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G'mar tov! Today marks the start of Yom Kippur. We worked with artist Alex Woz to commemorate the day and discuss what the holy day means to them. Here's what they had to say...(THREAD)
"For me, Yom Kippur is the time to take stock of my relationship to HaShem (God), and reflect on all of the things that He has done for me. Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year for Jews. On this day...
...we typically fast, and abstain from any sort of labor or exertion in an effort to purify our physical and spiritual forms. We believe that our livelihoods are decided during the period between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, leading to the phrase “g'mar chatima Tovah" ...
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Heute Abend beginnt Jom Kippur, der höchste Feiertag im jüdischen Kalender. Der Name wird auf Deutsch meistens als "Tag der Versöhnung" wiedergegeben, aber er ist auch ein Tag der Reue, der Sühne und schließlich Vergebung. Es wird nach Rosch haSchanah (Neujahr) über das eigene
Handeln im vergangenen Jahr nachgedacht, über die eigenen Verfehlungen und darüber, was wir im nächsten Jahr besser machen können. Bessere Menschen zu sein bedeutet auch, auf das Ziel einer besseren, gerechteren Welt hinzuarbeiten. Diesem ethischen Judentum fühlen wir uns
verpflichtet, ob säkular oder religiös. Die Grußformel an Jom Kippur lautet "G'mar chatima tova": Möge dein Name gut versiegelt werden, d.h. im Buch des Lebens. Denn an Jom Kippur werden - im religiösen Kontext - die Namen aller im großen Register versiegelt, nachdem sie an Rosch
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While I am no longer a congregational rabbi, I'm happy to share a story or two to teach during this HHD season, perhaps a relevant story from a children’s book that might benefit us all during these Days of Awe.  #Thread #hhd #YomKippur
One book that I connected with years ago Zen Shorts, by Jon J. Muth. Zen Shorts is loosely based on the Zen artist and teacher Sengai Gibbon, who lived in the 18th century. The book features a giant panda character named Stillwater, who moves into a neighborhood.../2
...and meets the local children, telling them classic stories from Zen Buddhist literature. The stories teach the children life lessons and, this holiday season, they're good reminders for we adults as well. In one story we find Stillwater and his friend Karl.../3
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116.01/ Week one-hundred and sixteen, October 1-7, 2022, thread begins here.

Week 115 below.
116.02/ Another semi-she'hechiyanu today is the first day of "oatmeal and coffee for breakfast" season --which is distinct but overlapping with "soup season," and likely simultaneous with pumpkin-spice season, which I do not celebrate.
116.03/ #ChochmatNashim for #YomKippur 5783, as a google doc. This is a hasty draft, really incomplete, but the best I can do.…
Read 12 tweets
58a/ This is part 2 of my thread of threads. Weeks 001 to 0057 is here.

Week 58, Aug. 21-27, 2021, 36 posts:…
58a.2/ It's been so long, that I forgot my methodology. In addition to the thread, I need to post the first Tweet in the thread (especially if the threaders go kaput)

Week 58, Aug. 21-27, 2021, 36 posts:
58b/ From Aug 22, a travelogue of our family's Summer Trip to the Hudson River Valley.

32 Posts.

Starts here:

Read 62 tweets
62.01/ Week sixty-two, Sept. 18-25, 2021, thread begins there.

Week 61 below
62.02/ A custom on #YomKippur is to wear a kittel, an all white garment that has ambivalent symbolism: men wear one under their wedding canopy and they are also buried in it. I mentioned to a physician friend that it can also be seen as "Jewish scrubs."
62.03/ "But life is ironic" is just boss-level shade. I mean, I have my theological differences with the pontiff, but I can imagine we see eye-to-eye about anti-vaxxers.(h.t. @dick_nixon)

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1/ Nearly every Shabbat & Yom Tov since I left the pulpit I've prepared a drasha & shiur that I know I won't be able to deliver. I've described that for many artists the need to produce the art overwhelms an actual audience. The art compels them.
2/ I define art broadly to encompass every creative faculty that arises from the multiple intelligences, talents & perceptions in human capability. We know singers or painters are artists, but so is a teacher or philosopher. IMO society doesn't define an art, humanity does.
3/ Not everyone who has artistic talent or drive or vocation needs to have a feeling of compulsion. My chiddush (intellectual innovation) is to say everyone with that need to create has the soul of an artist whether they are recognized or not.
Read 26 tweets
1/ Since the beginning of the #TrumpCrisis, I've had ever increasingly difficult #YomKippur davening because of the burden I feel to act as a 'sanegor' (defender) for my community and for the Jewish world at large.

(This is in addition to the vast ways I need to improve myself)
2/ I'm not a gadol, a posek, or anything close to a tzadik. But after seeing so many rebbeim & gedolim openly support Trump (ym'sh), erase women from Jewish life, and encourage anti-vax shtuyot, I considered the tenuous possibility that I would need to act as a communal sanegor.
3/ With the established leadership descending into avoda-zara (DJT), shefichat-damim (COVID denial) & arayot (dehumanizing women), I needed to step up - out of safek-nefashot - and use all of my halakhic, rhetorical & philosophical ability to devise kappara for the Am Kadosh.
Read 17 tweets
The evening of Wednesday, September 15th marks the beginning of one of the holiest and most important days of the year for the Jewish community, Yom Kippur. #YomKippur
Yom Kippur is known as the Day of Atonement, and according to tradition, it is on this day that God decides each person's fate. For many in the Jewish community, Yom Kippur and the days leading up to it are viewed as a period of introspection and repentance. #YomKippur
Since the early days of #Durham, Jewish faith and culture have been part of our history. In the 1870's, Jewish merchants came to Durham to establish retail stores. #YomKippur
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Ab heute Abend feiern Jüdinnen und Juden #YomKippur. Diesen höchsten jüdischen Feiertag suchte sich ein rechtsextremer Terrorist vor 2 Jahren bewusst aus. Seine Tat begründete der Halle-Attentäter mit antisemitischen Verschwörungsmythen. Warum dieser Zusammenhang wichtig ist: 1/8
#Antisemitismus und Verschwörungsideologien sind schon lange eng miteinander verbunden. Der Mythos der "jüdischen Weltverschwörung“ wird seit dem Spätmittelalter in Europa verbreitet. Er ist Teil des Wissensbestandes westlicher Gesellschaften. 2/8
Im modernen Antisemitismus ziehen sich Verschwörungsvorwürfe durch alle seine Ausdrucksformen. Sie ermöglichen es dem Antisemitismus als Ideologie zu wirken, indem sie Anhänger:innen die Welt ordnen und ihnen einen Platz auf der Seite des "Guten“ gegen das "Böse“ zuordnen. 3/8
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1/ My son, new freshman at his high school, got the cover article in the weekly Torah journal, which was an awesome piece of nachas over #RoshHashanah

A few comments I feel I should make (and download available at this BE"H static link):…
2/ I did not help him directly in any way. Despite my eager offer to discuss and/or proofread, he successfully shielded himself from my relentless, avid desire to help him with a D'var Torah.

I say this because (1) it's a really good piece & (2) all the language is his.
3/ However, as a gift to me, he did say that he learned "tautological" from our many conversations (yes!) and from my meta-perspective, I see he followed the advice I give to all my homiletics students based on my decades of speeches, articles, classes & other media.
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1/ A thread to catalog my stray comments about the NFL yesterday (as part of my academic 'obsessive archiving' heritage).

Overall, the #Steelers had an amazing road win over Buffalo mainly because of a stifling defense, which is fun in retrospect but during the game is stressful
2/ The comment below is actually from my sports-watching partner, my sportsman son, who is wise & savvy beyond his years.

Melvin "Boy Named Sue?" Ingram draws a holding penalty instead of getting a de jure sack but de facto it is one.
3/ BAL & NE are experts in bad-faith rulebook exploitation. Examples abound (see CBS link). 2 most common: the "Flacco Ball" (badly thrown deep pass designed purely to draw DPI) & having the OL hold on every play to DDOS the refs.…
Read 11 tweets
61.01/ Week sixty-one, Sept. 11-17, 2021, thread begins here.

Week 60 below
61.02/ I am a fan of the professional sport of American Football and, as a child of Pittsburgh, a particular avid supporter of the #Steelers. I apologize ahead of time for some intemperate comments that may be made during the season which could be non-sequitur for non-NFLers.
61.03/ From last night at the #Mets-Yankees game, a scandal that Fox's cameras lingered on that hateful flag. Ironically it symbolizes the way 9-11 was perverted by corrupt bad-actors from day one.

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1/ #ReshetKeshet
Before #RoshHashanah there's a common practice to utter a blanket request for forgiveness. E.g. "To everyone I know or encountered please forgive me. OK bye!"

You're correct in thinking that this depersonalized superficial "apology" is hollow & thus ineffective.
2/ How can I forgive someone if they don't know what they did to me? Doesn't admit real guilt, express regret, detail how they will work towards restitution, or describe how they will fix their mentality/behavior to avoid hurting me in the future.
3/ However, #RoshHashanah is a dangerous time of year. Tradition understands the stakes are the highest possible. It's an annual review before the King of Kings, arbiter of justice, and we treat it like the final exam worth 100% of our grade.
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10.47b/ Second part of the Week 10 (Reconstruction) Thread - September 20-25, 2020.

Part one is here:
10.47c/ Wednesday [note: I mis-numbered the original thread]
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Heute habe ich bei #instagram mein erstes anzeigbares #hatemail bekommen. Auslöser für die #hassnachricht war wohl meine #Rede vom 13. Oktober in #Magdeburg. Deswegen poste ich sie jetzt hier in Auszügen. Ein THREAD: #halleprozess #antisemitismus #terrorvonrechts
"Die Gedenkfeierlichkeiten zum #9oktober wurden von #staatskanzlei und Stadt #Halle, von Politiker:innen, ausgerichtet. Die Einladungen der Betroffenen zu den Feierlichkeiten mussten wir uns über Wochen hin bei der #staatskanzlei erbitten. @reinerhaseloff @berndwiegand
Es gab #Podiumsdiskussionen. Es gab #Presseveranstaltungen. Was fehlte, war die Auseinandersetzung mit den #Bedürfnissen der Betroffenen. Das geht so nicht! @reinerhaseloff @berndwiegand #9oktober #halleprozess #terrorvonrechts
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THREAD: Yom Kippur in Halle
Es war eine bewusste, wohl überlegte Entscheidung #yomkippur auch dieses Jahr wieder in #halle zu verbringen. Dass @reinerhaseloff, @Opferhilfe_Bund, @berndwiegand und VertreterInnen von christlichen Gemeinden gestern, an #yomkippur, die jüdische
Gemeinde und auch den G-ttesdienst besuchten, hätte ein schönes Zeichen der #solidarität sein können. Hätte können. Die Gruppe wichtiger Menschen kam um 12 Uhr an. Zu dieser Uhrzeit wurde das Gebet letztes Jahr durch die ersten Schüsse beim #halleattentat unterbrochen.
So musste das Gebet zu #yomkippur auch dieses Jahr wegen der christlichen #Mehrheitsgesellschaft unterbrochen werden. @reinerhaseloff @Opferhilfe_Bund @berndwiegand Die Delegation und die eigens mitgebrachte Journalistin der @dpa wurden gebeten,
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1 of 84:

We’ve read more than 6,000 pages of contemporary and reflective accounts from Operation Market Garden. We’ve probably read more than a thousand individual stories from that operation.
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One of the most emotional stories we’ve ever heard and one appropriate for #YomKippur.
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It’s a truly American story, one filled with inspiration for all of us. It’s a tale that we should all hear, particularly in these divided times.
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1/ My brother asked why many in the frum community resist medical knowledge - despite the mitzvah to follow doctors & paramount need to preserve health - as seen in their response to COVID.

Even if shuls were closed, many had backyard minyans & even now reject masks/distancing.
2/ Rejection of science is nominally part of the Daas-Toirah type of avoda-zara applied to their health & well-being

Again, it's 100% assur to endanger one's life except to prevent murder, arayot, or avoda zara

That the desire to risk lives is itself avoda zara is [chef's kiss]
3/ Daas-Toirah minim deny science b/c outside facts pierce the bubble of the patriarchal authoritarianism that they need to keep power. For this reason, I'm deeply cynical of religious leadership that suppresses science & freedom

God commands modern Orthodoxy as lichatchila IMO
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Thank you @BarbraStreisand, but I've heard your Avinu Malkeinu prayer 100s of times.

Now until this eve, I'll listen to Ishai Ribo's "Achilla" prayer. No shmaltz.
I shall await the LORD,
i shall entreat his favor,
I shall ask Him to grant my tongue eloquence.
In the midst of the congregated nation I shall sing of His strength;
I shall burst out in joyous melodies for his works.
... The thoughts in man's heart are his to arrange, but the tongue's eloquence comes from the Lord.

O LORD, open my lips,
so that my mouth may declare Your praise.
Read 3 tweets
Por las crisis del #coronavirus y el aislamiento generalizado, estamos en las puertas del #IomKipur más extraño de nuestras vidas. ¿Como podemos disfrutar y aprovechar el mismo a pesar de todo? Sale #hilo con algunos consejos.
Lo primero es la aceptación. Todos deseamos que desaparezca la pandemia y poder concurrir masivamente a las sinagogas para los rezos de este día sagrado pero no será posible. Pero vivir en el imaginario (en cualquier aspecto de la vida) solo logra desconectarnos del presente.
Dios quiso que vivamos un #YomKippur (y todo el 2020) diferente. No lo podemos cambiar, busquemos adaptarnos al nuevo contexto y seguir adelante. Toda crisis es una oportunidad de crecimiento.
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There is an old story that I find incredibly moving and powerful, particularly as we approach #YomKippur in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic (and which appears in my 'Ceremony & Celebration' educational resource for Yom Kippur -> Image
One Yom Kippur, the Baal Shem Tov was praying together with his students, and he had a worrying sense that the prayers were not getting through, and the harsh heavenly decree against the Jewish people was not being overturned.
As Ne’ila approached, and with it the final opportunity for the Jewish people to avert this harsh judgement, he and his students increased their fervour and passion in their prayers, but to no avail.
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“Wherever you find God's greatness,” said Rabbi Yohanan, “there you will find His humility.” And wherever you find true humility, there you will find greatness.
That is what #YomKippur is about: finding the courage to let go of the need for self-esteem that fuels our passion for self-justification, our blustering claim that we are in the right when in truth we know we are often in the wrong.
Most national literatures, ancient and modern, record a people's triumphs. Jewish literature records our failures, moral and spiritual. No people has been so laceratingly honest in charting its shortcomings. In Tanakh there is no one without sin.
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1/ Some thoughts about the devastating loss of #JusticeGinsburg.

I have no idea how this will "play politically," which is good, b/c it allows me to concentrate on #RBG as a person & her legacy.
2/ #RuthBaderGinsburg is like Brandeis & Thurgood Marshall - one of the best legal minds to be put on the bench. It's how it's supposed to be done.

Her life's work made America a more equal and thus a better place.
3/ What she stood for is the exact opposite of what our country is suffering from under the fascist GOP, so her loss right before #RoshHashanah was an overwhelming message from Heaven.

The death of a justice, the death of Justice, before the day of judgement?! Come. On.
Read 32 tweets

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