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I've read through the #FinanceBill2023 in detail, and here is my thorough analysis of the main provisions put forth and their possible effects on the economy and Kenyans as a whole: Image
1/11 Lowering Prices of Cooking Gas: The Bill proposes to exempt LPG from VAT. This will lower the cost LPG hence ensure many households including Kenyans in informal settlement have clean energy for cooking.
2/11 Lowering Prices of Unga : The Bill proposes to allow zero - rating of supply of maize corn flour, cassava, wheat under the VAT act. This will allow Kenyans to continue accessing Unga at an affordable prices which is a staple food for many households.
Read 18 tweets
#Stuttgart (#BadenWürttemberg) #S2005
#Demo #Demonstration #Protest

#Politik und #Medien Hand in Hand - Das schadet unserem Land

#Rede von: Wolfgang Kochanek-#Unternehmer


#Gastapo #Stasi #Meldestelle #Steuerzahler #Gender #Greenpeace
#Stuttgart (#BadenWürttemberg) #S2005
#Demo #Demonstration #Protest

#Politik und #Medien Hand in Hand - Das schadet unserem Land

#Rede von: Wolfgang Kochanek-#Unternehmer


#DUH #Falschparker #ChatKontrolle #Ampelr #DDR2 #Richter
#Stuttgart (#BadenWürttemberg) #S2005
#Demo #Demonstration #Protest

#Politik und #Medien Hand in Hand - Das schadet unserem Land

#Rede von: Wolfgang Kochanek-#Unternehmer


#Freisler #Todesurteil #Justiz #Verwaltung #Ballweg
Read 25 tweets
#Kontr #Kontrolmatik 2022/4 Yatırımcı Sunumu :
1) Hazırlamış olduğum flood özet olacağı için mutlaka yatırımcı sunumunu okumanız faydalı olacaktır. Gece 5 de yazdığım için Sürçülisan edersem kusura bakmayın.
Keyifli okumalar.…
2)Şirket yıl boyunca yapmış olduğu faaliyetleri kısa bir özeti için yönetici özeti kısmı hazırlamış. Her bir satırı heyecanla okudum. 2022 son çeyrekte yıllık %258 artan satış gelirleri, yatırım stratejisi doğrultusunda borçlanma çizelgesi, hisse performansı, beklentiler.. #Kontr
3) Kısaca #Kontrolmatik diye bana sorulacak olsa cümleler kısaca olmaz herhalde. Yatırımcı bakış açısıyla bakıldığında hisse performansı önem arz etmiyor. Fakat bende eksiklikler mevcut bazen duygularıma yenik düşüp sinirlenebiliyorum. @Temettu_Sever @istemiy @emre8092 #Kontr
Read 24 tweets
Puisque @fmbreon ne semble pas vouloir citer ses collègues scientifiques qui travaillent sur la question depuis des années, et que j'entends ou lis souvent des faux arguments sur les stockages, voici un petit fil, avec des liens contenant plein de références scientifiques ⤵️
1. Argument souvent cité: l’irrigation est une technique très ancienne
Ok, mais-est-ce que l’ancienneté justifie tout ?
Parce que dans ce cas, l'eau s'écoule vers la mer depuis l’émergence des continents sur Terre (avec donc qqs milliards d’années d'avance sur l'irrigation)
(au passage qqs éléments sur l'importance des flux à la mer sur…)
Read 14 tweets
UN MOMENTO, POR FAVOR, tengan un poco de paciencia… y comprobarán que Putin, en fin, no hace más que denunciar lo obvio. No pasen de largo, tómense un minuto y léanlo, porque no se trata de un mitin a la usanza política habitual (sobre todo el remate final, muy esclarecedor)
Putin ha afirmado en un reciente discurso: "Ellos comenzaron la guerra", refiriéndose a la contínua expansión de la 0TAN -en contra de los acuerdos firmados- y el continuo bombardeo de civiles en D0nbass desde 2014, gen0cidi0 crónico del que no se habla ya, por supuesto. Es
políticamente incorrecto en estos momento en que sólo cuenta “vender” el tema ucraniano y el relato hagiográfico del N3oNazism0 reinante en aquellos pagos.

A continuación hace referencia en su discurso a los continuos ataques de Occidente contra Rusia, el siglo XIX y la
Read 8 tweets
El abogado Luis Mª Pardo, de Liberum, explica en pocas palabras lo que nos pretenden hacer las #Elites y grupos de poder. Este es el enlace al #Vídeo:…. #Masones #Agenda2030 #Globalismo #PLANdemia #Liberum. (Hilo)
Pasaportes sanitarios y tarjetas con nuestra información al servicio de quien quiera manipularla, futuras restricciones y medidas, estado policial y/o militarizado bajo el “manto” de la contención de la “próxima pandemia” (¿?) y un sin fin de barbaridades procedentes, sobre todo,
de la Xodida #OMS y sus satélites colaboracionistas, como es el caso de la corrupta y satánica #UE. O se nos unen muchos más “despiertos”, o estos GOLFOS -a base de aprender de los fallos que han tenido en estos TRES AÑOS pasados-, van a constituir nuestra eliminación… Y
Read 4 tweets
Une chronique sur le #Plan #Eau sur @franceinter…
Avec encore une fois une mise en avant d'une idée un peu trop simple🤔😞
Non le #Reuse ne permettra pas de faire des économies d'eau ou en tout cas pas beaucoup
C'est même souvent l'inverse
Le #reuse (ou #réut), c'est l'idée de réutiliser l'eau une fois qu'elle est traitée par les stations d'épurations (STEP)
C'est très utilisé dans certains pays: l'eau des stations d'épuration est directement dirigée vers ... des golfs...
pas que, mais souvent...
2/ https://cronkitenewsonline....
Comme l'eau potable est une usage prioritaire, les STEPs ont toujours de l'eau à traiter, même en période de sécheresse. Le fait qu'un golf par exemple soit connecter directement à une STEP lui permet de ne pas être impacter par la sécheresse... et de consommer plus de l'eau
Read 11 tweets
Creating Notion templates is messy

I created over 25+ templates with 1500+ sales avg 📈

Here's how I create a template and every tool I use 🧵👇
1. Researching & Brainstorming Ideas

@Notionery - Look for best @NoitonHQ templates and collect ideas

@YouTube - Look for Notion workflows that others have build.

✓ Content Creation Hub template: Understand and collect ideas (

#ideas #notion
2. Planing out templates / Wireframe

@milanoteapp - Create a structure

@NotionHQ - Form that structure into a basic template

#notion #plan #structure
Read 9 tweets
Le 17 Mars 2020 a été à mes yeux, le #lancement de la dernière #RévolutionBolchévique
Dans tous les sens du terme
Enfin, ils étaient sortis du #bois en #Horde

Les #observer agir, en #prosélytes de la peur, des #mesures qu'ils ont #vendues a été une #confirmation de mes #analyses Image
Et toutes affaires cessantes, vu que nous étions #confinés, ai rallumé la #TV, depuis #longtemps #éteinte
Mis les #chaines d'info en continu en mode #zapping
Ajouté un PC, puis deux, pour #capter des #infos sur les #réseauxsociaux, et tenter de compléter le #puzzle Image
Que des #recherches sur le #11Septembre2001 ont entamé.
Voir le #mensonge dans l'#instant ou il se déroule est #perturbant
le voir venir de là où on l'#attendait, plutôt gratifiant
L'un #compensant l'autre, fit que la #peur ne m'a jamais #effleuré, sinon celle de la #répression Image
Read 24 tweets
"Marlborough auto, home, & business insurance agents #NEAR you on Winthrop St in Marlborough MA 01752":

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14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195… #LunovaInsurance #Marlborough #MA. #Business #Auto #Home
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Learn more #about our MA & "Marlborough Auto Insurance" at #LunovaInsurance:

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Learn more #about our MA & Marlborough Home Insurance #NEAR "Lunova Insurance":

Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195… #Lunova
Read 15 tweets
Gulbuddin #Hekmatyar's "peaceful& constructive #plan to rescue Afghanistan& end the crisis" include 7 articles as follow:
1. An unrestricted&unconditional meeting between all influential AFG parties, who will make decisions by consensus, not the majority, to be acceptable to all.
2. The meeting will be intra-Afghan and Trilateral delegations will participate in it:
A- The Government (Taliban)
B- The Armed Opposion Groups
C- Afghans who are against the war and pro-peace
3. It would be good if foreign stakeholders& representatives of the UN be invited as...
... observers and supporters; but they should promise to avoid any kind of interference in AFG affairs and will support any unanimous decision of the meeting.
4. This meeting should be held in a neutral country that is neither a supporter of any party in AFG nor has it helped ...
Read 8 tweets

➡️ 9 septembre 2022 : l'institut de recherche de la China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (#CSIC) a invité les chantiers navals chinois à soumissionner quant à la construction d'une « plate-forme d'essai flottante en mer » (📸 & RT @RupprechtDeino). Image
➡️ Les aéronefs disséminés sur le le pont d'envol continu de la poupe à la proue invite à considérer qu'il puisse s'agir d'un bâtiment d'expérimentation devant décharger les bâtiments en service et à venir (Types 001, 002, 003, 004, 075) quant à la mise au point des techniques
et technologies d'appontage de plateformes aériennes sans pilote à bord. Les exigences des appontages (et catapultages ?) obligeraient manifestement à une construction neuve.

➡️ Il est à se demander si ce projet est l'annonce que la République populaire de Chine considère
Read 4 tweets
7 Best #YouTube channels for #personal_improvement, #learning, & #Productivity🌠🌟✨

*With links*🔗


All about intentional living, self-companionate productivity, intentional living, #self_discovery and #self_love.

This is my all-time favorite YouTube channel! I’ve been a subscriber for 4 years🤩.
🎥Favorite video types:

1. Anything about self-love.

2. Life Admin days.

3. Anything about processing #feelings and #journaling.

- @muchelleb
Read 22 tweets
#LeSaviezVous ? L’île des faisans, située entre 🇫🇷 et 🇪🇸, a le statut de condominium, en étant administrée alternativement par la 🇫🇷 et 🇪🇸 durant 6 mois. ⬇️ #thread #histoire 🏝
Historiquement, cette petite île se prête à des rencontres diplomatiques depuis le XVe siècle.

Louis XI et François Ier auront foulé l’îlot de leurs pas royaux. ⚜️
En 1615, l’îlot servira aussi le lieu d’échange de fiancées royales entre les deux pays…

Elle continuera à servir de lieu de négociation, notamment pour des mariages liant les familles des deux royaumes.
Read 20 tweets
#China is building #PLA naval facility in northern portiion of #Cambodia’s #Ream #NavalBase on the #Gulf of #Thailand. #PLAN
Back in 2019, #China signed an agreement allowing its armed forces to use a #Cambodian #NavalBase to boost its ability to project military power around the globe.
The deal allows #China to use the base for 30 years, with automatic renewals every 10 years after that. #China would be able to post military personnel, store weapons & berth warships. A #Chinese company is also constructing a very large airport very close to the Naval facility.
Read 7 tweets
This arrow points to the Singapore the Wall Street of Asia, the entrance to the South China Sea and the most important maritime “choke point” in the word. In black letters is the Chinese Navy’s #PLAN new base.…
A choke point is an area where traffic meets and a numerically inferior defending force can use as a force multiplier to thwart or ambush a much larger opponent or cripple the economy of large regions of the world.
This news is also important because Cambodia is chair of the 10-member regional Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) this year, Cambodia is keen to avoid the perception it is “a pawn” of Beijing.
Read 21 tweets
The #Crumbling #Empire & its #EU #Vassals are #Locked in an #Economic #War of #Attrition with #Russia, which it did NOT #Expect & against which it has NO #Plan on how to #Win it.
The #Increase of ever #More #Sanctions on #Russia are #Hurting both the #US & even more>>
the #EU-part of the #Empire more than #Russia,
in a steady #Rising way, creating more & more #Resistance against it, both in the #US as in #Europe.
In the #Battlefield- #War-#Theatre however, its clear that the #Russian #Allies are slowly, but #Decisively & #Grindingly>>
#Destroying the #Ukraine #Army & its #Infrastructure, that was #Constructed, #Armed & #Trained by the #NATO-allies in the 8 years since the #Maidan #Coup & #Start of the #Ukraine #Civil #War in 2014.
When the #Policy of #Fighting instead of #Diplomacy continues,
Read 6 tweets
According to the state-run @BakhtarNA, the #Taliban's Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice will tomorrow (Saturday, May 7), make an important #decree, about #Hijab ruling, public.
While not released from the official addresses of the IEA yet, the #Taliban's new plan for the implementation of Sharia #Hijab in Afghanistan is a document prepared in two pages and signed by the seven senior officials of the Taliban, including the Minister for the Propagation...
...of Virtue&Prevention of Vice, Chief Justice, Minister of Hajj, Education Minister...
The key contents of the #guideline:
- #Hijab is compulsory on all Muslim women who have reached the age of puberty.
- Any clothing that covers body is Hijab but it should not be transparent...
Read 13 tweets
1] When will CCC hold its inaugural Congress?

A thread....

Have noticed growing sentiments, around the inaugural Citizens Congress, both from well meaning citizens, as well as the regime counterintelligence structures.
I've decided to share some random views on the matter.
2] A few weeks ago, I wrote a (long) article, on how @nelsonchamisa's opponents had failed to understand his #plan

I equally argued that Zimbabwe isn't a normal democracy & thus CCC wouldn't survive for long, if it's leaders behaved & acted as if we were…
3] Yes, in a normal democracy, it would be ideal for CCC to go for Congress & participate in the 2023 elections with a leadership without a legitimacy question over their party positions.

However, it's important to query why ZanuPF is very vocal over the CCC Congress concern.
Read 18 tweets
The flood of foreign Govt visitors post-Ukraine, suggests, that they are finally trying to understand #India & #GOI #policy from the "horses mouth" (instead of seeing it through the biases of neo-colonialists and their Indian agents).
3/IFP #Japan #Kishida visit
Read 57 tweets
Was genau ist eigentlich Pacing? Und wie vermeide ich Rückschläge? Wo lauern Stolpersteine und wie erkenne ich meine eigenen Grenzen?

Die 🌊11 rules of diving 🌊 können beim Erlernen von #Achtsamkeit und der Umsetzung von #pacing helfen.

@dg_mecfs @FatigatioeV @long_covid
#1 Dive within your limits

Individuelle (Tagesform beachten) Grenzen sollten unbedingt eingehalten werden um Rückschläge zu vermeiden. Aber dafür muss man sich & seinen Körper neu kennenlernen.
➡️ An #Grenzen rantasten, nicht einfach darüber hinweggehen & sich nicht vergleichen.
#2 Use the buddy system - do not dive alone

Als #team (oder Gruppe) ist vieles leichter und sicherer. Such dir eine(n) Leidensgenossen/-in oder tritt einer Selbsthilfegruppe bei, um deine Sorgen zu teilen und Feedback, Unterstützung & Tipps von anderen einzuholen. ➡️@LangzeitC
Read 16 tweets
[#Thread] Mes chers amis, j'ai décidé de rajouter une petite couche et de remuer un peu le couteau dans la plaie.

Le sujet : Que faire lors de la baisse du marché des #crypto / #Bitcoin ?

Rangez vos mouchoirs, séchez ces vilaines larmes et voyons comment profiter de la baisse⬇️
Les yeux fixés sur les graphiques du #Bitcoin et l’angoisse de ne pas avoir vendu quand c’était au plus haut sont le quotidien des #investisseurs #crypto.

La « petite correction » sur le Bitcoin et les cryptomonnaies vous effraie et vous ne savez pas quoi faire ?
Nous allons voir les #erreurs qu’il ne faut pas faire ainsi que les bonnes habitudes à mettre en place pour en profiter de la #baisse des marchés plutôt que subir.

Sachez qu'une correction est naturelle après plusieurs semaines de hausses consécutives sur les #cryptomonnaies.
Read 30 tweets
1/ #THREAD: #Submarine rescue ships in the Pacific

HQ-927 Yet Kieu sub rescue ship of the #Vietnamese Navy is the latest one

It supports #Vietnam's 6 Kilo-class submarines, it was just commissioned this year

Only Vietnam, #Singapore & #Malaysia have sub rescue ships in #ASEAN
2/ The Yet Kieu is designed to rescue submarines & surface ships, survey the seabed & search & recover undersea objects.

Built by the #Vietnamese 189 military owned shipyard.

It measures 94m long x 16m wide and has a displacement of 4,000 tons.
3/ The Republic of #Singapore Navy (RSN) operates the MV Swift Rescue, submarine support & rescue vessel (SSRV).

It is equipped with the deep-submergence rescue vehicle Deep Search and Rescue Six (DSAR 6)

Displacement: 4,290 tons
Length: 85 m
Completed on April 2009
Read 9 tweets
The findings show an absence of a systematic and coordinated plot to take over these schools and an absence of any concerted and deliberate plot to promote radicalisation and violent extremism of Muslim children in these schools or elsewhere

language used to talk about the issues of “radicalisation” & “extremism” is itself the subject of considerable debate (Kundnani 2012; Lynch 2013). There is also a difficulty in understanding fully these issues cos there is a lack of an objective or universally accepted definition
As soon as the media took hold of the allegations, there was huge publicity about the promotion of extremism, radicalisation & terrorism.
At the time, the press also expressed many irrational anxieties about these Muslim majority schools (Arthur 2015). Even though, from the
Read 80 tweets

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