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¿En qué momento estamos de la pandemia de #COVID19?

Estoy conversando con el @DrPacoMoreno1 del Centro Médico ABC #AzucenaxFórmula
"La pandemia no se ha terminado, sí estamos en un momento más tranquilo... la gente está cansada, sí, todos, pero tenemos que seguir cuidándonos": @DrPacoMoreno1 del Centro Médico ABC #AzucenaxFórmula
"Incluso el cubrebocas se consideraría utilizarse en ciertas épocas del año sobre todo con pacientes con algunas afecciones, independientemente si tenemos #COVID19 o no": @DrPacoMoreno1 del Centro Médico ABC #AzucenaxFórmula
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Die #Corona-Lage am Dienstag zeigt einen weiteren Infektionsrekord, eine sehr hohe #Hospitalisierungsrate, mehr Intensivpatient:innen, aber eine gefallene Totenzahl. Details dazu und Hinweise auf Threads zu "es ist alles vorbei" sowie Hongkong im folgenden Thread. (1/x)
Der Tageswert von 198.888 neu registrierten #Corona-Infektionen lässt den 7-Tage-Mittelwert erstmals über 200.000 auf genau 200.914 klettern. Das sind jetzt 4,4% mehr als beim #Omikron-BA.1-Höchststand am 10.2.. (2/x)
Immerhin steigt das Wachstumstempo aktuell nicht mehr. Der 7-Tage-Mittelwert liegt am Dienstag genau wie am Montag um 21,35% höher als 1 Woche zuvor. (3/x)
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Und jetzt, wo ich eben den wichtigen Thread von @Fischblog retweetete, hier ein spannender Thread von Akiko Iwasaki zu einem möglichen Mechanismus hinter #longCOVID. Die Autoren verwendeten ein Maus-Modell, bei dem *nur* die Lunge von #SARSCoV2 infiziert werden kann.
Damit schließen sie die Möglichkeit aus, dass es direkt im Hirn oder irgendwo anders im Körper zu einer persistenten/chronischen Infektion kommt. Dennoch beobachteten sie bei den Mäusen klare Zeichen von neurologischen Defiziten, inkl. histologischer Auswirkungen im 🧠.
Für Experten: Mikroglia waren überaktiviert, was (Kausalität wahrscheinlich) zu einer Unterdrückung der Neurogenese im Hippocampus führte (Neuroblasten↓).

Für alle: es wurden Veränderungen beobachtet, die Gedächtnisprobleme und den sog. „brain fog“ (mit-)erklären können.
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@clemenshoch komplexes Thema → Thread:
1/ #Faktencheck
In §1 wird „Intensivkapazität“ nicht genauer definiert. Insbesondere steht dort nicht die Festlegung auf „Versorgungsauftrag“ und 1637 Betten.

§20 schreibt fest das die verfügbaren Intensivbetten zu melden sind.
2/ Für einen Mathematiker „impliziert“ dies,
das Rechengrundlage die verfügbaren Intensivbetten sind.

Wenn hier jedoch eine juristische Definitionslücke besteht, frage ich mich warum diese in die Verordnung Aufnahme gefunden hat. Vergleich #Belastungswert auf Basis „Versorgungsplang“ u
3/ Sie stellen selbst fest, das es die Erfassung der verfügbaren Betten schon länger gibt.

Damit solle in Ihrem Blick als zuständiger Minister, aber auch des Landtages, die Unterversorgung, bzw. die fehlende Erfüllung des „Versorgungsauftrag“ sein.

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1/n Algunas conclusiones del Curso de Verano “Investigación científica en torno a la #COVI19”, que he tenido el gusto de co-dirigir con mi amigo @VICTORJCID @cursosveranoUCM @ElvisGarciaGlez @InmunoHUMV @gorka_orive @icoes Isabel Sola Santiago Vega @rsalaverria @lumonteoliva
2/n Biología del #SARSCoV2. Implicaciones en la patología.
@microbioblog @unav @cursosveranoUCM
➡️ SARSCoV2 es un mal bicho: transmisión por aerosoles, periodos pre- y asintomáticos contagiosos, alta afinidad por receptor ACE2, sin inmunidad previa = pandemia
3/n Fantástica animación sobre la biología del #SARSCoV2, no te la pierdas! @CursosVeranoUCM
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The National Intelligence Council NIC released its 2040 forecast, which will guide #Biden Admin. It begins noting how radically #COVI19 has shaken the world:
"Are the disruptions temporary or could the pandemic unleash new forces to shape the future?"
2/ "Much like the terrorist attacks of 11 Sept 2001, the #COVID19 #pandemic is likely to produce some changes that will be felt for years & change the way we live, work, & govern domestically & internationally. How great these will be, however, is very much in question."
3/ The NIC 2040 forecasts 5 scenarios for the world's future.
In Scenario 1 democracy enjoys a revival all over the world, as #COVID19 shows that dictatorships & populist leaders fail their people in combatting the virus & #ClimateChange .
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Depois de alguns dias sem atualizações, segue #update da #covi19 no estado de #sergipe. O painel completo está disponível em Na imagem, o panorama geral e segue o fio com os demais gráficos da situação das UTIs e do processo de vacinação. Dados de 07/04.
Situação das UTIs #sergipe #covid19. Dados de 07/04.
Processo de vacinação #sergipe #covid19. Dados de 07/04.
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#Covi19 .


Tocilizumab redujo la mortalidad del 35,8 por ciento al 27,3 por ciento en comparación con la atención estándar : una reducción absoluta del 8,5 por ciento y una reducción relativa de mortalidad del 24 por ciento.
Beneficio observado cuando el fármaco se administró dentro de las 24 horas posteriores a la entrada de los pacientes en cuidados intensivos y se agregó a un corticosteroide (como dexametasona).
NNT de 12.

Si se trata a 12 pacientes, se salvaría una vida.
Un efecto muy grande.
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1) With nearly two-thirds of the Montreal region’s hospital #pandemic beds now filled with #COVI19 patients, there’s a good chance the city’s intensive-care units will reach over-capacity as early as Jan. 17, according to the latest projections by a provincial health institute.
2) “For the first time, it is likely that dedicated (bed) capacity will be exceeded within the next three weeks,” warns the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS). At the same time, more and more health workers are contracting #COVID19.
3) Although Quebec on Thursday posted a noticeable drop in #COVID19 hospitalizations (down by 36 to 1,175), the number of ICU stays rose by 13 to 165. What’s more, the province set a record 2,819 cases, a percentage of which will turn into hospitalizations in a week or two.
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Premier Doug Ford says he is glad to hear Federal announcement vaccines are coming to Canada as early as next week and will be distributed per capita, notes we are very far from the millions needed to vaccinate people en masse. #covid19
General Rick Hillier is outlining how vaccines will be distributed. Phase 1 will get 2.4 million vaccines through the 1st quarter (equals 1.2 million people bc need 2 doses)
Long term care residents and healthcare workers will get vaccinated first but there won't be enough doses to cover all of them so focus will be on red zones first. #covid19
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Caro @bravimabasta io non posso evadere, ma provo un certo fastidio per quelli che raccolgono applausi facili demonizzando nemici di carta cosi ho penssato di raccontarle una storia triste di onestà fiscale e ottusità statale se ha voglia di continuare a leggere =>
segue @bravimabasta ho un credito fiscale per imposte pagate in eccesso grande quanto il fatturato (non gli utili) medio degli ultimi 3 anni e la commercialista dice che forse li rivedo tra 3-5 anni intanto quest'anno vivo dei risparmi passati, mentre il governo salva #alitalia
le imposte in eccesso caro @bravimabasta non sono un errore, ma il risultato di una regola ottusa per cui anticipi imposte su soldi che si presuppone guadagnerai
ma che poi viene il #covi19 e il #lockdown e non guadagni, ma loro comprano banchi a rotelle e ricapitalizzano #MPS
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1/ Brief thread… (I promise)

…focusing in on the correlations between (i) Toronto neighbourhood workforce/demographic concentrations & (ii) #SARSCov2 prevalence (cases/100k) identified in yesterday's thread.

Only a few sips of coffee/tea needed

(but this is no less striking) Image
2/ These data and observations *MUST* inform public policy on #SARSCov2/#COVI19, in my view.
3/ In my thread from yesterday, we examined % test positivity and cases/100k by neighbourhood in Toronto (for its 140 hoods) and then compared them to neighb'hood socioeconomic/demographic concentrations from census data to find (or not find) correlations.
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#COVID19 y #Vacunas
Según datos preliminares de la fase 3 del estudio la vacuna Covid-19 de Pfizer y BioNTech muestra 90% de efectividad.
Mantener la cadena de frío será un desafío p/ muchos países.…
#COVID19 y #Vacunas
Un análisis preliminar de los resultados de fase 3 mostró que el grupo q recibió 2 inyecciones de la vacuna con 3 semanas de diferencia experimentó 90% menos casos de COVID19 sintomático q aquellos que recibieron placebo.
#COVID19 y #Vacunas
Durante meses, los investigadores han sido cautos y han advertido que quizás se podría tener solo un 60% o un 70% de efectividad con las vacunas.
El estudio de fase 3 de esta vacuna candidata está en curso y datos adicionales podrían afectar los resultados.
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Breaking: Peel Region is moving into the "red zone." it means indoor dining and gyms can resume tomorrow under strict guidelines. #covid19
There has been a lot of criticism threshold for red zone is too high - 100 cases per100k. 10% positivity.
Brampton has 170 per 100k and 11% positivity - so even though its markers are higher it is still going into red zone where indoor dining can resume and gyms open #covid19
Government source told me this morning cabinet was going to consider allowing Peel to move to red zone and keep Brampton under modified stage 2 - it appears they shot that down #covi19
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NEW: Premier Doug Ford in Huntsville today for his daily update - he's at a Shoppers Drug Mart - perhaps about to announce #covid19 testing in pharmacies
Premier says testing needs to be expanded earlier and as easy as getting a flu shot. Starting Friday up to 60 pharmacies will offer #Covi19 testing (he has said in the past about 2-thousand would take part)
Premier also says Mt Sinai, Women's College, UHN will offer saliva testing (he said this yesterday as well) and promises more will be released on testing strategy tomorrow #covid19
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ATENCIÓN: Una breve nota para recordarles algo que tiene muy nervioso a @m_ebrard
1.- El plazo para FIRMAR compromiso con @gavi / COVAX para comprar vacuna #Covi19 vence este viernes 18
2.- El ENGANCHE debe pagarse en 9 de Octubre
@m_ebrard @gavi La situación es crítica porque sigue sin haber un PLAN “como Dios manda”:
Y lo peor NI HAY un PRESUPUESTO para #Vacuna #covid-19.
Lo que SI hay, son declaraciones ambiguas y encontradas:
@m_ebrard @gavi Dice @m_ebrard (haciendo los ojos hacia arriba a la izquierda): “Si hay recurso”
Una semana antes dijo: “no ls voy a decir ahorita cuanto"
Dice @HLGatell: “El fondo de gastos catastróficos ya se acabó” (WTF)
El caso es que NADIE muestra un papel con el presupuesto o dan un monto.
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This is a F*^%ing joke @US_FDA

Only now, after 150,000 deaths, a test is finally authorized for asymptomatic screening.

Worse, this offers nothing new!

Americans will still require a doctors prescription to get an asymptomatic screen!

@US_FDA is the gatekeeper to what tests can be performed.

The US testing program is an absolute failure and, in turn, offering no useful avenue to help curb outbreaks.

Why is this not seen as the daily f*^%ing emergency that it is!?

Many people are dying every hour

We have to rally around new ideas.

The FDA, as the gatekeeper, must take a leading role to be imaginative and think outside the box!

Or at least get people to help think outside the box.

Continuing to simply apply diagnostic tests to screening is not working.

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The backsliding has begun. Four weeks ago, 4 states representing 4.9% of the population had R(t) numbers greater than 1. Today, it is 5 states representing 12.4%.

One day later: 9 states representing 17.5% of the US population. #Backsliding
Two days later: 11 states, representing 22.4% of the population. #backsliding
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NEW: Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health says he is encouraged by the downward trend of daily #Covid19 numbers and he anticipates he can consider giving recommendations for starting stage 1 of opening the economy by this weekend.
Chief Medical Officer of Health also says recommendations on wearing non medical masks will be out later this week. #covid19
And when asked about Premier Ford having his 2 daughters who don’t live with him over for dinner last night the Chief Medical Officer of Health acknowledged close contact with only direct household members is still the recommendation. #covi19
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NEW:Ontario has 412 new #covid19 cases, up 2.3%, yesterday was 2.2%, the day before 2.1%
Total cases:18,722
Resolved cases:3,222 up 443 (more than new) or 70.6%
Deaths: 1429 -up 68
Tests: 365,675-up 12,961 (still lower than Premier wants-Sunday 17,146)
Under investigation:8790
Hospitalizations: 1,032 - down 11
ICU: 219 - down 4
Ventilators: 174 - up 8
Long Term Care: Public Health confirms 223 outbreaks - up 5, yesterday up 6 (despite renewed efforts to stop spread)
Residents w #covid19: 2,819 up 79
Staff w Covid19: 1,621 up 8 vs Hospital staff 271-up 3
Resident deaths:1,074 up 71
LTC deaths are 75% of all ON Covid deaths
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BREAKING:Ford government announces small list of businesses allowed to open under strict guidelines as of Monday May 4th. Many are seasonal, include: garden centres & nurseries w curbside pickup,delivery
lawn care & landscaping
additional construction
no touch car wash
Marinas and golf courses can also start to begin preparations for the upcoming season. #covid19
"We're not even close, it's still on the doorstep" Premier Ford urges everyone to continue to practice social distancing this wkend. He reminds everyone we need at least 2 weeks of a downward trend in new #covid19 cases before further opening economy.
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BREAKING:Ontario's new #Covid19 modelling projections show province has appeared to have peaked early. Total cases now likely less than 20-thousand, far lower than worst case scenario of 300-K or expected cases at 80K. Community spread under control, Long term care big issue.
Modelling report states people still need to stay home and practice social distancing. #covid19
#Covid19 modelling report: social distancing, washing hands is working. Shows Ontario and Canadian curve is sloping and starting to flatten.
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I test sierologici di Wuhan su 8.600 operatori sanitari e visitatori indicano che
➡️SOLO il 2-3% HA ANTICORPI ⬅️
Ci sono molti altri test in corso per ottenere un quadro più chiaro dei livelli di immunità nell'epicentro originale della pandemia. Ci sono buone e cattive notizie nei primi risultati.
Via @JNBPage (dove c'erano > 50.000 casi confermati)
1)il vaccino non è certo. Non ci sono elementi di grandissimo ottimismo, visto che ancora non sappiano qual è la riposta immunitaria”.
2)La patente di immunità "è fantasia". Al momento “i test immunologici sono un abuso della buona fede delle persone”
3)non esiste >
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Premier Ford begins daily update says Long Term Care Homes are the frontline of the battle and yeserday "we sent in the cavalry." He's referring to hospital swat teams going to at risk LTC homes. #covid19
Premier Ford says over 2-thousand acute and critical care beds have been added in hospitals, another 4200 will be ready by end of April. #covid19
"I grieve with you" Premier Ford says to families who have lost loved ones. #covid19
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