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[THREAD] 🇳🇴 Spécialiste des technologies sans fil Nordic Semiconductor a été l'une des entreprises les plus performantes du secteur sur les 10 dernières années. Quelles sont ses activités ? ses atouts ? peut elle devenir une blue chip du secteur ?
➡️ Analyse : Présentation / Activités / Valorisation / Perspectives / Forces et faiblesses / Conclusion 👇
[1/4][Présentation] Nordic est une société Norvégienne fondée en 1983 et spécialiste des technologies sans fil basse consommation sur courte distance. Comme de nombreux acteurs du secteur la société est dite fabless (elle ne fabrique pas elle même les puces qu'elle conçoit)
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Read 248 tweets
#CaptainFuture (alias Michael Bründel, Verschwörungsanhänger) läuft auf einem Friedhof herum und sucht #Bluetooth-Signale von geimpften Verstorbenen.

Später erklärt ihm ein Angestellter, dass dort nur eingeäschert wird.

Der Mikrochip übersteht sogar die Einäscherung. :D
In einem anderen Teil des Videos glaubt Verschwörungsanhänger Michael Bründel (Teil der #FreedomParade) die Bluetooth-Adressen der Verstorbenen würden "wechseln".

So lost.
Verschwörungsanhängerin #KarolineSeibt ("Anwältin für Medizinrecht") hatte sich bereits im März 2022 damit befasst, konnte es allerdings nicht testen, sie in ihrem Umfeld "keine geimpften Personen" habe.
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Read 248 tweets
Hence the absolute need to get out of this voluntary submission system established for at least 300 years.
If you have any suggestions, put them below.
Be creative & let's brainstorm together to perhaps allow us to break these chains of oppression.

#AilanthusAltissima (Mill.) Swingle, 1916
False Japanese varnish, Ailante, Ailanth
« Dwarf Ailanthus is also sometimes nicknamed "the tree of hell" because of its invasive nature and the difficulty of eradicating it. » ImageImage
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Enfin ! L'étude d'impact de #TousAntiCovid, que le gouvernement devait fournir avant fin janvier... 2021 (!), a été publiée par la Direction générale de la Santé. Au vu de ses résultats, la question se pose : faut-il arrêter @TousAntiCovid ? @LaTribune…
Le rapport #TousAntiCovid qualifie le contact tracing de "marginal" dans la lutte contre le #COVID19, au mieux "complémentaire" du contact tracing humain, et vraiment utile seulement en pic de crise Omicron. Les biais et limites de cette étude d'impact (page 29) sont sidérants 👇
L'utilisation et l'appréciation de l'app #TousAntiCovid se base sur une étude de Kantar jugée "non-représentative" (!). Autre aberration : pas de données sur l'utilisation du #Bluetooth ni sur le nombre d'utilisateurs actifs par jour pourtant crucial pour en comprendre l'utilité
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Ce thread pour vous rappeler que l'équipe propose une compilation de tests de manette #Nintendo #Switch. Celui-ci s'enrichit de jour en jour selon les manettes que l'on arrive à dégoter. Evidemment pour le moment celle qui tient le haut du podium ...…
est la manette #NintendoSwitch Pro qui propose en plus d'une ergonomie au top le #bluetooth natif et fonctionnel (voir l'article pour rigoler sur certaines manettes). En deuxième on placera la pas trop mal @horiusainc HoriPad, qui reste filaire. Puis...
pour les moins exigent en nombre de boutons et stick analogique la @8BitDo_FR m30 (ready pour essayer SN30PRO V2). Pour le reste, on est toujours à la recherche d'une perle rare. On va tenter la @NyxiGaming (coucou les gars, n'hésitez pas à nous MP), la @ChereekiCN , la @QUMOX...
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¡Diez cosas que siempre quisiste saber sobre los #vikingos y nunca te atreviste a preguntar!
¡Adentro 🧵!
#Arqueologia #Arte e #Historia de este pueblo de la #EdadMedia escandinava. ¿Salvajes guerreros, intrépidos exploradores o refinados comerciantes?
1⃣ Es posible que os baile la cronología vikinga. Tradicionalmente se usan como inicio y final del periodo dos fechas:
793-Saqueo del monasterio de Lindisfarne (Inglaterra)
1066-Derrota de Harold el Despiadado en la batalla de Stamford
Por tanto, se ubican entre los s.VIII y XI
2⃣ No constituyeron un estado unificado, sino que les unían la lengua (noruego antiguo), la cultura y las creencias religiosas. Suele hablarse de #vikingos daneses, suecos y noruegos, según su ubicación original.
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Some thoughts about #Apple's latest #WWDC21 and #privacy. A thread 👇
The good:

There's no question that Apple has brought some exciting new features for privacy lately. The possibility for users to block some #data collection, one's #email blocking trackers, the chance to use email aliases for interactions with companies...
#Safari hiding internet traffic from your internet service provider... all fantastic, and hugely important.

Apple is showing that #privacy is a competitive advantage. And their #security is much better than that of competitors

But before we get too complacent...
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Do you see it yet? This is a permanent program ushering in digital passports, #surveillance, & a new #data economy, global in scale. #Vaccines are about emerging markets - not health. The bedrock of #4IR #biotechnology going forward.

"#Mask of the Future - World Economic Forum"
"BreathTech-S³ #smart-material sensor & #Bluetooth-connected app. allows users to monitor breathing #data in real-time... #IoT

#CO2 build-up - if air quality [] is reduced, the user will be alerted to find a safe place to take a breath of fresh air,..."
Chatham House Futurescape, 3-D digital model of London, 2021-2035. A jumbotron on left reminds (faceless) citizens to #test. 'VR holidays' which appear in 2060, "are already being rolled out today as a reaction to the restrictions on travel." [April 14, 2021] #4IR #GreatReset
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Great session on #SmartTechnology for #EPeeps

- Personalized therapy
- #mHealth

#bluetooth connectivity of #CIEDs and #app based assessment of patients

#DGKJahrestagung @DGK_org @AGEP_DGK
Isabel Deisenhofer:

A new 3-D anatomical reconstruction...
- minimal map shift

- #HPSD: procedure duration & recurrence⬇️

@Phiso_de @jongichun @BorisSchmidt5 @AriSultanEP @danielsteven_ep @DavidDuncker
Randomized data on #HPSD

👉🏻 Power Puls Study!

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 @DGK_org #DGKJahrestagung
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This thread brings together all my #infographics until today (2years of work).

These are all infographics about #infosec 🔐

Feel free to share this tweet if you think it may be useful for your #community 📚

Follow me ➡ @SecurityGuill fore more about #security #hacking #news ImageImageImageImage
How does an #Antivirus works? Image
Quick presentation of the different #Bluetooth Hacking Techniques Image
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Hoy se cumplen 21 años de la muerte de Hedy Lamarr, de la que encontrarás más info sobre lo guapa que era o su desnudo en una película que por ser la inventora del sistema de comunicaciones que actualmente es la base del #WiFi y del #Bluetooth

Y es verdad que fue actriz de Hollywood en la década de los 40, pero es que estamos hablando de que esta mujer diseñó un sistema de comunicación para guiar torpedos en la guerra, que con el tiempo derivó en el wifi y otras tecnologías de comunicación sin cables. WTF!
Sin embargo, Wikipedia, por ejemplo, solo destaca de ella en la captura de su perfil su faceta como actriz. Buscando en Google encontramos un sinfín de titulares sexistas y totalmente injustos como estos. Con un hombre lo hubieran hecho también, ¿verdad?
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Hay un gesto que se hace en medio segundo, que puede protegerte y proteger a los demás...

¡Activa el bluetooth y sigue el #hilo! ⬇️

¿Recuerdas cuando la gente enviaba canciones por #bluetooth? Ese tiempo quedó muy atrás...

¿Por qué estamos hablando de esto? ⬇️

Porque con el bluetooth ahora puedes poner tu granito de arena en frenar a la #COVID19 a través de @AppRadarCovid
Y no, @AppRadarCovid no geolocaliza ni comparte tu información porque sólo utiliza la señal de bluetooth.

✔️Todo es anónimo y encriptado

✔️No te identifica, ni a tus contactos

✔️No envía información alguna porque todo el proceso se desarrolla sin salir de tu móvil
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Helpful #nhsxCOVID19app explainer [Thread] 👇 from @hadleybeeman.

For more technical background, see… for, e.g. system architecture (v3) and (predominantly @AWS) infrastructure.

Of course, we're still waiting for the results of the trials...
...and, as the BBC's write-up concludes, evidence that #ExposureNotification works in practice is "scant" - in ALL countries attempting it, not just the UK:…

Efficacy (as in NZ) will most likely come from #QRcheckin, which could've been done months ago.
Bottom line, will I be downloading it? Already have - as I did with the other versions, to see what they did.

Will I be using it? Probably. Not least to avoid having to hand over personal details; combined with regular data deletes/resets.

Will I trust it to keep me safe? No...
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So not so much a #ContactTracing app as a feature-creeping Christmas tree?

One thing about tech that's successful is that it is ultimately successful because it performs the core function it (cl)aims to provide well.

In case you're wondering, "Detection rate" refers to detecting other #phones with the app installed, not the #virus:

The #FalseNegative rate is the amount of times the app incorrectly reports a contact as 'non-infectious' when in fact it is / could be...
...and the #FalsePositive rate is how often the app incorrectly reports a contact as 'infectious' when it's not, i.e. a #FalseAlarm.

Basically, what these #ErrorRates tell us is that #Bluetooth ranging is HARD!

Would you trust a #SmokeAlarm that went off wrongly nearly half...
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1/30 In two forthcoming pieces, I examine #Japan's response to the #COVID19 #coronavirus #pandemic. I'll summarize the main non-theoretical points here (long thread alert!).
2/30 #Japan’s figures have always looked good compared to many other countries, which initially led to suspicion that the ‘real’ numbers of #COVID19 #coronavirus infections & death were being played down.
3/30 #Tokyo Metropolitan Government at least has now released full #COVID19 figures, including general death rates, seeming to put this argument to rest (but these figures are also now being challenged).…
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¿Es posible parar el #COVIDー19 sin comprometer la privacidad de los ciudadanos? ¡Sí, gracias a los estándares abiertos y al software libre!

Este cómic nos lo cuenta: ¡dentro hilo!

Más info:
#dp3t @OSLUGR @CanalUGR @ETSIIT_UGR @fcienciasugr
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[#Infographie.S] #StopCoVid : une application pour tracker le #SARSCoV2 + #LaMethSci ImageImage
E Thomé > le principe d'une application de traçage est de détecter la présence de personnes autour de nous, et a posteriori, si l'une est infectée, de déterminer avec qui elle a été en contact #LaMethSci
.@bayartb > çela peut-il être au moins partiellement efficace ? Peut-être. Mais le fait que ce soit potentiellement efficace n'est pas, pour moi, une raison efficace. Le problème pour moi n'est pas technique mais philosophique #LaMethSci
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My notice to @NICMeity for compliance of legal provisions in #PrivacyPolicy of @SetuAarogya . #NIC as #bodycorporate must ensure #dataprotection & strict liability. #datasecurity as per IT Act & Rules must be updated in Policy before making #AarogyaSetu mandatory 1/10 @viraggupta
In #PrivacyPolicy of @SetuAarogya as per cl. 2(a) & 2(c usage of data restricted for Government of India. However, cl 2(b) & 2(d), having no mention of GOI. Due to this lapse, if #data goes to foreign #TechGiants, it may create big risk to #nationalsecurity #RighttoLife 2/10
As per clause 3(b) of the Privacy Policy, data will be retained on #mobile device. Hence, data can also be accessed by Mobile cos. As per cl. 1(b), the @SetuAarogya will use #Bluetooth and #location data. So, such data can also be accessed by #Telecom companies. 3/10 @TRAI
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1. mi sento ancora una volta in dovere di aiutarvi a capire la questione fondamentale della #sorveglianzaDigitale contro il #COVID, non solo perché sono temi che conosco in modo profondo,ma perché ho preso coscienza della questione #DatiSanitari per una vicenda personale
2. rispetto #FiorenzaSarzanini,ma con tutto il rispetto NON è possibile pensare di imbarcarsi in un programma di #sorveglianza di 60MILIONI di italiani premettendo "vedremo se funzionerà", poi "se qualcuno avrà sbagliato, pagherà". Qui sono in gioco questioni cruciali
3. voglio premettere che,personalmente, NON sono una fanatica della #privacy:come giornalista,ne ho una profonda conoscenza e coscienza,perché ho il dovere professionale ed etico di proteggere le persone che parlano con me: le mie fonti
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1. ancora una volta, io sento il dovere di NON stare zitta e dire quello che in una fase di grande "distrazione" (come nooo...) non viene detto sulla "APP" (#sorveglianzaDiMassa) contro #COVID, perché gli sviluppi che vedo sono a dir poco preoccupanti
2. dopo una fase in cui abbiamo temuto il peggio del peggio, ovvero una #sorveglianzaMassa stile #CoreaDelSud con integrazione #datiLocalizzazione,#DatiSanitari,#CarteCredito,#videocamereTelefonini e di tutto di più,ora ci viene proposta una soluzione apparentemente più decente
3. ci viene lasciato intendere che abbiamo scampato il pericolo del modello #CoreaDelSud e che non verrà usata la #geolicalizzazione spinta nelle intenzioni originali di #VittorioColao, ma verrà usato il #bluetooth
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Because several people were asking about #Bluetooth, I'll make a thread. But I might ignore further questions, especially regarding over-the-air exploits. #DP3T

• BLE advertisements have a longer range than 2m, but are way more accurate than LTE cell towers.
• BLE advertisement distance measurement accuracy depends a lot on the chips, meaning that they will work well within the Apple ecosystem, but probably not so well on some Androids. (2/n)
• The Singapore app solves this by maintaining active BLE/GATT connections, which provides better measurements, but drains battery power.

• On iOS, the BLE/GATT handler has been extensively tested for security issues and is definitely one of the better ones by now. (3/n)
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Q: What is contact tracing? Why is it so important?

A: Contact tracing limits exposure to #COVIDー19 by
🔎identifying people who have been in close contact with an infected person,
📲encouraging them to self-isolate, and
📊following up to monitor their symptoms.
This article in @TheAtlantic explores contact tracing methods in #China, #SouthKorea, and #Singapore.…
While contact tracing still presents significant #privacy concerns, experts, like those at @MIT are using common technologies like #Bluetooth to identify people who could have interacted with an infected individual—including in public spaces.…
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