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🌈 Thread: Exploring the Vibrant Colors of LGBTQ+ Pride 🏳️‍🌈

🟥 🟧 🟨 🟩 🟦 🟪 🟣

LGBTQ Flag Colors meaning Image
$Pride Month is a celebration of love, diversity, and equality. As we adorn ourselves with the beautiful colors of the rainbow, let's dive into the significance of each hue and what they represent for the LGBTQ+ community. #PrideMonth #LGBTQ
🟥 Red: Red symbolizes life and the passion that fuels our fight for equality. It represents the resilience and strength of the LGBTQ+ community, reminding us of the progress we've made and the battles we continue to face. #Red #Passion
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The Power of Pride: A Thread of Love, Resilience, and Celebration 🌈

In the vibrant month of June, we come together to celebrate Pride—a time of love, acceptance, and liberation. Let's embark on a heartfelt journey to explore the origin and profound meaning behind Pride Month,…… Image
Pride Month traces its roots back to the Stonewall Uprising of 1969, when LGBTQ+ individuals stood up against discrimination and fought for their right to exist authentically. This pivotal moment in history ignited a flame that still burns brightly today. #Stonewall50
Pride emerged from the pain and struggle faced by LGBTQ+ people who were marginalized, oppressed, and denied their basic human rights. It stands as a symbol of resilience, a testament to the indomitable spirit that rises in the face of adversity.
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Cada día estamos más cerca mes del orgullo #LGBTIQA+, un momento para celebrar, brillar visibilizarnos, pero también para reflexionar.

Compartiremos varias razones y asuntos para reflexionar y vivir un mes del #orgullo consciente)...

¡Vamos con este hilo🧵! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💪🏽✨
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1) Hasta octubre de 2022, sólo 34 países permiten el matrimonio igualitario, de modo que personas del mismo sexo y género puedan formar una pareja reconocida en derechos civiles.

Alemania, Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bélgica, Brasil, Canadá, Chile...(sigue)
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...Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dinamarca, Ecuador, Eslovenia, España, EEUU,​ Finlandia, Francia, Irlanda, Islandia, Luxemburgo, Malta, México, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Países Bajos,​ Portugal, Reino Unido,​ Sudáfrica, Suecia, Suiza, Taiwán y Uruguay.

¿Y tu país?🤔
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Is ad spend funding an increase in Trans+ hate crime?

Endless anti-trans reporting is driving clicks and ruining lives, and advertisers need to act.

As Joint CEO of LGBTQIA+ advocacy group @Outvertising, let me explain how this works.

A thread 🧵1/ Flowers and tributes to Brianna Ghey laid in Soho Square dur
Brianna Ghey, a 16-year-old trans girl, was stabbed to death in a park in Warrington on February 11th. During the hearing on the following Wednesday, the prosecutor told the court that Brianna's death was "extremely brutal and punishing". 2/
Two teenagers, a boy and girl both aged 15, have now been charged with her murder and will stand trial in July. The police said they were investigating the possibility that it was an anti-trans hate crime. 3/
Read 47 tweets
I happened to marry a person of opposite gender & from my same race (or whatever those categories mean), but that doesn’t mean I’m any less happy for the folks who did it differently. Today love wins. I feel sorry for the folks who don’t feel that way. 🫶 #loveislove
Do yourself a favor and watch: Until We Could, by poet Richard Blanco:

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Mucha gente piensa que vivir en pareja es siempre color de rosa...pero esta es la verdadera realidad.
Vivir con la persona que amas no es lo que todos piensan que es. No te levantas temprano por la mañana para desayunar juntos en la cama o aveces si. No es acurrucarse en la cama juntas hasta que nos dormimos tranquilamente cada noche o a veces si.
No es tener siempre la casa limpia y la comida perfecta recién hecha todos los días o aveces si.
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Proud Boys have changed course and are now targeting trans ppl & LGBT Pride Groups, as reported by Ben Collins on @allinwithchris #inners #pride #PrideMonth #loveislove ImageImageImage
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Today marks the start of Pride Month and at Boyle Street we’re starting out our celebrations with the raising of the Progress Pride Flag!
#Pride2022 #LoveIsLove
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Over our 50 years of serving Edmonton’s vulnerable, we’ve striven to create spaces that were welcoming and inclusive of everyone across the spectrum of human experience. We’re still learning as we grow, but ...
...we’re consistently striving to create awareness, spread knowledge, and value diversity. In our efforts to serve our 2SLGBTQQIA+ clients & colleagues, we’ve interacted & created partnerships with organizations like @chewprojectyeg & the @e2s_2 Edmonton 2 Spirit Society;
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Usted que se oponía, ¿despertó casado con alguien de su mismo sexo? ¿No, verdad?

En Jalisco, el @LegislativoJal por fin aprobó permitir los matrimonios igualitarios.

Votos. 23 a favor, 8 en contra y 3 abstenciones.

Además, se aprobó la Ley de Identidad de Género, dejaron fuera a las infancias trans, pero igual se avanzó mucho.

Aquí fueron 26 votos a favor, 10 en contra y una abstención.
Y bueno, que no se nos olvide que el #MatrimonioIgualitarioJAL es posible desde 2016 que la @SCJN hizo el trabajo que los diputados se negaban a hacer.

Mi opinión, Chema Martinez votó sí porque era inevitable que pasaba la ley, cuando era panista se oponía…
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JOIN US as we mark 31 days of continuous People’s Protest, at Kohuwela junction on Thurs March 31st!💪🏾

It’s heartening to see so many people’s protests not affiliated to political parties over the weekend! It’s time the people realised their power!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImage
Some captures from the Kandy People’s Protest yesterday (Wed)!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
Kollupitiya Peoples Protest continues - some captures from yesterday💪🏾

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
Read 944 tweets
Plis díganme que para éstas horas ya aprovecharon la escena de #JuntaDeVecinos y ya hablaron con sus peques sobre la existencia de otras orientaciones sexuales, además de la heterosexual... Sí aún no lo han hecho les digo xq deberían 🤓... 🧵
Tarde o temprano sus hijos o hermanos, van a googlear sobre lo gay, lo les o lo trans, y es probable que les salga un video porno y así descubran de la existencia de éstas personas, por eso, mejor sean uds los primeros en hablar sobre eso
O imaginen que sus peques, al verlos a uds cerrados o machistas, le han le pregunta sobre lo que es ser gay a la persona incorrecta y ésta se masturbe frente a ellos o meta sus manos debajo de su ropa para 'explicar' lo que es una persona gay...
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As @thedreadmachine's Kickstarter campaign for Mixtape: 1986 progresses, I thought it might be fun to provide some insight into why I voted for each of the 16 stories that made it into the final table of contents.

#editing #publishing #amediting #anthology
(Before I continue this thread, the campaign:…)
1. @Joduckwo's story "One of Those Nice Guys" subverted my expectations by the end of page 1, packing in detail and immediate intrigue that kept me guessing. The ending is tight, which I appreciate after reading so many promising stories that fall apart by the last page.
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At #Pride some will lip-synch for their lives; others still have to fight for theirs. We’re proud to be alongside the #LGBT community to celebrate the progress that has been made and to call for the changes that still need to come. #LoveIsLove #LGBTRights #TransRights #LGBTQ
Reverend Richard Cole discusses with our employment lawyer Alice Ramsey the changes he has seen in his lifetime and what efforts need to be made in order for true equality to exist for the LGBTQ+ community within society
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No tuviste que mentirle a tus padres.
No tienes que ocultar a tu pareja en el trabajo.
No te han marginado en el colegio.
No te han prohibido hablar de tus miedos.
No te han puesto trabas para casarte.
No eres un delincuente en algunas partes del mundo, solo por ser tú.

No te persiguen.
No sientes miedo por tu integridad delante de algunos grupos de gente.
No te preocupa que pongan en duda tu capacidad de criar a un hijo.
No te matan.
Enhorabuena, probablemente seas heterosexual, así que no digas que el #DíaDelOrgullo, el #Pride, no es necesario y que “¿para cuándo el día del orgullo hetero?”
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"Homophobic cowboy gets upset about a pride crosswalk in #Saskatoon."

#skpoli #skpride #yxe

Following investigation, the 71-year-old man from Quill Lake, SK was charged with causing a disturbance and is expected to appear in court in November.

#saskatoon #skpoli
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Questa è Marsha.
52 anni fa Marsha indossò un abito favoloso (era contro la legge farlo) prese la metropolitana diretta verso il Greenwich Village per ballare (in un posto sul crinale dell'illegalità) con altri uomini (era illegale anche questo).
#loveislove #PrideMonth2021
Ballò fino all'una di notte. Lo fece con ragazzini che non avevano una casa e rifiutati dalle proprie famiglie, con prostitute, lesbiche "camioniste" , gay efebici, donne trans e altra gente non-conforme al proprio genere che voleva semplicemente ballare. #loveislove ⬇️
Quello era lo scopo principale dello Stonewall Inn: ballare. La polizia fece una retata, come sempre. Chi indossava un vestito da donna sarebbe stato “controllato” per vedere se i genitali corrispondevano e il tutto doveva incontrare l’approvazione dell’ufficiale in servizio.⬇️
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#Kirche: Klare Entscheidung für Pastor Olaf #Latzel!

Eine Verurteilung wegen #Volksverhetzung in 1. Instanz hält die Bremische Evangelische Kirche nicht davon ab Latzel wieder predigen zu lassen.

Schlimm genug, welche... (1/5)

#Bremen #Bremerhaven…
... menschenfeindlichen Äußerungen der Pastor in den letzten Jahren getätigt hat, aber das man in der Bremischen Evangelischen Kirche (@SabineHatscher) immer noch keine Konsequenzen ziehen will, zeigt das Latzels Ansichten ganz offiziell geduldet werden.

In einer... (2/5)
... offene Gesellschaft geht es auch darum, Stellung zu beziehen, wenn einzelne Bevölkerungsgruppen diffamiert werden (Vgl. "Paradoxon der Toleranz" von Karl Popper). Die Bremische Evangelische Kirche hat diese Chance in der Frage um Pastor Latzel mehrfach vertan.

Als... (3/5)
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This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: 🇺🇸 Democracy and Human Rights
🇺🇸 Only one party will advance the ability of all persons to live with dignity, security, and respect, regardless of who they are or who they love. 1/13
#Democrats will advance the ability of all persons to live with dignity, security, and respect, regardless of who they are or who they love. 2/13 #DemPartyPlatform #LoveIsLove #HumanityFirst
#Democrats will restore the United States’ position of leadership on #LGBTQ+ issues by passing the #GLOBEAct and appointing senior leaders directly responsible for driving and coordinating LGBTQ+ issues at the State Department, USAID, and the National Security Council. 3/13
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Yesterday we shared the story of how we came to care for the solitary tower of Old St Matthew's in Lightcliffe, West Yorkshire.

Although the rest of the church has gone forever, stories of the people who gathered there remain. And one of those is a love story ...

#thread Image
St Matthew's church and tower was still new when the Walker family of Lightcliffe baptised Ann Walker there in 1803. 25 yrs later, after her brother's sudden death on his honeymoon, Ann and her sister inherited the family's estate, Crow Nest (less than a mile from St Matthew's). Image
At around the same time, in nearby Halifax, another heiress, Anne Lister, known locally as 'Captain Tom Lister' (and later 'Gentleman Jack'), took charge of her family home, Shibden Hall.

Ann and Anne had known each other as neighbours for some time ...
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The journey to pride has been a long one for me. 🌈

I am proud to say I am a bisexual man working in sports media.

It shouldn’t matter, but we’re still in an era where it does - hopefully this helps others have less fear about who they are.

🏳️‍🌈#LoveIsLove🏳️‍🌈 #RainbowLaces Image
I grew up in a household where homophobia amongst other things was sadly common.

This meant I kept my feelings to myself out of fear.

Fear of abuse, discrimination, & being known professionally for my sexuality rather than my work.

Not any more.

🏳️‍🌈#LoveIsLove #RainbowLaces
I feel like I've found my true home & so much ❤️ in the #LGBTQ+ community.

I’ve realised that the best way to cause change is through visible representation, & that showing difference is a strength.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

🏳️‍🌈#LoveIsLove🏳️‍🌈 #RainbowLaces
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Today's @GOP: Torn between those who advocate for intolerance and hatred and those who see is purely as a wedge issue to win an election. Almost none willing to simply acknowledge #loveislove and LGBT rights are human rights.…
And this ain't just "Trumpworld". Only 8 Republicans voted for the Equality Act to ensure that the LGBTQ community has equal rights under the law. That should never have been controversial in a nation dedicated to equality.…
When we passed that bill on the floor, the final @GOP amendment was to protect Title IX, on the bizarro-world theory that boys would otherwise change their gender to compete in women's sports. That's not serious policy. It's homophobic / transphobic dog-whistling.
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Ungarn, Polen, Russland, das sind nur die Länder,die aktuell dabei sind, Menschen wie mir wieder Rechte zu entziehen,Menschen wie mich wieder zu behandeln, wie Menschen zweiter Klasse,als seien wir ein Übel,als
seien wir eine ansteckende Krankheit.
Viele andere Länder behandeln Menschen, wie mich noch immer wie Menschen zweiter Klasse, entrechtet und bestraft, auch zum Tode verurteilt, weil wir lieben, wie du!

Als ich klein war, spürte ich bereits, dass ich irgendwie anders war. Ich
hatte lange Zeit keine Begrifflichkeit für das, was in meiner Brust, in meinem Kopf und in meinem Hals hämmerte und keine Ruhe gab, egal wie sehr ich auch versuchte, es zu unterdrücken oder zu ignorieren.
Ich mochte mich noch nie besonders gut leiden, denn ich schämte mich.
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Meet DJ Tal Mor, a renowned DJ in the #LGBTQ+ community in #Israel, and an integral part of the community's colorful soundtrack. Tal shares his personal story, an inside look into the LGBTQ+ community parties, and much more! Enjoy! #loveislove #RainbowTalksIsrael 🏳️‍🌈
This video is the 4th and last in the #RainbowTalksIsrael 🏳️‍🌈 series. Join us to learn more about the LGBTQ community in Israel, from some of their most outstanding members. Each member represents a different color of the Pride flag. Tal represents- Red for LIFE
Music Credits: DJ TAL MOR | ARISA Is Back! | Feb 2020…
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