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Vergangene Woche veröffentlichte die @nytimes Videomaterial, welches lückenlos einen illegalen #Pushback zeigt, bei dem Asylsuchende nach ihrer Ankunft auf den Inseln entführt und von der griechischen
Küstenwache und maskierten Männern wieder auf dem Meer ausgesetzt wurden. 1/4 ImageImage
Seit Jahren prangern Geflüchtete, Journalist*innen und NGOs an, dass die griechischen Behörden Menschenrechte verletzen. Die Veröffentlichung der New York Times ist der wohl wichtigste Beweise der letzten Jahre dafür. 2/4
Gleichzeitig sind die Zustände auf Lesbos für Geflüchtete Katastrophal.
Es wird berichtet, dass Menschen mit anerkannten und abgelehnten Asylanträgen kein Essen mehr in den Camps ausgegeben wird. Die Situation an den Essensausgaben soll seit Tagen angespannt sein. 3/4
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#Gaslighting Long Haulers
Despite all the patient voices and validating studies from university labs, long Covid has been dismissed by some doctors and journalists as a contested, even psychiatric, disease. In this column, we push back. By @r_prior#PushBack 1/x
Quote: „A host of infectious triggers, from SARS and Epstein–Barr virus to Lyme disease and strep, can set off the same constellation of disabling symptoms, including brain fog, unrelenting fatigue, and pain. Such infections can also make an imprint through sleep disorders, 2/x
nerve damage, and air hunger, where you feel as if you can’t get enough air and struggle to breathe. In the worst cases, such patients experience disability on parwith late-stage AIDS or congestive heart failure. 3/x
Read 7 tweets
🆘 Relatives informed us about a group stranded on an islet on #Evros river. The position they sent shows the people on #Greek territory. On the phone, the border guard station of #Soufli promised a quick rescue. We have no direct contact with the group & hope help is on its way! Image
The officer on duty of the border guard station in #Soufli told us on the phone that they have sent a team to the location but could not find the people. In the past, this line was used to cover up #pushbacks. We are worried - where are these people?
The people called us directly today & appear to be on the Greek bank of #Evros river. They report they are ~40 people incl. 10 children & 16 women, many with serious medical conditions. They say that 2 persons went missing during a #pushback & a woman could give birth any moment.
Read 21 tweets
🧵CW: violence
Another #pushback case in Greece, this time with a difference. Ezrat, an Afghan man with refugee status who lives in Thessaloniki was kidnapped, beaten and pushed back to Turkey at #Evros. 1/
In 08/2021 he & 3 friends went to a house at the village of Kimmeria nr Xanthi to pay ransom for his nephew, held by a smuggling network. 2 police officers arrived, beat Ezrat & his friends, handcuffed them & drove them to a detention site nr Xanthi in a car with 🇧🇬 plates. 2/
They were stripped and detained for two days. Then the police took them to the border near Soufli, beat them again, took a video of them (interesting – why?) and threw them in the river handcuffed. 3/
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[Θεωρία A] Μία τουρκία που σήμερα, όχι μόνο δεν είναι το απομονωμένο μπάχαλο που λέγαμε μέχρι χτες, αλλά είναι πλέον επιτελικώτερη ακόμη και από τον ίδιο τον πολυχρονεμένο μας..
#εβρος #προσφυγες #pushback #διάγγελμα #Εβρος
[Α] ..και που είναι σε θέση να εκτελεί πολύπλοκες υβριδικές επιχειρήσεις ακριβείας οι οποίες περιλαμβάνουν την τροποποίηση σε ανύποπτο χρόνο των metadata από επικοινωνίες που δεν έχουν ακόμη συμβεί,
[Α] ..την τοποθέτηση "οπλοποιημένων" προσφύγων-του-Schrödinger (πρόσφυγες σε υπέρθεση, εκατέρωθεν απροσδιόριστων συνόρων, της οποίας η κυματοσυνάρτηση καταρρέει μόλις μπουν σε βάρκα και τους "ανακαλύψει" η ΕΛ.ΑΣ)
Read 8 tweets
Οι πρόσφυγες και ο #εβρος
μία ανακεφαλαίωση για όσους καλοπροαίρετα ρωτάνε γιατί χάθηκαν στις αντικρουόμενες ειδήσεις

Μία ομάδα Σύριων προσφύγων έχει εγκλωβιστεί σε μία νησίδα στον Έβρο στα σύνορα Ελλάδας - Τουρκίας.
Είναι μέρες εκεί και προσπαθούν να περάσουν με ασφάλεια στην
ενδοχώρα και να ζητήσουν άσυλο.
Αυτές τις ημέρες έχουν επικοινωνήσει με δημοσιογράφους και έχουν στείλει υλικό που αποδεικνύει τις συντεταγμένες τους
ζητώντας την διάσωσή τους

Σύμφωνα με τις πληροφορίες είναι περίπου 40 άτομα και ανάμεσά τους είναι γυναίκες με παιδιά.
Στο ταξίδι αυτό μέχρι στιγμής έχουν πεθάνει 4 άνθρωποι. 3 ενήλικες και 1 ανήλικο παιδί.
Η ανήλικη πέθανε από τσίμπημα σκορπιού
και για αυτό υπάρχουν φωτογραφίες ντοκουμέντα που μπορεί να τις βρει όποιος τις αναζητήσει.

Η μητέρα ελπίζοντας ότι θα περάσει απέναντι και θα μπορέσει
Read 28 tweets
Very interesting meeting today organized by @RivoltiB in #Zugliano, discussing #Eu externalization of migration policies. #Pushbacks, role of #Frontex and role of states along the #Balkan route. @AdrianaTdn @IcsOnlus @CoordEuropa @BalkansCaucasus @pfmajorino
@annalisacamilli explains the double standard recently applied by the #Eu vis-a-vis European and non-European refugees and how more humane #migration and #refugee policies are possible.
@roargh Milena explains the pattern and practice of #pushback with #Croatia being number 1 in #Europe in terms of violations
Read 16 tweets
#Pushback als System. Wie #Frontex die sogenannte Libysche Küstenwache einspannt, um Grundrechte über den Haufen zu fahren. 1/14
Recherchen haben aufgedeckt, wie Frontex in der Ägäis Pushbacks toleriert oder aktiv daran teilnimmt. Doch besonders die Fälle vor der Libyschen Küste zeigen, dass Frontex’ Mitwirken bei Pushbacks System hat. Wichtigste Partnerin dabei: die sogenannte Libysche Küstenwache. 2/14
Diese Einheit wird von der #EU finanziert mit dem Auftrag, vor Libyen eine eigene maritime Such- und Rettungszone (#SAR) zu errichten und Menschen in Not an Land zu bringen. 3/14
Read 14 tweets
Unbedingt lesen!
Durch Intransparenz den öff. Diskurs verwässern: wie die @NZZaS schreibt, behauptet das BAZG, das CH-Grenzschützer:innen NIE irgendwelche Menschenrechtsverstösse bei ihren Einsätzen in der Evros-Region beobachtet hätten. Das erstaunt.…
Beweise für diese Aussagen bleibt das Bundesamt schuldig. Das ist untragbar! Die #Schweiz muss endlich öffentlich darlegen, wie sich ihre Verwaltungsratsmitglieder zu #Pushbacks verhalten haben.

Die Forderung dazu liegt längst auf dem Tisch:

Die Reportage der @NZZaS zeichnet ein Bild systematischer Gewalt. Von wem die ausgeht, ist schwer zu sagen: „Es gibt Flüchtlinge, die aussagen, sie hätten gehört, wie einige Deutsch sprechen, Italienisch, Französisch, was auf Frontex-Mitarbeiter schliessen würde.“
Read 5 tweets
Alle Menschen auf der Flucht vor Krieg und Verfolgung brauchen Schutz. Doch #Rassismus und Kriminalisierung prägen EU-Flüchtlingspolitik.
Ein 🧵: PoC-Studierende, die vor #UkraineKrieg fliehen, erleben #racialprofiling. #LeaveNoOneBehind 1/4…
EU-Abschreckungspolitik gegen Flüchtende: Am 17.3. beginnt auf Lesvos der Berufungsprozess gegen Amir und Razuli aus #Afghanistan. Sie überlebten einen gewaltsamen #pushback und wurden dann zu 50 (!) Jahren Haft verurteilt. #LeaveNoOneBehind 2/4…
Kriminalisierung von #Seenotrettung: Nach 5 Jahren Ermittlungen beginnt am 21.5. in Trapani die richterliche Anhörung zur Anklage wegen Vorwurfs der Beihilfe "zur illegalen Einwanderung" gegen @IuventaCrew. Hintergrund zur Anklage: 3/4…
Read 4 tweets
Flashback 04-14-2020

Doctors Face Troubling Question: Are They Treating Coronavirus Correctly... via @YouTube
-A VIRUS 'on steroids' spreads throughout the world
-Doctors went into 'overdrive'-found therapeutics that were & ARE effective
-This info & therapeutics were violently suppressed
-Draconian policies were implemented
-The Sick were hospitalized w/mandated protocol
-Many thus died
Read 10 tweets
Follow-Up regarding the potential case of a #pushback of part of a group that arrived on the island of #Samos during the night of November 2 to 3.
A long thread 🧵👇
This week I was part of a European Parliament delegation of the LIBE Committee to #Greece that aimed at assessing the situation of #migrants and #refugees in Greece. As part of this visit, we arrived in Samos the morning of the 3rd November.
At a meeting with NGOs upon our arrival, MSF informed the Members that there was at this very moment on the island a group of people being scared to be pushed back and who had called a hotline for help. They invited members to come with them to see by themselves.
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#refugeesgr #GreeceFascistState
Αυτό είναι το πιο προκλητικό παράδειγμα για το πως ένα #pushback μετατρέπεται "μία από τις μεγαλύτερες επιχειρήσεις έρευνας και διάσωσης που έγινε ποτέ στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο", όταν κοινοποιηθεί. Ακολουθεί το χρονικό.
Το βράδυ το καράβι με τους
πρόσφυγες βρίσκεται ανάμεσα σε χρυσή και Ιεράπετρα (όπου δηλώνεται η βλάβη, ενώ ήταν εν πλω για Ιταλία. Το σημείο είναι προσφιλές σε #pushback (καλοκαίρι 2020) και αναγκαστικές (για τους φασίστες του ελληνικού λιμενικού όπως καλοκαίρι 2021). Το καράβι δένεται στο ΛΣ070 και ξεκινά
η ρυμουλκηση κάτω από γουδουρα, προς Κάσο. Το ΛΣ070 ΔΕΝ έχει έδρα σε Σητεία ή Ιεράπετρα. Το καράβι μένει έξω από Κάσο για ώρες και το γεγονός αρχίζει να γίνεται γνωστό. Το προηγούμενο βράδυ το λιμενικό δεν είχε εντοπίσει σκάφος σε δυσκολία!!!
Read 16 tweets
A copy of another excellent FB post from Ed Bosveld. Read & Share/RT!!!

(***link at the end)

"The Premier has announced a plan to cautiously and carefully re-open Ontario, guided by an on-going assessment of key metrics and indicators. The Minister of Health promised...

...brighter days ahead, while the Chief Medical Officer of Health commended Ontarians....

Oh. Wait.


That was May of 2021. Five months ago. Since then we have exceeded all the metrics. Reached extremely high vaccination rates, by any standard. Seen cases and...

...hospitalizations at much, much lower rates than expected.

And? Well, another five months, folks.

The Premier announced today that Ontario has yet another plan to exit the pandemic. Starting Monday, most places where vaccine passports are required (restaurants,...

Read 28 tweets

Imagine that someone was able to collect information on occurrences of chest pain in every "otherwise healthy" university student, staff member or faculty in North America that were exposed to chemicals as part of their studies, employment, or tenure.

1/... Image
Data was collected for decades from the beginning of Sept. to the end of April - every year.

"Inclusion criteria" included all of the above - and "otherwise healthy" was defined as NO previous episodes of chest pain prior to enrollment, employment, tenure - AND..

...NO pre-existing history of cardiac problems, hypertension or respiratory health issues.

Data for male & female subjects is separated and comparison between to the two is analyzed.


Read 17 tweets
#REMINDER : Whether or not your employer got written or verbal consent (or no consent at all) for you to disclose your CV-19 vaccination status - employer-mandated and/or gov't-mandated CV-19 vaccinations all constitute coercion.

Under PHIPA 18(1)(d) - consent in #Ontario is NOT legal if obtained under coercion.

Due to mandates - it is NOT possible to obtain LEGAL consent in #Ontario.

(Same would apply in other jurisdictions - you will just need to look up your laws.)

Vaccinated or not - consent or not - your employer is NOT allow to collect, USE, or disclose your personal health information (i.e. CV-19 vaccination status) without LEGAL consent. PHIIPA 29(a) & 30(1)

Aka...your employer broke the law...several times.

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Your employer had 2 choices with Directive 6 - #Ontario's #VaccineMandate

Only 1 choice was legal.

It is probably safe to say that next to zero chose the legal route.

Stay with me...


And it is actually BECAUSE OF Directive #6 - that they CANNOT legally do this.

The gov't threw employers under the bus - leaving them with the choice to either...

a) implement the mandates in Directive 6
b) face a potential public backlash for taking the "out" provided in the fine print - which happens to be the ONLY legal route.

I'm going to guess that your employer chose "a".

(I sense your doubt!)

Read 27 tweets
On October 17, 1931, the sadistic gangster Al Capone was convicted - NOT for the crimes & violent rampages that many had hoped for - but rather on what many would consider a technicality (albeit serious) or white collar crimes: 3 counts of tax evasion.

Much of the success in bringing an end to Capone's bloody & tyrannical reign is due to the relentless efforts of 27-year old U.S. Treasury Agent Elliot Ness & his team of "Untouchables".

Currently in #Ontario , we are clearly having difficulty advancing challenges to the government's unscientific restrictions, clear lack of risk reduction TO OTHERS with vaccine mandates, and Charter challenges.

Read 24 tweets
Below is a response I made (to someone else's comment) on the "Charles McVety Report" FB page, under the post I shared on FB a couple of days ago:

[See thread below.]

A completely unique, completely faulty, and all-inclusive "case definition" (aka "inclusion criteria" for data) was invented for CV-19 that no other respiratory virus has ever had.

and… )

"Hospitalizations", "ICU Admissions", "Deaths", etc. are all just subsets of the total number of "cases" (aka "positive" test results) - and as such are subject to the same "case definition".

Read 14 tweets
1) Common themes in this @OntHumanRights statement:
- "protect people at work"
- "collectively protect the general public"
- "collective rights to health and safety"…
- "unless it would significantly interfere with people’s health and safety"
- "public health and safety"
- "would significantly compromise health and safety"

Their (and the government's) ENTIRE justification for vaccine mandates is that the unvaccinated pose a risk to the health & safety of others.

This however is steeped in logical fallacies.

Read 13 tweets
We collectively call on .@nytimes to release the video referenced here by Caputo, or come out on the record with your statement denying the claim.

Were doctors claiming they were ordered to falsify death records??
#PUSHBACK #Covid_19
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[Thread] 1/ Recently a coalition of outlets, including @derspiegel and @srfnews , published several videos showing #pushbacks from Croatia to Bosnia-Herzegovina.…
2/ The footage shows groups, including families and young children, being removed illegally across the border by Croatian officers, corroborating much of the written, oral and visual evidence gathered from this border location.
3/ Some of the earliest footage related to pushbacks was published by @guardian in 2018, with injured people caught on camera just after a violent removal from Croatia.…
Read 8 tweets

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