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We all have heard this in our childhood


It meant, the money which will never be returned.

Do you know it's origin?

This is the story of Gandhi cheating V.O.Chidambaram Pillai famously known by the epithet - Kappalottiya Tamizhan Image
VOC launched Swadeshi Steamship Co. in 1906 to compete & break monopoly of British India Navigation Co.

But British got him under sedition charges and he lost all the money fighting court cases and the steamship company was liquidated.

South Indians in South Africa
collected money for VOC and handed it over to Gandhi.

VOC, then under dire poverty, corresponded with Gandhi for more than 5 years but never got the money from Gandhi.

Between the middle of 1915 and early 1916, Gandhi exchanged a series of letters with VOC whose name does
Read 8 tweets
#TodayInHistory More than 1000 killed and countless injured at #JallianwalaBagh on Baisakhi in 1919 under the orders of Gen Reginald O Dyer. #LestWeForget #JallianwalaBaghMassacre Image
Jallianwala Bagh,a name that evokes painful memories in our history, a reminder of the brutality of the British rule. It was a place I actually visited in 2001, walked through the narrow entrance, stood on the ground stained with the blood of Indians. Image
The backdrop to Jallianwala Bagh was the Ghadr mutiny, which planned for a large scaled armed uprising against the British that was crushed by the British. #JallianwalaBaghMassacre
Read 35 tweets
Folks, today is the 77th anniversary of the Royal Indian Navy mutiny.
I guess not many remembered.
Here's a short thread on that.
A beautiful piece on the Royal Indian Navy mutiny which commenced this day in 1946 - the final straw that broke the Empire's back.
Worth a read.
A MUST READ piece, in fact!…
Photo: Indian Naval ratings march in Bombay in defiance of the Empire.

Ironically enough, like the chapattis which went all around India during the 1857 First War of Independence asking the nation drive away the British, it was 20 loaves of bread that started this RIN Mutiny.
Read 13 tweets
While we celebrate #MakarSankranti on the same day in 1761, Sadashiva Rao Bhau commander of the Maratha Army , died on the battlefield at Panipat fighting to the end against the Afghans. A true hero who has never really got his due.
Sadashiv Rao Bhau, has often been judged harshly by historians for the failure at Panipat , but he was the same person who also expanded the Maratha empire, consolidating on Baji Rao's conquests.
When one looks at the history of the Maratha Empire, two people who have been judged harshly, one is Sambhaji and the other one has been Sadashiv Rao Bhau. The former had to live up to the legacy of his legendary father, which was not an easy task at all.
Read 40 tweets
Today marks 8 years since I saw this in the paper while having my morning coffee & tweeted it.
Thus began of one of my most precious threads, even though I managed to break the continuity a few times.
However, I'm breaking & restarting the thread again today. Image
Constable Shankar Lal Barala, 23rd Battalion The CRPF.
Fifth martyrdom anniversary today. Fell in Batmaloo, Srinagar.
Name missed out in the obit above Image
Refer two tweets above. Here's the story of the CRPF boy martyred in the line of duty this day 11 years ago, this one in Garo Hills.
God Bless his soul Image
Read 99 tweets

話說英軍服務團之所以可以運作良好,根據Hongkongers in the British Armed Forces 記載,一大因素係香港人員。佢地熟悉香港一帶地形,有人脈,仲有兩文三語 (eg. 英文,客家話,廣東話etc) ,所以深得英人信任;當中仲有人係做義工都要效忠英軍。
2. 其中有個特工叫楊守德。佢喺1943年10月被處死。佢喺皇家海軍船塢返工,香港投降後船塢被日本海軍接管,佢留守崗位,但一有機會就偷啲圖紙轉交英軍服務團。

3. 有個喺船塢canteen 做嘢嘅同事同(特工Tin Ying Cheung) 佢一齊做任務。有日,香港後備警察雷福榮被捕嘅消息。
4. Tin ying Cheung去搵楊守德,點知一去到佢屋企就俾警憲捉咗。一開始佢冇俾人虐打,但去到赤柱之後就俾人打到仆街,仲有次打到暈咗。

5. 楊守德同另一個特工Philip Chan叫Tin Ying Cheung 咩都唔好認,咩都話唔知,佢會攬晒所有嘢上身。最後楊守德被處死,而Tin Ying Cheung戰後講返上述經歷。
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"I am going outside to fight it out. "

圖: source 1 港識多史 Image
2. 雖然佢地唔係身經百戰嘅精銳之師,武器又唔齊,加開戰之時上英帝國軍嘅人數唔夠對方多,制空/海權又冇,勝負都幾明顯吓。

3. 日軍喺12月18號登陸,19號闖入黃泥涌峽,加軍同對方激戰。其中溫尼伯榴彈兵營嘅奧斯本/奧士本准尉同同袍(大約80人)力敵對方大約400人,多次擊退敵方攻勢。(source 2)
4. 可惜佢地彈藥逐漸唔夠,奧士本所屬嘅A連且戰且退,日軍逐漸包圍佢地。最後日軍向佢地掟手榴彈,奧士本至少兩次執返起再反拋向敵軍。

5. 最後一個太遠執唔到,爆米嘅話會炸到啲傷兵。奧士本大聲警告同袍,自己攬住個手榴彈,光榮殉職🫡😰😢終年42歲(source 2)。
Read 15 tweets
Remembrance Day Thread:
In my mid twenties I was privileged to make the acquaintance of an elderly gent who had celebrated his 21st birthday during the Battle of the Somme.
He’d worked all his life with dray horses on the docks and canals. He was always immaculately turned out and wore a bow tie to church. A dandy and a flirt, I used to take him shopping and to mass ...
He’d been taken prisoner by the Germans but always spoke Kindly and respectfully of them. Of the officer who captured him: "He spoke better English than I did."
Read 9 tweets
Today I honour the veterans who fought empires of hate to save peace and democracy. I worry their sacrifice will be in vain if we don’t continue their work.
Foot soldiers of the enemy have returned to weaken the bonds between friends, family and neighbours one conspiracy at a time.
When we’re overwhelmed and exhausted we are more vulnerable. We can more easily be convinced to rally against others rather than respectfully work through our differences.
Read 10 tweets
It is Armistice Day tomorrow - in 1918, at the 11th Hour, of the 11th Day, of the 11th Month, the guns fell silent ... good wishes to all who are commemorating #RemembranceDay Image
Good morning all on this Armistice Day/ #RemembranceDay , the 104th anniversary of the Great War's end. Australia's Great War (1914-1919):
- national population of 5m
- 416,809 enlisted
- more than 60,000 killed in action
- 156,000 wounded, gassed, or taken prisoner Image
My grandfather in Aug 1918 with his beloved sister Vera before going to France. My late grandfather would arrive for the Allied advance to the Nov 11 armistice. Like many, he would feel guilty for having survived. So many friends killed & wounded in the Great War. #RemembranceDay Image
Read 13 tweets

除咗戴一般紅色poppy 之外,亦都有紫色poppy ,代表紀念喺戰爭中英勇表現嘅動物;大英帝國最高榮譽嘅軍事勳章係維多利亞十字勳章,俾動物就有Dickin Medal。
2. 第一次世界大戰期間,山羊Sergeant Bill 跟住加拿大軍嚟到法國。據講佢撞咗3個士兵落坑,之後個個位就俾炮彈擊中。

3. 大戰之後佢返咗加拿大養老。
4. 1941年11月,加拿大政府應英國政府要求,派陸軍嚟到香港,係加拿大陸軍喺二戰第一次出動(海軍一早支援緊歐洲戰場)。狗狗甘德上士隨同皇家來福槍團嚟到香港。佢係隻大黑狗,幼年差啲被人道毀滅(source 2)。

5. 日軍喺12月18號登陸香港島。19號就係最血腥嘅戰鬥嘅一日...
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2. 太平洋戰爭嘅新加坡之戰後期,英軍已經輸晒。當時香港製造嘅巡邏船HMS Li Wo (李/利和號) ,就奉命運送少量皇家空軍/陸軍同日前被擊沉嘅威爾斯親王號人員去巴達維亞 (荷屬印尼) 。

(圖: IWM)
3. 佢身上只有1枝4吋炮(十幾發炮彈) 同少量機關炮。路上李和號遇到日軍運輸船隊,對方有巡洋艦同驅逐艦護航。

4. 李和號對比對方火力簡直係完全唔夠打。但艦長Wilkinson上尉知會全體船員,將會同敵軍決戰到底。於是小小嘅李和號升起皇家海軍白色旗White Ensign ,全速向其中一隻運輸船衝過去。
5. 李和號向對方開火,同用機關炮射向敵軍。運輸船隊被出奇不意嘅攻擊打亂陣腳,但好快護航嘅3艘日本軍艦,由良號,吹雪號,朝霧號,就開火攻擊李和號。李和號身中多炮,加上之前空襲受嘅傷,艦長將船撞向著晒火嘅運輸船,同對方同歸於盡;
Read 6 tweets
Why was Kashmiri Photo Journalist Sanna Irshad Matto stopped from travelling to USA to collect her Pulitzer award?

Here are the facts: 👇

Sanna Irshad Mattoo is a photojournalist with Reuters who glorifies separatism in J&K through her stories and social media posts.

Her stories mention and use word Kashmir with “Indian Administrated Kashmir” and Indian controlled Kashmir, thus furthering the narrative of Anti India forces.

Her stories and social media posts has been often being referred by Pakistan intelligence agency ISI sponsored

organizations like “Stand With Kashmir” operating out of US, Turkey & UK to run Anti India campaigns and narratives.

Sana has been an ardent supporter of Pakistan backed separatists in Kashmir. She has eulogized people like SAS Geelani & Maqbool Bhat through her social media
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On #BhagatsinghJayanti a long thread on his early life, ideals and trial.
#BhagatSingh was descended from a family of Khalsa Sardars, who had fought in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army against the Pathans, and helped the empire to expand. For this contribution, they were awarded with a large piece of land.
His grandfather Sardar Arjun Singh was a landlord himself, who choose to oppose the British, and that nationalism in a way came down to Bhagat. Arjun Singh had 3 sons- Ajit Singh, Swaran Singh and Kishen Singh, all of whom were noted for their nationalism and integrity.
Read 68 tweets
Today marks the deadline by all British Gurkha veteran groups for @NepalEmbassyUK @MofaNepal @DefenceHQ to give a deadline to set a date for a Terms of Reference meeting. If a date is not given, they may resort to drastic actions. These will be greater than 2021’s hunger strikes
Last week representatives from all Gurkha veteran groups met at @NepalEmbassyUK and made known their concerns. They asked for a date for a ToR meeting which continually kept being postponed. It was already alarming that initial plans were to leave them out of the ToR meeting.
According to HE Gyan Chandra Acharya, he has been asking the British government @DefenceHQ for a date but they are refusing to provide one. Gurkhas are asking for the very least a date for ToR- this is to lay out a road map of subjects to discuss in future G2G talks.
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23.07.22 #freedom ..manifestações contra a ditadura e em prol da liberdade.. Brisbane Austrália
23.07.22 #freedom ..manifestações contra a ditadura e em prol da liberdade.. Auckland Nova Zelândia
23.07.22 #freedom #NoFarmersNoFood .. manifestações contra a ditadura e em prol da liberdade.. Amsterdam Holanda
Read 52 tweets
One year on and we are still waiting. Today marks one year since Gurkha veterans and widows were compelled to enter hunger strikes.

@HouseofCommons goes into summer recess and the Terms of Reference meeting between @NepalEmbassyUK and @DefenceHQ as promised is long overdue.
From 21 July 2021, 13 days were set aside for a 24hr hunger strike relay in remembrance of the 13 Gurkha Victoria Cross winners.

Elderly Nepali pensioners took turns, some even going without water, through the summer heat, torrential rains + harassment from @metpoliceuk. Peaceful protests held earlier since spring fell on deaf ears. They hoped if they fasted,the Nepal and British governments would listen.
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08 Jul
Nk Jasvir Singh, 6 JAKRIF
Martyred at the Line of Control in Kupwara Sector yesterday Image
Vir Biharis of First Battalion, The Bihar Regiment, who fell on the Path of Glory in Batalik during the #KargilWar Image
Martyred in Sukma, 15 yrs ago ... Image
Read 310 tweets
How Gandhi Ruined A SWADESHI Freedom Fighter?
Was Gandhi’s Great Granddaughter was the only one to commit fraud? Let’s Learn About The Cheater.
This is the story of Gandhi cheating freedom fighter V.O.Chidambaram Pillai famously known by the epithet - Kappalottiya Tamizhan.
VOC launched Swadeshi Steamship company in 1906 to compete and break the monopoly of British India Navigation company as he felt that British make money through trade. But British got him under sedition charges and he lost all the money fighting court cases and the steamship
company was liquidated.
South Indians in South Africa collected money for VOC and handed it over to Gandhi. VOC, then under dire poverty, corresponded with Gandhi for more than 5 years but never got the money from Gandhi.
Between the middle of 1915 and early 1916,
Read 8 tweets
Martyred this day 67 yrs ago Image
The Hero of Batalik.
Fell in Kargil, leading from the front in days when info about enemy was still sketchy.
A real Tiger .. Image
Maj Sarvanan - Even after death, his body lay staking claim on land that was rightfully HIS, till it was recovered when own troops could finally reach where he did, 37 days later.
Read 667 tweets
OTD May 28th 1982 - The Falklands War - From the War Diaries of Admiral Woodward

On paper Piaggi had a full regiment, but it consisted of units from three separate regiments from two different brigades, none of whom had ever worked together.
12IR consisted mostly of conscripts from the northern, sub-tropical province of Corrientes, while the 25IR Company was considered an elite formation and had received commando training.

Some elements were well trained and displayed a high degree of morale and motivation.

Other units were less well-motivated, with the 12th Regiment chaplain, Santiago Mora, writing:
Read 25 tweets
Good wishes to everyone preparing for #AnzacDay tomorrow. It is a day that belongs to all Australians and remembers all those who fought and made sacrifices, in every theatre and on the home front, for our country. #LestWeForget
For #AnzacDay, a tradition is the making of "Anzac Biscuits". The Anzac biscuit is hardy, it is practical, it goes well with any hot brew, esp Tea, and, has become, since the Great War, the sustenance of a free people. Recipes found here…
Read 7 tweets
Following last night's post on my series #LestWeForget, I am back with a new post. This is the 7th post in this series. Sincere thanks to @Lighta2b2z2 Ji for the recommendation for this post. Really, how little we know about our heroes! Request everybody to read on! Thanks!
#LestWeForget Post 7:

19 April 1910 (112 years ago): Anant Laxman Kanhere, Krishnaji Gopal Karve and Vinayak Narayan Deshpande were hanged - Born in a Brahmin family in 1909 in the Ratnagiri district (present day Maharashtra), Anant Laxman Kanhere completed his primary...

[1] From left: Krishnaji Gopal Karve, Anant Laxman Kanhere and V
education in Nizamabad and English education in Aurangabad. During his stay in Aurangabad, he put up in a hired room in Gangaram Rupchand Shroff's house. Gangaram had a friend named Tonpe, who was a member of a secret society in Nashik. Anant befriended Gangaram,...

Read 18 tweets
Back with a new post for my series #LestWeForget, after a while. This is my 6th post of this series. Here's hoping my post will inspire more people to study about the life of this soul. There is so much to learn! Request everybody to read on and many thanks in advance!
#LestWeForget Post 6:

18 April 1958 (64 years ago): Barindra Kumar Ghose breathed his last - Popularly known as Barin Ghose, Barindra Kumar Ghose was born into the family of the famous philosopher and nationalist Aurobindo Ghose, for he was his younger... [1]
brother. He was born in 1880, in Croydon, United Kingdom, due to the aspirations of his father Krishna Dhan Ghose of seeing his three elder sons (born before Barin) to enter into the Indian Civil Service (ICS), for which it was necessary to study in England and... [2]
Read 21 tweets

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