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So Zeit mal wieder die Aluhüte auszupacken.
Sie fragen sich warum viele Unternehmen weiter auf der #Wokeness Welle schwimmen obwohl es nach hinten losgeht?

Die #Schufa kennt ja wohl so ziemlich jeder - aber kennen Sie auch den #CEI?

Den was? Den Corporate Equality Index.
Quasi der "Wokeness-Schufa-Score" welche von der "privaten" NGO Human Rights Campaign (HRC) vergeben wird.

Welche Kriterien man für einen "guten" Score erfüllen muss kann man hier einsehen:…
Die Kriterien unterliegen dabei keiner wie auch immer gearteten staatlichen Kontrolle - man legt selber fest was die Unternehmen denn bitte jetzt zu leisten haben, gern wird der Katalog auch erweitert.

Spannend wird es dann wenn man sich mal die Finanzierung dieser NGO anschaut.
Read 14 tweets
It’s no accident the number of woke transgender youth doubled in the last 5 years, and children mastectomies are up 389%. It’s a direct result of the radical ‘woke’ agenda being pushed on our kids by healthcare, MSM, and left.

A 🧵 for awareness👇

LGBT population is exploding in the recent years, possibly due to greater acceptance in the society and other causes
Read 10 tweets
Women’s sports have been increasingly dominated by testosterone ridden male athletes who failed to make the cut in men’s sports.

There’s an effort underway to stop mixing trans-women into women’s sports and vice versa for men’s sports.

A thread on #Wokeness for awareness Image
Similarly men’s sports shouldn’t be mixed with trans-women. There’s not much of this problem currently since men are physically stronger and faster than women, but you get the point. Image
Read 24 tweets
#Wokeness has been hitting so high due to liberal left policies these days. Lots of corporate sponsors for trans, tons of corporate ads for trans folks.

Literally from 8 clinics in the entire USA in the 1990s to 300+ major pediatric gender affirmation clinics in 2023 & new…… ImageImage
We should go back to basics for sports where only biological men participate in men’s sports and biological women participate in women’s sports. No trans people.

Better to have separate events for trans women and men for their own sports meets & events. Image
Read 4 tweets
#Wokeness has been rising in the masses lately. People, students and kids have been systematically brainwashed & indoctrinated with inclusion messages, pride flags, LGBTQ+ rallies, hate crimes, drag Queen shows etc.

Men cross dressing as women, men staying in women’s dorms, men……
Read 21 tweets
#Wokeness has taken a strong foothold in our degrading society these days. Thanks to the woke liberal leaders, they’re taking advantage of your feelings and scoring political points. Think for yourself & your kids, stop this woke indoctrination.

People are offended if they’re
-…… Image
Law & Order: Microaggression Victims Unit (MVU) 😂

Sounds appropriate for woke liberals

Read 22 tweets
#WokeCulture has gone insane lately. They’re expecting conversations with people in specific pronouns, they’re indoctrinating kids in schools on diversity and inclusiveness as if one race is always bad and other good.

They’re expanding gender affirmative…
Read 9 tweets
Todays #woke revolution has many similarities to the past socialist and communist regimes trying to change the very fundamental ways in which humans think and function.

#Wokeness is a disease it’s a #WokeMindVirus trying to control others to your liking

The church of the holy woke
Read 28 tweets
@OldMan308 #WEF23 Google, Microsoft, George Soros, BlackRock Corporation, Alphabet Soup government agencies (not elected), Hollywood and Mainstream media (Mockingbird).

Basically Satan right now.
@OldMan308 Add those all up and throw in a whole raft of corrupt / controlled judges, the American Bar Association who gives them all cover, and 90% of the Democratic Party, 20% of the @GOP

Am I right? @Jim_Jordan @tedcruz @RandPaul @RepMTG @MarshaBlackburn @SenRonJohnson @RepMattGaetz
@OldMan308 @GOP @Jim_Jordan @tedcruz @RandPaul @RepMTG @MarshaBlackburn @SenRonJohnson @RepMattGaetz ...and lest we forget China 🇨🇳 in the Georgia Guidestones plan of 90% #DepopulationAgenda ? Agenda2030 crowd? All the usual suspects are linked in within all of the above, whether they know it or not. @realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr @elonmusk
Read 8 tweets
Why I am leaving the University of Alabama:

Some internet sleuths have discovered that I will be leaving my faculty position in the Department of Geological Sciences after this semester so I thought I should tell you why. As with most large decisions, the reasons...
...are mainly personal. COVID made me realize that we were really far from our families in CA and the travel on our elderly parents was taking a toll. The result was that our children were not seeing their grandparents very often. As a Polish immigrant I know what it's like... live far from family and I started to resent myself for choosing my career over my family's time together. Furthermore, over the last decade or so, but especially the last few years, the obsession with universities and grant-funding institutions...
Read 9 tweets
Ik ga even ordinair reclame maken. Ik kreeg het boek van Jeroen gratis toegestuurd, en al bij de eerste bladzijde viel ik zowat van mijn stoel van het lachen.

Net zoals toen ik zijn eerste tweets onder ogen kreeg.

Maar vergis je niet:

#Wokeness #GenderCritical
Er zit wel degelijk een diepere boodschap in het verhaal.

Maar in ieder geval is er een luchtige lichtvoetigheid in het boekje, die het de moeite waard maakt.

Want een dag niet gelachen, is een dag niet geleefd:

Ik lees de eerste alinea even voor:
"Mijmerend op mijn bloemenschommel in mijn safe space twijfelde ik of ik dit boek zou moeten schrijven. Maar toen ik uit het raam keek en zag hoe de zon scheen en besefte hoe warm het tegenwoordig is, stond mijn besluit vast. De opwarming van de aarde."
Read 7 tweets
Taking risk with my account to tweet this thread trusting #FreeSpeech under @elonMusk

1/40 Here is extensive thread to understand #WokeCulture #Wokes #Woke #Wokeism

#Woke Culture is one of the most ridiculous and pointless things to ever come out of the human condition.
2/40 #Woke culture can be exclusive and alienating to those who do not conform to its norms and values.

#Woke culture can be used as a tool for social and political manipulation, with those in power using it to further their own agendas.
3/40 #Woke culture can be self-righteous and judgmental, with those who fail to meet its standards being ostracized or even punished.

#Woke culture can be hypocritical, with those who claim to be its advocates engaging in behavior that contradicts its principles.
Read 43 tweets

Tulsi Gabbard — It’s no accident the number of transgender youth doubled in the last 5 years, and children mastectomies are up 389%. It’s a direct result of the radical ‘woke’ agenda being pushed on our kids by so-called “healthcare & media”

Read 11 tweets
#Florida: der Beweis, dass Corona-Deutschland alles falsch gemacht hat, was man nur falsch man konnte. #DeSantis: „We embraced freedom, we mantained law and order.“
Das ist der „Radikalismus“, vor dem dt. Politiker und Journalisten die Hosen voll haben. 👇 klingt Zivilisation!
Und die #Wokeness erledigt er noch gleich mit. Großartig! Quelle:…
Read 4 tweets
Heute #Linkssein, das ist diametral entgegengesetzt zu #Augstein und #Wagenknecht mit ihrem überalterten dialektischen Materialismus aus Zeiten, als Unterhosen noch #Vatermörder hießen. Heute, sagt etwa #Negri, setzt der nackte, hungrige, begehrende, sich infrage stellende Körper
den Schlußstein im dialektischen Turmbau zu Babel. Es gibt keine buddhistische Nirwana-Situation, wo das vollendete Denken Gottes, sich selbst in höchster Reinheit denkend, Vollkommenheit allen Bewusstseins in einem Bewusstsein wäre. Im Gegenteil, alles ist Negation, Losreißen,
Flucht und Diversifizierung. #LGBTQIA ist Links in diesem Sinn, #Wokeness, #Feminismus. Alles ist #Kommunikation, die sich in erotischer Ambivalenz zu induktiven Knäueln zusammenfindet, sich wieder löst, Informationsschleifen, die Falsifikation enthalten, in Hülle und Fülle
Read 5 tweets
Ich werde unter dem Hashtag #EinFalschesWort regelmässig Erkenntnisse aus dem wichtigen und brandaktuellen Sachbuch von @rene_pfister posten. Ich freue mich auf eine spannende Lektüre… #Demokratie #Meinungsfreiheit Image
„Es ist verhängnisvoll, wenn nicht mehr das Gewicht eines Argumentes zählt, sondern die Hautfarbe oder das Geschlecht der Person, die es ausspricht.“

#EinFalschesWort #Demokratie #Meinungsfreiheit
Die Idee der „kulturellen Aneignung“ war schon immer eine abschüssige Bahn. Denkt man das Konzept konsequent zu Ende, stellen sich schnell komplizierte Fragen: Wer darf noch Bach spielen, Curry zubereiten, Lederhosen anziehen…? 🤷🏻‍♂️

#EinFalschesWort #Demokratie #Meinungsfreiheit
Read 102 tweets
I am a #Pfizer Death-Jab SURVIVOR.
For how long I will remain alive, I do not know, but I don't think I will be here for that many years to come (which is no great sadness to me, because my body has been badly damaged.) But, certainly I HATE the V more than most.
My only regret in this tweet is possibly the lack of a comma after the y in certainly. I saw it as soon as I did it last night. Hey, you have to let somethings slide in life. Not sure, if it is a correct place for a comma, I feel it is, and helps with the meaning, rhythm/emphasis
Sick of this wokeness policin' our language
Tryna make it so hard that we can't even manage
Got a deep scar, that never will bandage
I can't run or walk, barely even standing
Was a young-man, but that wokeness got me angry
Wokeness stealing members of my family

Read 45 tweets


beim verlinken wurde mir eine werbung von @roche_schweiz bei @Dailymotion gezeigt:
eine klassische #woke #wokeness werbung.

achte auf deine gefühle
lass sie zu
= lass es wegmachen
wie auch bei der aktuellen @NZZ werbung auf @YTCreatorsDE :

ich müsste diese werbungen alle abfilmen. finde kein verzeichnis, bzw die videos nicht auf der sozial platten form selbst.

schluss mit transparent. #LiberalPaternalism genügt (so?)…
@NZZ @YTCreatorsDE erweckungsbewegungen wie es in der bibel steht (so?) #woke


für woke : gegen woke
- bizzeli schwanger geht nicht (so?)
Read 11 tweets
Ich lese immer wieder, dass #wokeness irgendwas mit Sozialismus zu tun hat und am Ende der arme Foucault daran schuld ist, dass die Jugend so abdreht. Blödsinn! Wokeness ist eine ultraindividualistische Ideologie und Kind des modernen Massenkonsums! Eine Abrechnung:
Es ist doch kein Zufall, dass Wokeness aus den hyperkapitalistischen USA kommt. Woke Jugendliche sind in einer Welt aufgewachsen, in der für jedes individuelle Bedürfnis das passende Produkt existiert. Es gibt in den USA für jeden 💩 unzählige Produktvarianten,
damit wirklich jeder sein Konsumglück findet. Was auch eine Erfindung des US-Kapitalismus ist: die permanente Befragung der Kunden nach ihrer Zufriedenheit, die ständige Evaluation auch in den Unis, "Qualitätsmanagement" genannt. Bei Studenten entsteht dann folgendes Bild:
Read 11 tweets
Hard-left law org @NLGnews represents #Antifa & #BLM for free

I looked at their staff list. Of their National Office, Exec. Committees & Chapter heads (68 people), a whopping 77% are female

As I asked in May’s @ChroniclesMag, is #wokeness simply the feminization of society?


Examples of executive committees: 

Read 3 tweets
Joseph Manson tries to play for anti- #woke pity party tears. He's a fucking tenured prof at a public university with a big-ass state pension and old enough to draw early Social Security. Bite me 1/x…
Joseph Manson gives the game away on his own Substack bio. Like many people who boo-hoo as they call out #wokeness he's an "unabashed Zionist." 2/x…
But of course! "Common Sense" is Bari Weiss' Substack. I dealt with .@bariweiss and other signers of that deceitful, disingenous Harper's letter at my blog. About all of them butthurt, per .@NathanJRobinson & fair part of them butthurt Zionists, per me. 3/…
Read 7 tweets
Notes from my book: Receiving many messages, DM’s & emails over ‘safeguarding’. I have worked in this industry for 30 years. Safeguarding chapter: #MentalHeath professionals are human & make mistakes, because they are human. They are first & fore-mostly trained in #safeguarding
Their ethos is to ‘Do No Harm’. Most people don’t understand what this means. #Therapists & mental health professionals disagree on many issues. They are divided on what safeguarding means to them #Childsafety & #childprotection have always been fraught by #childsafety challenges
In 2015, I began raising #safeguarding concerns with My regulatory board & the #psychology organisations. These were serious concerns. Over those years, I was ignored, brushed off, #silenced or told it wasn’t a problem. The Australian Senate held an #inquiry into our regulatory
Read 25 tweets
When everyday we can get taxes through transaction / expenditure why wait for a year to file Income Tax. Infinite ways to conceal Income.. anything to hide transaction..?? The Database (Income Tax Website) Infra is ready...Unleash the reform Beast.
Remember this 1 % formula Everyday 1.01  will be collected for 365 days through all ci
After sudden massive jerks ( sht term ppl dont understand nuances of budget #wokeness ) we are on the way towards >22000 #nifty
Read 9 tweets
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef spawns in explosion of color during recovery from damage…

#GreatBarrierReef #CoralBleaching #spawning #recovery
Research brief: Feedback considerations for grand challenges in biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research…

#PublicPolicy #BiologicalFeedback #BiodiversityFeedback #models #HumanCommunities #MultidisciplinaryResearch
Read 13 tweets

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