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/ #LockdownFiles - fin de l'histoire "Covid" au Royaume-Uni /

Vidéo originale+ texte complet + liens👀💊🍿👇

⏩Analyse de Pierre Chaillot (Auteur de Covid-19, ce que révèlent les chiffres officiels)

‼️ Comment ILS ont euthanasié.. Image
..les anciens au Midazolam en France au Rivotril

⚠️ Au Royaume-Uni les “Lockdown Files” défraient la chronique depuis plusieurs semaines - Il s’agit d’une énorme fuite de conversations privées entre Matt Hancock, le secrétaire d’État à la santé pendant la crise, et... nombreuses autres personnalités, politiques ou scientifiques

⁉️ Ce sujet ne fait pas grand bruit en France, alors que les conclusions à en tirer sont immenses : les politiques placés comme gestionnaires de la “crise sanitaire” savent pertinemment que les mesures qu’ILS..
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Que révèlent les #lockdownfiles, ces milliers de messages sur la pandémie échangés par des membres du gouvernement britannique. Surtout que, dans l'incertitude face aux virus, les politiques ont navigué à vue et pris des décisions en fonction de l'opinion publique.
Ces échanges, révélés par @Telegraph, sont intéressants car ils montrent qu'en l'absence de données scientifiques solides, les politiques ont dû prendre des décisions de santé publique complexes. Et qu'ils ont pris en compte ce qu'ils pensaient acceptables par l'opinion publique
Ils révèlent parfois une dose de cynisme, où on joue sur la peur pour faire accepter des mesures, jugées nécessaires.
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Ein komischer Thread.
Hape #Kerkeling wurde vor vielen Jahren mal böse ausgespielt von „Verstehen Sie Spaß?“ Bei einem Auftritt in einem Theater briefte man das Publikum vorher so, dass es nur begeistert klatschte, wenn ein installiertes Lämpchen leuchtete (das Hape nicht sah)👇🏻
Als er nun seine Witze riss auf der Bühne u die Pointe zum besten gab, blieb es totenstill im Publikum. Keiner lachte. An anderer, sinnloser Stelle brachen die Zuschauer unvermittelt in tosenden Applaus aus u brachten ihn völlig aus dem Konzept. Natürlich wusste er nicht, dass 👇🏻
es ein abgekartetes Spiel war und war völlig am Ende. Man konnte seine Verwirrung und Verunsicherung gefühlsmäßig gut nachvollziehen, weil die vertrauten Reaktionen „seines“ Publikums plötzlich völlig fremd waren, ja völlig absurd. Das Zusammenspiel stimmte nicht mehr und(…)👇🏻
Read 42 tweets
1/ Im Herbst 2020 konnten #Drosten und Co. sowie die Regierungsverantwortlichen solche schrecklichen Auswirkungen von #Lockdowns natürlich noch nicht ahnen - ODER?!

#LockdownFiles @Telegraph… Image
3/ Die gravierenden Auswirkungen eines erneuten #Lockdowns im Herbst 2020 waren auch hierzulande bekannt:

Kompetente Fachleute wie der Public-Health-Experte Stefan #Willich, @gerdantes, @hendrikstreeck, @ChanasitJonas, Prof. M. #Schrappe, @AndiSoenn u. a. hatten gewarnt.
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Algunos usuarios me han pedido que escriba un 🧵sobre los #LockdownFiles. Veamos.

👉 Los #LockdownFiles son una campaña de difamación política basada en mensajes de WhatsApp filtrados de Matt Hancock y otros que fueron editados/escogidos/descontextualizados

¿Qué hay que saber? Image
Consisten en una serie de artículos en The Daily Telegraph que contienen evidencia, análisis, especulación, comentarios y opiniones relacionados con más de 100.000 mensajes de WhatsApp obtenidos del ex secretario de salud Matt Hancock que fueron filtrados al periódico.
Se afirma que los mensajes revelan el funcionamiento interno del gobierno británico durante la pandemia de COVID-19 y cómo, a pesar de las afirmaciones públicas de seguir siempre “la ciencia”, se tomaron decisiones clave sobre la marcha por razones políticas. Pero no es cierto.
Read 74 tweets
⬇️🐰 Come creare la paura della pandemia?
Nel documento del sottogruppo di scienze comportamentali SPI-B per il SAGE #18 del 23 03 2020, viene data la risposta alla quesito governativo:
"Quali sono le opzioni per aumentare l'aderenza alle misure di distanziamento sociale?" 1/
Gli esperti comportamentali spiegano che esistono nove modi generali per ottenere un cambiamento del comportamento delle persone:
ristrutturazione ambientale
Per aumentare la paura deve aumentare il livello percepito della minaccia personale.
Gli esperti comportamentali descrivono in maniera dettagliata in che modo raggiungere questo obiettivo. Una tabella metodologica viene fornita per la valutazione delle scelte governative.
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Important text: @ProfKarolSikora via @Telegraph

1/ „I remember the dark days of #lockdown. The usual voices using the horrific daily death tolls to beat and abuse lockdown sceptics, blaming us for every single poor soul contained in those figures, ……
2/ … and taking immense glee from ratcheting up the vile language to garner more Twitter likes. Many of those voices are now totally silent on the thousands and thousands of non-Covid excess deaths related to #lockdown delays and backlogs. I have no regrets in my opposition …
3/ … to a variety of #lockdown policies and the language I used throughout the pandemic - I wonder if they can say the same?

We now know for sure that some decisions taken were based on PR and politics, rather than science and sense. When the Health Secretary is talking …
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Viele geschätzte Maßnahmenkritiker, darunter @MichaelPSenger, halten die Unterstützung der #LabLeak -These in der öffentlichen Diskussion für kontraproduktiv.

Die These dabei: Sie könnte wirksam als Legitimation von #Lockdown oder #Massenimpfung dienen.

Ein Einspruch.

Erstens können Maßnahmenkritiker, die von einem #LabLeak ausgehen, auf frühe empirische Befunde zur Gefährlichkeit des Virus hinweisen.

Diese zeigten bekanntlich, dass Lockdowns und überhastete Massenimpfung unnötig waren.

Dazu die #Lockdownfiles.

Es handelt sich damit, zweitens, um keinen Widerspruch, zugleich von einem #Lableak und einer überschaubaren Gefahr des C-Virus auszugehen.

Man könnte Lockdowns und Massenimpfung selbst dann kritisieren, wenn man von einer größeren Gefahr ausginge.

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1/ Waren #Drosten /s Mutmaßungen aus dem Herbst 2020 zur angebl. Covid-Sterblichkeitsrate von knapp über 1% mgl.weise politisch motiviert, um weiterhin drastische Maßnahmen u. die bevorstehende Kampagne mit teleskopierten Impfstoffen zu legitimieren?

2/ Bezugnehmend auf eine Meta-Analyse, die für die USA laut @merkur_de einen Wert für die Infektionssterblichkeit (IFR) von 0,8% ergeben hatte, schätzte #Drosten im Oktober 2020 demnach die IFR für Deutschland auf (knapp über) 1%. …
3/ Wie aus den aktuellen #Lockdownfiles via @Telegraph jedoch hervorgeht, hatte die Covid-Sterblichkeitsrate z. B. in England im Jahr 2020 maximal ca. 0,6% (April 2020) betragen. Sie war danach wieder abgesunken und erreichte demnach erst im Januar 2021 wieder einen …
Read 12 tweets
🔴 NEW: Matt Hancock was censored by the Cabinet Office over his concerns that the Covid-19 pandemic began with a lab leak in Wuhan, the #LockdownFiles reveals.

Read the latest from #TheLockdownFiles here ⤵️
🔵 Matt Hancock was censored by the Cabinet Office over his concerns that the Covid-19 pandemic began with a lab leak in Wuhan, #TheLockdownFiles reveals
📕 The former health secretary was told to tone down claims in his book because the Government feared it would "cause problems" with China… Former health Secretary Matt Hancock
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Great text - @AllisonPearson via @Telegraph:

1/ „But elsewhere, the deafening silence from the majority of politicians, and parts of the media, can only be professional embarrassment, maybe even shame. I do hope they feel at least a sliver of shame for their failure to hold …
2/ … the legislature to account during an unprecedented and frightening confiscation of our civil liberties. …

I have just had an email from Rob, a father with an autistic son. This is what Rob wrote: ‚Lockdown sent him from a happy 14-year-old into a complete …
3/ … psychological breakdown. The fear of why everyone was wearing masks, the breaking of routine (so important for SEN children) and closing of schools. He was utterly terrified. The knock-on-effect for our family has been devastating. Thanks to anti-psych meds he‘s slowly …
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From Milgram to Masks...
The psychology behind the #lockdownfiles.
“scare the pants off everyone”
All of it was based on so much known FEAR psychology. Nothing less than criminal.
'Just following Orders' or Engaged Followship?
From Milgram to Masks...
The psychology behind the #lockdownfiles.
“scare the pants off everyone”
All of it was based on so much known FEAR psychology. Nothing less than criminal.
Social Conformity - Marching to your Doom.
From Milgram to Masks...
The psychology behind the #lockdownfiles.
“scare the pants off everyone”
All of it was based on so much known FEAR psychology. Nothing less than criminal.
Saviours or False 'Profits'? All the Rats Died.
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🧵 THREAD - Le scandale éclate enfin !

Le @dailytelegraph a publié une série de messages WhatsApp effarants qui révèlent la gestion gouvernementale chaotique et du Covid-19 en Angleterre.

On vous explique les #lockdownfiles 👇 Image
Ils mettent en cause l'ancien 1er ministre Boris Johnson et le ministre de la Santé : Matt Hancock.

Les messages révèlent que le gouvernement a activement cherché à susciter la peur et l'inquiétude au sein de la population. Image
Ils ont travaillé sur des « narratifs » pour convaincre les gens que « les choses vont vraiment mal », afin de renforcer l'adhésion aux confinements. Image
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#Lockdownfiles #UK #Hancock #Quarantäne

1/ Was hätten #Hancock und auch dt. Politiker unzähligen Kindern doch ersparen können, hätte man bereits in 11/20 die 14-tägige Kontaktpersonen-Quarantäne ersetzt durch mehrtägiges Testen -

Ich erinnere an den verzweifelten Appell …
2/ … von @IsabelWebster_ aus 07/2021: „Official figures show 385500 children were off school last week, despite only 15000 testing positive. It has meant thousands of healthy children, without Covid, have been sent home under virtual house arrest.“ ……
3/ Ein ähnlicher Aufruf aus dieser Zeit auch hier:

„There were more than a quarter of a million children isolating at home last week, due to incomprehensible diktats that entire year-groups must quarantine should one pupil test positive for Covid. … It‘s claimed it‘ll help …
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One of the most brainwashed TV presenters in the UK media @JeremyVineOn5 @theJeremyVine has had a wild epiphany and now knows that he and the whole world has been subject to a psyop by the government.


🚀 @IsabelOakeshott
Justice is coming.

Those who deceived humanity are rapidly waking up.
Nature and Natural Law.

The faster the lethal injections are withdrawn from the market the better.

Those who can act to achieve this should take note.
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#TwitterFiles #Lockdownfiles : la mort de la presse (et l’implosion des Factchecker)

Un mot rapide du traitement médiatique de deux événements majeurs totalement passés sous silence dans les médias traditionnels et chez ses sous-fifres.
Ces deux exemples sont marquants parce que des faits indiscutables viennent appuyer une remise en question du bien fondé des décisions des gouvernements durant la crise du #Covid.

Une mine d’or pour tout journaliste qui se respecte.
Les #TwitterFiles, échanges internes à Twitter, montrent l’emprise tentaculaire de Washington sur la discussion publique. Un pouvoir utilisé sans vergogne pour – entre autre - faire taire toute voix dissonante à la doxa covidiste (sur les vaccins/effets secondaires/confinements)
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The #lockdownfiles start in late 2020. Why?
Here is a reminder of what the plans were as they happened. I tracked it worldwide. I warned every MLA, MP & expert from the start.
Executive Summary-COVID-19 Articles 2020.
First published (March 12, 2020)…
The #lockdownfiles start in late 2020. Why?
Article 1- The Best Laid Plans. COVID-19
First published (March 12, 2020)
How they terrified a world, in lock step.
But what was the real plan behind COVID19?…
The #lockdownfiles start in late 2020. Why?
Article 2- COVID 19 – Is the lock down working?
First published (April 3, 2020)
Circulating for months unchecked, where were all the excess bodies?…
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#Lockdownfiles #UK #Hancock

1/ Die damalige Leiterin der brit. Vaccine Taskforce, Kate Bingham, hatte in 10/20 der @FT ein Interview gegeben, in dem sie sich dafür ausgesprochen hatte, nur Risikopersonen zu impfen - nicht die ganze Bevölkerung:

„It‘s an adult-only vaccine, …
2/ … for people over 50, focusing on health workers and care home workers and the vulnerable. … Ms Bingham … noted that vaccinating healthy people, who are much less likely to have severe outcomes from #Covid19, ‚could cause them some freak harm‘, potentially tipping the …
3/ … the scales in terms of the risk-benefit analysis.“ ……
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Your latest stories from the Telegraph’s #TheLockdownFiles:

🔴Hancock's plan to import French Covid patients
🔴Lockdown 'sex ban' sparked fierce debate, messages reveal
🔴Nelson: Simon Case must take his share of the blame

Follow the latest here ⤵️…
💬 Matt Hancock planned to bring French Covid patients to the UK for treatment during the second wave of the pandemic, despite national lockdown restrictions in force to protect the NHS.

Read the story here ⤵️…
#TheLockdownFiles #LockdownFiles
🔵 Chief Medical Officer said ‘realism’ was needed on rules that prevented partners living separately from seeing each other.

Read more here ⤵️…
#TheLockdownFiles #LockdownFiles
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Dr. Mike Yeadon is convinced that over 100,000 people were deliberately killed by government protocols of Midazolam and Morphine. @MattHancock #MidazolamMatt #Midazolam_Morphine #midazolam #CovidLeaks @RishiSunak

#lockdownfiles #NHS
‼️The curves of midazolam injections match excess mortality in the UK 1:1!
@MattHancock @NHSEngland #RishiSunak #MidazolamMatt #midazolam #CovidLeaks
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[RG911Team] As #lockdownfiles gets attention for exposing secret convos about #COVID, we recall the convo WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein had where he asked for approval to bring down WTC 7 on 9/11… even though it takes MONTHS to plan a controlled demolition. #CoverUp #truth
[RG911Team] Fox News journalist Jeffrey Scott Shapiro admitted that this happened, even though he believes the official 9/11 story. Perhaps he did not understand that a demolition request from Silverstein, hours after the Twin Towers were destroyed, made……
[RG911Team] A typical building demolition takes months to plan and execute, and no skyscraper as tall as WTC Building 7 had ever been brought down with explosives. Such a demolition request would probably never be officially approved… so why did Silverstein ask for it?
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🔴 NEW: The former health secretary rejected cutting the 14-day self-isolation period, as he feared it would ‘imply we’d been getting it wrong’

Read this front page story here ⤵️…

#TheLockdownFiles #LockdownFiles
🔴 At points during the pandemic, more than 600,000 people a week who had been in close proximity to a Covid case were told to quarantine for 10 days
🔴 In total, the policy resulted in more than 20 million people - a third of the entire population - being told to self-isolate, regardless of whether they had symptoms

Read more ⤵️…
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“When do we deploy the new variant….? “

Daily cases of #OMICRON plotted against daily #Booster vaccines administered

If you don’t believe in ‘Correlation = Causation’

Then get ready to meet

‘Occam’s Razor’

Fcuk #MattHancock and fcuk the #lockdownfiles but this is huge⬇️ Image
England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

1st sSeptember 2021 - 31st March 2022

32,000,000 doses of #COVID19 Booster vaccine administered

12,000,000 cases of COVID19 #OMICRON reported

Was omicron a sales pitch for the booster ?

Did the booster sees the positives ?

2/ Image
At the time of the #OMICRON wave is was clear that the vaccinated - and recently boosted - were driving infection rates

By the end of March 2022, 85% of ‘Cases’ were in the vaccinated, +70% #Boosted

The U.K. HSA would then stop publishing the data by vaccination status …. ImageImageImage
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Governi come quello #UK che hanno spinto sulla PAURA come descritto nei #lockdownfiles, e ostacolato le cure per il #COVID19 come quello di #Conte e #Speranza. Mentre distruggevano l'economia dei Paesi con #lockdown basati su dati falsi e manipolati.
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