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🧵1. #ResistanceUnited
You’re dealing with a world that is changing all around you, and not always for the better. I get it. It’s a lot to deal with. But, if I may, as a Boomer I offer these words in hopes they will ease your journey…
2. … through the tumultuous times ahead.

As Boomers we know a little bit about tumult. We lived through what is, perhaps, the craziest decade in recent history… the 1960’s.
This is the decade that began with “Ozzie & Harriet” and ended with “Laugh In”. …
3. … A decade that opened with Connie Francis and closed with Janis Joplin. It went from wearing suits & ties… to tie dye. We went from JFK to Richard Nixon. From “duck & cover” drills to landing on the moon.

That’s a whole lot of shit to go through in just 10 yrs! …
Read 4 tweets
Republicans defending an American traitor also honored 1/6 Insurgents and had double murderer, Kyle Rittenhouse at the Capitol as their guest.

People like voting for garbage, what can you do but #VoteBlue in record numbers.
Think of what they could've achieved if they just would've dumped Trump. Instead they've taken the entire country into the sewer with them
"Hi. He killed 2 unarmed men. We should invite him to DC as our guest" WTF grossness.
DOJ, YOU KNOW they planned a coup. WTF
Read 5 tweets
What Happens When Corporations are Taxed at 50% Like Before Reagan?
It’s time to tax the rich, be they individuals or giant corporations, if we want to restore the American working/middle class…
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue
@Thom_Hartmann Image
FDR's New Deal policies built the Middle Class
Reagan's Trickle Down policies destroyed the Middle Class

@POTUS and Democrats are working to restore New Deal Policies

Republicans keep trickling on us instead
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue Image
Study after study shows that economic inequality at the levels we see today...are the main drivers of crime and civil unrest
And after 4 decades of bad Republican economics our country is at its breaking point
#ResistanceUnited #wtpBLUE #DemCast #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue Image
Read 14 tweets
Remember when?
❗️15 #Wisconsin elected #GOP wrote to VP Pence pressuring him to not to certify a free and fair election.
#WisGOP #Insurrectionists #Traitors
#DemVoice1 #WisDems #WiscoWarrior #WiUnion…
❗️Ten prominent mainstream WI Republicans are accused of fraudulently posing as electors to overturn President Biden’s election
- including the chair of the #WisGOP & a member of the ELECTIONS COMMISSION!…
#WisGOP fraudulent electors are going to court!

"Dane County Judge Frank Remington told attorneys in the case Wednesday that... the jury trial would begin Sept. 3, 2024..."

#WisDems #WiscoWarriors #DemVoice1…
Read 10 tweets
ONE political party + the #NRA are terrorizing us
#Americans demand
💙An end to the rule of the #NRA
#WTP deserve:
💙"LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
#WTP require
💙Politicians who keep us safe

#Vote for #GunSafety

Read 9 tweets
🧵State Legislatures Are Broken

New York Times: “Nationwide, candidates for roughly four of every 10 state legislative seats run unopposed in general elections. And across the country, one-party control of state legislatures, compounded by hyperpartisan ...
2/ politics, widespread gerrymandering, an urban-rural divide and uncompetitive races, has made the dysfunction in Tennessee more the rule than the exception.”

“The lack of competition means incumbent lawmakers face few consequences for their ...
3/ conduct. And their legislative actions are driven in large part by the fraction of partisans who determine their fates in primary elections, the only political contests where they face serious opposition.”
Read 5 tweets
When I was a kid, TV reception was spotty. Some days it was terrible. You had to adjust little wire antennas on the top of the TV. And point them differently for each station. Of which there were 3, maybe 4. Maybe 2.

Now, I'm old. I live 30 miles from the nearest small town. Up in the mountains. I don't have cable. I don't even have cell reception. I can't get any "local" channels. Denver is 150 miles away.

I have a satellite internet dish. It's slow. Some days it doesn't work well.

TV reception is fuzzy, and I only get shows or events that have internet streaming services. When the reception is good enough.

I'm not complaining, really. I love living here, and this is a small price to pay.

Read 4 tweets
A few years ago, Barack Obama described why Republicans like vote suppression. At 55% turnout, Republicans win. At 60% turnout, Democrats win. At 65%, Democrats win in a walk. At 70% turnout, there is no longer a Republican Party.

The competition for ideas, Obama say, was won by Democrats long ago. Now, we're in a competition for engagement.

Democratic ideas, principles, programs and candidates are all massively popular, and have been for a long time.

When Republicans prevent people from voting--even through "passive suppression," simply discouraging engagement and making people think their votes don't matter--the people primarily affected are Democratic voters.

Creating more interest in in elections = Democratic wins.

Read 7 tweets
Lovely day here in San Francisco.
It’s unimaginably disgusting here. I might put on a mask and it has nothing to do with Covid.
Read 3 tweets
Friendly advice:

We all know every word Republicans say is a lie. We all know most of what they say is just for trolling purposes.

I hope you all know by now not to argue with them, or to take their nonsense seriously.

Don't respond to them unless it's to mock them.

Republicans believe in nothing, and all their rhetoric is (at best) empty. They're anti-life, anti-America, anti-"liberty". They're pro-hate, pro-violence, and pro-fascist.

This doesn't mean they aren't a danger. They are. Take the danger seriously, not their words.

Republicans are not hypocrites. They're liars, and they're proud of their lies. Which is why pointing out facts, data, and their naked hypocrisy will never have any effect. They're =proud= of saying nothing that's true, and amused at your consternation.

Read 5 tweets
Just had the most surreal voting experience. Volunteer asked for my name & I said it. She asked me to spell it. We began the rigamarole of me spelling out my “foreign” name. After I spelled out my first name, as I was starting my last name she looked up & said “Wait, the AUTHOR?”
Someone tell the ten year old girl who came to this country from Iran with a “difficult” name & who had to wait years to get the privilege of voting here, that this would one day happen.
Read 3 tweets
“*November 2022—Culture War/ Class War’s Reckoning Point*

READ &/or dwl entire BOOK free AT SITE...… #BlueTsunami2022 #ElectionDay #VoteBlueToday GO VOTE #IVoted 866-OUR-VOTE Cheating Secretary of State #Midterms #FBR #Roe #resist #Republicans

CW22 Pf/263
“To this end—specifically, increased control of society’s mechanisms by the Right even as it goes against public opinion—the stealing by Republicans of 3 more seats on the Supreme Court & the overturning of Roe V. Wade come to mind.”


CW22 Pf/264
“The reversal of Roe V. Wade is instructive on many levels. Amy Coney Barret’s seat was stolen by rushing through her nomination process just prior to the 2020 election; it was the seat held by Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”

READ/DWL BOOK… #ElectionDay

CW22 Pf/265
Read 60 tweets
TIL, from a book I'm reading about poisons, why gasoline must be specifically labeled as "unleaded".

Particularly impressed by the description of the man who "died screaming in a straightjacket" after working in a factory that made tetraethyl lead (TEL), that used to be in gas
A chemical engineer discovered ~1920 that adding TEL to gas smoothed out the "knocking" in engines. Problem was, TEL was known to be readily absorbed & highly poisonous. That was conveniently overlooked, and oil & gas companies started making it, slowly poisoning their workers.
The companies blamed the workers for not properly using protective gear. But the masks provided didn't filter out the lead fumes.

NYC banned lead additives, as did NJ & Philly. So the companies asked the government to look into it. The pro-business government.
Read 10 tweets
Conservative governors have been sending undocumented immigrants to blue states by bus, train, chartered plane. By the thousands.

Have you heard of any anti-immigrant mobs or demonstrations or grumbles in these blue states & cities?

Nope. We get along generally.

As a friend who works with helping undocumented immigrants settle in the city was telling me, you know what happens when an Abbott or a DeSantis sends a bunch of em to the city?

Almost all call someone they know in NYC, get temporary digs, try to find a job, get settled in.
Red state folks seem to think that undocumented immigrants come to America to live off the "taxpayer teat".

Shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how the American state works. Its teats are not as wholesome for immigrants, documented or otherwise.

Even for citizens really.
Read 6 tweets
It was an absolute joy to welcome JOSH SHAPIRO & AUSTIN DAVIS to the huge rally in Stroudsburg yesterday! Monroe County REALLY showed up for Josh, Austin & our entire slate of excellent Dem candidates. We have receipts💅🏻 😁…@JoshShapiroPA @AustinDavisPA #PAGov #MonroeCountyPA 🧵… ImageImageImageImage
Our amazing MAUREEN MADDEN! @MaddenforPArep (And MY State Rep…woohoo! 🎉 🙌) I voted for Maureen because she has done incredible things for #HD115 & will continue to protect CHOICE in PA. Go, Maureen, go! #MaureenMadden #PAHouse #BlueNovember #RoevemberIsHere ImageImageImageImage
Our FIERCE 💪 Stroudsburg Mayor & #HD189 candidate TARAH PROBST really got the crowd going. I am thisclose to Tarah’s District. SHE IS GOING TO ROCK THE HOUSE! 🔄 @TarahProbst We are #TeamProbst 24/7/365. She is going to shake up Harrisburg & WE CAN’T WAIT! #FlipThePAHouse ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
The Right’s authoritarian
And often quite contrarian
Their views are antiquarian
And anti-proletarian

The short-fingered vulgarian
Has proved utilitarian
To radicals and Aryans
And other such barbarians

Too true?
Their war on education
Is a plague upon the nation
With fanatical fixation
On coercion and castration

There is no substantiation
For their tales of exploitation
It’s a source of true frustration
I would like to see cessation

You, too?
There can be no abdication
Of our civic obligation
And we need participation
From the younger generation

There’s no place for resignation
We can’t choose capitulation
So please hear my exhortation
To hold back this devastation

We’re through,
Read 5 tweets
Authoritarianism is the term.

1/ In our ingrained reductionism we forget that none of this began with one man, instead what we face is the product of decades of agenda - foreign and domestic.

A multiplicity of vectors engaged in a discourse coalition provisioning agency.
2/ Even where the different vectors of this discourse coalition of authoritarianism engage in internecine conflicts, as with Trump and Pence, the agenda remains sacrosanct.

Its agency remains focused on that agenda. Long games.
3/ The vectors are variants of authoritarianism.

From fascists to corporatists, oligarchs to zealots, cultists to Quislings, abusers to white collar criminals - on a foundation of Might Makes Right mentality, connected by a force dynamic of transnational organized crime.
Read 12 tweets
It’s a widespread frame, throughout the Republican ecosystem.
A big part of it is (irony) reactance, shaped by accelerationist narratives.

1/ The problem is that there’s no political solutions to it.
That requires a narrative driven antidote. Which depends mostly on media. Image
2/ Even now we underestimate the power of narrative, often we ignore it. It strikes me as peculiar because we see the consequences of a toxic variant of it every day: accelerationist narratives.…
3/ The challenge with a narrative driven antidote is that it needs to match the requirements for what it has to engage. In our case, nascent authoritarianism.

We need to realise that the pattern didn’t start with one man, it’s a product of cultural engineering: 🧶
Read 5 tweets
Have you ever seen those videos of people putting on sunglasses and seeing color for the first time? People put on glasses, then have a bit of a freak out because they are seeing a different reality. For me, it was a profound experience I wish everyone could have.
I knew I was color blind, but I could never describe what it was like. My wife would ask me to describe it but I could never find the right word. I would clumsily try, but ultimately continued to fail her.
I wasn’t anything I had thought about. It was just my reality. My wife’s curiosity must have overwhelmed her because she found a company that makes sunglasses that allow the color blind to see colors. She explained the concept to me, I watched the videos, I was intrigued.
Read 23 tweets
I will post this late-term abortion story over & over & hope it will get even 1 more person to vote.

Some states have outlawed abortions & the GOP is planning a national ban. If you think this won’t affect you or your loved ones, you’re wrong.

Please, pass it on & #voteblue.
This is @HaylieGrammer's abortion story. She gave her blessing to share it.

[7] years ago, I gave birth to my daughter, Embree. She weighed 4lbs 4oz and was born with a tumor the size of a volleyball. Embree lived 25 minutes. We learned about the tumor only weeks before.
The tumor was sucking her blood, pushing her organs, deforming her body, and overworking her heart. In the 5 weeks we'd known about it, the tumor grew from the size of a walnut to the volleyball. Those 5 weeks were the hardest of my life.
Read 19 tweets
1) Social security kept my mom afloat to take care of my 2 brothers & sister after my dad died because he couldn't afford his anti-rejection medication that he was getting through Medicare after a kidney transplant caused by kidney failure due to his lifelong battle with diabetes
2) The diabetes that we could barely afford insulin for. In fact, he consolidated his insulin down from 2 vials, to 1 that was a mix in order to save money.
3) It wasn't just my dad's life that was effected. It was my mom's, my siblings and our children who have never had the chance to meet their grandfather.
Read 7 tweets
🟥👇 You know why they want our legislatures? Republicans are trying to get enough states to have a CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION

Then they get to REWRITE the CONSTITUTION.

They need 34
They have 29
And 9 are in play



#nvvotes22 #Nevada #LasVegas
BTW Do you think that's going to be good for anyone but white straight Evangelical right wing men?

Pay attention to your state legislatures and vote blue.

This is a very real threat to the entire country.…

#Nevada #nvvotes22 #LasVegas
The plan 🟥👇

"By taking over state legislatures, Republicans hope to pass conservative amendments that cannot be electorally challenged"…

#LasVegas #Nevada #nvvotes22 #Reno #voteblue
Read 4 tweets
Let's talk #Nevada Elections
& #AdamLaxalt


The 3 TIMES he's run they told Nevadan's not to vote for him AND this time they EVEN endorsed his opponent @SenCortezMasto

So why would you vote for a man whose own family won't?

#NVvotes22 #LasVegas

1/ Image
Laxalt's family tells Nevadans not to vote for him.


October this year.…

#VoteBlue #LasVegas #Reno
#nv #nvvotes22 #hendersonnv #DACA

2/ Image
This is #AdamLaxalt standing in front of a refrigerator truck of dead immigrants that he flew from DC to Texas to see.

Immigrants just coming here for a better life.

2/ Image
Read 21 tweets

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