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1) Takip ettiğim ve örnek aldığım yatırımcılar arasında @HowardMarksBook'ın yeri ayrıdır. İçinde bulunduğumuz dönemin özelliklerine ilişkin, Marks’ın tamamen katıldığım görüşlerini dinlemenizi öneririm.

Bloomberg’deki videonun kısa bir Türkçe özetini hazırladım:
2) Marks: “Üçüncü büyük değişimin tam ortasında olabiliriz.”

Küresel Finans Krizi'nden (2009) bütünsel salgına (2019) geçen sürede ve sonrasında FED, ekonomiyi korumak için aşırı seviyede önlemler aldı ve bu, işe yaradı. Image
3) Tarihi olarak çok düşük (ve çoğu zaman da sıfır seviyesindeki) faiz oranlarını içeren para politikası ve ekonomiye likidite sağlamak için tahvil alımlarıyla yürütülen miktarsal genişleme “kolay ortam” şeklinde adlandırdığım bir çerçeve sundu.
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1) #Risk ile #Belirsizlik kavramları arasındaki ayrımda:

❓🧮Ne olacağını kesin olarak bilmesek de olasılıkları biliyorsak kastedilen şey "Risk"tir.

⁉️ ❌Ancak, olasılıkları dahi bilmiyorsak "Belirsizlik" söz konusudur.
2) #Temerrüt hâli risk yönetiminin olmadığı ya da iyi ve zamanında yapılamadığı için işlerin başarısızlıkla sonuçlandığı durumdur.

#LikiditeKrizi bunun bir önceki adımıdır.
#Kazançlar açısından yaşanacak kriz ciddi uyarıdır.
#Stratejik kararlar işleri #Normal akışta tutmalıdır.
3) Biz yatırımcılara düşense iyi yönetilen işletmeleri arayarak bu şirketlerin risklerini ve yönetimlerinin risk karşısındaki eylemlerini izlemektir.

Faiz artışları ve belirsizlik ortamı piyasadan likidite çekilmesine yol açtığından borç ve ödeme kabiliyeti daha da önemlidir.
Read 7 tweets
#Normal 🥃 | El mezcal cada vez es más popular en el mundo, lo que ha disparado su exportación en los últimos años.

🔴 Si bien eso significa mayores ganancias para las empresas y productores, el costo ambiental es irreversible.
🔴 De acuerdo con la agencia APF, en Jalisco los cultivos dedicados al agave azul para la producción de tequila han aumentado de 20 mil a 60 mil hectáreas en tan sólo un año.
Los riesgos de su sobreexplotación no sólo son de medioambientales sino también sociales y económicos.
😰 La producción industrial del agave ha provocado la deforestación desmedida de grandes extensiones de tierra en varias zonas de la República, principalmente en Oaxaca.

📈 La @CrmMezcal apunta que en los últimos 9 años, el número de marcas exportadas de México creció 360%.
Read 5 tweets
#Normal 🏆 | Comenzó desde abajo, lo ganó todo… Y vive para contarlo.

🥊 El cuatro veces campeón mundial minimosca comparte con El Sol de México parte de su inspiradora historia.

📸 Roberto Hernández
#Normal 🥊 |"La Chiquita" González es una leyenda viviente del box, con una trayectoria respaldada por 46 peleas como profesional.
“Son muchas las cosas que hice como peso chico; peleé en Estados Unidos, donde no eran bien vistos los pesos chicos, por lo que siempre iban de relleno, pero yo era el estelar".- "La Chiquita González"
Read 4 tweets
#Transformation in #neuland heißt Umwandlung oder Umformung. Zeit, sich einmal anzuschauen, welche Begriffe sich bislang in der #Zeitenwende so gewandelt haben, umgeformt
wurden oder sich noch wandeln. (Ein Thread) #AllianzFürTransformation (1/13)
#Pandemie: während bis 2009 (oder 2007) für die Ausrufung eine Pandemie bei der #WHO hohe Infektionszahlen UND viele Todesfälle relevant waren, reichen seitdem hohe Infektionszahlen (in Clustern und versch. Ländern etc...) (2/13)
#NewNormal: Wurde seit 2020 verkündet, quasi verordnet. #SocialDistancing ist sozial, Nähe gefährlich. Die Normalität von einst kommt nicht wieder. #Isolation ist #Nächstenliebe, allerdings dem #Kollektiv, nicht dem Nächsten gegenüber. Das alte #Normal ist passé (3/12)
Read 14 tweets
#Normal | En #entrevista, Nilüfer Yanya nos habla de su propuesta musical a unas semanas de lanzar su álbum #Painless, un material en el que toca temas muy personales.

Va #hilo. 👇…
Nilüfer Yanya es una cantautora londinense que debutó con Miss Universe (2019), un disco que la dio a conocer como una artista singular, enfocada no sólo en producir canciones con un estilo propio, sino inspiradas en temas como la salud y el bienestar.

No tardó en dar a conocer otro mini álbum titulado Feeling Lucky?, en el cual exploró su fascinación por melodías al estilo del rock alternativo de los 90, esta vez inspiradas en temas como el resentimiento, el miedo a volar y el concepto de la suerte.

Read 8 tweets
Last Thursday (s. ; or for the full live stream, s. ), @SevimDagdelen from #DieLinke has discussed with @RaniaKhalek & @EugenePuryear esp. the recently decided & billion-dollar rearmament of the German #Bundeswehr... a result of the #RussianFederation's military invasion of #Ukraine, as officially justified by the #GermanFederalGovernment. A recommendable interview! Besides her opposition to such rearmament & the associated fundamental departure...
...from the so-called „#Entspannungspolitik“ established by #WillyBrand & #EgonBahr for #Germany's relationship with the #USSR (& also its territorially largest & politically strongest successor state in the form of the #RussianFederation),...
Read 59 tweets
#Normal | El @COQUEMUNIZ se considera una especia en peligro de extinción.

¿Por qué? Te explicamos en este #hilo 🧵👇 Image
A propósito de su nuevo disco titulado #Azulejos3, el intérprete habló en #EXCLUSIVA de cómo ha cambiado la industria musical. Image
“Cuando me enamoro”, “Tu cárcel” y “Tatuajes” son algunos de los éxitos de otros artistas que Muñiz retoma para presentar con su propio estilo.

También llama la atención que aunque es un disco de boleros, también incluye canciones de otros géneros musicales. Image
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The vast majority of CT is misunderstanding the #Canadian situation. The simple fact is that the #convoys have nothing to do with #freedom or peaceful #protests.

First off: the #EmergenciesAct is not martial law and is not above the law.…
The protesters are a fringe #rightwing #minority group, partly supported by the American #extreme right.…
#Sabotaging the delivery of food and medical #supplies, blocking the movement of #international goods and services, holding up ambulances and firetrucks, preventing people from getting to #work - these are #criminal activities and not peaceful protests.
Read 9 tweets
#USA #NATO #Europa #Ukraine #Russland
streiche die in der Mitte genannten und die aktiven #Player sind klar sichtbar - die in der #Mitte genannten sind nur das #Spielfeld
Wie nah ist #Europa an einem #BLACKOUT?
verdammt nah,
eine Einordnung anhand unschöner Szenarien & Herausforderungsstufen
0) WirtschaftsKrieg
1) konventioneller Krieg
2) atomarer Krieg
3) das schlimmste » BLACKOUT
» Leitfäden zur Selbsthilfe auf «

-- aktuell stehen wir zwischen 1+2 macht nach AdamRiese und EvaKlein kurzfristig 3 für Europa; wobei alle "Stufen" unsinnig sind, da nur Mist und Fehlentwicklungen dabei herauskommt - wie seit Jahrzehnten als #NORMAL bezeichnet und betrachtet 🙈
Read 16 tweets
Do you eat meat or other animal products?
Should you?

Last month, I defended my PhD thesis about perceptions of vegetarians and vegans (short: veg*ns) in promoting #plantbased diets.

Why did I pursue this topic and what did I discover?
Find out in this #ThesisThread.

Why this topic? The widespread consumption of animal products🥓🥛🍳causes a lot of harm:
🐖billions of animals suffer & die each year
🌍it damages planetary health
💙threatens public health

👨‍🔬To reduce these harms, we can adopt #plantbased diets


📢Calls for change by those who do not eat meat #vegetarians or other animal products #vegans are often challenged by the majority of people who continue to eat meat #omnivores.

❓How can veg*ns attract more omnivores and promote #plantbased diets?

Read 20 tweets
#ChronicPain is the most prevalent health issue for Americans, yet, there is a lack of acknowledgment of the impact of pain on individuals QoL as well as access to quality options available. The last several years we have seen a proliferation of 1/
psychological strategies be touted as solutions for both #chronicpain & #acutepain. This has been fostered by the #CDC guidelines as well as various independent groups. As an individual who works in the area of mental health I am alarmed at the amount of #gaslighting that 2/
to those with #chronicpain & the belief by many physicians & professionals that psychological strategies will alleviate #chronicpain as a stand-alone strategy. I DO believe that psychological strategies CAN be of benefit addressing pain, but, how #pain is being #pathologized 3/
Read 11 tweets
Normal nedir, normali kim neye göre tanımlıyor? Farkında olarak yada olmayarak norm olana yaklaşmaya çalıştığımızda acaba kendimizdeki hangi eşsiz özelliklerden vazgeçmiş, baskılamış ya da kullanmayı ertelemiş oluyoruz? +
Norma uymayana yapıştırdığımız etiketler, etiketlere tutunmuş büyük önyargılar, dilimize yapışmış “bozukluk” lafları aynı zamanda kendimizdeki eşsizlikleri de baskılama aracına dönüp bizi sıkıştırıyor olabilir mi?
Oysa, doğanın normal ya da normal olmayan diye bir ayrımı yok, +
doğallığı içinde her varlığı eşsiz ve kendince eşsiz potansiyele sahip olarak görüyor.
“Kendini tek bir yaprakta ifade eden dünya” diyor @lito_leafart . Belki de bu sözle dünyayı kendimiz dahil herhangi bir şeyde ifade edebileceğimize gönderme yapıyor. +
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Hangi vitaminler #Covid tedavisinde faydalı olabilir? alınmalı? Hangi besinlerden yemeliyiz? Fazla almanın zararı olabilir mi? #SanalHastane >>>
#Covid sırasında yararlı olabileceğine dair 3 vitamin üzerinde durulmaktadır: #Çinko, #Vitamin C ve #Vitamin D. Bu besin maddeleri genel olarak #bağışıklığı güçlendiren ve yara iyileşmesini hızlandıran özelliklere sahiptir. >>>
#ÇİNKO nun görevi nedir?
Vücutta büyüme gelişme sırasında protein yapısına katılır, bağışıklığı güçlendirir, yara iyileşmesini hızlandırır. Günlük ihtiyaç 8-10 mg dır. Deniz ürünleri, et, süt, fıstıkta bulunur. Gıda ile alınan miktar yeterlidir. Eksikliği pek nadirdir. >>>>
Read 18 tweets
Both Republicans & Democrats have low expectations of black people. This is why black kids getting into Ivy-League schools makes the news & white/Asian student acceptance does not. 1857: Richard Henry Green is the first African American to graduate from Yale College. #normal
1857: African American to Cortlandt Van Rensselaer Creed graduates from the Yale School of Medicine.
1869: George Lewis Ruffin is the first black to earn a degree from Harvard Law School. In 1883 Ruffin became Massachusetts’ first African-American judge.
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10 year old #boy. Loss of weight, very high #appetite, ⬆️thirst, urination - 6 months. LFT - AST 1200, ALT 2300, ALP, Bil, INR - normal. Wilsons, autoimmune -ve. IgG - 2xULN. CTscan - massive hepatomegaley. #Liver #biopsy 👇 Rare! ❓ #livertwitter #MedTwitter Image
HbA1c is 15.2🔥Uncontrolled #diabetes with hepatic #glycogenosis, diastase treatment, glycogen disappears! [Mauriac Syndrome] 6 months intensive #nutrition & #insulin, Repeat biopsy - #normal liver!
Scary presentation in a child, but simple #treatment
#medicine #pathology
Read 3 tweets
BUSINESS EXCELARATOR PROGRAM is a unique program for entrepreneurs to provide practical strategies to identify growth opportunities & overcome current challenges.…

Questions that will be answered in this program:
Question #1: Have you defined department-wise Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on specific goals & targets to measure whether your business objectives are achieved?

#performance #business #program #covidsolution #covid19 #msme #AtmaNirbharBharat #lockdown
Question #2: Do you get the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of your company as a Business Summary Dashboard on a daily basis to monitor & measure the progress of your company?

#business #program #covidsolution #covid19 #msme #AtmaNirbharBharat #Lockdown5 #startups
Read 24 tweets
hi #poliscitwitter can any political theorists help me understand why Harvey Mansfield's "Manliness" is an academic text rather than, as it appears, a combination of some deeply homoerotic fan fiction and the kind of manifesto you usually find along with several bodies? Image
a few excerpts, for the uninitiated... 🧵
“Besides being weaker than men’s, women’s bodies are made to attract and to please men.” #scholarship #theory Image
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25 mai 2005, Liverpool remporte la LDC au terme de la finale la plus folle de l'histoire.
Pour l'occasion, place à un thread sur Steven Gerrard 🔥
Beaucoup trop de manque de respect envers lui sur ce réseau social.
On parle d'une légende, faut remettre les choses à leur place ❗️
Bon déjà, ceux qui résument la carrière de Steven à une glissade ou à une passe ratée en retrait, vous pouvez aller regarder des vidéos de Zlatan ou Robinho sur YouTube.
Chacun sa place, tout le monde sera content 🤝
L'idée est de se rappeler des moments, bons ou mauvais.
À coup de minasses, de leadership & de clutch.
Steven Gerrard c'est le football que tout être humain normalement constitué aime : du talent, du fighting-spirit et des actions inoubliables.
Le joueur émotion par excellence ❤️
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(1/5) Q: When will we go back to #Normal?

A: “There is no going back (to normal). The only way out is through.” This @TheAtlantic article summarizes key steps as the United States enters the next phases of this #pandemic.
1) Reopening – We are currently in #lockdown: the last line of defense in slowing the spread. Re-opening depends on sustainable infrastructure for #testing and health services, both of which have not been achieved to date. We are still far shy of what is needed to reopen.
2) Recalibration – Reopening will be very complicated. We should expect resurgence of infections and the need to maintain many aspects of #SocialDistancing well into the future. The remainder of 2020 and likely 2021 will require us to rethink how our society functions.
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