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而此刻,一家DEX新星让人眼前一亮。它基于ZKS打造,以独特的LP流动性方案和高效的资本利用率,得到很多巨鲸的青睐.它便是即将登录币安Launchpool的项目 #MAV @mavprotocol

👇👇分析 Image
接下来我将通过5个部分介绍 @mavprotocol 项目
一,项目优势 #UNI VS #MAV
一,项目优势 #UNI VS #MAV


1.1先来看看 #UNI V3模式,我们称之为Range AMM(范围AMM),顾名思义,提前预设一个LP价格区间的范围,市场价格落在范围之内,LP获得较高的收入回报,假如超出提前设定的价格范围,LP将无法获得任何收入,资本效率降低。
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🌈Layer2四大天王目前剩Starknet和Zksync未发币了,也是大家最期待的空投项目,同是ZK-Rollup扩容方案,浅谈一下两者有什么区别以及个人看法,不断学习中,xdm多给建议👇 #Starknet #zkSyncEra Image
(2)Stark和ZKS是两个最大的L2解决方案,都是以扩容以太坊网络为目标.Zksync使用 #SNARK 证明Rollup协议,Starknet使用 #STARK 证明Rollup协议,SNARK和STARK的根本区别在于它们的设置过程、可扩展性
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链上数据挖掘的四大神器,上次只讲了 #Nansen ,又拖了好久.

今天来讲讲 #DUNE ,通过 #Dune,我们可以通过一个公共数据库近乎实时地访问区块链数据,Dune的网站使用 SQL 查询,实现数据可视化展示. @DuneAnalytics

而DuneV2 引擎,性能提高了 10 倍,必须掌握,而且免费.

1.首先安利一个搜索平台 @oralabs_。由于 #DUNE 官方的搜索相对不太好用,必须关键词完全匹配后,才能搜到结果,无法盲搜,也无法筛选搜索。

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比如昨晚的乌龙事件:美国政府BTC迁移。这个数据,大家可能会比较感兴趣。可以关注这个链接:… Image
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Smart Money(聪明钱)是一个有趣的链上挖掘工作。
今天我来解密,如何把握它们,并且如何寻找? Image
使用的工具软件准备: #Nansen#DeBank#Dune
专业用户,可使用 #Python +API 接口,做更深度数据挖掘工作。
上述工具, #Nansen#DeBank 建议走付费通道,将打开新的一扇大门。假如使用得当,可开启开挂人生。 ImageImageImageImage
#Nansen 教学举例。
其中聪明钱买入了有 #BLUR #ROKO #GPT #AURA #ZERO 等。
其中聪明钱卖出了有 #HFT #SOV #THEO #SHIK

假如其中有不熟悉的项目,去项目官网,推特,查看和挖掘。 Image
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1.#Nansen @nansen_ai
#Nansen 数据看板是一个很不错的工具,称为web3彭博终端。基本被各个加密货币基金人手一个。功能十分强大,地址标签很完整。但价格并不是很亲民,可以去体验。另外NFT板块它是免费开放的,NFT Paradise功能很好用。
@ASvanevik 关注老板,偶尔有Alpha!
2.#Messari @MessariCrypto
Read 14 tweets
Come esistono gli pseudobiblia (il Necronomicon ne è un esempio), esistono pure film che non esistono, citando il buon Maccio. Uno dei più famosi è sicuramente Dune di Alejandro Jodorowsky. Il visionario regista cileno si incaponì su questo progetto, anche se non aveva 👇
mai letto il capolavoro fantascientifico di Herbert, e nella sua mente prese vita un film straordinario, pittoresco al limite del grottesco, surreale e con un cast sopra le righe che doveva comprendere Salvador Dalì, Orson Welles, Mick Jagger e la colonna sonora dei Pink Floyd👇
Lo storyboard era del celebre Moebius, effetti speciali e reparto tecnico Dan O’Bannon e Giger (a cui dobbiamo quel capolavoro di Alien) e Chris Fosse, straordinario disegnatore di Space Art. L’idea di Jodo era ambiziosa al limite della follia, ma se quel tipo di ossessione 👇
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A Thread for My hatred towards Puluthi Movies.
"Just A Vanmam" Image
1. #Dune
Also #BladeRunner 1986
Denis villenueve become puluthi after 2015.
Maybe he got new puluthi friend that time.
cinematography and sound mixing are good but movie is still shit ImageImageImage
2. #Nomadland
When Oscar is on weed.
Boring shit..
😴😴😴😴 Image
Read 22 tweets
In 2019, Austin Butler heard Baz Luhrmann was making a movie about Elvis Presley. The actor put all meetings and other auditions on hold to focus on #Elvis: “I knew that the only way that I could do it was if I gave it everything that I had.”…
While preparing for the role, Butler tried performing “Love Me Tender,” but it didn't feel right. He thought of his late mother, how he and Presley shared that grief, and sang “Unchained Melody.”

“Channeling those emotions just felt true,” he says.…
Butler's tape impressed Baz Luhrmann: “It didn't feel like an audition. It felt like a spycam.”

Butler went through several months of Elvis workshops, acting and singing in character, before he won the role.…
Read 12 tweets
Se estrenó #TheBatman en HBO 🔥Que nos encierren en Arkham! Escribí hilo con 30 datos apasionantes, influencias, simbolismos,claves estéticas del hombre murciélago de R Pattinson y director Matt Reeves.Desde Kurt Cobain,Taxi Driver, David Lynch,Hitchcock y Stephen King (parte 1)
1.Corrupción: El director y co-guionista Matt Reeves estudió cintas conspirativas de 70s: Klute,Chinatown y All the Presidents Men. Personajes de #TheBatman como el fiscal Colson y Don Mitchell -alcalde- tienen esos nombres por figuras claves del escándalo Watergate de Nixon.
2.Riddler observa con binoculares al alcalde,Wayne y Selina tb espían. Reeves analizó lo subjetivo de Hitchcock.“En Rear Window el personaje al mirar convierte al espectador en voyerista.Y nos implica pq a todos nos fascina mirar. Hay cuestionamiento sobre la moralidad de mirar”
Read 16 tweets
#Oscars einen Abend später nachschauen.
Habe #WestSideStory nicht gesehen, aber natürlich ist der Preis für Ariana DeBose 100% hollywood und natürlich verdient.
Und natürlich ist es schon ziemlich größtes Kino, mit #Beyoncé zu eröffnen.
Read 35 tweets
From a bumper 2021 in which sprawling blockbusters finally hit reopened movie theaters, and streaming platforms released more prestige flicks than ever, 10 films remain in contention for the best picture #AcademyAward.
Here's a rundown from @andrewmarszal
@andrewmarszal Kenneth Branagh's semi-autobiographical #Belfast has long been viewed as a serious #Oscars contender. It depicts the outbreak of violence in his native Northern Ireland in the late 1960s from the perspective of a nine-year-old boy
@andrewmarszal #CODAfilm centers on teen Ruby, the only hearing member of a deaf household in a small US fishing community. The #Oscars contender, which cast deaf actors in lead roles and features copious dialogue in sign language, has been celebrated as a landmark in disability representation
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📽️#Kinocube participará nos faladoiros dos #Oscars do Cinema Lobeira os vindeiro 23 e 30 de marzo!

Que vos parece se imos quentando motores repasando algúns dos filmes nominados nesta edición? 😉

Comezamos cos nominados a mellor filme! 👇 Image
🎞️Nightmare Alley (Guillermo del Toro, 2021)

Non é un remake do filme de Edmund Goulding, senón unha volta ao material orixinal cunha reinterpretación dos arquetipos do #filmnoir 🕵️

#NightmareAlley Image
🎞️Don't look up (Adam McKay, 2021)

Unha sátira afiada sobre a nova era da desinformación, tan cómica como desesperanzadora. ☄️

#DontLookUp Image
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.@Florence_Pugh may be journeying to the planet Arrakis.

The English actress is in talks to join the all-star ranks of #Dune: Part 2, the sequel-continuation to Denis Villeneuve’s Oscar-nominated sci-fi epic

More details: Image
@Florence_Pugh @RealChalamet @dunemovie If a deal is made, Pugh would be the first newcomer to join the returning, A-list cast, and re-team with #LittleWomen co-star Timothée Chalamet Image
@Florence_Pugh @RealChalamet @dunemovie Villeneuve's #Dune sequel will resume from where the first one left off, with Paul Atreides (Chalamet) fighting with the Fremen to free the desert planet of Arrakis from the grips of House Harkonnen Image
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Why are movies so long now?…
In an age when there’s no shortage of entertainment options, directors, producers or executives don’t need anyone to exit a movie and think: “It was good, but it was way too long.” ImageImageImage
It may not be scientifically proven, but sometimes it feels like movies are, indeed, getting longer. Many of this year’s biggest releases may as well have run forever and a day. Image
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At the dawn of the new year, I'm realizing a never did a rundown of the top five posts from the blog in 2021. It was really guest writers who kept the thing afloat, as we can see with the 5th most read piece from 2021: Howard Zhou on China
Coming in at number four, I look at Baron Harkonnen's exceptional tactical victory on Arrakis, and his subsequent strategic failure, in #Dune
Number 3 is a piece showcasing the, uh, "angry" part of my moniker.

This still plea is still in effect in 2022, btw.
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#SpiderManNoWayHome is a welcome reminder, after a brutal 18 months, that movie theaters can still create a kind of grand cultural happening that simply can’t be replicated on Netflix.
The rate of change in a century-old sector of the entertainment industry has been stunning. Major studio films like #Dune and #HalloweenKills were refashioned as simultaneous HBO Max or Peacock releases. Image
The domestic box office was much improved from the dumpster fire that was 2020, with total revenues expected to top out at roughly $4.4 billion. However, it’s down approximately 61% from pre-COVID 2019.
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☀️Como citar duna na sua redação ENEM — A Thread ☀️#ENEM2021 #ENEM #DUNE
1. Crise hídrica ☀️
Em duna o povo nativo do planeta fictício Arrakis precisa reutilizar a umidade de seus corpos, através de trajes especiais que reciclam os fluidos corporais. Em Duna a água é um recurso extremamente precioso e na vida real a mesma coisa acontece+
Já que existem lugares no Brasil em que a água limpa é um recurso escasso e as mudanças climáticas também tem contribuído para tornar a água um recurso cada vez mais precioso no mundo.
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Ran another session of our #Dune RPG campaign and my players are super conscious with everything they are doing.
It's so much fun seeing them expecting weird things happening without knowing what's happening in the background!
So far, they infiltrated the palace of their rival house and a special facility, but on the surface not much has happened!
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In einem #Dune von Aldous Huxley (falscher Autor!)[1] wäre das Halluzinogen Illusion und Herrschaftsimstrument, bei Frank Herbert ist es, Fluch und Segen zugleich, Voraussetzung für die Prinz-und-Prinzessin-Story. Ein "Öl", Intrige sind der Antrieb. Der Film _Kin-Dza-Dza!_
verfährt anders.
Auch hier bilden, wie in _Dune_ (von Herbert!), Wüste und Sand den U-Topos, den Un- oder Nicht-Ort. Der Held und sein Sancho Panza in _Kin-Dza-Dza!_ ist aber einer aus dem Noch-Sowjetischen Betrieb. Gesellschaft selber ist das Halluzinogen. Herrschaftsintrumente sind unberedbar,
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🦟Dans l'univers de #DUNE, on se déplace en #ornithoptères et beaucoup les connaissent seulement de par cette œuvre (livre ou adaptation).

Comme exemple de #biomimétisme datant de bien avant que le biomimétisme ne soit à la mode, penchons-nous sur cet aéronef futuriste.

📖De tout temps les hommes ont voulu voler tel les oiseaux ou Icare ... non, arrêtons avec les poncifs (faux pour certain) et revenons plus sérieusement au sujet.

Le terme #ornithoptère désigne

Un appareil volant au moyen d'ailes battues, comme un oiseau ou un insecte.

#LéonarddeVinci (1486-1513) aurais conçu le premier #ornithoptère, mais vers 1250, le Roger Bacon écrit une 1ʳᵉ description technique connue du vol d'un ornithoptère dans "Secrets de l'art et de la nature", le nom Ornithoptère (de Ornithos, Oiseau et Ptéron, Aile) serait de lui.
Read 12 tweets
68.01/ Week sixty-eight, Oct. 30-Nov. 5, 2021, thread begins here.

Week 67 below
68.02/ This is right in my wheelhouse: scholarship laden pop-culture analysis. This is of #Dune

68.03/ #Dune is an incredibly flawed book that's nonetheless fascinating. Also, as a kid I thought the (pseudo) Arabic was Hebrew. e.g. "Kwisatz Haderach" which I eventually recognized from Midrash (from last week's parsha! God "shortened Eliezer's way"):…
Read 45 tweets
2018 > #Écotopia : bienvenue dans le futur désirable via @USBEKetRICA #LaMethSci
2008 > Utopies et dystopies écologiques via @Cairninfo #LaMethSci
13/09 > #Dune, un roman écologique précurseur ? via @futurasciences #LaMethSci
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#Dune Shams-ud-din Muhammad Hafiz Al Shirazi (c. 1320-1389) was a Persian spiritual poet. He was called Lissan Al Ghaib [Tongue of the Unseen] because his poetry was so touching that it felt otherworldly🧵 Image
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe both translated Hafiz. Emerson said of Hafiz: "Hafiz is a poet for poets" and Geothe said "Hafiz has no peer".
A ceramic tile shows a likeness of the poet Hafiz (Credit: De Agostini/Getty Images) Image
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I have seen Timothée of Arabia caress the spice-laden sands while having messianic visions of a blue-eyed Zendaya in a desert perfume commercial and reader, on the whole, it was magnificent. A few thoughts on #DuneMovie 🧵
Herbert's story turns the Star Wars-style hero's journey and the white savior story on its head, subverting readers' expectations of a heroic superman by writing a mid-20th century critique of empire and imperialism, as @use_theforce_em has argued…
Villeneuve seems to be following the overall narrative arc of Herbert's novel closely, as he sets up Paul's inevitable fall as a failed messianic/imperial leader. The film ends just at the point when Paul begins his journey into megalomania that will end in imperial autocracy.
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