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Russia's nightmare 🫡
How #Ukrainian soldiers are greeted by their people: #NAFO #NAFOfellas #NAFOarticle5 #Ukraine #russiaisateroriststate
How #Russian soldiers, who continue to butcher women and children in #Ukraine, were greeted when they first began their latest invasion of #Ukraine 8 years ago with unmarked SOF: #NAFO #NAFOfellas #NAFOarticle5 #Ukraine #russiaisateroriststate
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Ein häufiges Thema nicht nur bei Twitter: Die #Minsker Vereinbarungen - hier die Aufklärung, was die Vereinbarungen bedeuten und warum die 🇷🇺🗑️#Tankie/#vatnik -Linie so unwahr ist.
#russiaisateroriststate #GLSDBAreFree #Ukraine #OrcsGoHome #Minsk #RussiaIsATerroristState
1/1 Die Vatnik/Tankie-Propaganda zu Minsk ist ein Versuch, die Schuld von Russland, wo sie eigentlich hingehört, auf die Ukraine zu schieben, wo sie nicht hingehört: "Wenn die Ukraine nur Minsk umsetzen würde, wären wir nicht in dieser Situation!" Das ist reines Blendwerk.
2/1 Der Einfachheit halber werden wir es " Gasminsk" nennen. Wir versuchen, es so kurz wie möglich zu machen, denn die Feinheiten des Minsk-Prozesses zu erklären, ist nur wenig verlockender als der Gedanke, das Hirn wegzupusten. Aber es ist wichtig, weil die Tankies, wenn sie
Read 62 tweets
Lassen wir uns die Rolle der 🇷🇺🗑️im II. Weltkrieg näher beleuchten. Die Sowjetunion war genauso aggressiv wie die Nazis und diese Tatsache wurde viel zu lange vertuscht, viel zu lange beschönigt
#RussiaIsATerroristenstaat #RussiaIsATerroristState #Orcs #russiaisateroriststate
1/1 Im September 1939 fällt die Rote Armee in Polen ein und zieht erst 1993 wieder ab. Siehe - Sowjetischer Aufruf an polnische Soldaten vom 17. September 1939, in dem die Schuld am Krieg der polnischen Regierung zugeschoben wird
2/1 Im November 1939 marschiert die Rote Armee in Finnland ein und besetzt dort immer noch Karelien.
Read 19 tweets
Ein Volk auf dessen Mist eines der größten Fälschungen 👇der Geschichte beruht ist latent IMMER antisemitisch aber nach den gestrigen Angriffen auf den #Iran sind sie wieder auf #Hitlerkurs und fordern u. A. die Entmilitarisierung #Israels
#russiaisateroriststate #RussianNazis
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Diese Meldung ist in den letzten Tagen bei aller Euphorie fast vergessen worden. #IAEA : Keine militärische Ausrüstung in 🇺🇦Atomkraftwerken gefunden!!👇🧵
#RussiaIsATerroristState #FreeTheLeopards #PutinsWar #RussianWarCrimes #russiaisateroriststate #Saporischschja #AKW
1/1 Von Eleanor Pickston und Katya Krebs von CNN
In den ukrainischen Kernkraftwerken, die von der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde inspiziert werden, wird keine militärische Ausrüstung gelagert, erklärte der Leiter der UN-Atomaufsichtsbehörde Rafael Grossi am Dienstag vor
2/1 Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlaments. Seine Äußerungen entkräften frühere Anschuldigungen Russlands. "Heute Morgen habe ich meine Teams angewiesen, in Zusammenarbeit mit der ukrainischen Leitung dieser Anlagen eine umfassende Überprüfung vorzunehmen, um festzustellen,
Read 11 tweets
"Нацисти не впали з Марса і не зґвалтували Німеччину, — сказав він. — Можливо, у таке вірили ті, хто покинув Німеччину у 1933 році. А я ще роками жив там. Я слухав їхнє гавкання по радіо, 👇
#russiaisateroriststate #putinhitler #russianazistate
👆грубе кровожерне гарчання на зібраннях. Це вже не була якась одна партія. То була Німеччина." - Еріх Марія Ремарк "Тіні в раю"
При простій заміні слова "#Німеччина" на "#росія", ми отримаємо повне відображення сьогоднішньої дійсності.👇
👆Саме тому, як і Німеччина, після падіння режиму гітлера, росія має пройти той самий реабілітаційний шлях. Денацифікація, денуклеарізація, обмеження армії. 👇
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"Нацисты не с Марса свалились, и они не изнасиловали Германию. Так могут думать только те, кто покинул страну в тридцать третьем. А я еще прожил в ней несколько лет. И слышал рев по радио, густой кровожадный рык на их сборищах. 👇
#putinhitler #russiaisateroriststate
👆То была уже не партия нацистов, то была сама Германия." - Эрих Мария Ремарк, Тени в раю

При простой замене слова “#Германия” на “#россия”, мы получим, полное отражение сегодняшней действительности. Именно поэтому, как и Германия,👇
👆после падения режима Гитлера, россия должна пройти тот же реабилитационный путь. Денацификация, денуклеаризация, ограничение армии. 👇
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BREAKING The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Denys Monastyrsky & his first deputy head Evgen Enin killed in #Brovary helicopter crash this morning. Helicopter fall near the kindergarten. 18 killed as of now.
29 hospitalised, including 15 children.
Crash site video of the helicopter fall and explode in #Brovary, #Kyiv region
#Brovary helicopter carrying the Minister of Interior Affairs and his top officials rarely fall out of the sky above Kindergartens with no reason.
This smells like another ACT OF TERROR caused by the russians against #Ukraine !
#RussiaUkraineWar #UkraineFrontLines
Read 18 tweets
BREAKING In Brovary, Kyiv region, a helicopter fell on a social infrastructure facility, there are victims.
He fell next to kindergarten & residential building. Children & employees of the institution were in the building of the kindergarten,-said Kuleba,the head of the Kyiv OVA.
The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs died as a result of the plane crash: the minister Monastyrsky, the first deputy minister and the state secretary.
In total, 16 people are known to have died, including 2 children, 9 people were on board the helicopter.
Who “helped” this helicopter to fall?
F#cking bastards!
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Overview 17th Jan 2023 🇺🇦

The only change in Bakhmut is north of the town next to the village of #Pidhorodne where #Russia has advanced by 650 metres to capture approx. 0.44 km2 of territory.

Overall, the situation is becoming more difficult each day. #BakhmutHolds Image


In the now captured Soledar region, #Russia has advanced by 1.9-2.1 km to capture approx. 3.7 km2 of territory. They have also captured the Village of Sil/Silj.
#russiaisateroriststate Image

#Klishchiivka, #Donetsk Oblast Pt.1

#Russia has advanced 2.5 - 3km to capture approx. 4.5 km2 of territory. Fighting is almost certainly taking place in the centre/east of the village and it may even be occupied already. Image
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🧵 She lost her beloved and then her home in the war: what is known about the girl from the photo on the ruins of the house in #Dnipro

"Almost every internet community posts about me. And I just want to be with my parents", says 23-year-old Anastasiia Shvets from Dnipro, whose photo in the ruins of the apartment destroyed by a Russian missile went viral in the media and on social networks.
When the Russians hit the apartment building in Dnipro on 14 January, Nastia was in bed. She was covered by the door, the girl says on Instagram.
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Dnipro. The surviving kitchen. Destroyed house.

The video shows the same kitchen when a happy family still lived in it. Ukrainian boxing coach Mikhailo Korenovsky was killed in a rocket attack (on video).

#RussiaisATerroistState #russiaisateroriststate…
We will never forgive or forget all this to russian terrorists and fascists.
Souls of the dead...

You are forever in our memory.

All those who died at the hands of russian occupiers and terrorists.

#RussiaIsATerrorristState #RussiaIsANaziState #StopRussianAgression
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How many more civilians must die in order for 🇺🇦 to receive the necessary weapons?
How many more political impotents will try to "talk" with a terrorist country?
11 months of war. How many more deaths are needed to finally stop 🇷🇺 fascism and terrorism?
There are 72 apartments in a destroyed entrance hall in Dnipro. According to the information from registrations, these are 100-200 people. These are terrible figures that rescuers are guided by when clearing the rubble. And this has been happening all over 🇺🇦 for almost 11 months
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🇺🇦 January 14. A russian missile hit this apartment building in Dnipro.

To Whom It May Concern: Russia is still bombing #Ukraine, as it has been doing in #Syria, since 2015.

#russiaisateroriststate Image
According to many Ukrainian sources, there are people under the rubble and rescue workers are working to save people there. When will Russia be held accountable for its crimes?

#RussiaUkraineWar #Russian #Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineRussianWar Image
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Hello world. How are you? Today is an ordinary day in Ukraine. Russia, a terrorist state, today hit a residential building in the city of Dnipro with a missile. And now you will return to your business, and we will go to the shelter.
#russiaisateroriststate Image
How can you help?
You can give weapons to Ukraine so that we can protect our homes, protect our families.
Give Ukraine ATACMS
Give Ukraine F-16 @POTUS
Give Ukraine tanks @OlafScholz @EmmanuelMacron

You watch silently as Russia destroys people. You have to stop the terrorists.
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The Kremlin is shuffling the old deck of warlords, trying to make a winning combination from the generals of dvornikov-surovikin-gerasimov-lapin, ignoring the vicious growl of two “jokers” kadyrov-prigozhin👇
#russiaisateroriststate #russianWarCrimes
👆(the first one was done near #Kyiv in Gostomel, where his famous kadyrovites were crushed. And the second, when he wasn't able to get his hands on the special military operation pie, he decided to show the “results” with the help of his PMC). 👇
👆These “jokers”, commented in the press on “gestures of good will” and “regroupings” with such epithets as: “cowardice”, “mediocrity”, “stupidity”. The #russian army is no stranger to humiliation. But especially interesting in this whole story is the figure of 👇
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#кремль тасует старую колоду военачальников, пытаясь из генералов дворникова-суровикина-герасимова-лапина собрать выигрышную комбинацию, не обращая внимания на злобное рычание двух “джокеров” кадырова-пригожина (первый обделался под Киевом в Гостомеле, где 👇
👆покрошили его знаменитых кадыровцев. А второй, оказавшись не у пирога сво, решил с помощью своей чвк показать “результаты"). Обгаженные “джокеры”, комментировали в прессе «жесты доброй воли» и «перегруппировки» такими эпитетами, как: «трусость», «бездарность», «тупость». 👇
👆русской армии не привыкать к унижениям. Но особенно интересна, во всей этой истории фигура генерала лапина, лично наградившего собственного сына: за неудачное наступление российской армии на Сумы и Чернигов. Он героически «перегруппировался» из Харьковской области… 👇
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#кремль тасує стару колоду воєначальників, намагаючись із генералів дворнікова-суровікіна-герасимова-лапіна зібрати виграшну комбінацію, не звертаючи уваги на злісне гарчання двох "джокерів" кадирова-пригожина (перший обробився під Києвом у Гостомелі, де покришили його 👇
👆знаменитих кадировців. А другий, опинившись не біля пирога сво, вирішив за допомогою своєї чвк показати "результати"). Обгажені "джокери", коментували в пресі "жести доброї волі" і "перегрупування" такими епітетами, як: "боягузтво", "бездарність", "тупість." 👇
👆російській армії не звикати до принижень. Але особливо цікава, у всій цій історії фігура генерала лапіна, який особисто нагородив власного сина: за невдалий наступ російської армії на Суми та Чернігів... Він героїчно «перегрупувався» з Харківської області... і сьогодні 👇
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Необходимо понимать, что изгнание путинских войск с территории Украины не является концом войны. Подписание мирного соглашения после изгнания, даже с выплатой каких-то репараций, тоже не является окончанием войны. Достаточно вспомнить Хасавюртовские соглашения, 👇
👆которые #россия подписала, признала независимость Чечни, вывела все войска, потом поднакопила сил, и в нарушение всех подписанных договоренностей атаковала Чечню. Поэтому окончанием войны может быть только, помимо полного освобождения украинских территорий – 👇
👆это дефашизация, демилитаризация, денуклиаризация росийской федерации. россия должна, как это не раз писалось, стать нормальной демократической страной, для этого, лет на 20-30 она должна попасть под международное управление.👇
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Incendiary projectiles that the terrorist country fired at Kherson are used to destroy personnel, damage weapons and military equipment, structures and other objects

They include thermite and thermite compounds, ordinary (white) and plasticized phosphorus, electron, /1
alkali metals, as well as a mixture that ignites spontaneously in air.

The effect of an incendiary projectile is similar to fireworks. When the projectile explodes in the air, many small bright particles fly out of it, which slowly fall to the ground. /2
Combustion temperature of igniter elements up to 3000 °С

The use of these weapons against Ukraine was documented as early as 2014, during the war in Donbass.

This type of ammunition is prohibited under international humanitarian law.

Everything you need to know about Russia /3
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Crisis management and communications
Thread to those companies that are still operating in Russia. 1/24
I write this because we now have a perfect example of a company that is operating inside Russia, a company that falls under the humanitarian clause exception of sanctions.
I am, of course, talking about @Bonduelle_Group. 2/24
There are three types of companies that still operate in Russia.
A company; that is operating against sanctions.
A company; that is operating in an area that is outside of sanctions.
A company; that is operating in an area that is under humanitarian clauses. 3/24
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#russiaisateroriststate These are going to be the most challenging months since the Second World War that any European nation has endured.

The scale of the humanitarian, economic, energy, cultural, and environmental crisis deliberately inflicted by 🇷🇺 is of historic proportions
The suffering of 🇺🇦 people is immeasurable.

🇷🇺 is determined to continue pursuing its genocidal strategy to break our nation and people.

Russia's obliteration of 🇺🇦civilian infrastructure is meant to force Ukrainians to flee, to entirely crush economy, deprive AFU of support.
We have been warning about this 🇷🇺 strategy of terror for this winter since the spring. Unfortunately, our voices were not taken seriously. But here we are today dealing with the horrific destruction instead of being prepared to face it.
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⚡️Russians shelled the centre of Kherson
"Russians carried out another terror attack, they shelled the city centre! People died, buildings destroyed. Centre, a day off, many people on the street. All services are working, we are investigating the consequences," Kyrylo Tymoshenko
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