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===> unless there were a Military coup... to "Save" the World, a Global coup, planned and designed by the Universal Military, the Veterans of the Empire with Captain America, D TRUMP wanting to revive Atlantis ( Make Atlantis/America Great Again). In vain !
Beware of the "Republican/Patriot Military wing" coming from the West and having its ancestral partisans among Royals in the French Nobility ( with their RENAISSANCE, with their CHATEAUX DE LA LOIRE...) and in all Europe.
That fake western Republican/Patriot wing, since East and West do not exist, belongs to the illusory One bird/One World they want to revive in a One World Government. The Left wing is Communism and both wings gather in totalitarianism to make that satanic bird.
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🧵This week started on Sunday 18th, celebrating Fathers day in France which is in fact celebrating the three Papas/Popes and the Roman PaterFamilia-System. Of course it was the New Moon for a new beginning and they had to fight in vain.
The spiritual side of the Empire set in Rome, at the Vatican and its Holy See, with the three Popes reigning over the mythic 7 hills, will go on trying to enforce their Authority, their Sunday Law, their obedience.. all along the 25th week.
And tomorrow, for the Summer solstice, between June 21st and June 22nd which has always been OURS, the glory of the light over darkness, they have set their Tantra Festivals everywhere. That is satanism with Love being reduced to sex and the leading Tantra Institute
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🧵Do you understand now who are the Popes ? What is the Vatican ? Image
Remember the House of the Visconti, watch the coat of arms with the Biscione, watch the heraldry of Milan... and now that the Visconti bloodline is no longer, watch the Sforza who have inherited the Duchy...Milan-based auto manufacturer Alfa Romeo Image
(also known as the Casa del Biscione, Italian for "House of the Biscione" or "Biscione['s] marque") includes a Biscione in its logo impaled with a red cross on white (derived from the flag of Milan), as does espresso machine manufacturer Bezzera...
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Et en français : Les Médecins et les Chirurgiens ne sont pas des Physiciens !

Galen Winsor en 1986 vous expose le mensonge de la bombe atomique ... mais c'est encore pire, la vérité n'étant qu'à moitié...
Vous pouvez également lire, et là vous comprenez la première "arnaque", mais ce n'est pas tout !…

Lisez aussi l'article de J.Orient, "Fukushima and reflection on radiation as a terror weapon" et comprenez alors immédiatement ce que l'on vous cache
car l'article est passé dans le "Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons", le Journal des Médecins américains et des Chirurgiens"😈

==> l'article est paru dans un journal professionnel pour les médecins (physicians) et les chirurgiens (surgeons).
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🧵En France, au Sénat, les "Patriciens" (la Droite) ont voté à l'unanimité POUR la reconnaissance faciale des Humains dans l'espace public, la reconnaissance des abeilles ouvrières/esclaves de la Ruche, préservant alors leur Paix contre tout débordement grâce à une IA Reine.
Les Progressistes auraient-ils terminé leur travail de sape, et le lissage des classes laborieuses au nom de l'équité pour un contrôle plus facile des assujettis ? Donald Trump, va réapparaitre en plein jour après la mascarade avec Biden, et se poser en héros sauvant l'Humanité
dans le costume de Captain America pour "Make Atlantis Great Again"... puis traversera l'Atlantique pour "sauver" la vieille Europe, apportantla Pax Romana. C'est ce que certains croiront... En France, les "souvereinistes" dans le même sens,
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🧵Toujours une horreur d'entendre Yuval Noah Harari, beaucoup de choses se fomentent depuis Tel Aviv ... et il a été désigné pour être l'un des mentors de Klaus Schwab auprès du WEF, le portail/Hub des cartels internationaux.
Il annonce que les Humains mourront s'ils n'obéissent pas. Ils seront maintenant dépendants du réseau, les yeux rivés sur leurs mobiles, œuvrant/ventilant tous dans le même sens et répondant à la même Queen Hermaphrodite de leur Ruche...
leurs dieux seront des biogénéticiens, des Sorciers de la magie noire chapeautés par l'OMS. Surtout n'allez pas dans ce sens et abandonnez vos mobiles qui vous ensorcellent. Vous foncez droit vers l'Abyme si vous ne vous reprenez pas
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🧵En généalogie, connaissez-vous les termes "agnatique" et " cognatique" ? En fait, en généalogie on ne peut être vraiment sûr que de la lignée cognatique ou utérine, celle qui nait des femmes. Mais dans cette société patrilinéaire, renforcée par le Droit Romain
la généalogie se fait par les Hommes, les mâles d'un même "Pater familias" . Ils ont prévu dès le départ l'enfant adopté QUI N'EXISTE PAS DANS LA GENEALOGIE UTERINE, laissant la place grande ouverte à toutes les déviances de Sodom et Gomorrhe.
Vous comprenez alors que tout a été prévu depuis longtemps par ces démons, une société agnatique poussée à l'extrême où la femme ne fait plus partie du couple, elle qui avec son utérus construit le bébé dans le ventre où le Créateur a insufflé la vie...
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🧵The abomination of the Mustard agent : a weapon to kill!

That vesicant chemical warfare agent (from ethylene and sulfur dichloride) was also named Phosgene gas, a biproduct of bleached when combined with ammonia.
Frederick Guthrie synthesized it in 1860 but not the first to do it but was among the first to document its toxic effects with his team of medical researchers who noticed it destroyed lymphatic tissue and bone marrow (that was just after WWI)
The results of the researchers were compiled at the end of WWI... when they had the proof that the weapon was able to kill... and that gas was first waged by the Germans and then used by both sides during WWI. That weapon caused 1,205,655 injuries (of which 91,198 were fatal)
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🧵The power of #Melanin that real Hue-mans have in their skins (even if you are white skinned today) is that it is a protection...and on the skin, there are glints of bronze and gold which are much more visible when you are suntanned...the skin shines...
and of course, the Adversary ("Man" is not "Hue-man") knows its 3D worth (it is a super conductor and it is worth over $445 a gram) using what is naturally present in our bodies to insert without any reject, their "technology",
raping our sacred bodies with their poisons, to kill us, to kill the Creature/ Hue-man of the Great Almighty Creator. So far, they have explored its different powers in combination with PUMA therapy to treat skin diseases with the ultraviolet light...
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🧵In the hijacked world ,and because they think they are still in the race in the Aquarius Era, they are stealing all the personal Human IDs without consent (scaring people with multitude of frauds aiming at total acceptance of their legislation). (to be continued)
Personal Data is a very high market worth and then, they will allow access at a very high price to other companies. Whoever possesses personal data wields Super Power, and there is only one Throne in that Hell.
(to be continued)
The result today is an internal war between the Companies of the GAFAM and BATX to create global monopolies. Their digital technology has created the problem on purpose and they obviously have the 'cure' : you must obey them so that they can control (to be continued)
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🧵"Dating applications" are a way to collect your data but it depends of the intention....Meetic (French) was the ancestor behind Facebook and created in 2001 for "pairing"... then Facebook appeared at the same time as Lifelog in 2004 (to be continued) Image
(from the US DARPA "to keep track of your memories" ) and the App. is on Google Play now.

In 2009, the Match Group Inc (Dallas) was created and Meetic joined it in 2013. Today it gathers Tinder, Meetic,, Soulmates Tech. Limited... (to be continued)
From the Facebook side, Meta Holding was created to gather Facebook ,Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus...

AND NOW, BINGO... the two sides are becoming ONE !

Both the Match Group Inc and the Meta Holding want to be the final winners!🏁#Gameover #DRO…
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🧵Elixirs de jouvence, depuis la parabiose hétérochronique jusqu'à l'adrénochrome qui est extrait de jeunes enfants abusés et terrifiés, de leur vivant...

Et, comme on parle toujours de "vampires", cela n'est pas nouveau !
Et l'adrénochrome, c'est en chimie 3-hydroxy-1-méthyl-2, 3-dishydro-1H-indole-5, 6-dione .
C'est une dégradation de l'adrénaline qui s'oxyde ...

Et il y a eu aussi beaucoup d'essais dans les abattoirs avec les animaux (on a maltraité, torturé les animaux, prolongé leur agonie..
avant de les abattre, pour récupérer leur adrénochrome et faire des recherches dans ce sens. La maltraitance dans les abattoirs peut aussi cacher autre chose...

Certains disent que maintenant ils arrivent à synthétiser cet adrénochrome ?
Read 35 tweets
🚨La pétrochimie pénètre dans vos corps... Vous êtes cernés de toutes parts, vous poussant à consommer/avaler/digérer des produits toxiques pour vous faire dispar@ître. Toutes les études dites "scientifiques" qui vous sont communiquées viennent de l'OMS, de Big Pharma (suite)
de Monsanto, du WEF, des industriels de l'agro-alimentaire comme Kr@ft Heinz, NEstlé...
La mauvaise nourriture c'est donc tout ce qui est produit industriellement, le pain/farines des supermarchés ou boulangeries industrielles (suite)
les restaurants "industriels" comme les fast-food, les caféterias... et tout ce que vous ingérez comme les médicaments (= pétrochimie) depuis les "soins" allopathiques en vente libre à effet progressif et qui s'accumulent dans vos corps... jusqu'aux thérapies chimiques (suite)
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I know that Naomi died in 1972 with her mum ... But it is true that it is not the Real Joe Biden. His son, Beau, whose legal name was Joseph Robinette Biden III (to be continued)
after his father & grandfather succumbed to brain cancer in 2015 at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda , Maryland (not in Iraq !) And Joe Biden II (his father) went to Ireland and met the priest who had given his son Beau the last rites (to be continued)
before he died and he broke down in tears... He never recovered and died a few years later.
That actor playing "Joe Biden" is a diversion while D Trump has time to prepare his return...Think about it, who benefits from that diversion organised by the military? (to be continued)
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🚨FRANCE - Revenons sur la Réforme de l'UNEDIC de 2019 puis de l'Assurance Chômage 2023.
La dernière réforme de 2019 entre progressivement en vigueur et elle est pleinement applicable depuis le 1/09/2022 avec l'entrée du "Bonus Malus" sur le taux de contribution à l'assurance.
Des mesures exceptionnelles devaient prendre fin en novembre 2022 mais elles ont été prolongées jusqu'au 31/12/2023 et aujourd'hui, vous avez simultanément la mise en place de la nouvelle assurance chômage depuis le 1/02/2023.
L'indemnisation des chômeurs va varier selon la "CONJONCTURE" du marché du travail. Les tableaux vont fuser, les statistiques se multiplier avec des chiffres, des données que peu de gens contrôlent et une histoire "main stream" va être dictée...
Read 41 tweets
🚨The Tavistock Institute became known as a clinic funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.Rawlings Rees & his intelligence brainwashing "method" recreating infantile paranoid states of mind, William Sargant : here are the British psychiatrists for the "Battle of the Mind" 😈THREAD
Discover the "dancing mania phenomenon", a dance plague that occurred during the Black Death and surprisingly, attacked nurses in Hospitals during the COV ID times... (read all the links...)
William Sargant was also a British psychiatrist and the "Father of Mind Control" in the West with connections to British Intelligence and the Tavistock Institute. In "the battle of the mind" that he wrote, he explained that an implanted memory could induce abnormal stress ...
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🚨 Eurogendfor a pour origine les armées secrètes de l'OTAN qui déstabilisent par la terreur l'ordre public depuis la fin de la Seconde guerre mondiale, afin de stabiliser l'ordre politique et renforcer l'Etat policier. (suite)
Le réseau des "Stay Behind" est connu avec l'Opération Gladio et la loge noire maçonnique P2, Gladio étant l'épée à deux tranchants connue et utilisée dans l'empire romain classique. Elle a été créée sous l'égide du Ministère de l'intérieur Italien, par Mario Scelba. (suite)
Cette alliance infernale entre le Vatican, la CIA et la Mafia/Familia... n'a jamais disparu mais a évolué en noms... Ce réseau de l'OTAN et ses dérives, est au pic de son activité aujourd'hui. C'est devenu un complot par la Terreur à l'encontre du peuple européen (suite)
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🚨La France se bat contre le régime agricole productiviste industriel décidé depuis la fin de la 2nde guerre mondiale. L'eau est l'enjeu de la Cop 26 qui s'est déroulée à Glasgow en 2021. Fil
Le système des Mégabassines détruit le système hydrologique continental, le système naturel, de l'eau. Il vole avec de puissantes pompes, de l'eau stockée dans la nappe phréatique et récupère aussi les eaux de ruissellement, pour les stocker dans des bassines à ciel ouvert...
don't l'une a une capacité de 650,000 m3, soit 650,000,000 litres. Ce détournement de l'eau, dont les systèmes sont financés par l'argent des citoyens, est réservée aux céréaliers de l'agriculture productiviste industrielle et principalement la filière du Maïs...
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🚨Ritual Abuse in the Grand Lodge, London (3 videos to watch). You have the testimony of a young girl who has been raped at home by her father and then, driven to that lodge.😈
She saw a young boy who has been stabbed in the heart and killed, it was a ritual on the altar.
That Grand Lodge is connected to the Establisment, the Government...

Prince Philip of the Gluckburg Dynasty, the direct Heir of Constantine 😈(The Atheist and bloody Roman Emperor who revived the fallen Empire after the sacks of Rome, creating the Catholic Church...
to serve his interests). Prince Philip is a High Ranked FreeMason, the friend of Jimmy Savile (from the BBC, the Propaganda which has been granted the Monopoly on May 6th, 2023 for the Coronation Event, their "EDEN " Operation). He raped trafficked children..
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🚨 Don't forget the Rhodes Foundation in UK,created by the Supremacist Cecil Rhodes of the Cape code Colony in 1902. It created the prestigious Rhodes' scholarships at Oxford University and Clarence Streits, the famous scholar wrote " The Union now"in 1939 (to be continued)
which ended to launch the "Western Union of Democracies and "the World Organization through Democracy", the NWO with the #Streits Council 's "Freedom and Union" in 1946, the creation of the #AUD in 1985, its revival in 2013. William Jefferson Clinton,BILL CLINTON(to be continued)
was the 1st President of the USA to benefit from the #Oxford selective #Rhodes Scholarship. Today, the Canadian Billionaire John McCall MacBain is one of the "Second Century Founders (SCF) of the #Rhodes Foundation with 2,600+ generous donors over 4,500 scholars/100 countries...
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🚨Much more to know about the Operation Apollo 11 and the Sci-Fi "Moon landing" !

On the video, you can see Stanley Kubrick who filmed the fake Moon Landing (a Hollywood montage, Warner Bros. Pictures being a Rothschild Masonic Propaganda Machine) and
confessed later that it was a lie & a giant fraud involving the US government/NASA/Hollywood and the Warner Bros/ The Vatican/ Paul VI...

And that was just the beginning of something much bigger...He decided to tell more about about the giant Conspiracy against Humanity
in his other films such as "Clockwork Orange" where he explained the mind control manipulation for the New World Order, organized by the Tavistock Institute.... And, he was killed in 1999 (a "mysterious" myocardial infarction, many were killed in that way)
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🚨 The Ministry of war & Information is the Pentagon. The media are controlled and edited by the government. John Kirby, a retired rear admiral, is a product of the propaganda : military & diplomatic analyst at CNN, spokesperson during the Obama Administration (to be continued)
for the US Dpt of State, Chief of the Navy's flagship magazine Pentagon press Secretary in 2013 and back again during Biden'. Vodimir Zelensky, an actor who played in the Ukrainian Azov productions (a pedophile ring has been cracked) (to be continued)
He does the bidding of the Hollywood Scientologist Tom Cruise (he wears the mask of a young Stanley Kubrick that they hate since he disclosed the global child trafficking ring, the organizing principle of the death Cult in "Eyes Wide Shut", he died (to be continued)
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🚨Remember that the Pope Pius X declared in 1895, "The Pope is not simply the representative of Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, under the veil of the flesh" but there has never been any "Jesus Christ". D Trump is speaking of "Jesus Christ" (to be continued)
within their designed Trinity. Bishop Timothy Dolan, has been the ideal representative of Benedict XVI, he's president of the bishops conference in the USA working with government to shape laws that pursue social justice, respect for life & the Common Good (to be continued)
But the Black Pope, the Jesuit Arturo Sosa Abascal rules over Maritime Laws (hence, business) . He controls Banking, Freemasonry, the Secrets Services all over the world (CIA, FBI, NSA, SIS, M16, Scotland Yard, Mossad, CSIS, DGSE, FSB...). (to be continued)
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🚨I address those who are still skeptical and those who want to know more. NEIL ARMSTRONG was a photographer, he was the first one to have officially launched the Great Illusion of Imagery in 1969 of "we set foot on the Moon",
Here, EDWIN EUGENE ALDRIN Jr took the photo... Nicknamed BUZZ ALDRIN, he was a Colonel in the USAF, a fighter pilot coming from the West Point Academy and an engineer from the MIT. He was also the 1st Freemason😡😈 to set foot on Moon (ordained in the 33rd degree
of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, also a member of the York Rite, also a member of the Arabian Shrine Temple of Houston 😈) and worse, a US Presbyterian Elder (a Church which ordained members of the LGBT Community as Elders😝).
Read 14 tweets

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