Ladna Sara Lalka Profile picture
Fighting the good fight using TRUTH, INTEGRITY, and FORBEARANCE. I am a work in progress and so are you. #SeekTruth

Jun 20, 2019, 9 tweets

.1. Dear friends on THIS journey in THIS specific 3D time/space: I recently have been struggling (valiantly, in my humble opinion) with thoughts of extreme despair, hopelessness, and suicidal ideations. I saw this 🌈over my family homestead shortly b4 things turned bad 4 me.

.2. I had a panic attack for nearly 3 consecutive days;×I actually began making a #PLAN of my own. But, these messages have me hope, thx @LauraMagdalene4.

.3. Then, last night, I slept with a precious rock near my bed and asked for Universe guidance. What I got at 3:30 a.m. was not some lovey dovey angelic fufu message. It was the difficult to take, hit you in the gut, heart, and third eye simultaneously type of message.

.4. I was the common denominator to my issues, and my ego was in hypervigilant over-protective mode. Over sensitive and overbearing, I was ready to protectvmyself from others or die trying, except I was not protecting myself from my self-abhorent thoughts/beliefs I had.

.5. And truthfully, a lot of that self hate has been part of my programming. I AM #woke, but that is less than 1/4 of the battle. The rest of the battle is forgiveness. Forgivness of others, but of #SELF too. Thx @SaRaAshcraft

.6. I have decided that I came here at this time/space 3D moment, I entered this #Matrix illusion to BE PRESENT for #TheEvent. I want to live long enough to witness #TheGreatestShowonEarth when #Ascension comes, AND I want to be *ready*. #stayingalive #COSMICGAIAdotORG

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