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#CJs2Cents: #RWBY9Spoilers
So...I just watched episode 9 and holy shit, how did the writers take all of the intrigue and actual curiosity I had for this season and Ruby that they built up last episode, and just annihilate it in under 15 minutes?!
Let's just get the biggest piece of failure out of the way. So Ruby drunk the damn tea not to "ascend", but to literally end herself because she was so overwhelmed by life and the world, yet the story completely ignored this reality in favor of the ascension angle, and treats it>
as such. The gang aren't reflecting on how they failed to help Ruby or dealing with the grief of literally failing to keep their loved one from making the biggest mistake a person could do to themselves. No, instead, they look at the reincarnated paper people & herbologist and>
Read 9 tweets
#CJs2Cents: Looking at the Master Duel N/R event and all the decks people have been making and I'm once again reminded that the problem with this game wasn't the higher rarity cards, but it's the game itself, as Yu-Gi-Oh is just a game too flawed to fix in its current form.
Doesn't matter what cards they restrict in either Master Duel, the TCG, the OCG, Duel Links or whatever format, it will pretty much be the equivalent of putting a bandaid on deep gash. The attempt is there, but it realistically doesn't do anything to help with the core problem.
In a way, Yu-Gi-Oh is like the RWBY of card games. It started from humble & passionate beginnings before becoming a sensation. Only to gradually lose more & more of the very essence it started with overtime and become more convoluted until it barely resembles its original self.
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#CJs2Cents: Arryn, what allegedly happened had absolutely nothing to do with you. In fact, concerning the situation and the truth of it all, it's really jarring that you're making this post in the first place like this personally affects you when it really doesn't. #RWBY
For those of you who don't know, the writer of the new RWBY anime, Tow Ubukata allegedly-according to his wife-hit her, over 7 years ago according to the date on the news articles reporting about it at the time. And apparently, this information seriously affected Arryn, somehow.
Not getting into the issue of the legitimacy of Arryn's claims of being an abuse victim, but in regards to the situation with Tow, it was only allegations as their was no case or evidence to prove anything really happened, his wife dropped the charges against him, this happened>
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#CJs2Cents: You know, after looking into that Qrow & Robyn jail scene in V8, I've come realize that Qrow is a whiny bitch when it comes to his semblance. No seriously, he acts like he can't be around anyone or live a normal life because of it, when that's no remotely true. #RWBY
Qrow, did you forget you were at a prestigious school with a functioning and spectacular team who you basically lived with for FOUR YEARS?! Not to mention all the friends & allies you've made over the years, AND the fact that you were traveling with the kids for 3 volumes?!
And then you blame your semblance for all the pain and misery to those around you, when from what we've seen it's been because of your incompetence, their incompetence, or forces far beyond just your superpower. You go through so much shit because you are literally in a war!
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#CJs2Cents: Poking my nose around and I saw that quite a few people were upset that Unicorn of War removed the Qrow jail speech-because Clover's alive-& the Ruby and Yang conversation/tearjerker from his V8 rewrite. And all I have to say is why? Those scenes are pointless. #RWBY
First, let's tackle Qrow. So this scene is supposed to "show how much Qrow's semblance has negatively affected his life" and give him something to bond with Robyn over.

Right off the bat, there are several problems here. First of all, Qrow you semblance wasn't the reason for>
Clover's death. No, it was your dumbass deciding to team up with Tyrian to fight him that doomed his life. Not only that, but Qrow literally tried to even blame the victim himself for getting killed. Oh yes Qrow, it was Clover's fault you and Tyrian jumped him and broke his aura.
Read 16 tweets
#CJs2Cents: There is only ONE instance I feel the argument, "if you don't like it, then don't watch/read it", can be applied intelligently. That situation would be if the individual being told this doesn't like the content they're given and aren't invested in said content either.
In the other cases when people say, "don't like, don't watch/read", they're simply looking at things from the perspective of subjective enjoyment & not overall investment, leading to them coming off as someone who only consumes entertainment they completely enjoy. Very limiting.
However, with the exception I'm using, you're looking at both their subjective enjoyment and overall investment. We consume entertainment because we either enjoy the product or we are mentally/emotionally connected to it. But if neither exists with a product, it's just a waste.
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#CJs2Cents: Subjectively, I love Demon Slayer and find it great & very enjoyable, especially the anime itself; which I feel is where the series shines the brightest. However, if I'm looking at the story & characters from an objective perspective...they're both just "okay".
There's little to no worldbuilding, and the demons themselves don't really have much effect on the setting around them outside of those who know they exist. I'm not asking for everyone in the world to know of this secret war, but you could at least have the government be aware.
Hell, we barely understand how these supernatural monsters came to exist or have their insane powers and appetite for humans from the source that turned Muzan all those years ago. We just pretty much just gloss over that whole thing when you think about it.
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#CJs2Cents: #RWBYSpoilers
So episode 7 of volume 8 has just been released and I must say...I don't know how I feel about this episode. I wouldn't call it good, yet at the same time I wouldn't call it bad either...this is a mixed bag. So I guess I'll just go in order.
So Salem's invasion is finally underway and her grimm army are swarming and overpowering the Atlas army. While I do like the panic and destruction the grimm are causing and seeing them apparently slowly overtake the army, the writers have made the Atlas military seem so poor.
Then there's the citizens of Atlas just chilling and walking around like it's a normal day, until the flying grimm get into the city...I'm sorry but what?! Even if you want to say they're confident in their military, you'd think they wouldn't be so carefree & out in the open! đŸ˜ĩ
Read 20 tweets
#CJs2Cents: #RWBYSpoilers
Kerry, congratulations. You've all managed to get me legitimately hyped for what's to come in this volume. Do keep up the good work, as this is yet another episode where I find far more good in it than bad. So let's get the bad out first.
First, let's cover the biggest negative of this volume, Cinder's backstory. Don't get me wrong, it's a solid backstory but it's literally just a dark Cinderella story that takes place in a hotel. This was NOT worth the 6-7 years of anticipation and feels pretty lackluster.
The next negative would have to be the major worldbuilding issue we get from Cinder's mentor, where he says at 17, she'll be able to take the "Huntsmen Exam". I'm sorry, what? So this backstory & Maria basically disvalue the existence of the academies completely, huh?
Read 17 tweets
#CJs2Cents: Lately, I've been seeing a lot of drama between my friends on here involving the current election and I've been keeping quiet because I don't want to choose any sides but I want to say my peace and hope this could help mend any tensions/hostilities, if at all. đŸ˜ĸ
To get the primary thing off of my chest...I'm on no one's side either involving this election or the drama occuring here. I did vote, but ultimately my political opinion stands that it matters not who sits in the big chair of this country because the entire system's fucked, and>
we are only fooling ourselves into believing that our measly votes in these elections to choose who sits in what seats, will make any significant change to the overall system as whole. One side benefits while the other side suffers, it's basically a fucking pendulum! If we>
Read 11 tweets
#CJs2Cents: Let the record state that CJ Black has no issues with anyone liking or hating a fictional romance he does/doesn't like. But when you state such an incorrect statement of their relationship being "naturally developed", I've got to stop you there, playa.

There isn't anything natural about the two's relationship once you look at how little personal interactions they had together during the Beacon arc, the rushed recovery of their broken connection & then these sudden romantic feelings being shown with's so manufactured.
Then we get down into the whole sexual orientation thing and it becomes a whole lot worse. Not simply because of their orientation, but because you suddenly have Yang & Blake apparently being into each other despite never once having them shown to be interested in women.
Read 6 tweets
#CJs2Cents: So after seeing others talk about this scene & then going back to refresh myself with it, I can definitely say that the truck talk between Blake & Yang in v7 was a well written moment of character interaction...but only when it's observed in a vacuum.
Let me explain, the scene's good on its own because it comes off as a natural conversation between 2 people and it really gives us a glimpse into the general psyche of both Yang & Blake over what's happening around them and what they have recently done. It was a great RWBY scene.
However, these positives start to fall at the wayside when you apply the context of the rest of the show to the conversation. First of all, the events that lead to this talk are the 2 part of a squad ready to ambush Robyn & try to work out a deal with her for betterment of all.
Read 16 tweets
#CJs2Cents: Cinder's supposed to be based on Cinderella, who was abused and made virtually helpless/powerless...if this is somewhat similar to Cinder's "secret" backstory & we're supposed to feel sympathy for her, remember Adam was also an abuse victim & they demonized him.
And to those rolling your eyes thinking, "he's talking about Adam again". I talk about what I want, just like you do & this is more about the underlying misandry issue I brought up with for RWBY not long ago. Cinder is worse than Adam, yet CRWBY is so tame with her in comparison.
And before any of you roll your eyes thinking, "the people in the highest positions of authority are men & we have men in the main cast", do understand that the positions mean nothing in comparison to the treatment of said gender. And the men get it rough, even by RWBY standards.
Read 3 tweets
#CJs2Cents: Ok, yeah it's pretty much official for me now, I like the absolute bombastic energy & fights of the #GodofHighSchool anime...however, I absolutely hate the terrible pacing & "go with it" flow to its writing. This anime is primarily spectacle with poor substance.☚ī¸
It's especially grating when you've read the original manhwa or seen spoilers of it and see how different & honestly better it is from the anime. I hear that the author gave the studio permission to change things & all I can think is...why? They made a weaker version of your work
Seriously, if you don't believe me, go and check the original version of this story for yourself online and see how different things are from the anime & how many good scenes were just changed or even removed completely. And if you like the anime, that's fine. This is my opinions
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#CJs2Cents: Okay, so I'm going to be honest, I don't like Zero-Two as the final form from a narrative sense. It just comes out of nowhere with no build up, it's barely in the show & it "just works" in terms of its capabilities & how it works. #KamenRider
Personally, I would've had Zero-Two be a sort of fusion of Aruto & Izu's rider forms (yes she would be a rider here). Where pieces of Izu's suit would merge with Rising Hopper & her consciousness merges with the system/Aruto like Kamen Rider W. As for how it works, it would>
essentially have no inherit weaknesses as Izu's rider form was made to cover Aruto's weakness & vice versa, so with both forms fused together all the bases are already covered, along with having the calculation abilities & the ability to rapidly evolve/adapt to any threat to it.
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#CJs2Cents: So it's been brought to my attention that several people have been using this old post as a means of talking shit about me & saying I'm a hypocrite for using his name. Well let me tell you all the truth. This was not an argument, this was a hypothetical scenario #RWBY Image
What this was was me taking the information of his character that we saw, along with snippets of his personality explained by his friends/coworkers & I made an educated guess around that information with how Roosterteeth treats both the product of RWBY & its fans.
I'm not assuming I knew Monty, I'm not using him as a tool in any argument nor am I disrespecting the man himself. All I AM doing taking that which we were made privy to and coming to a conclusion based on that. It's those who misunderstood & attack me that are making this bad.
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#CJs2Cents: This is the last thing I'm going to say on the Neath situation. Yes, the guy is fully free to block whomever he wants, I respect that. However, his reasons for blocking people-not liking their content or those they support-is incredibly extreme & quite childish.
I understand how personal RWBY is and how close he is to RT/CRWBY, what with being the mind baby of his late brother, he's working on it & he's an employee of RT-the company making RWBY-and all. But just because something's personal to you doesn't excuse it from criticism.
Art is a thing that exists for others to see, give their thoughts and feelings on. Criticism is the expected outcome for art and is practically part of the job description. Also, criticism doesn't have to be said with a certain tone, there just needs to be logic & reason present.
Read 8 tweets
#CJs2Cents: Sooo, where's Salem, her army and the whale grimm? Where are the Atlas soldiers & droids stationed in Mantle? Why are they knocking out security cameras?

And did you hear Jaune at the end? This means that bike scene happened. So much for the tension. 😑

In what should be the most intense volume we've had yet where our "heroes" finally square off against our main antagonist for the very first time with so much at stake & war at their doorstep...we get wacky hoverbike hijinky. Way to kill that tension you left us on in volume 7...
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#CJs2Cents: People talking about Adam reminds me of just how prevalent the writers' hate boners were for this guy. I mean seriously, how can any sensible person see the new Adam say such cookie-cutter abusive lines with no real stock to them at all & think that sounds ok? #RWBY ImageImageImage
And before anyone says what I know what you're going to say, I'm not bringing this up for the "Adam wasn't abusive" argument. This is me showing an example of how writers let their personal feelings for a character override story/canon.
Want more proof of hate boner fixation? How about the writers having the guy who was branded by the SDC, not care at all about Blake being friends with the Schnee heiress, holds Blake leaving him over his past trauma & remained loyal to a human who essentially enslaved him! #RWBY
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#CJs2Cents: To those who saw this and may have worried about me, I'm fine. I was just going through the motions of all the drama that popped off the other day because of me. I just got so sick & tired of people twisting my argument & using it as a tool to defame & villify me.
I'm not sorry for what I said. All I wanted was for us to be done with this archaic age of thinking that certain boxes dictate us on important matters, as that logic can easily be turned against those who support it. But I am sorry for the drama & unease what I said caused.
And last night, seeing so many people still show they are-for one reason or another-still ruled by this way of thinking just kind threw me for a massive loop as I realized many just either couldn't see past it or weren't ready to...and I had to accept that. I cant force my ways.
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#CJs2Cents: Let the record state to not only the RWBY fandom but to any other fandom whom I interact with. I don't care what a character's label is. I personally only care about who they are as a character. If a character is lgbtq, I want there to be more to them than that. #RWBY
A character's ethnicity, orientation, gender and romantic relationships are not who they themselves are and I frown upon liking/supporting a character for simply such shallow reasons. It shows you're only seeing the checked box & not the person it's under. That's just how I feel.
Feel free to like a character however you want, I'm not here to control you. I'm just hear to say how I myself feel and to set the record straight that I have no feelings of hate/dislike to the lgbtq community in any way. I just hate tokenism & support of it. That's all.
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#CJs2Cents: Okay, can we all pause for a moment and agree that Ghira Belladonna is an absolutely horrible leader? And no, I don't mean of just the White Fang or Menagerie, I mean he's a terrible leader in general. #RWBY Image
When he led the WF, he went into the battle for equality with a very passive approach. Just be nice to humans and ask them to stop discriminating against your people. He even admonished 1 of his subordinates for literally saving his life from one such human by killing them.
Then when the passive route in the WF wasn't going well, he just abandoned the cause entirely and moved down to Menagerie for a cozy little life of little to no human interactions. Despite clearly knowing faunus injustice still occured, he just did nothing until the plot came.
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#CJs2Cents: You know, the more I think about Adam the more I'm disappointed in the writers' lack of care for his potential after death. Showing our heroes he was 1 link in the cycle of hatred, having Blake contemplate being just like him, affecting Weiss' character AT ALL.
#RWBY Image
But nope...the only thing they focused on with his death was finally being the tool he was and acting as that last peace of sacrificial foundation to push Blake and Yang into that realm of "we're interested in each other". And no, that little talk in v7 was basically nothing.

Son of a biscuit...
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#CJs2Cents: People wonder why I give Eddy Rivas of RT so much flack when it comes to RWBY. Let me remind everyone that as of May 2018, Eddy worked as the Brand Archivist for the RT Animation department, meaning his job was literally to keep record of their animated works.
The man was literally a lore keeper of the animated works RT produced, like RWBY. However volumes 6 & 7 we're just riddled with changes to the past of RWBY as a whole and changes to characters, as well moments that made no sense when you think about the lack of set up/foundation.
If you have someone whose job it is to keep track of everything in a work, then why are there so many contradictions, unexplained changes & foundationless moments? Especially when said person later is promoted to being a writer & has even more authority on the work?
Read 6 tweets

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