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Why is there no fuel in Sri Lanka?

Main reason - no USD to pay for it.

Then why is there no USD?

Let me try and explain, and thereby give some hope on how we can get out of this sooner than later.


#EconomicCrisisLK #FuelCrisisLK #GoHomeGota2022
Sri Lanka has had 2 main sources of USD.

1 - export/remittance/tourism earnings (ie trade)
2 - investment/grant/debt inflows (ie fund flows)

Our main source of outflows have been 3 - imports and 4 - debt repayments.

So increase 1 and 2, reduce 3 and 4. Simple, right?

On trade, we don't get all of our due trade earnings into the country. This is due to a combination of losing confidence in the system (both the formal remitting system and Sri Lanka overall) which keeps money out of the system overall.

Fixing this needs trust.

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No money for food, fuel or medicine but infinite money for violence against civilians - Police & Riot Police repeatedly tear gas IUSF protestors & more at Battaramulla today. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 Image
'බිලි මගින් බලේ ගන්න - පිපිරෙව්වේ බෝම්බ තොපි'

IUSF march from Nugegoda to the Parliament entrance at Polduwa junction near Diyatha Uyana. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 ImageImageImageImage
Police ready at the first barrier, which didn't last long. A first group of performer/protestors tied these flags to the barricade. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 ImageImageImageImage
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The Samathai drummers from Batticaloa joined in and lead the final stretch of the artists' protest yesterday.

Thread of some scenes and stories from both these powerful elements. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022
Tamil and Muslim women from Ampara, Batticaloa and Jaffna visited #Gotagogama yesterday. They raised the issues they were facing due to the #EconomicCrisisLK and issues of justice they'd been fighting for years. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota
They drummed, sang and took up space at the barricade. I might be wrong but I've never heard that much Tamil spoken at the barricade since this protest started. There were short translations so listeners could understand. It was A Moment. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota
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Blindfolding Bandaranaike: Arrived at Galle Face to this powerful sight.

Thread of a few more things that happened at #Gotagogama today.

#lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 #TakeBackOurPower
Rally by the Medical Faculty Student Action Committee, raising issues of the lack of medication and the patients whose lives are at risk. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022
Medical Faculty rally and the ongoing protest by IT Professionals merge near the statue. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022
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General strike - some scenes of various trade union protests that arrived at Galle Face/#Gotagogama today. The uniting demand - #GoHomeGota - is for GR & his family must answer for their failures, then go to jail. Power to the people ✊🏾 #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota2022 ImageImageImageImage
March by a mixture of trade unions leaving from Fort Railway and heading to GGG. Posters focus on state violence & the murder in #Rambukkana. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 ImageImageImageImage
Collective of Ports unions & several other small groups protest outside Fort Railway Station. #lka #SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 ImageImageImageImage
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ණය සහ ආර්ථික අර්බුධය, IMF උදවු, මේ ටිකෙන් ලංකාවේ ආර්ථිකයටයි රටේ මිනිස්සුන්ටයි ඉස්සරහට මොකද වෙන්න යන්නේ? 👇

#SriLanka #SriLankaEconomicCrisis (#GoHomeGota2022 #අරගලයටජය for reach)
ලංකාව මෙතෙන්ට එන්න කලින්, අවුරුදු ගාණක් තිස්සෙ ආර්ථික ගැටලු වලට මුහුණ දීපු රටක්. මන් කලින් කතා කරා අපේ ආණ්ඩුවේ ආදායම්/වියදම් හිඟය ගැනත්, රටේ ඩොලර් ආදායම්/වියදම් හිඟය ගැනත්.

මේ නිසා රටේ දිගටම ආර්ථික අර්බුද ඇති වුණා. 2016 වසරේ තිබුණු අර්බුදය තුළින්, මේ කතාව මම කලින් විස්තර කරන්න හැදුවා.

Read 23 tweets
2019 අලුත් ආණ්ඩුව ආපු දවස ඉඳන් ගත්ත ආර්ථික තීරණ වලින් ආර්ථිකය ලොකු අමාරුවකට වැටුණ එක අපිට හොඳට තේරෙනවා.

හැබැයි ඇත්තටම මොකද්ද වුණේ - කොහොමද මෙච්චර ඇණ ගත්තෙ? 👇

#SriLanka #SriLankaEconomicCrisis (#GoHomeGota2022 #අරගලයටජය for reach)
2019 වෙනකොට, ආර්ථිකය එච්චර හොඳ තැනක නෙමෙයි තිබුණේ. 2017/18 වල ආණ්ඩුවේ ආදායම්/වියදම් හිඟය පාළනය වුණත්, ණය බර තාම තිබුණා. ඉස්සරහ අවුරුදු වල ගොඩක් ණය ගෙවන්න තියෙන බව පෙනුනා.

2018 දි, තීරණය වුණා ණය ගෙවන එක කරගෙන යන්න නම්, අලුත් ණය ගන්න වෙනවා, හැබැයි ඊට එහා ණය ගන්න එක නවත්තන්න ඕන කියලා. 2019 ඒ නිසා ණය ගොඩක් අරන් සංචිත පිරෙවවා.

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අපේ රටේ ආර්ථිකය මෙච්චර වැටුණේ කොහොමද?

කලින් කතාවේ ඉතුරු ටික 👇

#SriLanka #SriLankaEconomicCrisis (#GoHomeGota2022 #අරගලයටජය for reach)
2016 වෙනකොට අපේ ආර්ථික ප්‍රශ්න නිසා තවත් අර්බුදයක් අපි මුහුණ දුන්නා. 2015 පාර්ලිමේන්තු ඡන්දය වෙනුවෙන් දුන්න සහන නිසා, ආණ්ඩුවේ වියදම් වැඩි වෙලා, අර්බුදය ඉක්මන් වුණා.

අපේ ආර්ථික ගැටලු ප්‍රධාන වශයෙන් තුනයි.

1 - ආණ්ඩුවේ ආදායම්/වියදම් හිඟය
2 - රටේ ඩොලර් ආදායම්/වියදම් හිඟය
3 - රටේ වැඩි වෙන ණය බර

මේ තුන තමයි විසඳගන්න ඕන

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ලංකාව කොහොමද මෙච්චර වැටුණේ? මං සිංහලෙන් විස්තර කරලා නැති නිසා, මෙතෙන්ට ආවේ කොහොමද කියලා මුලින් පටන් ගමු 👇

#SriLanka #SriLankaEconomicCrisis (#GoHomeGota2022 #අරගලයටජය for reach)
2016 විතර වෙනකොට, අපේ රටේ ණය බර, ආර්ථිකයේ ප්‍රමාණය එක්ක බලනකොට වැඩි වේගෙන එනවා. මේ වැඩි වීමට ප්‍රධාන හේතු තුනක් තිබුණා.

1 - කලින් ගත්ත ණය ගෙවන්න අලුත් ණය ගන්න එක
2 - ආණ්ඩුවේ ආදායම්/වියදම් අතර හිඟය පුරවන්න
3 - රටේ ඩොලර් ආදායම්/වියදම් අතර හිඟය පුරවන්න

ආණ්ඩුවේ ආදායමට වඩා වියදම වැඩි වුණාම, රටේ මිනිස්සුන්ට අතට තියන සල්ලි වැඩි වෙනවා - මොකද බදු වලින් ගන්න සල්ලි වලට වඩා, පඩි සහ අනිත් වියදම් වලින් වැඩිපුර සල්ලි මිනිස්සුන්ට ලැබෙනවා.

ඉතින් හොඳයි නෙ?

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There's been discussion over the symbolism in the Sri Lankan flag, so today, we're going to take some time discussing where it comes from and how this design came to be...

#Srilanka #EconomicCrisisLK #GoHomeGota2022 #History #SriLankaCrisis #SriLankaProtests ImageImageImageImage
According to the Mahavamsa, the Sinhalese people descend from present-day Bengal. At this time, a supposed "lion-man" named Sinha had two children with a princess from Vanga, named Suppadevi. Their son, Sinhabahu would go on to found the city of Sinhapura and became king. Image
After Sinhabahu died, his son, Prince Vijaya came to the throne but was seen as an unfit ruler. He was expelled from the Island with his 700 followers. He is said to have carried a flag with a lion depicted on it, referencing the "lion city", Sinhapura, where he came from. Image
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With the recent discussion of the #nationalanthem and the debate between singing it in #sinhala and #tamil, today we're going to take a look at the #history of this song seeing what we can take away from it's controversial past...

#EconomicCrisisLK #GoHomeGota2022 #Srilanka
Prior to Independence, the national anthem of Ceylon was 'God Save the King' - a fact of colonial rule which many despised. The Ceylon National Congress, one of the nation's independence organisations, vowed to create a new national anthem when the nation became independent.
When Ceylon achieved it needed a new national song so contest was set up to select one and a judging panel was set up. However there was resentment as "In a controversial decision, two of the panelists were declared winners...It began as – 'Sri Lanka Matha/Pala Yasa Mahima'"
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In our continued look at #protests and past civil disobedience in our #history, today we're covering the May Day Rallies and labour strikes of early 19th century #srilanka and seeing what we can learn from their success...

#GoHomeGota2022 #EconomicCrisisLK #GotaGoGama #lka ImageImageImage
The origins of these labour protests can be traced back to colonial rule. Many low-class native Sri Lankans worked in factories and estates while British business owners simply managed their monopolies. Wages were low, hours were long, and little to no facilities were provided. ImageImage
Across the globe during the 19th, people in these circumstances began demanding better rights. Many were inspired by the ideas of the ideals of the Buddhist Theological Society and the Sarasavi Sandaresa, the first unions were formed and teachers began striking in the 1890s. Image
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Happy Easter Everyone!

Today, we look back at the history of Easter to our nation's relationship to this holiday and how we can learn to come together on this day in the midst of the present crisis...

#srilanka #history #easter #eastersunday #EconomicCrisisLK #GoHomeGota2022
The Holiday celebrates the resurrection of Christ. According to the New Testament, this occurred 3 days after he was crucified in 30 AD. This holiday concludes the 40 day period of fasting that began with Lent.
Specifically for our nation, Christianity probably first arrived around 72 AD after St. Thomas visited Kerala and his teaching spread southward. However, most of the nation's Christian population came from conversions during the colonial period.
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මෙන්න සුමල් පෙරේරාගේ අද ගේම. පැටිකිරිය සහ පරණ කතා coming soon. If you are wondering why Johnston Fernando was one of just FOUR ministers kept in Cabinet, its to do one LAST GREAT HIGHWAY ROBBERY.
#SriLanka #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 #lka #GoHomeRajapakshas #GoHomeRajapaksas
While the people are demanding that #RajapaksasGoHome, the family is trying to pull one major scam in close partnership with crony businessmen of the likes of Sumal Perera of Access Group. #GotaGoGama #අරගලයටජය #GotaGoHome #SLnews
The consortium, calling itself the Lanka Infrastructure Development Consortium (LIDC) comprises of Access Engineering, Maga Engineering, ICC, KDAW and NEM Construction.
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Let me go through how remittances work and make a plea, please send money to Sri Lanka.

#SriLankaEconomicCrisis #SriLanka #ProtestLK #EconomicCrisisLK (also #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 #GotaGoGama for reach)

Think of remittances as when money from outside SL comes into SL on a personal basis.

This can either be

A. From a foreign account to your own local account


B. From your foreign account to someone's local account.

Let's take A first.

In this case, your dollars are sent to a bank account held by a local bank. Now, as long as those dollars are there, the bank can allocate those dollars for other purposes, ie for an outflow of dollars.

No Rajapaksas involved.

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සංගීතා ප්‍රකෝටිපතියන් වුනේ කොහොමද? ඒ රටේ මහජන මුදල් කොල්ලකෑමෙන් සහ මිනී මරමිනි.
අවස්තාවාදී නාරි මාංස
සංගීතාත් මහා රජානෝ අපිට එපා කියමින් පාරට බස ඇත. රැවටීමට පෙර පැටිකිරිය දැනගෙන සිටීම වටී. @SiyathaFM @SiyathaNewsLive @HiruGossip @lankacnews @ChamuSOnline Image
සංගීතාගේ විවාහක සැමියා රොෂාන්ත කාරියප්පෙරුමගේ පැටිකිරිය ඉතාම රසවත්ය. රොෂාන්තගේ අයියා ප්‍රියන්ත කරියප්පෙරුමය. මහින්ද ධීවර අමාත්‍ය කාලේ බොක්කේ හිතවතෙකුය. මහින්දගේ නොතනියට හිටියේ ප්‍රියන්තය. ප්‍රියන්ත සහ රොෂාන්ත හලාවත ඉස්සෝ කොටු අයිති කාරයන්ය. #GoHomeGota #SriLanka #lka #SLnews
ධීවර ඇමති සමග ලඟින් ඇසුරු කොලේ ඒ නිසාය. හලාවත ඉස්සෝ කොටු මුදලාලිට කොළඹ හතේ සංගීතා සැට් උනේ කෙසේද යන්න වෙනම කතාවකි. ජෝඩු කලේ මහින්ද බව නොරහසකි. මෙරට පිටරට සුපිරි කොල්ලෙක් බැඳීමට හැකියාව තිබූ සංගීතා ඉස්සෝ කොටු මුදලාලිව කර ගැසුවේ මන්ද යන්න වෙනම කතාවකි.
Read 25 tweets
Right let's explain this and why this "default" isn't bad news, why "default" isn't a straightforward term, and what this will look like

#SriLankaEconomicCrisis #SriLanka (also tagging #GoHomeGota2022 #GoHomeGota for the reach)

We've decided to suspend all USD and foreign law debt payments according to this.

That means we won't pay them, we'll collect the arrears, and we'll include all of that in an official restructuring once that begins.

Is this bad?

Well, it's better if we could pay everything, but we can't. So this is far better than running out of money.

But could we have gotten agreement from creditors first?

Read 15 tweets
Okay Hanke is giving his inflation numbers and asking for a currency board again, so let's talk about inflation and what all of this is about before this ends up at a #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 protest

#SriLankaEconomicCrisis #SriLankaCrisis

Okay first, we know that inflation is an increase in prices, but what exactly are these numbers floating around?

The main measures are an inflation index, and they measure how different prices are this month, compared to a year ago (and you can also compare monthly).

So when you hear "March 2022 inflation is nearly 18%" that means an average item that was 100 rupees in March 2021 is nearly 118 rupees in March 2022.

But wait, surely prices are far higher than just 18%?

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Detailing out another story of corruption and theft, this time of consumers and farmers, these stories add credibility to #GoHomeGota #GoHomeGota2022 protests over vague claims.


Sri Lanka consumed around 2 mn MT of rice on average each year since 2000. That comes to around 42mn MT total consumption.

Of this, we've imported a bit more than 6 mn.

Leaving around 36 mn produced locally.

Let's take the imports first.

With average cost per MT of rice around 400 USD, that's a real cost of around 2.4 bn USD over 21 years.

However, there's around a 50% tax on this (a little less, but given the actual import is higher than 6mn, I'm keeping this at 50%).

Read 16 tweets
JOIN US as we mark 31 days of continuous People’s Protest, at Kohuwela junction on Thurs March 31st!💪🏾

It’s heartening to see so many people’s protests not affiliated to political parties over the weekend! It’s time the people realised their power!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImage
Some captures from the Kandy People’s Protest yesterday (Wed)!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
Kollupitiya Peoples Protest continues - some captures from yesterday💪🏾

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
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