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Most recents (24)

1/ 🚀 The Power of Saying NO 🚀

One of the things I learnt off late is that you have to say NO to a lot of things as a leader which you would have done in your early professional life! This is imperative for your company's growth and prioritization. A 🧵

#timemanagement Image
2/ Ever felt overwhelmed with countless tasks and projects piling up? 😰 You're not alone. A recent study revealed that majority , >70% of us struggle with time management 😱.

#PowerOfNo #TimeManagement Image
3/ But, fear not! There's a secret weapon that can help you regain control: the power of saying NO! 🙅‍♀️

Curious? Let's dive in! 🤔

#SayNo #Productivity
Read 12 tweets
Eine Chronik

Teil 2
Impfungen und Zertifikate

Januar 2021 - August 2021

🧵 Image
Eine redliche #Aufarbeitung der Pandemie und im Besonderen von #2G ist zwingend notwendig. Ich versuche mit dieser Thread-Serie einen Beitrag dazu zu leisten.
Es wird empfohlen die Chronik von Anfang an zu lesen. Den ersten Teil findet ihr hier:

Read 223 tweets
What makes a well-written book?📚

Check out the following #writing tips.

Suggestions from editors at McGill-Queen’s University Press (@McGillQueensUP), University of British Columbia Press (@UBCPress) & University of Toronto Press (@utpress).

Hope this is helpful! Thread: 🧵👇
1/ Write clearly! Read Strunk and White’s Elements of Style, and follow that advice. Discussing complicated ideas does not necessarily mean complicated writing. (Randy Schmidt, @randyubcp) #ElementsofStyle
2/ Look at books you cite often and are inspired by as a model. Keep your audience firmly in mind and write to that audience. Stick to the core objective. Resist incorporating material that, while interesting, detracts from that primary aim. (Dan Quinlan, @utpress) #focus
Read 13 tweets
1/ 🌟 Recently, I offered advice to a founder about keeping momentum during an intense work week with long offsite commitments. Thought I'd share our conversation for those in similar situations! #Productivity #Leadership
2/ 💪 This founder was looking for ways to maintain momentum, and I shared a lesson from my gym routine: when you're sick or have limited capacity, modify your activities to fit that capacity, but still honor the commitment. #Commitment #Adaptability
3/ 🕒 The founder also considered spending an hour or two before the offsite working and bringing a personal laptop to sneak in work during breaks. Great ideas! #TimeManagement #WorkSmart

4/ ⏰ Lastly, I emphasized the importance of increasing urgency.
Read 5 tweets
#SARSCoV2 is still an international BSL3Z
2020 letter for dental medical boards of directors was ignored until now

#COVIDisAirborne german Version
2/ Image
engish AI translation version
2020 letter
to ask for
#awareness & #Accountability

3/ Image
Read 6 tweets
The Power of Repetition in #Copywriting: How to Use Repetition to Make Your Message Stick Image
1. Repetition is a powerful tool in copywriting. It can help make your message stick in your audience's minds. #copywriting #repetition
2. Repetition creates familiarity, which leads to trust. By repeating key messages in your copy, you can build trust with your audience. #trust #copywriting
Read 22 tweets
Me ha llegado información exclusiva de gente cercana a las Flos Mariae y la familia Bellido Durán, que quería compartir a todo el mundo, para que se sepa la verdad.
Abro hilo:
#FlosMariae #Focus #VerdadFlosMariae #GerardCastelloDuran #SilviaCastelloDuran
Estos son Gerard Castelló Durán (Castelló, apellido del padre biológico)
y Silvia Bellido Durán (que se hace llamar Silvia Castelló Durán).
#FlosMariae #Focus #VerdadFlosMariae #GerardCastelloDuran #SilviaCastelloDuran ImageImage
Ambos lideran el grupo de familiares que han acusado a la familia de todas las cosas graves que ya todo el mundo ha visto.
Los expongo para que los conozcáis, la gente es muy valiente mintiendo sin dar la cara.
Solo voy a exponer a estos hermanos, porque son los cabecillas.
Read 22 tweets
Some of you with cognitive symptoms #brainfog have genetic differences that mean you cannot produce enough choline. 🧵(1/10)
If you have these genetics, to get enough choline, you would have to eat 8 eggs a day. And while some of you really love eggs and are into that, that won't work for many of us. So why is having these genetic differences a problem? (2/10)
Because choline is a precursor to acetylcholine. This is a major neurotransmitter that helps run the "rest and digest" part of your nervous system. It's used for sleep. (3/10)
Read 10 tweets
#willwritesandcodes #100DaysofCode #Day19

Today I did several @enkidevs workouts on #CSS and #interviewprep, finally actually finished the #HowToProgram video on Python Modules, typing up a #python program from the video which I hope to record an audio code walkthrough for.
Hoping to get more done today still. Overall, I've been pretty productive, due in part to using the #forestapp for #focus.
I've heard a number of people talk about how important it is to get used to reading other people's code, actually understanding it, and talking about it, so if I start doing these walkthroughs it will be to practice those skills.
Read 6 tweets
Here's a personal story that goes along with my previous tweet.
For a long time I was focused on metrics, I made them the indicators of my success whether in blogging, life, or business.
Until I realized it was pointless to worry about how many people read my articles, it was simply something out of my control, what I could do though.....
was write 10 high-quality articles a month and those would get me to where I wanted. And so I acted.

Writing articles was something I could control directly. Bounce rates, views, and other metrics I could not.
Now I'm proud to say I surpassed my previous ........
Read 5 tweets
The #holidayseason is hectic and there’s often no way around it. So how do you balance it while holding on to your #mentalhealth? Come with me on a 🧵 and let's follow the #Magic of the #checklist 👉 1/
We’ve always been taught to learn from the best. So why not simply borrow a trick from Santa’s bag 🎅😏 Before traveling around the world in 12 hours, he's making a #list and checking it twice. #Santa is the master of THE #checklist 🤌 #Productivity 2/
It all comes down to #neuroscience. If you felt the satisfaction of crossing a #task off, then you’re no stranger to the power of the #checklist. That’s because the #brain releases dopamine when you achieve your #goals 🧠 #Productivity 3/
Read 10 tweets
7 Life-Changing Lessons I need to implement, or continue implementing in 2023
1. Have a long-term perspective and set goals
2. Take calculated risks
Read 10 tweets
Kirja merkityksestä, ei sen vähempää. Merkityksestä ihmisen, työntekijän ja yrityksen näkökulmasta.

Koska millään ei ole merkitystä, paitsi jos on. Ja se on päätettävä ihan itse.

#merkitys #arvot #johtaminen

@kirsipiha Image
”En kuulu niihin jotka lässyttävät, että kuolinvuoteella ihminen katuu, että tuli oltua liikaa töissä. Työllä voi olla ihmisen elämälle iso merkitys, turha vähätellä toisen kokemusta. Miksi meidän on vaikea hyväksyä, jos itsellemme merkitys löytyy jostain muualta?”
”Ihminen kokee merkityksellisyyttä suhteessa toisiin. Organisaatioiden seuraava vuosikymmen keskittyy ihmissuhteisiin. Ja hyvä niin.”

Juutuin näköjään esipuheeseen 😅 Tästä voi tulla pitkä reissu. Ja hyvä niin.

Read 34 tweets
𝟖 𝐖𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲🎯📚 ...

#productivity #Focus #nonfiction #readingcommunity

1. Deep Work: Rules for focused success in a distracted world by Cal Newport Image
2. Essentialism: The disciplined Pursuit of less by @GregoryMcKeown Image
3. Eat That Frog by Brain Tracy Image
Read 10 tweets
🧘‍♀️ For those who what to learn to control your mind, I highly recommend the ‘Leaf’ exercise. You cannot manifest anything without controlled sustained, attention, thought & feeling. 1. Sit somewhere very quiet 2. Close your eyes 3. Breathe slowly 8 counts in & out
4. Imagine you are sitting outside by a lake & your favourite leaf 🍁 Is floating down from above and in front of you. It is floating Slowly side to side down to land on the water in front of you. As your eyes follow the leaf, think of how the leaf looks, how it floats & moves
When a thought comes in, focus your attention back on the 🍁 When the leaf touches the water, imagine the water 💦 rippling out & the leaf floating away slowly. ‘Feel’ the awe, gratitude & happiness of the beauty of nature. Use all your senses #attention #focus #mindcontrol
Read 8 tweets
Pemerintah meminta investigasi tragedi Kanjuruhan dilakukan secara mendalam hingga ditemukan pihak yang bertanggung jawab atas tragedi ini.

Simak #LiveReport “Menanti Hasil Investigasi Tragedi Kanjuruhan” di sini.

#focus #tragedikanjuruhan #malang #ls

Pemerintah bentuk tim gabungan pencari fakta tragedi Kanjuruhan.

Simak Live Reportnya di sini⬇️
#focus #tragedikanjuruhan #malang #ls
Pemain dan manajemen @AremafcOfficial gelar doa bersama.

#focus #tragedikanjuruhan #malang #ls
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Kericuhan terjadi di Stadion Kanjuruhan, Kabupaten Malang, Jawa Timur, usai Arema FC kalah dari Persebaya Surabaya, Sabtu (1/10).

Saksikan #LiveReport nya di sini. #focus #tragedikanjuruhan #malang #ls #kumparan

Kondisi terkini pasca kerusuhan di Stadion Kanjuruhan, Malang. #focus #tragedikanjuruhan #malang #ls #kumparan
129 orang tewas saat kerusuhan di Stadion Kanjuruhan, Malang. #focus #tragedikanjuruhan #malang #ls #kumparan
Read 4 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 215 - Iniciamos un día más #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania, esperando como que sea el último.

🟥 En el vídeo podéis cómo un ciudadano ruso llamado a filas druante la #movilización, dispara al comisario encargado de tomarle los datos.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 215 - Este es nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, por si alguien no ha podido leerlo.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 215 - Después del vídeo con el que hemos abierto el #hilo, al reclutador se lo han llevado en ambulancia, aunque posteriormente habría fallecido en el hospital, mientras que el agresor ha sido detenido.

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Are you Stock Market Trader?
Learn something new every day

Like 👍 & Share 🔄 with your friends

thread 🧵🧵👇 with @Stocktwit_IN

#stocks #TradingView
#nifty #niftybank #banknifty
#niftyoptions #niftyfuture
#niftytoday #stockmarket
#stockmarketnews #stockmarketindia
Follow these rules in #Trading 👇👇🖐🏻
How Smart investors invest their money

Read 9 tweets
Forget about goals, focus on the system instead.

For actionable steps, check the thread👇
#focus #systemsthinking #goalsetting #satisfaction #hustle
1. Create a plan that will lead you to your desired destination.

2. Setting goals can help you get started. You will arrive there via the system.
3. Make the system motivate you and give you happiness.

4. The feeling you get when you achieve a goal is only momentary. But if you concentrate on the system, you'll enjoy the whole process.
Read 3 tweets
📊A revisão das expectativas para os principais indicadores da economia brasileira, apresentada pelo relatório #Focus dessa segunda-feira, deu sequência às mudanças já observadas no último relatório.
📊A mediana das projeções para a inflação de 2022 seguiu em queda, de 7,54% para 7,30%, impactada pela medidas fiscais aprovadas a fim de aliviar o preço dos combustíveis e pela possibilidade de uma deflação em julho ser observada.
Read 6 tweets
Here are 5 tips that can help you increase your productivity and focus more as a developer. 🧵👇 #developer #tips #focus #productivity
1️⃣. For many developers, the key to increased productivity and focus is to establish and maintain a regular routine. This can be difficult to do, especially if you work from home or have a flexible schedule.
2️⃣. Another helpful tip is to break down your work into smaller, more manageable tasks. Trying to tackle a large project all at once can be overwhelming and lead to lost focus.
Read 7 tweets
Let's talk about distractions at work. If you are a #softwareEngineer, you run into this DAILY.

A thread🧵
First off, some distractions are inevitable, but most are not. You need to identify what is the most important use of your time.

So, let's talk about what #distractions are out there:
1. Social Media.

This isn't a surprise. We all know the goal of social media is to consume our time. But, the biggest issue for people writing #code is that we have to context switch all the time.
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