Auschwitz Memorial Profile picture
Former German Nazi concentration & extermination camp Auschwitz. Official account. We commemorate victims, educate about history & preserve the authentic site.

Mar 24, 2019, 14 tweets

Jozef & Wiktoria Ulma risked their lives to help Jews during the #Holocaust. On March 1944 the German police discovered the Jews in hiding.

The Jewish family was shot, as was the entire Ulma family - parents & 6 children. Wiktoria was 7 months pregnant. 1/14

March 24 - the anniversary of the murder of the Ulma family - is today in Poland the National Day of Remembrance of Poles who saved Jews during German occupiation. See this thread to learn 11 stories of #Righteous linked with #Auschwitz. 2/14

#Auschwitz prisoner Jerzy Radwanek helped many Jews in the camp.… 3/14

Former #Auschwitz prisoners Władysław Bartoszewski and Zofia Kossak-Szczucka were honoured for their work in "Żegota" - the Polish Council to Aid Jews… 4/14

Civilian Józef Wrona help two Jewish prisoners of Auschwitz to escape.… | More in our online lessons about escapes: 5/14

Prisoner of #Auschwitz Maria Chodnikiewicz took care at #Auschwitz of a Jewish woman Hana Kampel. 6/14

#Auschwitz Prisoner Maria Kotarba helped a Jewish prisoner Lena Mańkowska… 7/14

Prisoner Jerzy Pozimski saved in #Auschwitz a Greek Jew Jacob Maestro… 8/14

#Auschwitz prisoner Jerzy Bielecki saved Cyla Cybulska - they escaped from the camp together.… 9/14

Ludwig Wörl protected Jewish prisoners from maltreatment, gave them extra food and clothing and helped many escape the death marches.… 10/14

Dr. Adélaïde Hautval was a prisoner in Auschwitz who treated fellow inmates and refused to assist in the medical experiments.… 11/14

Lorenzo Perrone, a civilian worker in #Auschwitz, risked his life to help save Primo Levi by bringing him food daily for half a year.… 12/14

Dr. Ella Lingens treated fellow prisoners in #Auschwitz and managed to save a number of Jews from the gas chambers.… 13/14

During the #Holocaust there were thousands of people who refused to be passive in the face of the evil by helping & rescuing Jews, often at risk to their own lives and the lives of their families. We #remember them to teach #responsibility for the world we live in today. 14/14

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