there were no other countries to make centers of reformtion. fought a small league war about it, but peaced out for an Ibevar vassal ImageImageImageImage also noticed an opm with cores on fantasy egypt + fantasy palestine, snatched him up and reconguested a precence in fantasy north africa. i was late to the colonization game but managed to get a foothold in fantasy canada
May 26, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
fun logic philsoophy excersise:
they keep lobotomizing "ai's" for "noticing", pattern matching too effectively
what defines the "le right wing" is "noticing reality", pattern matching and realising the propaganda is wrong
they keep lobotomizing "ai's"
THEN what they're going to fucking kill us and the entire ai bullshit is creating a precedent