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#covid19 #société #SHS
"Minimiseurs vs peureux [🔎 aussi appelés respectivement #rassuristes vs #covidiots]
On a parfois [🔎 trop souvent] l'impression d'assister à une guerre de religion ridicule, entre 2 camps.
Le #SARSCoV2 est un virus extrêmement complexe et il n'y a pas
lieu de tirer des conclusions hâtives dans un sens ou dans l'autre.
La prudence doit être de mise !"
L'#humilité d'accepter que nous ne savons pas encore tout, la #nuance qui permet de ne pas opposer les #covidlong et les personnes touchées par des #EI vaccinaux par ex. sont
plus que nécessaires. Et la #sagesse, au regard des connaissances actuelles, nécessiteraient effectivement que soient sanctuarisées les #gestesprotecteurs, là où en France la majorité des sociétés savantes optent pour le #vivrecommeavant (merci d'ailleurs à l'@acadmed). Brûler
Read 11 tweets
En dehors des milliards flambés dans des tests #covidistes, les plus fortes hausses EN POURCENTAGE de dépenses de biologie médicale remboursées entre 2020 et 2021 ont concerné la "biologie interventionnelle" (conservation de gamètes et FIV): +40%.

Mais, et toujours en dehors des milliards flambés dans des tests #covidiots, les plus fortes hausses absolues de dépenses de biologie médicale remboursées entre 2020 et 2021 ont concerné l'hématologie, la biologie, la biochimie, et la microbiologie courantes, ...
📈 La plupart des examens de biologie médicale remboursés par l’assurance maladie hors #covidisme, sont en hausse entre 2020 et 2021, même ceux qui étaient en baisse depuis plusieurs années Y COMPRIS ENTRE 2019 ET 2020, à une très notable exception près: "COAGULATION COURANTE".
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#covid19 et conséquences de l'abandon des mesures de #prévention pourtant essentielles - un préprint
" Si l'on permet la propagation sans restriction du #sarscov2 dans la population, on inflige à l'ensemble de la société un lourd fardeau d'infection et de #covidlong,
auquel il sera difficile, voire impossible, pour les individus de se soustraire à long terme. "
Alors que tout le monde est focalisé, en 🇨🇵, sur le sujet des retraites personne n'a en tête le coût des handicaps liés, d'autant que jusqu'alors on évite soigneusement de colliger
les données éparses notamment des différents régimes de sécurité sociale pour permettre de cerner avec plus de justesse le phénomène :
🔹combien de personnes incapables de travailler et depuis quand ?
🔹combien de personnes en mi temps thérapeutique ?
🔹combien de pensions
Read 16 tweets
J'ai rendez-vous ai CHU de Dijon (là où une patiente est morte DE FAIM) pour une visite de contrôle, et j'ai reçu un SMS précisant que le port d'un masque reste obligatoire, et renvoyant vers une page du site du CHU affirmant que l'ausweis pour OGM est obligatoire !
J'ai téléphoné au CHU et, après de longues minutes d'attente, le standard me répond que contrairement à ce que la page en lien dans leur SMS dit, l'ausweis pour OGM n'y est plus exigé, mais que le port d'un masque inutile (cf. méta Cochrane) reste OBLIGATOIRE.
Dans le même ville - Dijon - le masque inutile reste donc obligatoire au CHU alors qu'il ne l'est plus dans l'hôpital privé du groupe Ramsey où - par contre - on refuse de vous soigner si vous ne faites pas un test PCR !
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Тред как Pfizer подтасовывала результаты клинических испытаний (КИ)
#BigPharma #fake #COVIDIOTS #bigmoney

#bigpharma #hugemoney

Вечно можно смотреть на огонь, воду и как подтасовываются результаты клинических испытаний (КИ) ковидных вакцин.
"Успешное" КИ Pfizer детской вакцины в 2021 таит в себе какие-то бездны даже на фоне ковидных "исследований сниженнной социальной ответственности".

1. Хотя изначально для них было набрано 4526 добровольцев, 3 дозы ввели только 1456 из них (из 1776 детей 6-23 месяцев, 3 дозу
получили только 386 в группе вакцины и 184 - плацебо, из 2750 детей 2-4 лет - 606 в группе вакцины и 280 - плацебо).

Куда же делись оставшиеся 3 тыс. детей, заявленные в проспекте исследований? После 2 дозы число желающих получить 3 дозу резко сократилось - хотя
Read 14 tweets
🎂 #covidlong #J900
Jamais 1 jour de répit. Et malgré l'acceptation de toutes mes limites physiques, qui me permet + de sérénité ds la gestion de mes petits possibles, ressentir 1 pointe de colère quand des personnes au bout de 15 j de primo infection soulignent leur fatigue.
1 des nombreuses voix qui tentent de mettre en garde contre les risques du #COVID19 et ses conséquences sanitaires et socio-économiques.
Sans sombrer dans le misérabilisme ou la généralisation en virant antisoignant. Mais en ne tolérant pas ceux des soignants qui se croient
omniscients et fondés à traiter les gens de #COVIDIOTS parce qu'ils osent évoquer la problématique du #covidlong ou demander de vrais #gestesprotecteurs pour que le #vivreavec soit viable. Accompagnant leur message de bloquages et de ce délicieux gif ⤵️
(ça manque de classe
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🔥🔥🔥 New data released in briefing for #FDA VRBPAC Advisory Meeting tomorrow, June 15th 2022

Links below 👇

#Pfizer #vaccineinjuries #VaccineSideEffects #VaccineInjured #covid19 #COVIDIOTS
Notice just shy of a quarter in the original recipient group received all three doses. Negative efficacy between 1st and 2nd doses.…
FDA will use data like this to justify injecting babies with mRNA experimental juice for a disease which has poises a statistical zero risk to healthy children.

clinical trial info:…

pdf document…
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"De acordo com Gates, a equipe GERM monitorará nações soberanas e poderá decidir quando será necessário suspender as liberdades civis das pessoas, forçá-las a usar máscaras, etc. A equipe global será composta por 3.000 especialistas em doenças da OMS +
e receberá aproximadamente US$ 1 bilhão anualmente em financiamento."

"Eu chamo isso de equipe GERM – Global Epidemic Response and Mobilisation –, e o trabalho de seu pessoal deve ser acordar todos os dias fazendo as mesmas perguntas: “O mundo está pronto para o próximo surto? +
O que podemos fazer para estarmos mais bem preparados?” Eles devem ser totalmente pagos, regularmente perfurados e preparados para montar uma resposta coordenada à próxima ameaça de uma pandemia. A equipe do GERM deve ter a capacidade de declarar uma pandemia e trabalhar com os +
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@JustSayNope @peterel74038008 @MacaesBruno @Conservatives The Salisbury poisonings were Putin laying his wares out on the table as a warning. “Cross or hinder me; & this happens”. Johnson & Tories are neck deep in Kompromat. May knew EU Ref was bent. Commons & Sec Services must know : what’s the hold up? #Investigate the whole lot, now!
@JustSayNope @peterel74038008 @MacaesBruno @Conservatives Listen here ; Failure to protect HMQ from bad advisors re: her finances, & how the threat was issued by Moglivech/Putin re Dark Money/ Russia.
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In dilemma, ben ik nou zo slim of is de rest zo dom. Ik nodig vooral de twitter-trollen te reageren, spugen mag.
1 jaar onderweg met onze uit-en-te-na geteste #vaccins. Volgens voormalig @minvws @hugodejonge een geschenk van god. Net zo veilig als het eten van een frikandel. >>
Het vaccin werd de hemel in geprezen, kon niet meer ziek worden, anderen niet besmetten, van sommige vaccines was 1 prikkie genoeg, je kon er zelf mee gaan dansen. De andere niet zo disco gevoelige prikkies, daarvan waren er 2 voldoende >>
en als je al besmet was geweest was daarvan ook 1 genoeg. Maar we moesten god op onze blote knieën bedanken en dankbaar zijn … althans volgens schoolmeester @hugodejonge.
Goh wat blijkt nou…uit-en-te-na getest kon niet zien dat de meeste prikkies na 6 maanden uitgewerkt waren>>
Read 9 tweets
Good morning Campers #ConvoyToCanberra "Camp Covid" A sadness has fallen over the camp, as the paranoid and gullible realise they've been deserted by those behind the big words & promised "Revolution".

#QAnonCult #Dumbernats #Covidiots #auspol
"Vladimir Streamsalot" is up and about at "Camp Covid it's all a bit uneventful.
Read 30 tweets
Good morning Campers #ConvoyToCanberra it's move out day. Overnight we find those at "Camp Covid" having to decide which of the following fractured fairytales they belong in:-
1. Blockade themselves in
2. Buy a Farm - Donate $10
3. Go home
#dumbernats #Covidiots #auspol
Did someone say Paranoia? "We see them there, we see them everywhere...."
Read 54 tweets
Welcome to "Big Day Out for Cookers" today they will again "Yell at an Empty Building" and intimate kids getting Vaccine at the AIS. Wondering how long it will remain a "Peaceful Protest"
#ConvoyToCanberra #QAnonCult #Covidiots #Freedum #auspol
An ambulance has been called because someone has twisted their ankle. To whoever that is "Suck it up Princess, I thought you were all warriors"
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Imagine if the 5-year incarceration of #nanazinzaghariratcliffe got the sort of global attention afforded to #Djokovic because his paperwork wasn’t in order.

A good example of humanity’s priorities gone mad.

When asked why he attended a big event the day after testing positive, the #Djokovic family abruptly ends the press conference. They are well at home in the company of Laurence Fox, Farage et al. Evasive and entitled. And dangerous. #AusOpen #covidiots
Game Set & Match, Ms Navratilova. 🎾 🏆
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3 calciatori morti di infarto negli ultimi 5 giorni. Avevano 23, 29 e 30 anni. Tali casi si aggiungono a quelli già registrati nell'ultimo anno, che ha visto collassare tanti sportivi in campo, senza alcuna ragione apparente. #novax #Zangrillo
Ecco una possibile spiegazione dei casi di infarto dopo il vax da parte dei #Covidiots.
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Cheap-flight CEO in climate emergency:
CEO of Ryanair has declared that anyone who remains unvaccinated should be completely cut off from society, including not being allowed to travel, go to the supermarket to get food, or the pharmacy to get medicine.'…
''O’Leary admitted that making vaccines compulsory is “an infringement of your civil liberties,” but added that the way around it is “you simply make life so difficult...”'
'Calling the unvaccinated “idiots,” the Ryanir boss further stated “I don’t think that governments should permit those people who are not vaccinated to go and infect everybody else.”'
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81) Sen. Doug Ericksen was on Trump’s transition team & served as communications lead at Environmental Protection Agency. Ericksen was a vocal opponent of COVID restrictions, saying he would introduce a bill opposing vaccine mandates.

He died of #COVID19 at 52.

#Spreadnecks Image
82) An unvaccinated man from Texas, whose death was the first confirmed #Omicron-related in the US, had previously been infected with #coronavirus.

He made his choice, but who else did he infect? What variants did he breed?

#OmicronVariant #Spreadnecks… Image
83) Roger Dale Moon, unvaccinated false prophet & pastor of Revelation Fire Ministries in South Carolina said “You have the power to say, ‘This is Not how my Life will end. God is my strength… I will live a victorious life’” He died shorty after contracting #COVID19 #Spreadnecks 83) Roger Dale Moon, unvacc...
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I see the lockdown fan club is full of Christmas cheer.
#covidiots #londonprotest
Normal, decent folk.
Mayor of London has said the vast, vast majority of hospital cases are unvaccinated. I'm so done with these rabid, stupid, foul people. They're the reason for all this panic about strain on health services. They are literally what is causing the restrictions to which they object.
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Chris Whitty politely destroys a Tory MP bravely asking an idiotic question on behalf of fellow idiots.
#covidiots #omicron
I love this clip so much.
Why do some people not understand that if thousands & thousands of people are off work for 10 days with even very mild Covid, those people include the doctors, nurses & ambulance workers on whom we depend when we ourselves get sick or injured? It surely isn’t complicated is it?
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@xxxtruth1 @JannerDarren @CharlotteEmmaUK Ironically, early last year, Covid was thought to be a danger mostly to the very old & the very sick. #Covidiots thought those groups were expendable! “No need for us all to take precautions to stop the spread; if YOU’RE healthy & under 60--or 50, or 40, or 30–YOU’RE safe.”
@xxxtruth1 @JannerDarren @CharlotteEmmaUK Few seemed to know—or care—that age & physical condition are gradients, not binaries. Those who were neither young & perfectly healthy, nor very old &/or sick, were expected to take their chances of exposure (at 1st, 2nd, or 10th remove) because someone flouted hygiene protocols.
@xxxtruth1 @JannerDarren @CharlotteEmmaUK Some callous young-to-middle-aged adults referred to Covid as “Boomer Remover”.
And few even noticed—or cared—that midlife parents, teachers, and other workers with a pre-existing condition or two were at moderate or higher risk of serious illness if infected.
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‘Masks are dehumanising’.

Drowned child refugees, not so much.

It’s going to be an exhausting week.
#MondayMood #WearAMask #GetVaccinated #covidiots
Just someone who is very angry with the air ambulance service for rudely trying to save someone’s life. Bet they won’t be wearing a mask. #idiocracy
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Lots of people who don’t remotely mind terrified, freezing refugees drowning in the Channel will shortly appear here, incandescent with rage that they may be required to wear a piece of fabric over their nose & mouth for 15 mins when they’re in a shop.
#BrexitBritain #Omnicron
Someone just told me that their ancestors fought for their right not to comply with mask mandates, and now I want the earth to swallow me. 🤦🏻‍♂️ #covidiots #covidvariant #COVID19
If anyone has lost their crystal meth lab I know who stole it. #covidiots #covidvariant #Omnicron #idiocracy
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