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El CSIC es el mayor organismo científico de España, con 124 institutos. Sus equipos realizan investigación básica para ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento.
En este hilo te contamos algunas noticias destacadas de la #SemanaCSIC.
El @IFICorpuscular participa en el hallazgo de uno de los procesos más raros de la física de partículas: la producción simultánea de 4 quarks top, la partícula elemental más pesada. La confirmación se ha producido en @ATLASexperiment del #LHC en el
El CSIC investiga para hacer frente a una de las mayores amenazas santirarias mundiales: la creciente resistencia de las bacterias a los antibióticos.
En el @i2sysbio desarrollan moléculas basdas en virus para vencer la resistencia de las bacterias
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Higgs boson adalah partikel kecil yg sgt sulit untuk ditemukan. Ia ditemukan dgn percobaan yg dilakukan di #CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire / The European Organization for Nuclear Research) pusat penelitian fisika terbesar di dunia.
Di sana, para ilmuwan menggunakan mesin besar yg disebut Large Hadron Collider (#LHC) untuk menabrakkan partikel2 kecil bersama2 dgn kecepatan sgt tinggi.

Saat mrk bertabrakan, mrk menghasilkan energi yg cukup besar untuk menghasilkan partikel baru, termasuk Higgs Boson.
#HiggsBoson sgt sulit dideteksi, jd para ilmuwan melihat jejak partikel lain yg dihasilkan saat Higgs boson tercipta.

Penemuan Higgs boson penting krn memperkuat teori Model Standar fisika, yg menjelaskan bgmn partikel2 dasar seperti quark dan elektron berinteraksi.
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𝐏𝐂𝐁’𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐑𝐓𝐈 𝐀𝐜𝐭, 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟕 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞:
On Jul 6, 2021, I filed an Info request to @TheRealPCB under #federal #RTI Act for obtaining information
regarding contracts signed with legal firms to represent PCB at legal forums and copies of contracts signed by #PCB with cricket managers. No response was received from @TheRealPCBMedia @TheRealPCB & I lodged an appeal with @PkInfoCom on 27 July 2021.
in response to my letter, PCB quoted “the magic time frame itself shows that the law at hand is being abused for personal and ulterior motives”. I submitted my argument to @PkInfoCom on 27 Aug 2021 that the response of PCB lawyers is evasive and not satisfactory.
Read 12 tweets
Qui lo stavamo aspettando!

Gli atomi di piombo torneranno a correre nel grande acceleratore #LHC del #CERN! 🙌

Nel video, due ioni di piombo sono accelerati e si scontrano formando un “plasma di quark e gluoni”! 💥
Il team del #LHC lo ha annunciato oggi sulla sua schermata pubblica

Verso le 11 di questa mattina, i protoni verranno “buttati via”

Subito dopo, inizierà l’iniezione di ioni di piombo! ☄️

Ecco l’annuncio, nella sezione “Comments” 👇 Image
In un acceleratore come l’ LHC del #CERN, le particelle da far scontrare vengono inserite in “pacchetti”

Poi, una volta riempito di pacchetti di particelle tutto il “tubo”,si inizia ad accelerarle

Ad ogni giro, i pacchetti di particelle van più veloci,aumentando la loro energia
Read 19 tweets
Protons are at the heart of every atom, but we still don’t fully understand what's in them

You might remember from school that they contain three tiny particles: two up quarks and one down quark

But new research has found they contain a charm quark too…
In the 1960s, physicists began smashing protons together to try and find out what was inside

They quickly learnt that, for most of the time, there were three small particles: two up quarks and one down

But there was also data that didn’t quite make sense… Studio Tonne
In 1980, at an experiment at the European Muon Collaboration at CERN in Switzerland, data hinted that the proton might also contain a charm quark and its antimatter equivalent, an anticharm

But the result was imprecise and inconclusive, so the issue was never fully resolved...
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The first collisions of #LHCRun3 🤩

In this #PhotoOfTheWeek, take a look at the first high-energy collisions recorded by the LHC's @ATLASexperiment, @CMSExperiment, @ALICEexperiment and @LHCbExperiment, as well as other experiments, such as @FASERexperiment and SND. 👇
A Toroidal LHC Apparatus (ATLAS) @ATLASexperiment

Display of a collision event recorded by ATLAS on 5 July 2022, when stable beams of protons at the energy of 6.8 TeV were delivered to ATLAS for the start of #LHCRun3.

(1/6) Image
Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) @CMSExperiment

Display of a collision event recorded by CMS on 5 July 2022, when the collisions at the record energy of 13.6 trillion-electronvolts (TeV) were first recorded by the #LHC experiments. #LHCRun3

(2/6) Image
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1/ Guida rapida per decodificare le informazioni che vedrete domani durante la diretta delle le prime collisioni protone-protone a 13.6 TeV. L’acceleratore #LHC segue delle fasi, ogni fase è definita da due parametri: ACCELERATOR MODE e BEAM MODE. #LHCRun3 #CERN
2/ L’ACCELERATOR MODE indica lo stato generale della macchina. Per esempio negli ultimi 2 anni è stato SHUTDOWN perché l’acceleratore era in manutenzione. Un'altra modalità è quella di MACHINE DEVELOPMENT usata dagli operatori di LHC per i loro studi di performance.
3/ Domani l’ACCELERATOR MODE sarà PROTON PHYSICS ossia nella modalità di produzione di collisioni stabili protone-protone. I controlli di LHC sono estremamente complessi in queste settimane il lavoro è stato proprio quelli di trovare le importazioni giuste per PROTON PHYSICS!
Read 15 tweets
کیا آپ جانتےہیں؟

ن لیگ مافیا نے جسٹس عائشہ ملک کی #SC میں تعیناتی کی شدید مخالفت اور سپریم کورٹ کے ججز کی تعیناتی سنیارٹی پر کرنے کا مطالبہ کسی ن لیگی جج کو #SC بھجوانے کیلیے نہیں بلکہ ایک ایسے جج کو SC بھیجنے کیلیے کیا تھا جس سے ن لیگ کل بھی خوفزدہ تھی اور آج بھی خوفزدہ ہے

اگر ن لیگ اپنا خلاف آئین مطالبہ منوا لےتو JIT کی معطلی کےخلاف متاثرین #سانحہ_ماڈل_ٹاؤن کی درخواستیں سننےوالے وہ چیف جسٹس #LHC جسٹس امیربھٹی #SC چلےجائیں گےجن کےبعد چیف جسٹس LHC بننےوالوں کی فہرست میں سانحہ ماڈل ٹاؤن کی #JIT معطل کرنےوالے جسٹس ملک شہزاد کانام سب سےاوپر درج ہے

ایک خبر یہ بھی ہےکہ ن لیگی وکیل اعظم نذیر تارڑ متاثرین سانحہ ماڈل ٹاؤن کی درخواستیں سننے والے #LHC کے بنچ کی گزشتہ 2 سماعتیں اپنی بیماری کےبہانے ملتوی کروا کے #لندن پہنچا ہواتھا جہاں نوازشریف نےاسے یہ ذمہ داری دی ہےکہ وہ اس بنچ کو فیصلہ سنانے سے کسی بھی طرح وسط فروری تک روکے

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¡Tenemos #Nobel de Física 2021! Un 50% para Manabe y Hasselmann por su contribución a los modelos que permitieron predecir el calentamiento global. Pero aquí queremos hablar del 50% que se lleva un gran héroe de la Física Teórica moderna: Giorgio #Parisi.
📷 G.Parisi
¿Por qué un héroe? Porque hay pocas figuras que hayan tocado tantos campos como ha hecho él, aportando siempre contribuciones fundamentales, o directamente creándolos; y además, divirtiéndose en el proceso, siempre guiado por la curiosidad más pura. Pero vayamos por partes...
Parisi empezó su carrera trabajando en física de partículas. Con 29 años, participó en el primer gran resultado que lleva su nombre: las ecuaciones de Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi (DGLAP para los amigos), …
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¡Hey! Soy un protón, una de las partículas fundamentales del universo. Ando de vacaciones desde hace un par de días, en un átomo de hidrógeno cerca de Ginebra, Suiza. Iba todo bien hasta que han comenzado a suceder cosas raras.
Estoy (con varios moles de átomos de hidrógeno más) en esta bombona de color rojo.
Al parecer, está en el corazón de las instalaciones científicas del @CERN, el Laboratorio Europeo de Física de Partículas
📷 @CERN Image
El átomo de hidrógeno lo formo con un compañero, un electrón con quien me había recombinado hace bastante tiempo, aproximadamente cuando se formó el Sistema Solar hace unos 5.000 millones de años
📷@NASA Image
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The ATLAS Collaboration at @CERN is celebrating the results of 1,000 papers studying LHC collisions.

From the discovery of the Higgs boson to searches for new physics, these results give unprecedented insight into our Universe. Let's explore! THREAD⤵️…
In 2010, just 3 weeks into the first heavy-ion run, ATLAS saw an unexpectedly large imbalance of energy in pairs of particle jets created in lead-nuclei collisions. 🎇

This was the first observation of the "jet quenching" phenomenon at the LHC!…
Shortly afterwards, ATLAS scientists made the first measurement of top-quark pair production at the LHC.

This incredibly accurate result required just a few months worth of LHC data, demonstrating the extraordinary potential of the accelerator!
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Il settore 4-5 di #LHC è il primo settore dell'acceleratore a raggiungere la temperatura di operazione di 1.9 K (−271.3 °C) grazie al raffreddamento con elio superfluido. 👇👇👇
2/ Il Large Hadron Collider (#LHC) è il più grande apparato criogenico al mondo e uno dei luoghi più freddi della Terra. Tutti i magneti di LHC sono in realtà elettromagneti - magneti in cui il campo magnetico è prodotto dal flusso di una corrente elettrica.
3/ I magneti principali di #LHC funzionano a una temperatura di 1,9 K (-271,3 ° C), più fredda dei 2,7 K (-270,5 ° C) dello spazio esterno. Il sistema criogenico di LHC richiede 40000 guarnizioni per tubi a tenuta stagna.
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1/ Come altre attività, anche il #CERN torna a operare normalmente. Entro l’anno prossimo gli aggiornamenti degli esperimenti su abbiamo lavorato negli ultimi 3 anni saranno completati. Un test di collisioni ad alta energia è programmato per l’autunno del 2021.
2/ Spero di poter raccontare “in diretta” tutte queste fasi e quindi scrivo questo thread breve per spiegare alcune nozioni di base della fisica degli acceleratori e degli esperimenti sui collider. Ma cosa si intende quindi per “collider” (collisore)?
3/ Un collider è un sistema di magneti e cavità a radiofrequenza in grado di accelerare e mantenere e far scontrare delle particelle cariche su un’orbita circolare per un tempo lungo: svariate ore.
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12 years ago today on 10 September 2008, the world's largest particle accelerator, the #LHC, came online! In honour of this anniversary, today I present a thread of:


It all starts with a simple bottle of hydrogen gas! Miley Cyrus in red dressRed hydrogen tankRed hydrogen bottle containing enough protons for 200'000 ye
2) The 86 meter long #Linac4 is the first accelerator in the chain! It takes negative hydrogen ions (a hydrogen atom with an additional electron) from the source and accelerates them up to 160 MeV!

Linac4 will replace the old Linac2 from next year.… Miley Cyrus in blue Emilio Pucci outfitCERN's new Linac4
3) Just before entering the Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB), the hydrogen ions are stripped of their two electrons, leaving just protons. Four superimposed synchrotron rings collect the protons and accelerate them to 2 GeV!… Miley Cyrus in green sequin dress with orange backdropCERN's Proton Synchrotron Booster
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When you're truly Awakened, you realize that "Doctor Sleep" (2019) is way more of a docu-drama than pure fiction!

Our planet has its own version of immortals who subsist from drinking the blood and syphoning off the life energy of captured souls of tortured children.

Archons Image
These entities are in a different... wavelength than our 4D Visible Light spectrum. They vibrate lower than our matter does and are basically comprised of Dark Matter and Dark Energy (literally).

The so-called "Lower 4D" that makes up 98% of our universe.

They possess leaders.
Without willing human hosts (the lock) and adrenochrome from young humans (the key) they cannot directly influence this reality, but they have tricks.

They use the #LargeHadronCollider to punch holes in spacetime to let more into this plane. The most expensive project ever. Image
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معاشی دہشتگردوں کے سہولتکار کون؟

جب احتساب عدالت نے @MIshaqDar50 کے تمام اثاثے منجمد کرنے کا حکم دیا تو مارچ میں اسحاق ڈار کی بیوی گلبرگ لاھور کی اُس کوٹھی پر (جو آج بھی اسحاق ڈار کے نام ہے) اسٹے لینے کیلیے 1989 کا ایک اسٹامپ پیپر اٹھا کر اسلام آباد ہائی کورٹ پہنچ گئی جس کے
مطابق اسحاق ڈار نے وہ کوٹھی 1989 میں اسے تحفے میں دے دی تھی۔ اسلام آباد ہائی کورٹ نے موصوفہ کی فوری دادرسی کرتے ہوئے اسے نہ صرف منہ مانگا اسٹے دے دیا بلکہ احتساب عدالت سے اسحاق ڈار کے خلاف جاری کیس کا سارا ریکارڈ بھی منگوا لیا اور اس کے بعد نہ ہی نیب نے اس اسٹے آرڈر کے خلاف
کسی اپیل کی زحمت کی اور نہ ہی اسلام آباد ہائی کورٹ نے اس پر کوئی اور سماعت کرنے کیلیے تاریخ مقرر کی

بعد ازاں پنجاب حکومت نے اس کوٹھی کو فلاحی مقصد کیلیے استعمال کرنے کی کوشش کی تو ایک مرتبہ پھر اسحاق ڈار کی اہلیہ وہی اسٹامپ پیپر اور اسلام آباد ہائی کورٹ کا اسٹے آرڈر اٹھا کے
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Since it's the last day of #PrideMonth, Twitter, may I present to you...

Lady Gaga as Particle Physics Experiments: A Thread.

First up is @ALICEexperiment, studying strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities, where a phase of matter called Quark-Gluon Plasma forms.
Next we have Lady Gaga as the Antiproton Decelerator: a machine that produces a slow beam of antiprotons which can be combined with positrons to form antihydrogen atoms!

A number of experiments at @CERN use the AD to study #antimatter and its properties.…
Here is Lady Gaga as @ATLASexperiment, one of the two experiments that discovered the Higgs Boson in 2012. ATLAS is now searching through its vast stack of data for any hints of new physics that could describe Dark Matter or any more of the universe's mysteries.
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1/ Parliamo ancora della sensibilità di #LHC. Abbiamo già visto che l’anello dell’acceleratore si deforma a causa delle forze di marea esercitate sulla crosta terrestre dal sistema luna-sole. Oggi vediamo se e come eventi sismici possono essere in qualche modo “visti” da LHC. 👇
2/ Come per le maree, ogni perturbazione meccanica dell’anello di 27 km sarà più visibile durante le collisioni. Questo perché, essendo la sezione dei fasci inferiore a quella di un capello, l’accuratezza richiesta per andare in collisione è dell’ordine di una parte per miliardo.
3/ Prima di tutto vediamo che tipo di onde sismiche possono interagire con la struttura meccanica di #LHC.
Per semplificare faremo riferimento a parametri medi come la velocità (tra i 4 e i 6 km/secondo) e ai soli tipi di onda P e S (longitudinale o trasversa).
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Questa domenica terza ed ultima puntata sulle forze nucleari. Eravamo arrivati a capire che i costituenti dei nuclei atomici (protoni e neutroni) NON sono affatto palline inerti ma oggetti interagenti e complessi composti a loro volta da quark e gluoni COLORATI. 👇👇👇👇
30/ Sappiamo ora che la sarabanda cromo-dinamica di quark e gluoni rende conto del 99% della massa del protone che quindi è energia. Proviamo ad entrare dentro il protone, nel “Paese delle Meraviglie” in cui quark e gluoni vivono come “particelle libere” pur essendo ingabbiati.
31/ Per cercare di “liberare” quark e gluoni solo per un istante infinitesimo tenteremo di ricostruire le condizioni presenti nell’universo 1 milionesimo di secondo dopo il Big Bang e di osservarle con gli “occhi” traccianti dell’esperimento @ALICEexperiment del #CERN.
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It’s #MuseumWeek. If you visit CERN this week, take part in the event by using @CERN, #MuseumWeek and the # of the day.
Come and see CERN scientists explain their day-to-day work on interactive video screens at the #Microcosm exhibition.

#WomenInCulture Image
Want to go behind-the-scenes at CERN? Book a guided tour, it's free of charge you just need to register in advance.

#SecretsMW Image
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To increase the number of collisions in the #LHC by a factor of 10, the High-Luminosity LHC project – #HiLumiLHC – will upgrade the quadrupole magnets in interaction points 1 and 5, using a new superconducting technology based on Niobium-tin.
For High-Luminosity, we need to reach magnetic fields of above 10 T. We will use Niobium-tin superconductor, which will allow reaching magnetic fields of about 12 T, but it requires a complex fabrication process. #HiLumiLHC part two:
The third video of our series on LHC's upgrade to the #HiLumiLHC is about magnet testing.
Once the model magnet is done, it has to be tested on a cryogenic test stand to see the parameters and be sure that everything works as expected.
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Today marks seven years since I arrived at @CERN to work for @CMSexperiment. This is what I looked a few days after I first got here. 1/n
To celebrate these seven years, here are some of the things I've done since Day One: 2/n
… helped organise #ResearchersNight 2012 at @CMSexperiment:
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