Heidi Groover Profile picture
Reporter covering real estate @seattletimes, president @pacnwguild. Tips: hgroover@seattletimes.com, DMs open. Previously: @thestranger, @theinlander.
Mar 22, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Here in a hotel conference room with Capitol Hill Starbucks workers waiting for the NLRB to announce the results of their union vote. They’re the first Seattle store to vote in the latest wave of unionization at Starbucks. (We caveat that ~first~ because back in the ‘80s, Seattle Starbucks workers were part of UFCW for a few years.)
Dec 7, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Today is election day for the Kshama Sawant recall, so let’s talk about landlord/tenant laws. Since joining the council, Sawant has sponsored a long list of new rental laws, including:

- six months’ notice for all rent increases + relocation assistance for tenants who move after certain rent hikes seattletimes.com/seattle-news/s…
Oct 30, 2017 133 tweets 16 min read
Peoples Party debate for city council position 8 then mayor starts at 5. Watch live here: facebook.com/seattlepeoples… .@NikkitaOliver is moderating. The crowd is huge and full of young people.