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WHAT is the deal with Milk Thistle?
WHY is it used to treat liver disease?
HOW does it work?
DOES it work?
ARE you ready for a #tweetorial?
#medtwitter #livertwitter Image
Milk Thistle, a history:
1⃣Use to treat snake bites (Dioscorides)
2⃣To carry off bile (Pliny the Elder)
3⃣Great for liver disease (1500's: Otto Brunfels)
4⃣In 19th Century 🇺🇸, the 'Eclectics' popularized herbology, especially milk thistle, for the liver ImageImageImageImage
Fast forward to today:
1⃣Herbal supplements are a multibillion dollarindustry
2⃣A quarter of the population takes an herbal supplement
3⃣~5% of the US population is using Milk Thistle, including 12% of people with liver disease

What do they get out of it? ImageImage
Read 12 tweets
👨‍⚕️¡X fin voy a empezar el proyecto que tanta ilusión me hace!
👩‍⚕️¡Qué bien!¡Enhorabuena!
👨‍⚕️Ufff, pero es tan difícil diseñarlo.. No sé por dónde empezar!
👩‍⚕️Sabes q #LiverAI te puede ayudar MUCHO,¿verdad?
👨‍⚕️¡Imposible! Si nunca me da lo que le pido🥲
👩‍⚕️Igual este🧵te ayuda🤭
(1/x) Image
👩‍⚕️Lo primero que tienes que saber es que en #LiverAI existen dos opciones

- LiverAI Turbo
- LiverAI Advanced

👨‍⚕️¿Y qué diferencia hay?
👩‍⚕️¡Pregúntaselo tú mismo!

(2/x) Image
👨‍⚕️¡Qué guapo! Es decir:

🏎️ #LiverAI turbo para respuestas rápidas y simples
🧠 LiverAI advanced para información más estructurada y compleja. Un pelín más lenta.

Read 18 tweets
🧌 Its Alive! 🧌

Working theory, "Show replies" at the end for all.

Is SARS-CoV-2 a lab-created chimera?

A Frankenstein virus created from the genetic material of other lethal organisms, creating similar pathophysiological mechanisms in the body?

Gene sequences say YES >
The SC2 spike protein contains gene sequences that are homologous to those found in HIV, SEB, animal venoms, herpes, malaria, rabies and more.
The sequences from these organisms could release toxic peptides and pathophysiological mechanisms in the body similar to those found >
in the original lethal organisms.
Mechanisms are chemical recipes, like baking recipes.
A list of instructions from the genes that, when followed, produce a unique product like micro clots or a cytokine storm.

Just as a recipe for 🎃 pie produces 🎃 and not 🍎 pie. >
Read 35 tweets
Abro 🧵para hacer un recuento de lo que el #Año2022 nos dejó:
1. La aprobación por la @US_FDA en Noviembre del Tzield (#Teplizumab), un anticuerpo monoclonal anti-CD3 que retrasa la aparición de la #diabetes tipo 1.
2. La publicación en @ScienceMagazine de la fase 1 del ensayo clínico con la #vacuna eOD-GT8-AS01B para prevenir el #VIH, que indujo la sintesis de #anticuerpos neutralizantes vs el virus, en el 97% de los que fueron vacunados.
3. El #Daxxify una nueva forma de toxina botulínica tipo A, cuyo efecto tiene una duración de hasta 6 meses. El efecto del #botox es de alrededor de 3 meses.
Read 27 tweets
⛔️ Alerta de #Fiebre #Tifoidea

Me han llegado múltiples mensajes de mis pacientes con cadenas de #Whatsapp que alertan sobre varios casos en #Caracas.

Así que vamos a explicar un poco. Mi intención no es alarmar, por el contrario, quiero tranquilizar y educar en prevención.
La FT es causada por la bacteria #Salmonella typhi. Se transmite por la ingesta de alimentos y el agua contaminados o el contacto estrecho con un infectado. Sus signos y síntomas son:

⚠️ Fiebre
⚠️ Cefalea
⚠️ Dolor estomacal
⚠️ #Estreñimiento o #diarrea
⚠️ Manchas rosadas en piel
La mayoría de las personas que tienen fiebre tifoidea se sienten mejor unos días después de comenzar el #tratamiento con #antibióticos.

Un 15% de los casos se pueden complicar con #Pancreatitis, #Colcistitis, #hepatitis, #neumonía entre otros.

#NO se automedique.
Read 9 tweets
Nog steeds wordt er veel geschreven en veel beweerd over de mogelijke bijwerkingen na vaccinatie met de mRNA-vaccins van #Moderna en #PfizerBioNTech

Wellicht is het goed om een aantal zaken op een rij te zetten. Daarom een glanzend ragfijn draadje.

#COVID19 #vaccin
Belangrijk is te beseffen dat een deel van de bijwerkingen van deze vaccins ook als klinisch symptoom optreedt bij #COVID19.

Dat is ook niet vreemd, gezien het spike-eiwit het meest reactogeen is, en het belangrijkste doelwit van de immuunrespons is.
Zowel het virus als ook het vaccin zetten dit spike-eiwit op de celmembraan van menselijke cellen.

Maar er zijn zeker verschillen: ten eerste heeft het virus een receptor nodig, de welbekende ACE-II-receptor, om de cel binnen te komen.
Read 32 tweets
Se sugiere que el enigma de la #hepatitis aguda grave de etiología desconocida en #niños lo explica la coinfección con #adenovirus y virus adenoasociado de tipo 2 (AAV2), y con menos frecuencia el virus del herpes 6 (HHV6)
Dos estudios independientes: Un estudio fue dirigido por la University of Glasgow, en Glasgow, y el otro por el Great Ormond Street Hospital de Londres, ambos en Reino Unido.
Los investigadores del estudio de Glasgow usando secuenciación y PCR, confirmaron la presencia de virus adenoasociado de tipo 2 en el plasma de los 9 casos de hepatitis de inicio agudo y en el hígado de los 4 pacientes analizados.
Read 6 tweets
Today is #WorldHepatitisDay2022! To honor it let's talk about Hepatitis B.

The Hep B vaccine is now given at birth, but starting *this year* all adults <60 are recommended to get it.

I talked to the CDC's former viral hepatitis lead Dr. John Ward to understand why 🧵
First, what is viral hepatitis?

Viral hepatitis comprises a few different infections caused by viruses Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. While A and E mostly cause acute disease, the others including B often lead to chronic infection.

HepB in particular is a lifelong infection.
HepB is harmful because chronic infection is a leading cause of liver cancer.

In the US, between 1-2 MM people have chronic HepB. Most are unaware. And while it travels through body fluids, it's so infectious that transmission can happen through casual contact. (Dr. Ward ⬇️)
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It's #WorldHepatitisDay!

Bringing #hepatitis care closer to communities and those in need is 🗝️ to achieving a hepatitis-free future.

Here are 5⃣ things you should know about viral hepatitis 👇
More than 350 million people live with viral #hepatitis, and every 30 seconds, someone dies from hepatitis-related disease including liver failure, cirrhosis and cancer.

Don't wait, get tested 👉 #WorldHepatitisDay
#Hepatitis A is an infection that can cause mild to severe illness. It is mostly transmitted through ingestion of contaminated food and water or through direct contact with an infectious person.

More info 👉
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Mystery #hepatitis cases in #kids linked to unexpected viral suspect

Two preliminary studies finding #adeno-associated viruses in pediatric hepatitis cases suggest a child's genetic background and other virusesall act in concert
Researchers found high adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2) levels in the blood or liver cells in 24 of 25 children with unexplained hepatitis.

In a group of kids without this condition, almost none had AAV2, even those with #adenovirus.
The young #hepatitis patients were also much likelier to have a #genetic variant that may make their immune systems overreact to viruses.
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WHO has issued 🆕 tools to help countries respond to unusual cases of severe acute #hepatitis (liver inflammation) in children, incl. how to find & report cases.

The detection of cases across 5 WHO Regions is unusual & warrants detailed investigation.

📌 Image
As of 22 June 2022, 33 countries have reported 920 probable cases:
🔸cause remains unknown & it is being investigated
🔸actual number of cases may be underestimated due to limited surveillance in some places
🔸case count likely to ↗️ as more info & verified data become available Distribution of probable ca...
While a few cases of acute #hepatitis in children of unknown cause are reported, every year, some countries indicated that this year this number has been unusually high.

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#COVID - epidemic - still raging

#Hepatitis - in children

#monkeypox - spreading throughout UK

#Polio - now found in London

#Cholera - has now re-appeared in EUROPE

Polio spreads from sewage - we are pouring MILLIONS of gallons of untreated sewage into waterways
Look where the UK appears in this chart


yes, world leading at being LAST, and last well behind the 2nd to last!
Read 9 tweets
LIVE: Media briefing on #COVID19 & other global health issues with @DrTedros…
"Globally, the number of reported #COVID19 cases and deaths continues to decline. This is clearly a very encouraging trend – increasing vaccination rates are saving lives – but WHO continues to urge caution. There is not enough testing, and not enough vaccination"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "On average, about 3/4 of #healthworkers and people aged over 60 globally have been vaccinated. But these rates are much lower in low-income countries. Almost 18 months since the first vaccine was administered, 68 countries have still not achieved 40% coverage"-@DrTedros
Read 24 tweets
#Mesaredonda8 el 4 de junio de 11:30h-13:00h sobre #VIH y #Hepatitis moderada por #MªJoséPenaLópez y #MiguelGarcíadelToro en la que participan los siguientes ponentes:
#AntonioAguileraGuirao del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Santiago de Compostela nos hablará sobre la eliminación de la #HepatitisC y las nuevas estrategias de diagnóstico.
#FedericoGarcía del Hospital Universitario San Cecilio de Granada nos hablará sobre la infección oculta del #VIH y lo que se puede hacer para acercarnos al primer objetivo 90.
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#25CongresoSEIMC Última jornada de esta edición de récord de asistencia con mesas muy destacadas, que comienzan en media hora. ¡No te las pierdas!🔽
#Mesaredonda7: #Covid_19: pasado, presente y futuro. #MesaInternacional #COVID-19 moderada por #JoseMariaMiro y @MariadelMarTom
#MiguelHernán de la Universidad de HARVARD analiza como aprender a #prevenir la infección
usando datos #observacionales
#Mesaredonda8: #VIH y #hepatitis: avanzando en estrategias diagnósticas para tratar a nuestros #pacientes. ⏭️Moderada x #MªJoséPenaLópez y #MiguelGarcíadelToro #AntonioAguileraGuirao del HCU de Santiago nos hablará sobre la eliminación d#HepatitisC y estrategias de #diagnóstico
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#OutBreak of acute #hepatitis among #children
650 probable cases of acute hepatitis of unknown
aetiology in children have been reported to WHO from 33 countries in 5 WHO Regions between 5 April and 26 May 2022.
1/… Image
- Three quarters (75.4%) of cases are 5 years of age.

- Of 156 cases with information on hospital admission, 22 (14.1%) were admitted to an intensive care unit.

Of the 117 cases for which this information was available, 14 (12%) have received a liver #transplant.
- Overall, 181 cases were tested for #adenovirus by any specimen type, of which 110 (60.8%) tested positive. The positivity rate was the highest in whole blood specimens (69.5%).

Table. Classification of reported probable cases per country Image
Read 7 tweets
1.Seit langem habe ich etwas auf meiner Kinderärztinnen-Seele, das mal raus muss:
Ein Thread über #falsebalance in der #Coronapandemie insbesondere in der #Kindermedizin. Über die Rolle der Medien und der #Fachgesellschaften. An einem Vergleich von #FSME mit #Covid bei Kindern.
2.Jedes Jahr aufs Neue: Im Frühjahr kommen sehr viele Eltern zu uns in die Praxis, weil sie ihr Kind gegen #FSME impfen lassen wollen. Soweit so gut. Natürlich haben wir FSME-Impfstoff vorrätig, und natürlich impfen wir auch dagegen. Warum ich das erwähne?
3.Weil überdurchschnittlich viele ansonsten sehr impfkritische Eltern ihr Kind gegen FSME impfen lassen wollen. Es kommt sogar (regelmäßig) vor, dass Eltern, die ganz bewußt nicht gegen Tetanus, Masern, Pneumokokken oder Meningokokken impfen wollen (Impfbuch quasi leer)...
Read 32 tweets
After top 100 updates we will put the top 120 updates , we will start with a thread of top 100 & then move along .
It is a concerning since we may end up seeing either multiple pandemics together or relay race as new organisms try jump into humans ctd)
101/n Whie people like all of us were fighting #Covid , #Hepatitis in kids we all missed how 1284 people got #monkeypox with lethality of 4.5 % ctd)
102/n Interesting paper on efficacy of soaps shows that 1 min hand washing to be effective in cell free virus but not as much in intracellular virus…
Read 21 tweets
LIVE: Second Plenary meeting at #WHA75…
"Yesterday, I made my remarks on the theme of health for peace and peace for health, which Member States will discuss in the general debate. I want to start today by looking back, to where we have been over the past five years"-@DrTedros #WHA75
@DrTedros "You elected me 5 short years ago, with an ambitious agenda for universal health coverage; health emergencies; women's, children's and adolescents' health; the health impacts of climate and environmental change; and a transformed WHO"-@DrTedros #WHA75
Read 58 tweets
#HEPATITIS aguda, grave y de causa desconocida en niños 

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐬 
Actualizado mayo 21 2022
Abro 🧵
¿Qué está causando la hepatitis en niños?
➡️Todavía no se confirma 
➡️Se están investigando varias etiologías:
-Interacción COVID+otro virus
-Falta de exposición a patógenos durante la pandemia 
-Causas no infecciosas
¿Cuáles son los síntomas de hepatitis?
➡️Piel/ojos amarillos (71%)
➡️Heces pálidas o grises (50%)
➡️Vómito (63%)
➡️Diarrea (45%)
➡️Fiebre (31%)
➡️Problemas respiratorios (19%)
🚨Contacta a tu pediatra con la más mínima duda
Read 10 tweets
.@CDCgov just did another media briefing on pediatric #hepatitis. They're now investigating 180 cases in US Median age 2, most pre-school age. Haven't identified any new factors, adenovirus 41 still leading suspect.
Here's latest report released 5/18:
CDC's Jay Butler emphasizes pediatric #hepatitis isn't an "outbreak" per se, as in a spike in new cases. Many of cases being investigated are retrospective. Hard to tell if new cases represent an increase over typical level of severe liver disease in kids (~1500-2000 annually).
Umesh Parashar noted survey of 17 European countries in which 5 reported some increase in pediatric #hepatitis over previous epidemiological trends, but 12 did not. And of 7 non-European countries surveyed, only 1 reported an increase.
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The #monkeypox outbreak -- like the pediatric #hepatitis outbreak -- has an element of "seek and you shall find." How many cases of flu-like symptoms with a mild rash or elevated liver enzymes in kids went undetected when people weren't looking for them?
.@mougk is keeping a running tally of confirmed & suspected #monkeypox cases. Strikingly, the 75 cases listed so far are all men in the 20-40 or 30-55 year age range.🤔
I'll just add that if #monkeypox does turn out to be a sexually transmitted outbreak among gay men, there's no shame in that. Drawing on their experience with @HIV, the community has done a good job being vigilant about their health & informing partners.
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New report on our latest viral foe. I bring up gay men because that's relevant to @pozmagazine readers, but #monkeypox is not solely a "gay disease" & it can be transmitted by any close contact. @Boghuma @ProfKevinFenton @UKHSA @CDCgov
In addition to direct contact with animals, #monkeypox can also be transmitted from person to person via respiratory droplets, saliva & other body fluids and contact with skin lesions or contaminated clothes or bedding.
Like the ongoing—and still unexplained—pediatric #hepatitis outbreak, the new monkeypox cases have spurred much speculation in the press & social media, including questions about whether they might somehow be connected to COVID-19.
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LIVE: Media briefing on #COVID19 and other global health issues with @DrTedros…
"Over the last week, #COVID19 cases have risen in four out of the six WHO regions. Due to testing and sequencing reducing in many countries, it is increasingly difficult to know where the virus is and how it’s mutating"-@DrTedros
"The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has announced, through their state media, their first outbreak of #COVID19, with more than 1.4 million suspected cases since late April"-@DrTedros
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