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🇫🇷 "La #DGSE est la locomotive technologique pour l’ensemble de la communauté du #renseignement." @SebLecornu #LPM

Extraits 👇…
🇫🇷 "Ce cumul de menaces et de sauts technologiques, couplé au défi de l’autonomie, nous oblige à accroître nos capacités [de renseignement] afin d’avoir une #diplomatie et une stratégie de défense mieux éclairées." @SebLecornu #LPM
🇫🇷 "Les régimes totalitaires se servent de la classification, non pas pour défendre seulement la sécurité de l’État, mais pour protéger les intérêts du pouvoir en place." @SebLecornu
Read 18 tweets
🚨Our new study is out @CellReports!

We use single cell protein quantification & single cell FISH to map #spatial interactions in genetic mosaicism & tumor microenvironment in #Glioblastoma!

Wonderful collaboration w/ @janiszewska_lab @DalitEngelhardt

Deep dive👇 Image
First, some context.

Glioblastoma (GBM) is one of the deadliest, most aggressive cancers that exist, with a median survival of only 15 months.

In GBM, 'single cell heterogeneity' are not simply buzzwords.

Rather, this immense heterogeneity is a main reason of treatment failure Image
Recent work demonstrated that single GBM tumors are mosaics of cells in different states, each associated with distinct genomic driver alterations.

While transitions between cell states can occur, each genetic driver favors a particular cell state.
Read 32 tweets
In #JPM2023 news, $NSTG NanoString presented on January 11, 2023. Started in single-cell gene expression, now expanding into #SpatialBiology. They see a $3B+$3B market opportunity both on the NGS-based and the Imaging-based tech respectively.
The GeoMx is the NGS-based spatial biology solution, akin to the 10X Genomics Visium (and Visium HD in the future), with 25+ instruments in the pipe. CosMx is the imaging-based equivalent (Xenium in 10x portfolio), with about 80 instruments already in the pipe.
Lots of slides to describe CosMx, which is the newest and fastest growing instrument for $NSTG NanoString. High Plex, up to 1000-plex RNA assay, but also does Protein, FFPE Compatible, Tunable Throughput, Complete Informatics (AtoMx). Now 180 cummulative orders.
Read 8 tweets
🇫🇷 "2023 est un point bas très compliqué pour l'armée de l'air et de l'espace."

Pour débuter 2023, retour sur l'audition à huis clos (16 novembre 2022) du @CEM_AAE devant la commission de Défense du @Senat, pour le #PLF2023.

THREAD 👇 Image
"Nous assistons à des investissements massifs dans le domaine des moyens aériens de déni d'accès et de combat, dont les #drones. De nombreuses puissances régionales suivent cette dynamique, incluant nos voisins européens et nos partenaires les plus proches." @CEM_AAE
🇫🇷 "J'ai demandé aux aviateurs, dès la fin du premier trimestre 2022, d'être courageux et audacieux dans leurs choix, comme l'ont été avant eux leurs aînés pionniers de l'aviation, pour moderniser et renforcer l'armée de l'air et de l'espace." @CEM_AAE Image
Read 29 tweets
We are thrilled to share #Starfysh ⭐️ an auxiliary deep generative model for multi-modal analysis and integration of spatial transcriptomic (ST) datasets and histology images, and its application to heterogeneous #breastcancer tumors! 😃 1/ Image
Incredibly fortunate to have a passionate, collaborative & talented team that didn't slow down with all the challenges of the past few years 🙏: @SiyuHe7 @YinuoJin6, @AchilleNazaret @shi_lingting and a fruitful and ongoing collaboration with @GeorgePlitas and Sasha Rudensky. 2/
Using ST, we wanted to find out if our previously observed continuous phenotypic expansion of intratumoral immune states (…) could be explained by the #spatialdynamics of immune cells and exposure to different environmental signals and nutrient supply? 🧐 3/
Read 15 tweets
#GraphNeuralNetworks are way too cool to be left unexplored!

In a nutshell, GNNs are an exciting merger between graph theory (math) & #DeepLearning (coding).

Here's my detailed resource stack of best GNN theory explainers, videos & coding tutorials I used for my own learning.
1. This is a great place to start if you either: want to learn the basics, or enjoy reading about basic concepts explained in a well structured way.

It walks us through graphs in real world, what graphs & GNNs consist of, and how GNNs do prediction.
2. Further, this next tutorial walks us through graphs & GNNs in an intuitive manner, while also going quite deep into the specific mathematical terminology of the field.

I like this one a lot because it also includes hands-on PyTorch code at every step.…
Read 15 tweets
Amazing week for #DeepLearning in #spatial #singlecell biology, with 2🔥new Graph Neural Networks methods!

1.STELLAR🇺🇸 @jure: a cell type annotation & discovery atlas-type framework
2.NCEM🇪🇺 @fabian_theis: an approach to infer cellular communication patterns

Deep dive below🧵 Image
But first, some background.

Spatial molecular biology has actually been around since the 70s. @lpachter's wonderful book-like article "Museum of Spatial Transcriptomics" comprehensively discusses history, tech & methodology advances in the past 50 years.…
Nevertheless, recent advances in single cell molecular technologies (brought by e.g. @10xGenomics & @AkoyaBio) have facilitated the high-throughout profiling of (groups of) single cells in their tissue context across embryogenesis, normal tissue development & disease progression.
Read 22 tweets
🇫🇷 "Nous avons une grande armée mais c'est une armée au service d'une démocratie."

Retour sur l'audition de @SebLecornu (@Armees_Gouv), @CEMA_FR, @CEMAT_FR, @CEM_AAE, @amiralVandier, @DG_Armement, @SGArmees et DGRIS sur le #PLF2023 devant l'@AN_Defense.

"Je ressens depuis cinq mois que je suis ministre des Armées, un enjeu de grande transparence parce que les crédits augmentent et dès lors que les crédits augmentent, on se doit de dire où ils augmentent et pourquoi ils augmentent." @SebLecornu #PLF2023
"Même s’il y a une forme de fétichisme à la loi de programmation, on le voit bien, ce sont quand même les lois de finances avec les autorisations d’engagement et les crédits de paiement qui permettent au quotidien aux armées d’engager et de fonctionner." @SebLecornu #PLF2023
Read 52 tweets
Début de la table ronde consacrée à la réflexion sur l’évolution contemporaine du #spatial (cloud et
cyber) 🛰🚀 !
Avec Xavier Pasco, directeur de @FRS_org, Isabelle Duvaux-Bechon responsable Stratégie et Développement à @esa, Mickael Ulvoa de
@thalesgroup @ThalesDefence et le GBA Thierry Blanc, adjoint au commandement de l'Espace
@Armee_de_lair @Armees_Gouv
Pour le GBA T. Blanc, il y aura forcément un conflit à haute intensité qui débordera dans l'espace. La question n'est pas "si" mais "quand". 🌌🚀
Read 15 tweets
In #biotech #stocks news, $TXG @10xGenomics is opening upwards +4% in today's trading. The company is down more than 75% in the 52-wk window. They peaked in Q1 2021 and have since then declined at a similar pace as other $XBI stocks out there.
$TXG is in the #Singlecell and #Spatial biology field. They've recently made their pivot into Spatial Biology apparent, and have both an #NGS Next-Generation Sequencing and #InSitu imaging play on it, with their #Visium and #Xenium lines respectively.
The $TXG top institutional holders include Morgan Stanley with less than 10%, followed by 3 of the heavy hitters in #biotech: UK's Baillie Gifford, Vanguard Group, and Black Rock.
Read 5 tweets
In #biotech #stock news, I've added $NSTG NanoString to the list of companies I follow, one of the players in the single cell and spatial omics fields Image
The field is still dominated by $TXG 10X Genomics, which also have recently acquired 3 different companies in the spatial omics area, which encapsulate 60-70% of the technologies used for all the papers published using such technologies. Image
You can read more about the history of the field and current players and trends in this document produced by @LambdaMoses :…
Read 4 tweets
The #SDSC21 in #CPG & #Retail Summit is about to begin! 🎉

Please take your seat, phones to silent, & enjoy the opening session with Stephanie Schober & Margara Tejera delving into the untapped opportunity of #Spatial #DataScience

Still time to register:
Margara is walking us through a demo of a #Retail #SiteSelection app allowing #spatial analysis & insights of both owned & competitor stores

Join now to see more & have your questions answered:…

#SDSC21 in #CPG & #Retail Summit
Simulating store openings in #Chicago with annual revenue prediction within a 10 minute drivetime isochrone


#SDSC21 in #CPG & #Retail Summit
Read 4 tweets
Topology Optimization on TV show... #Space is the place 👍

#spatial #fabricationadditive #netflix #topopt #topologyoptimization
Ou comment s'arrêter sur chaque scène du vaisseau pour voir si les formes sont structurelles ou juste esthétiques ... Image
Alors clairement, il y a des zones où c'est clairement calculé comme de renfort d'encadrement de porte. Image
Read 8 tweets
Almost three years of work to deliver Baysor: a tool for Bayesian segmentation of #spatial data (FISH and in-situ sequencing)! Besides the cell segmentation, we also provide a framework for segmentation-free analysis and discuss the field in general.…
Neighbourhood Composition Vectors provide an easy way to run your scRNA-seq pipelines on spatial data without running cell segmentation (b,c) and also allow beautiful visualization of the tissue composition (a)
(2/7) Image
We also describe a Markov Random Field-based framework for labelling molecules. Here we apply it for ultra-fast inference of cell types (a-b) and background filtration (c-d).
(3/7) Image
Read 7 tweets
Wait STOP ! C'est quoi ce truc qu'Orano balance innocemment, presque en cachette ?

🛰️☢️♻️ ?

Pour rappel, lors des opérations de traitement du combustible usé, on sépare les différents constituants de celui-ci. D'abord, toutes les gaines et les structures du combustible partent d'un côté comme déchets de moyenne activité.
Ensuite, on extrait le plutonium pour le recycler.
Puis l'uranium, pour un recyclage qui n'est pas pratiqué aujourd'hui mais qui l'a été et le sera de nouveau dans quelques années.
Read 17 tweets
A thread on my review of the capture-recapture literature for the conference Wildlife Research and Conservation 2019… in Berlin 🇩🇪. Slides, analyses, data & #rstats codes available from 1/23 Image
2/23. The basic idea is simple: Capture, mark and recapture animals. Proportion of marked animals ▶️ detection probability ▶️ abundance estimate. You may (re)capture and mark with invasive 🐭 or non-invasive 🐯 methods Image
3/23. Review on 2009-2019 period w/ > 5000 scientific papers. Check out… for details. More on research weaving @itchyshin #bibiometrics #systematicreview Image
Read 25 tweets
So I heard about a really bad take today, that things that are available free online aren't good enough to be worth money.

To counteract that rubbish call, here I tender a list of free, online #rstats books that I recommend above paid ones #OER
This list (of course) begins with @djnavarro's Learning statistics with R. Want a brilliant, approachable entry to both statistics and #rstats when you have no prior background, I can recommend nothing else.
Got less of a psych focus and coming from a #DataScience angle, well you must read @hadleywickham & @StatGarrett's #R4DS. It has it's own supportive community (@R4DScommunity) that you should check out also. #rstats
Read 11 tweets
I'm teaching a "data science for economists" course this semester.

If you're interested in learning more about #rstats, Git(Hub), programming, databases, cloud computation, ML, etc., I'll be making all of my course material publicly available here:
As I say in the syllabus, this course basically covers all of the things I wish I'd been taught in grad school. At the same time, I've benefited immensely from so many people making their teaching materials (and software!) publicly available. This is me trying to pay it forward.
Here's a short-cut to the lecture slides and notes:…
Read 21 tweets
I just watched @LumusVision CEO talking to @Scobleizer in his interview talking about the future of the company, future of spatial display technologies etc. One thing is very clear Lumus is not trying to be another Magic Leap / HoloLens / Meta ...
They are so clear that @LumusVision wants to position themself as Samsung's LG's of Spatial Era manufacturing the optics. I so excited to see them what Tier 1 companies they have partnered with and what they are gonna release in Q1 end (a 20° FOV light weight AR Glass)
Reflective Waveguide is the super key word ♥️ what ever the tech in Spatial at the end of the day the key component/role of it comes down to Optics Physics 😊 @LumusVision @Scobleizer 🎉
Read 11 tweets

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