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My god Russia has launched #ZelenskyWarCriminal and Russians and their West owned collaborators make it trend.

There are two atrocities playing out right now. Russia drown us here and Russians and their West paid collaborators drown us out so we can’t be heard.
They put tape on our mouths while we drown and blame us. It’s not coincidence that first thing #TuckerCarlson did on his show is drown us.

It’s not coincidence that #ElonMusk gave Tucker platform to drown us. Or that he ensured this message be heard.
I will repeat this until time ends. Without its West collaborators, Russia has no weapons. These people are war criminals. These people are same ones that cover up Russian war crimes in Syria and frame White Helmets rescuers. You ask how you did not know about Holodomor?
Read 8 tweets
Chi è #TuckerCarlson , idolo dei complottisti e #novax mondiali ed italiani? Ve lo racconto qui:

1/10 Image
L'accordo da 787,5 milioni di dollari sottoscritto la scorsa settimana ha impedito che il presidente della Fox Corporation Rupert Murdoch e i conduttori come Carlson fossero chiamati a testimoniare in un processo esplosivo sulle fake news diffuse dall'emittente " 2/10 Image
Il valore di Fox Corporation ha infatti perso più di 500 milioni di dollari dopo che lunedì la società di media ha annunciato che si sta separando dal conduttore Carlson. Un terremoto che ha sollevato interrogativi sul futuro di Fox News. 3/10 Image
Read 11 tweets
#Anonymous #OpGOP
You wanted a bombshell!
#TuckerCarlson, who's spent decades framing #LGBTQ+ as "groomers," name checking Harvey Milk's assassin in his yearbook, and whipping up panic against #trans people, has a thing for 14-year old girls!

From Abby Grossberg v. FoxNews Image
For anyone who wants to read the entire case Grossman Vs Fox…
Crickets from #MAGA and MSM the same way there were crickets when trump said he would date his daughter. Apparently being a GOP pedophile is just accepted if not expected at this point. Hey Lindsey is this what Trump has on you?
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1. The Morning after I left #FoxNews was the most exciting and frightening day of my career. Even though by the end of the week we would have 300k subs - only MLB had a live streaming network and everyone said it couldn’t be done .. (cont)#TuckerCarlson
2. I knew a time was coming when the network would need talent more than talent needed them, but 2011 wasn’t it … yet. 12 years later, I am guessing that #tucker feels much like I did. Yet his timing is perfect. (Con’t)
3. #Tucker, everything will work for His benefit. You are too smart to legitimately worry. Millions are standing behind you. I am one of them. What you choose to do next could make all the difference in our country’s next chapter. I can’t wait to see what you do.
Read 4 tweets
#FOXCorporation perde
930 milioni di dollari di valore di mercato dopo aver annunciato che #Tucker Carlson lascerà la rete di notizie

Matthew Fox
24 aprile 2023

@liliaragnar @mariogiordano5
@RadioRadioWeb @ladyonorato @a_meluzzi
@BelpietroTweet Image
La #FoxCorporation ha cancellato il valore di mercato di 930 milioni di dollari lunedì dopo aver annunciato che #TuckerCarlson avrebbe lasciato #FoxNews.

La scissione è avvenuta una settimana dopo che la società ha risolto una causa per diffamazione con Dominion Voting Systems.

#TuckerCarlson ha costantemente avuto uno dei notiziari più visti sulla TV via cavo. Image
Read 9 tweets
🚨Tucker Carlson EXPOSED🚨: From Contra backed "Freedom Fighter" to ex-Fox News Host!

Tucker Carlson is a "failed" CIA agent spending his entire life serving the DEEP STATE. To understand Tucker, you have to grasp his background.

Tucker's father, Richard "Dick" Carlson, is the CIA's top guy. Dick happened to worked for CIA cutout, Voice of America(VoA), starting in 1986 at the height of the Cold War.

Ronald Regan himself even anointed Dick as an associate director of the United States Information Agency(USIA) founded to create pro-US propaganda in countries like Nicaragua, Cuba and the USSR.
The 4 billion dollar a year USIA was so large while Dick was running it, the 20 top PR firms in the US combined were outsized.

Dick serving as director of the USIA was vital in bringing down the anti-US government in Nicaragua in the late 1980s / early 1990s.

In 1990 Dick Calrson addressed the Knesset, three years later addressing the UK's House of Commons. You can see where the Carlson's loyalty lies.

In 1991 Dick Carlson left VoA after he was nominated ambassador to the Seychelles by George Bush. State department diplomats comprise the vast majority of "official cover" CIA operatives overseas, due to diplomatic immunity.

Dick was heavily involved at Intermedia, a cold war era "global research consulting firm" dedicated to collecting data on poorer nation's citizens for the US gov. Later providing info to Bill Gates and Harvard to help "improve 3rd world birth rates".

From 1992-1997, Dick became President and CEO of The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the parent company of US state cut-outs PBS & NPR.

In 2003 Dick joined the Foundation for Defense of Democracies(FDD) during the Iraq War to push neocon chicanery. The FDD in recent years has had leaks showing it directly coordinating with Israel and the Israeli lobby. Later, Dick joined the Institute for the Study of Terrorism & Political Violence.

During that period in which Dick joined the FDD, it's board included former CIA director R. James Woolsey and Jeanne Kirkpatrick, a high official at the center of the Iran-contra affair.

Now, Dick Carlson works as a lobbyist for the heavily Likud aligned Orban government in Hungary as a registered foreign agent.

Little is mentioned how Tucker Carlson's origin story begins in the 1980s as he traveled to Nicaragua in midst of a blood civil war as a "freedom fighter" for the US backed Contras!

This included Tucker going to rallies for the Contra backed candidate Violeta Chamorro.
It was to the point that Tucker the foreign college student with a dad leading the CIA's war against the Sandanistas, was magically "literally standing next to her[Chamorro]" as she won, despite high level security precautions!

Soon after traveling a second time to Nicaragua, Tucker then applied to join the CIA. He was "rejected" and his father, Dick, advised him to become a journalist because "they'll take anybody".

After graduating, in 1996 Tucker was wrote deep state puffpieces in Bill Kristol's Weekly Standard about how the CIA had no involvement in the War on Drugs and the contras were actually removing drug dealers.

Before Tucker Carlson's character change, Carlson openly described himself in 2008 as a trust-fund baby, saying “I’m extraordinarily loaded just from money I inherited from a number of trust funds".

In 2009 soon after joining Fox news as an analyst, Tucker said "I am 100% his bitch. Whatever Mr. Murdoch says, I do".

It's no coincidence that Tucker married into the multimillionaire Swanson family, famous for their frozen food empire.
Tucker's interests are aligned solely with the very upper class ruling elite he denounces on his show.Image
Rare clip of Tucker Carlson talking about his involvement as a "freedom fighter" in a color revolution in Nicaragua his father helped orchestrate!

Tucker doesn't like discussing this at all and never gets into detail. Anyone else on the trip refuses comment!
Tucker Carlson says on a recent 2023 podcast that White people becoming a minority in America is “exciting"!

CIA Carlson claims any Whites who express ethnic interest need to “fuck off,” also adding that they are holding on to “Nazi ideas.”
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Séisme politico-médiatique aux #EtatsUnis: Tucker #Carlson, le tribun désinformateur du national- populisme, quitte #FoxNews, dont il assurait les meilleures audiences à 20h, avec effet immédiat. C'est le choc, totalement inattendu.…
2. Pour l'instant il n'y a aucune raison officielle donnée au départ de Tucker #Carlson de #FoxNews, même si le ton du communiqué de la chaîne, très peu chaleureux, ne laisse pas supposer une séparation à l'amiable.
3. On sera tenté- mais ça reste pour l'heure 1 pure hypothèse- de voir le départ de #Carlson comme la conséquence de l'accord amiable à 787.5 millions de $ passé la semaine dernière par #FoxNews pour faire cesser les poursuites de la firme de machine à voter Dominion...
Read 9 tweets
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. @RobertKennedyJr officially announced his bid for 2024 presidential elections as a Democratic candidate today.

RFK is much much better than any democratic candidate in the race right now. Biden-Harris is a train wreck.

A thread on his political journey👇 Image
@RobertKennedyJr says the entire US foreign policy has collapsed under Joe Biden. He doesn’t want the Democratic Party to be the party of war, fear and censorship. We need to stand against wars, put our children first and completely negate Biden’s policies. Image
Robert Kennedy: This is what happens when you censor somebody for 18 years. I got a lot to talk about. They shouldn't have shut me up for that long because now I'm really going to let loose on them for the next 18 months.

Read 29 tweets
🟥🧵👇 When @TuckerCarlson releases his cherry picked vid this week to support a false narrative? Watch this video & remind yourself this was #Jan6th & when watching look for the long shot of the crowd trying to barrel through the doors.


And if that still leaves you unsure? Here's a playlist from YouTube from reporters & some on the ground videos made by peopJan6thle there -- to remind you of what really happened.…

And if you need even more convincing, here's a well-organized video list from @propublica of many of the videos from Parler that were dropped that day -- mostly by people that were participating in the #insurrection.…

#DemCast #jan6th #TuckerCarlson

Read 5 tweets
🇺🇲🇷🇺🇨🇳"Es ist, weil wir Krieg provozieren.
So wie wir sie in der Ukraine provoziert haben.
Und jetzt hier mit China.
Wem nützt das?
Ich werde dir sagen, wem. Unser Feind ist nicht China, ist nicht Russland, unser Feind sind militärisch–industrielle Konzerne,
die das Land plündern.
Hunderte von Millionen, sogar Milliarden Dollar.
Wie oft werden wir dem Verteidigungsminister noch einmal zuhören, der Milliarden braucht. In meinem Alter ist das schon zweimal passiert. Die Militärmaschine wird nicht selbst anhalten.
Wer regiert dieses Land?
Wer trifft die Entscheidungen? Sicher nicht Biden.
Wer dann, würde ich gerne wissen.
Die Vereinigten Staaten sind ein internationaler Terrorist.
In den letzten 20 Jahren haben wir den Nahen Osten in Brand gesetzt und führen jetzt einen Proxy-Krieg in
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Tucker Carlson discusses how the deepening China-Russia axis is clearly dangerous for America, both economically and militarily.

As Zelensky recently said, such an alliance would lead to a world war, in which hundreds of thousands of
people would die. Which doesn't seem to bother Zelensky himself much - as long as Ukraine takes Crimea... 🤷‍♀️

Tucker is convinced: Zelensky is not a hero, he is a very dark force and a destroyer. Yet, President Biden's recent visit to Kiev demonstrates
his commitment to this dark force, whereas his administration has shown remarkable indifference towards their own people suffering the consequences of a chemical disaster in Ohio.

Perhaps, Biden's sympathies just follow his family's money... But the
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1/2 Ambientalmente, haya ocurrido en #EEUU o otro país, es un impacto ambiental muy grave de una muy posible tragedia colateral.
"La Guerra de dos mundos 2.0" iniciada con capitulo de OVNIS, desvía la atención de este grave hecho en Ohio🇺🇸. Por cierto, uno de 2 gases q se 👉
2/ 👉Se desprenden de incinerar el cloruro de vinilo, es gas fosgeno q es un comp. químico industrial utilizado para hacer plásticos y pesticidas. A temperatura ambiente, es un gas venenoso y enfriado/comprimido se hace liquido y transportable/Almacén.…
3/Fue usado en 1era. Guerra Mundial como arma química y durante el Holocausto en las cámaras de gas de campos de concentración como Auschwitz.
En una 1era. conclusión, se puede inferir, q East Palestine Ohio🇺🇸, fue convertido en cámara de gas.
Read 16 tweets
A common refrain from anti-anonymity #Facebook apologists is that its #RealNamesPolicy promoted "civility" by making users "accountable" for their words. In this conception, snuffing out anonymous speech is key to protecting "the vulnerable" from trolls and other bad actors. 1/ Cambodian dictator Hun Sen's Facebook photo of himself swimm
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
But while some trolls hide behind anonymity, others are only too happy to sign their vitriol. #DonaldTrump didn't need an anonymous account. #TuckerCarlson is right there in the chyron. 3/
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A viral video was demoted 50% pending a 7-day fact checking period. That demotion continued by Facebook even though no “fact checking” actually occurred. Follow 🧵 for more coercive and collusive efforts by the @WhiteHouse to pressure @facebook to censor @TuckerCarlson!
On 4/14/21, the White House emailed Facebook to lament that a #TuckerCarlson video criticizing the #COVID vaccine was the most watched video on the platform. Facebook replied they would look into it.
Later, #Facebook informed the #WhiteHouse that Tucker Carlson’s video did not qualify for removal; but the video was labeled with a pointer to “authoritative” (White House approved) information, the video was not “recommended” to others, and it was demoted on Facebook.
Read 10 tweets
As 2022 comes to a close, here’s a brief #cdnpoli year in review. In January/22 we saw the launch of a destabilization op (that just *happened* to coincide with the lead up to Putin’s attack on #Ukraine). #FreeDumbConvoy #FluTruxKlan
#FluTruxKlan #FreeDumbConvoy was pushed hard by multiple malign players & boosted by inauthentic activity, including by foreign threat actors. #Cdnpoli #CdnpoliYearInReview #goodbye2022
Feb/22 #NevrePoilievre officially launched his “prime minister” bid using #FluTruxKlan op, even though we’d just had an election months earlier & O’Toole was still #CPCldr.

#Cdnpoli #CdnpoliYearInReview #goodbye2022
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Hi @TuckerCarlson here are some ways to ACTUALLY stop sexualizing children:

1) If you have a TV show, maybe stop talking about children + sex constantly

2) Campaign against child beauty pageants

3) Stop asking young girls if some boy is their "boyfriend" and vice versa

4) Campaign against school dress codes that imply that girls' shoulders are endlessly distracting to other students and adult teachers

5) Don't promote laws that would force raped children to carry and give birth to their rapist's baby
6) Hold the Catholic church accountable

7) Spread the information that 40% of sexually abused children are abused by a family member

8) Spread the info that 76% of child sexual abusers are married men
Read 20 tweets
“Ch 19,” titled, “Reality Transplant, the Media:

“The Ladder of Status, the Great Suck Upward, & What They’ve Succeeded in Getting Us to Forget”

Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022*

by M Adzema

(published 10/16/2022)…

CW22Q 19/1
Quotes/Highlights THREAD

From *Culture War Class War 2022:

*Truth & Generations*

by Michael Adzema

(available on website, as wells as a free pdf file, & on Amazon in print & ebook, as of Oct 2022)

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE...

CW22Q 19/2
[*Quotes/highlights*:] “Perhaps we can understand news commentator’s & reporters complacency & complicity by considering their situation.” []

THREAD… #Midterms Blue Wave #media #MAGAts #Republicans #ClassWar #gaslighting #corruption #BlueWave

CW22Q 19/3
Read 32 tweets
European MP Exposes Pfizer Exec Who Confessed to Covid Vaccine Fraud: 'It Has Now Proven to Be a Big Lie' #RobRoos #DutchMemberOfParliament #JanineSmallv #Pfizer #COVID #mRNA #TuckerCarlson…
"Our government loves to talk about institutional discrimination," Roos added. "But this was real institutional discrimination. In many countries, like the U.S. And Italy, vaccine mandates were introduced for certain professions. /
/Many people lost their job, their livelihood, their business because they stood by their principles. Austria even had a locked down for the unvaccinated because of this reason. The government literally imprisoned people within their own homes./
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Thread: Rechtsextremes Vernetzungstreffen von #Rassisten aus der ganzen Welt in #Ungarn bei der #CPACHungary2022 (Conservative Political Action Conference). Wir richten einen kritischen Blick auf die Veranstaltung, die erstmals in #Europa stattfand. #CPAC #CPACHungary 1/x CPAC Hungary 2022
In äAmerika werden die Veranstaltungen der #CPAC überwiegend von US-RepublikanerInnen #GOP, #Trump-UnterstützerInnen, christlich Fundamentalisten und #Rassisten besucht. 2/x
#Orban, der Hauptredner der Veranstaltung, stellte seinen 12 Punkte Plan bei seiner Eröffnungsrede vor: „Hungary first, America first“, so der Slogan des nationalistischen ungarischen Ministerpräsidenten. 3/x
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The mass shooting in #Buffalo, right wing extremism on guns, and the takeover of the judiciary by leveraging abortion (per last week's thread) are connected. The connection is money. It fuels the complex right-wing network that captured the Court and props up politicians.
The network is complex and confusing by design. It makes the "All the President's Men" mantra of "follow the money" really hard. But here are just a *few* of the threads we do know about, and how they connect to #RoeVWade, #GunViolence, #SCOTUS, and white nationalism.
Start with Leonard Leo, who sits at the center of many more overlapping right-wing groups than even he can count (literally: "I have no idea how many groups I’ve been involved with over the years”).… Here's a tiny portion (h/t @EXPOSEDbyCMD):
Read 18 tweets
Phénomène marquant aux #EtatsUnis de ce 1er mois de guerre en #Ukraine.
L'existence d'1 courant America First certes très minoritaire mais aux sympathies pour #Poutine à peine dissimulées dans le parti républicain sous un voile d'isolationnisme.…
2. Certes, l'emballement pro-#Poutine des 1ers jours de conflit de l'ex président #Trump ou de l'imprécateur #Carlson sur Fox News ne peut plus se faire à mots si découverts au regard des atrocités visibles de la guerre en #Ukraine. Trump s'est ajusté...… l'impopularité massive de #Poutine aux #EtatsUnis, y compris auprès de beaucoup d'électeurs républicains de la guerre en #Ukraine, amène ce courant America First à plus de discrétion. 49% des républicains selon Pew jugent que les #EtatsUnis n'aident pas assez l'Ukraine.
Read 13 tweets
The story of how the utterly malignant #EzraLevant & Rebel Media used #SLAPP suits to prevent the public from learning about the connection between “Rebel News” & the #ChristchurchMassacre, is but one such case of many.… #cdnmedia #cdnpoli
It begs the question: who pays for #EzraLevant’s #SLAPP suits as well as all his other legal bills? Who are the beneficiaries of Rebel’s disinformation? Certainly not the public & most definitely NOT the “working class”. “Rebel” is Putinesque propaganda.
#EzraLevant, in addition to using #SLAPP, routinely uses troll farm operations both to harass people on social media & to amplify “Rebel Media” disinformation. Levant partners with other malignant sociopathic actors: #cdnmedia #cdnpoli
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🧵Reading about the latest #TuckerCarlson vs. #AOC incident, I’m amazed at some recurring themes.

Note, I am NOT commenting on who is right or wrong. The two of them can handle that without me.

But the twitter commenters . . . ¡Aye, Carumba! Do none of these people think?
Theme 1): ‘I get my own legal code’.

Lots of people making announcements on what is and isn’t “protected speech” without taking a few minutes to do a quick search on what the law actually is. All kinds of pronouncements about “that isn’t protected” are just wrong.
2) ‘We should just reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.’

Never occurs to these people that the FD was proclaimed in the 1950s, when there was no cable or satellite TV, a country of three to seven television channels. There’s a real good chance the Supremes would squash this.
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Some loose threads. Not sure how they tie together quite yet, but I’m putting them out, untied.

There was a definite connection between Ezra Levant’s “Rebel”, Keean Bexte propaganda, Post Millennial, #TrueNorthCentre, & the promotion of both #NevrePoilievre & #FluTruxKlan op.
I’ll primarily use #TrueNorthCentre as the example, but the same thing was happening across RW propaganda media, including #Postmedia products. Namely, the takedown of O’Toole & the amplifying of Poilevre…using a litany of fake accounts. #NevrePoilievre #FluTruxKlan #cpcldr
The amplification of tweets that involved O’Toole’s leadership “review” saw a steady supply of fake accounts claiming to want Poilevre. To make it seem as though there was a large grassroots demand for #NevrePoilievre.

#cdnpoli #cpcldr #FluTruxKlan
Read 11 tweets

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