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@Leolucassen Woke zijn betekent een activitische houding aannemen die erop gericht is de samenleving als kapitalistisch af te schilderen en deze #occupywallstreet omver te werpen, economen basis uitkering a la Piketty met zijn leerling Zuckerman @ Berkeley university, die deze kapitaalstromen Image
@Leolucassen in beeld brengt, probeert Piketty aan te tonen dat a la Marx door ophoping van kapitaal ongelijkheid toeneemt. Piketty’s vol met data zou dit aantonen. FT redacteur Giles maakte nieuwe berekeningen op basis van andere bronnen
@Leolucassen en stelde dat er geen “duidelijke opwaartse trend” is in de ongelijkheid van rijkdom in Europa. Piketty verdedigde zich door te stellen het is beter om het te proberen en bewijzen te leveren . En dat doet Zuckerman door belasting vermijden als oorzaak van ongelijkheid te noemen
Read 8 tweets
NEW: Noisy Philly Counter-Demo Challenges 'TERFs' at Independence Hall [article + video]…
Unicorn Riot interviewed nearly a dozen hoarse but spirited attendees.
Full video premiering now: Philly Noise Demo Confronts 'TERFs' at Independence Hall [4K] (29min)
On Sunday, November 13, a hundred-plus counter-demonstrators tried to drown out about 30 protesters who were demonstrating against transgender people's access to medical transitions #TransAwarenessWeek
29min video premiering now:
Read 18 tweets
The possible collapse of twitter has made me super sad and reflective about what this site has meant to me and how it shaped my work as a literacy researcher and educator and now as an early platform ceo.

i have 45 minutes and i'm about to tweet my guts out.
i was thinking of pitching like a "eulogy for twitter" to @TeenVogue but i'm gonna tweet first instead, unroll it later, and see what i can do with it.

this is off the dome first draft material, we'll see what themes come out. stay with me.
i want to think through how i've used twitter since i made my first account in 2008, how it impacted my teaching and research, what i wish this site could've been, the rise of the multiracial patriarchy whitelash, and ultimately how and why i founded @germnetwork this year
Read 64 tweets
NEW: Judge Cahill’s No-Knock Warrant Led to MPD Execution of Amir Locke…
The judge who presided over Derek Chauvin’s #GeorgeFloyd murder signed an evidentiary search warrant to aid an investigation which amounted to a death sentence for Amir Locke. Image
Minneapolis city leadership previously promised to cease this dangerous practice. After reviewing Cahill’s record, activists say it reveals “a disturbing pattern.” Last week Mpls PD requested a no-knock warrant in a case where Amir Locke’s family claims it was unnecessary
February 5, 2022 Justice for #AmirLocke protest in Downtown Minneapolis. Photos by Chris Juhn. Image
Read 24 tweets
Okay... Let's talk about the decade in which I was born... [THREAD]
Now, you may well claim right from the get-go that I'm not properly qualified to talk about the 1980s in great detail, since I only lived through a little over 18 months of it in person, and much of my experience of it was second-hand at best.
Naturally, I'm not going to claim to be an unqualified expert on the decade - I'm not a professional historian (cultural, political or otherwise), and while I can claim to be the last generation to remember the #Berlin Wall, I don't exactly remember where I was when it came down.
Read 42 tweets
Today marks 10 years since #OccupyWallSt. I’ll be on this thread talking about my experience, what went down and spilling some tea. And yes I will do it in chronological order. Starting w/ the summer of 2011. A thread …
So I met @msmaryclinton in the summer as she told me that there was going to be a revolution that fall that we were going to occupy and asked if I wanted to go to General Assemblies every Friday and I kindly responded no thanks.
On 9/17 which was a Saturday I woke up hungover, I missed the march but wanted to see what happened next. Could you tell I was skeptical? I really didn’t think anyone was going to sleep out. So I made my way down to where the action landed Zuccotti Park… #OccupyWallStreet
Read 99 tweets
What have we learned, what have done in the ten years since #OccupyWallStreet first raised attention to growing inequalities in incomes and wealth?

This thread reflects on a series of decade-old posts I wrote to communicate important facts and policy lessons from good economics.
10 years ago a @globeandmail columnist wrote
"our system redistributes the wealth ... from middle-class workers in the private sector to inefficient and expensive unions in the public sector. Among the biggest beneficiaries of this redistribution is the higher-education industry"
So in my first post I pit Margaret Wente against @MarkJCarney to suggest a first lesson: park your ideology and focus on good economics to recognize the problem and offer effective policy options.…
Read 12 tweets
I'm feeling a massive sense of deja-vu. I seem to recall the last time the Dems won the house and senate. Biden was there as well. Obama spent his first 2 years pretending to reach across the aisle to get "healthcare reform" passed, after campaigning for single payer. ...
#SpoilerAlert he had no intention of ever doing that. His reach across the aisle turned out to be a backroom deal with his real overlords, the insurance companies, who wrote the ACA which took the 'public option' out of the equation, and made sure the vote came after the midterms
Where Obama made the Bush tax cuts permanent (which the Dems spent the last 2 years of Bush's term trying to stop) to get the shitty 'compromise' bill passed in the now Republican led senate after Dems lost midterms. Obama had 2 years with house and senate and did nothing!
Read 12 tweets
For anyone interested in the larger context behind social media’s impact on yesterday’s events specifically, and democracy generally, I’m reupping this post from 2017.

A quick thread:

The post summarizes a @JoDemocracy article by me @mollyeroberts @p_barbera @Yannis_Theo entitled “From Liberation to Turmoil: Social Media and Democracy”:

@JoDemocracy @mollyeroberts @p_barbera @Yannis_Theo We argue that if you make two assumptions, you can explain why social media can be both “Liberation Technology” (i.e., help pro-democracy movements in authoritarian countries) and “Can Democracy Survive the Internet?” (i.e., embolden those who threaten democratic states)

Read 12 tweets
Sembra ieri, era circa 10 anni fa.
Piazza Tahrir, Puerta del Sol, #OccupyWallStreet

E tu al Cantiere, ci riportavi quell'energia e ne discutevi con noi.

GoodBye #DavivGraeber

Come mostrano i fatti, non <<tutti>> devono pagare i propri debiti. Solo alcuni sono obbligati. Niente sarebbe più utile e importante di fare tabula rasa per tutti, rompendo con la nostra morale abituale, e ricominciare da capo.

#DavidGraeber @davidgraeber
Alla fine, che cos'è un debito? Un debito è solo la perversione di una promessa. È una promessa corrotta dalla matematica e dalla violenza. Se la libertà (la vera libertà) è la capacità di avere amici, allora è necessariamente anche la capacità di fare vere promesse.
Read 5 tweets
1) #2020Election F.U.D.

We've always been gaslit by FakeNews every election year. This year is no different & worse.

FEAR: Demonrats will steal the election😱

UNCERTAINTY: Can Silent Majority win?🤔

DOUBT: Joe out-polls Trump👀

Let's explore a bit…🧐👇
2) #2008Election

To look ahead, we need to look back. 2008 is a good frame of reference to start with. #HopeAndChange 1st black, yada, yada.

Impressive, but pales in comparison to Reagan's #MorningInAmerica landslide.

NoName threw the race by backstabbing Sarah Palin🙄👇
3) #2012Election

2012 is also a good reference.

The trill is gone. #Obamacare... Shovel ready jobs that weren't… #OccupyWallStreet (#OWS)...

Simply put , Middle America didn't care for fundamentally changing America.

And RINO @PierrEDelectO threw the race…😡👇
Read 32 tweets
Today, July 4th, recognizes a day of rebellion in 1776 when 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring autonomy, freedom and self-determination from, what some would call, the tyrannical rule of Great Britain.… (1/8)
This day of independence was spurred by a series of major acts of defiance to British rule over the now American colonists. (2/8)
Other acts of rebellion and defiance, like the 1773 Boston Tea Party protest, when American colonists who were fed up with Britain for “taxation without representation,” dumped 342 chests of imported British tea into the Boston harbor. (3/8)…
Read 16 tweets
1. Con pequeñas barricadas cientos de activistas han tomado la plaza de la municipalidad de NY.
La iniciativa, que empezó hace una semana, se llama #OccupyCityHall y pide recortes en el presupuesto policial, entre otras cosas.
Abro hilo repleto de fotos, vídeos y entrevistas🧵👇 ImageImage
2. Según @btwest, uno de los organizadores, #OCH empezó de manera orgánica después de una marcha cuando varios activistas decidieron tomar la plaza y pasar la noche allí.
Hace más de un mes que en EEUU se dan protestas contra la brutalidad policial y el racismo. #BlackLivesMatter Image
3. Cada noche son unas 500 personas las que pasan la noche en hamacas y tiendas de campaña, aunque West señala que la mayoría de los activistas hace guardia y luego va a dormir a sus casas (como es su caso).
Mientras que durante el día la plaza recibe a unas 2.000 personas.
Read 41 tweets
What has happened to #BLM is the same thing that happened to #OccupyWallStreet and #TeaParty

Genuine complaints and real grassroots movements get swallowed up by parasitical and opportunistic agent provocateurs seeking to destabilize our Republic
These people are not anarchists. They are totalitarians. Their goal is control of the means, the systems, the machines and morality. Its socialistic, communistic and fascistic in the worst ways and they're not bound by the rules the rest of us choose to play by
It's not a "left" vs "right" paradigm either.

This is control vs freedom.

The nazi white nationalists are every bit as interested in controlling everything as the so called democratic socialist Bernie bros.

This is about Statism.
Read 4 tweets
I am done with voting for one dumpster fire over another? FUCK IT. A vote for no one is a vote for everyone.STOP LOOKING TO SO-CALLED LEADERS to do anything REAL or LASTING to improve society. IGNORE THE POPULARITY CONTEST and #SHUTITDOWNNOW. #KEEPITSHUTDOWN #NoOne2020
#FuckIt Time to start to use their tactic of #ShockDoctrine to catalyze Revolution AKA How to use this crisis to everyone's advantage.
I know shit is bad. It's going to get worse, before it gets better. We know that. MUCH WORSE. We are going to have to accept that many of our friends and relatives won't make it through this shit show. We need to bite the bullet and make sure we #KEEPITSHUTDOWN #GeneralStrike2020
Read 28 tweets
I wasn’t just only at #OccupyWallStreet I actually put in work on the ground unlike some folks on twitter dot com. I’m also a lifelong New Yorker who grew up under Mike’s tenure as mayor. And this is a 🧵 about Michael Rubens Bloomberg 1/
Ok, so Bloomberg gets elected to Mayor in 2001, as a Republican. This is two months after 9/11 I was a freshman in high school and my school was in Manhattan (just giving you context) this is years after a Giuliani administration (Im sorry y’all)
Bloomberg comes into office while being the one of the world’s 🌍 richest men. Financial, software, data & mass media company that is named Bloomberg. This stapel is the Bloomberg terminal, a software system providing financial data that is used widely in finance 3/
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Just read all 108 pages of the Ramparts Report. The frightening picture the investigation conjures up depends on seeing Patriots as paranoid crazies who believe in conspiracy theories with Rep. Shea drawing political power from by intimidation & paranoia. #FoundingFathers
The Founders repeatedly warned about a potential for federal tyranny & resolved the controversy about whether to maintain a standing army by guaranteeing the right to bear arms. Bearing arms means the right to show up & put the government on notice that the People have teeth.
The fact that elected Representatives helped direct 3 different protests prevented bloodshed. Whether or not the Bundy family & other ranchers had solid legal cases, armed protests are not criminal. Black Panthers appeared armed in Sacramento & Olympia without violating laws.
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The allegation is that Shea somehow planned the confrontation with the government. Details are lacking. It is clear that the U.S. government refused to provide significant information about its activities related to Bundy Ranch Malheur resulting in dismissals.
#lawenforcement does not divulge any planning that puts an operation at risk. Especially not to a politician with known sympathies for the Malheur protests. It’s incredible how Dems applauded #OccupyWallStreet despite all the destruction & threats of violence.
Think carefully about how unlikely it is that Shea was involved in planning the confrontations. The government was about to unlawfully disarm a North Idaho veteran. People in North Idaho & Washington knew about it & welcomed elected officials that helped stop the B.S.
Read 7 tweets
Sebuah panduan taktik para demonstran di Hongkong ketika berunjuk rasa. Panduan yang mungkin akan berguna saat melakukan aksi turun ke jalan.

Cara meredam gas air mata: jangan lupa bawa tumbler, tak lupa sarung tangan anti panas.
Jangan lupa bawa sarung tangan anti-panas. Suhu proyektil gas air mata yang baru ditembakkan bisa capai 70 derajat. Cukup buat kulitmu terkelupas.
Read 24 tweets
Palast Investigations team member, and photojournalist nonpareil, @ZDRoberts marks the 38th year of his birth and the 13th year of his waiting for a raise. We celebrate his patience and accomplishments. #Journalism #Photography #Media
Besides shooting photos from #Charlottesville to #OccupyWallStreet, hitting front pages around the world, it was @ZDRoberts who first sniffed out the sulfurous vote schemes of the Grand Wizard of #Crosscheck, Kris Kobach. #Journalism #Photography #Kobach
Here is @ZDRoberts shooting selfie of the lump on his head from a cop’s baton at #OccupyWallStreet. Support his work by becoming a @Patreon: #Journalism #Photography #Media
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Venezuela: The Trump Coup — And Our Next Oil War.

[An excerpt from my interview with @jimmy_dore.]

For background read The #KochBrothers, #HugoChavez and the #KeystoneXL Pipeline:…
#Venezuela is #OccupyWallStreet on its head: the 1% are out in the street, violently hoping to overthrow the government elected by working people. Are the Kochs involved? Why not read my reports on Venezuela?…
Don't believe everything you read in the papers about #Venezuela — my 2002 report for @Guardian… #HandsOffVenezuela
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Entre las corrientes de “millennial socialists”, las discusiones que desatan las políticas sociales de AMLO y la consciencia colectiva sobre el problema de distribución del ingreso (desde Piketty y #occupyWallStreet) vale la pena ordenar mis ideas:
En toda la carrera de Economía tomé solo una clase de Distribución del Ingreso, más enfocada a medición (Gini y esas cosas) que a políticas. Como disciplina hemos fallado y toca reponernos.
La distinción central ha sido entre dos corrientes: A) fomentar el crecimiento y esperar que el mercado reasigne y distribuya eficientemente, o B) intervenir directamente en la distribución, aún a costa del crecimiento. Hay quien equipara neoliberalismo a la corriente A (not me)
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Quelques remarques éparses sur l'annulation du show de #RoseanneBarr par @ABCNetwork (et son renvoi par sa propre agence de #relapub), la comédienne fan de #Trump sortie de l'oubli par le président US. Il y a de véritables leçons politiques...#thread…
2) D'1 part, #RoseanneBarr a été rappelée pour 1 resucée de sa série vedette des années 1990 parce que @ABCNetwork avait décidé, dès le lendemain de l'élection de #Trump, en novembre 2016, 1"Heartland strategy" pour reconquérir l'électorat rural et blanc #workingclass...
3) Et cette stratégie de reconquête d'@ABCNetwork sur l'électorat de #Trump avait été 1 triomphe lors du retour de #Roseanne fin mars 2018: meilleure audience en 4 ans pour 1 sitcom US, et carton à Tulsa en Oklahoma ou Cincinnati en Ohio, bastions de la #workingclass blanche...
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Disinterested parties in the slaughter in Gaza should pay attention for its horror but also out of self interest: Israel used drones to gas people. Colonial powers (US, Apartheid SA, Israel) test weapons of war on colonial subjects before bringing them home to the metropole.
Drones are sold/used/propagated in Israel as weapons of war while they're being sold as toys & as deliverers of consumer goods in the U.S. But watch how (US backed) Israel is using them on Palestinians: drones will be used on rebellious PoC in the US soon enough.
Police departments will say they need to arm drones with tear gas for the next #BlackLivesMatter or #OccupyWallStreet uprising or to stop school shootings. Just as tanks used to control Iraqis & Afghanis made their way to Ferguson, tools of racial control & colonial domination
Read 9 tweets

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