Stephen A. Ridley Profile picture I write. I take photos. I used to break software. Built stuff that broke stuff at Xipiter. former VC-backed founder. Professor at NYU. etc.
Apr 25 6 tweets 4 min read
Columbia pops up A LOT in parapolitics. I started calling the pattern "the Columbia Cabal".

For example:
-Weather Underground
-FTX founder's mom (and strategist IMHO) Barabara Fried
-Cloward & Piven were Columbia professors
- much more

The "Teacher's College" at Columbia University, is a *major* reason the Educational system in the U.S. was infused with specific "ideologies". It is essentially a "boot camp" for Educational administrators, shooting them out nationwide, for decades.
Apr 21 6 tweets 4 min read
Over time, I've noticed some inaccuracies or slight misrepresentations in Estulin's "Tavistock" book..but its value as a concise well-cited infogrenade far outweighs the errors

Some of Ch. 4:
If this is new info & it doesnt 🤯
...check a mirror, cuz you've already turned ghoul

To provide an example of what I mean when I write "slight misrepresentation". Estulin fixates in one of the passages above on the word "n*crophilia". Image
Feb 15 5 tweets 3 min read
Rabbi Antelman was Chief Justice of the Rabbinic Supreme Court and he lead the excommunication of Henry Kissinger [1]. He also wrote a book about (what he claims) is a secret sect within Judiasm silently at war with other Jews and all non-Jews...

If true, Antelman's thesis unlocks a lot in the last 100+ years of world events.

After the book, I went looking for interviews with this Rabbi. (he didnt do much press) But I did find two Jewish scholars (one living in Israel) chatting about Parapolitics and Antelman's books.
Jan 24 30 tweets 14 min read
Tom Wolfe knew things.
He seems to do a lot of 'winking' in "Bonfire of the Vanities".
six million?
and 93?

Ok, that's it.
These sixes pop up WAY TOO OFTEN.

I am just gonna dump some of my highlights/notes from some reads the past few years. 🧵
Remember the $6 Million Man? Image
Jan 10 23 tweets 11 min read
I didnt plan to do a thread on this but seeing comments on those viral videos made me share my notes:
Chabad is NOT a small or irrelevant "sect". It is incredibly influential, and comes up in A LOT of parapolitics.

For example their leader is recognized by law in the U.S.
If you live in the New York area you know Chabad has a huge presence. They have palatial installations in New Jersey, Long Island, Upstate and in the City. Image
Dec 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This article has it all: FOUR "neu-speak" absurdities mashed into a single headline.

"effective altruism" is (like "inclusive capitalism") a nonsense-language "driveby idea" that sounds good in passing but crumbles when you stop the car to examine it.
Image Is there an inverse square-law to tech buzzwords?

When you combine "AI" and "security" does it magically have 4x the Power?

Reminder: "effective altruism" was an FTX [1] cult thing. They tried to scrub the internet of it. LOL

Dec 21, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Lynn Forester is interesting not only cuz of deep Epstein and Kissinger ties.
She also has been one of the most vocal proponents of "inclusive capitalism".

But what *is* "Inclusive Capitalism"?

Like so much these days it is a "driveby idea" that sounds good in passing.
Image "Inclusive Capitalism" sounds good until you think about it for more than a few seconds and realize that for it work,there will be a "hypervisor" (a non-transparent Authority) sitting atop the free market DECIDING what constitutes "inclusive" at their whim.
Nov 9, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
Coretta Scott King sued the U.S. government for killing MLK in 1999.
She won.
The U.S. government was found guilty.

more stunning than the verdict itself is why we don't all know this. it isnt part of our "reality".

Her lawyer wrote books about the case.

The famous photo of the man leaning over MLK....that man was government agent Marrell McCullough
Oct 21, 2023 20 tweets 8 min read
The six Degrees of Adnan Khashoggi is a fantastic read. Because it tentacles out to interesting places like BCCI, FTX, Epstein, "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus", etc.

BUT here's another "degree" I found connecting to the Las Vegas Shooting.

a short 🧵
Image Before I get into this new "degree" what's so "sus" about all this?
Well (in no particular order) there is this:

In 2022 an investigative journalist looking into Las Vegas was killed. Image
Oct 7, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
This is page 292 of a book written in 1878.
The book itself represented a ...uhm... "declassification" of information that was previously privately circulated.

In it, the author describes ancient symbols that will be used (in the future) to affect World change.
Image *oops 1868, not 1878.
Also, why this book?
It isnt a normal book.
-It was published into the Congressional Record by an Act of Congress in 1871.

-This author's statue also is(was?) featured prominently at the center of Judicial Square in Washington D.C.
This is no minor tribute
Sep 16, 2023 8 tweets 6 min read
Did you know there is a longstanding rumor that Theodore Adorno worked with the Beetles (via the Tavistock Institute) to promote their music and make it more addictive? Puts a whole new meaning to "Beetle Mania" huh?…

Image Also did you know that Owsley Stanley [1] the "LSD Guru" of the Grateful Dead (and the sound engineer that created their sound) has a background in chemistry [2] and Psychological Warfare."

Sep 12, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Maybe "UFO books" written by credentialed people are worth reading. Why? There's "other stuff" in them.

My theory now is that "UFO stuff" is largely chaff used as a smokescreen for public 'dossier dumps'.

It's not even about aliens. These are public "drops".
A few examples:
Korean war and the Chosin Reservoir!

Aug 23, 2023 24 tweets 10 min read
Aight, Here's one that made my Jaw hit the floor:

For context: a while back I did a thread on Central Banking history and the West (based on notes from my "lockdown reads").

Well, I had some unfinished research to do. And when I did, it shocked me:
One of the tweets in those threads was this tweet that was based on one of my long-running TODO research projects to look further into:

Aug 7, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
Fun Fact:

Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto was actually a recitation of ideas first put forth by Adam Weishaupt of the Bavarian "Illuminated" secret society.

This is the *actual* Bavarian Illuminati group that would later become the incorrect catchall for all secret societies. Image Karl Marx was also apparently Luciferian and Satanist adjacent. His close friend Bakunin being the most vocal. Image
Jul 30, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Fun Fact: During Vietnam, spyplanes revealed that the VietCong were using shiny new trucks made by?

Ford Motors!

Freemarket capitalists backing communism is a repeat theme. Kinda like JP Morgan supplying rifles to the Confederacy (Hall-Carbide Affair)

I wish the host spent more time on Harriman. Brown Brothers Harriman & Montagu Norman's Bank of England ate an entire weekend for me once...
it tentacles from Helena Blavatsky and the Nazis to Prescott Bush.

With lots of Carol Quigley's AngloAmerican Establishment along the way.
Jul 6, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Since Chernobyl was trending recently:

Did you know that workers at Chernobyl went back to work the same week and continued working there every day for about another decade before the plant finally closed? Did you know that you get more radiation exposure on a flight across the Pacific or Atlantic than you do at ground-zero Fukushima and ground zero Chernobyl?

Jun 16, 2023 71 tweets 30 min read
Did you know at Jonestown the night before the "mass suicide" they sang the Soviet Anthem?

I hand-wrote a thread months ago using notes from a bunch of my "lockdown reads".

Jonestown tentacles *everywhere*, even current events.

Postin it this weekend
Image I take LOTS of photos. I carry a real camera everywhere. I spend lots of time repeatedly looking at my own photos and (often) historical photos. I skimmed through Jonestown Getty archives one night [1] and two photos in particularly just captured me.
Jun 13, 2023 22 tweets 10 min read
Ted Kaczynski was one of my "lockdown" reads [1] during a ~3 year twitter hiatus.


Image A few years before "Covid Times A.D." I learned that Kaczynski's writings were glowingly reviewed by prominent people and "captains of industry", like the founder of Sun Microsystems.
Jun 9, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Wow, so not only is one man responsible for our current situation with China, he is also responsible for the proxy war in Ukraine! Image So not only do we have Brzezinski to thank for the slow authoritarian creep of Technocracy and Algocracy (society "managed" by "algorithms") that we see encroaching on every aspect of modern life...that he laid out in "The Technetronic Era"...
May 1, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
One of THE BEST papers explaining "Covid" (from macroeconomics) was shared with me in 2021 by a friend who is a well-respected senior leader in the Defense-space.

It was written by a Professor of Critical Theory at Cardiff University in the UK.… I'm not a socialist (neither is my friend), but this analysis was one of the best essays I read during that time (up there with the Franklin Templeton "They Blinded Us From Science" whitepaper). It is here:…
Apr 27, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Hey, why did all those WHITE people treat that PERSON OF COLOR that way!?

Why did they have the Police violently remove him!?


Here is my Nordstream, Nuland, Sikorski collage from Oct 2022.

(it's a chonky boi) Image