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0/15 $CANTO has received a lot of attention recently but I haven't seen an all-in-one thread.

So I decided to explore their ecosystem to help you understand what @CantoPublic is, how it works, and is it a ponzi?

🧵 on everything you need to know about $CANTO.
LFG! 🚀
1/ The first thing I noticed is that their website has hacker vibes which might attract degens but may turn away tradfi peeps.

On the tech, Canto is fully EVM compatible, so forking solidity dapps to Canto easy, and Canto is twice as fast as Ethereum (6s vs 12s blocktime).
2/ Canto is originally an $EVMOS fork, using Tendermint consensus and EVM execution layer via Cosmos SDK (but uses metamask).

They are a DeFi-Focused L1, similar to @seinetwork and @0xcarbon, as they have built-in DeFi modules, so it's easier for devs to build DeFi apps on it.
Read 21 tweets
This thread will serve as the foundation for all your investments if you are new to #crypto. I did it, my friends did it, and we all made x100 times our money🧵

1/ Do not buy into the "adoption" dream. When the adoption era arrives...
Do not buy into the "adoption" dream. When the adoption era arrives, this #crypto game is over.
2/ You must understand that #crypto is a game of bullsh*t and narratives, and that the entire industry, Twitter, and communities promote this bullsh*t and illusion to keep more and more retail money pouring out of other people's pockets so they can make gains.
Read 20 tweets
Q: it's 2023. How can I make it in #crypto?

There's no excuse why you can't flip $1K into $1M in 12 months, and this thread will show you how...Learned from one of the Biggest Crypto Whales in the industry

This is how the big boys play the game, and you should jump on board🧵👇
Forget all you think you know about #cryptocurrency before reading these posts.

You must understand something if you are new to #crypto. You're almost certainly going to lose money on this. You are a sheep, drawn to the wolves by greed, delusion, or shilling.
The alt game you've entered is basically a large #ponzi scam with players who've been playing for years.

#Crypto is a game in which the few 'win' at the expense of the many.

You must learn rapidly.
Read 14 tweets
@CasPiancey @BennettTomlin just listened to #ftx podcast. The bit when you discussed the irony re: #coindesk & #digitalcurrencygroup reminded me of one of my favourite (and I believe most under rated in importance) is #coinapult
First a reminder....Bazza Silbert....#DCG was original known as #bitcoin opportunity fund.
Here's a #coindesk article from Oct 2014 covering an investment into #coinapult which included #bitcoinopportunitycorp aka #dcg aka #digitalcurrencygroup
Read 17 tweets
A #Metaverse Beyond #Gaming

Introducing #Exosama Network

• So, what is it?
• How big is it?
• What is the hype around it & @DonnieBigBags?

Get ready to "Expect Chaos" ⚡️


Let's begin with what is @ExosamaNFT Network

• Versatile L1 blockchain with a focus on #gaming, #music, #fashion, and #Metaverse

• High-performance #EVM capability (continuation of EWT tech)

• Ability to bridge to multiple #metaverses and ecosystems

Check out this talk where @DonnieBigBags admits to stumbling upon #NFTs 🤯 and accidentally building the biggest #blockchain game on @Polkadot

@RugRadio @farokh
Read 31 tweets
Community banks have long been targets by bad actors.
With limited resources and capabilities bad actors Trojan their way into the bank to launder their cash.
#communityone #ponzi #communitybank #fraud
with crypto the bad actors waltz in the front door under the guise of digital transformation.
So imagine the world of pain a little community bank will find itself in when its not just suspect accounts they may have inadvertently laundered.
But the great white knight of their local bank thats been part of the community for 100 years is the biggest fraud of them all.
Read 8 tweets
Ok maybe I am 5th quadrant stupid.
But can someone please explain to me wtf is going on here? From the #tron #DAO page....$39.5Billion
Almost all of it is #tether that alone rings more alarm bells than the #hunchback on a 5 day bender mainlining #meth
But its nothing compared to this....I mean wtf....risk free yield 45% on USDT???

#tron #ponzi #fraud #stablecoin #shitcoins #tether
Read 4 tweets
So one thing I've learnt if you are a money launder or scammer stay away from #vatfraud. Ripping off citizen's is low risk but if you tax authorities they will hunt you down. check @nicolaborzi article.…
European #vatfraud appears to be such a small world. reading through the article I recognised the reference to a MTIC VAT fraud scheme.
As it was #vatfraud that brought down #dannybarrs
founder of #globaltransactionservices and his associated #onestopshop favoured by #ponzi promoters for almost a decade.
Read 20 tweets
#ICA published a report recently on managing #crypto regulatory and financial crimes compliance risks 📃

It consisted of expert opinions on the matter 😇

And one of them was Shyft's very own Malcolm Wright @Malcolm_1111 Image
@Malcolm_1111 Interestingly, Malcolm had a lot to say about people who call #crypto a #ponzi scheme!

Those people, according to @Malcolm_1111 are oblivious to the "depth & transformational" capabilities of the changes that #cryptocurrencies have initiated Image
@Malcolm_1111 That is not to say that all is good within the #crypto space 

It, too, has its share of malicious actors 🚨 

However, crypto assets are leading us to a new era of finance by banking on technological advancement, believes @Malcolm_1111
Read 12 tweets
#LBRD is a Strategic Investment Game called P2E3.0 that allows you to skip the Ponzi and focus on social interactivity and fun⚔️🔥
Today we will introduce more details on a thread🧵👇
#NFTGiveaway #P2E
Our product concept is “Blockchain for Communications.”
We are setting out to develop a product where you can enjoy discussing it with your friends.
The more friends you play with, the more fun you have.
#gaming #NFTCommunity…
We have got a same question so many times.
How will the team escape from a Ponzi Scheme? 💦
You can understand from this article how we strategize and prevent the Ponzi with the Utility Token’s Hyper Inflation👀
#p2e #ponzi #NFTs #LBRD…
Read 7 tweets
#Tether - Let's take a look at the team that created USDT and their strange connections - #illegal ones. 🧐

➡️ Origin, core-team and shady connections/frauds

This is a continuation of the last thread, which you can find below ⬇️

[2/x] CHAPTER ONE - #NYAG INVESTIGATION - In the Bitfinex and Tether fraud case

Tether claimed at the outset that it would cooperate with the NYAG, after which it obstructed the handing over of relevant documents and prolonged the process.
Read 29 tweets

Epic Games lance le premier jeu blockchain AAA, sur la boutique de jeux Epic et ses 62 millions de joueurs.

Les détails👇
Grit est un jeu multijoueur Triple-A #freetoplay #playtoearn développé par Gala Games et construit sur Unreal Engine. Situé dans l'Ouest sauvage, les joueurs s'affrontent dans un jeu de battle royale en tant que cow-boys et gagnent des points en fonction de leurs compétences.
Le jeu utilise des #NFT (ERC721) basés sur la blockchain #Ethereum sous forme d'avatars et de chevaux générés dans le jeu, qui permettent de débloquer un potentiel de gains plus important. À l'heure actuelle, Gala Games vend 10 000 #NFTs sur son site officiel.
Read 16 tweets
I would like to post a thread to talk about what is #Ponzi.🧵
Ponzi is named after Charles Ponzi. He is a lair, who creat a fraud named international mail coupons,while actually he lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors.
Therefore, Ponzi uses tricks to leads victims to believe that profits are coming from legitimate business activity. So unless you think Fraud is a neutral word, don't say Ponzi is a neutral word and don't say no Ponzi no blockchain.
It is true that some projects need some subsidies in the early stage, that is subsidies not Ponzi. What is Ponzi? It is a game using the money of new investors as the return of old investors, high profit traps to maintain the illusion of a sustainable business.
Read 6 tweets
$LUNA is not over, read the plan! 🚨🚨🚨👇

In this thread, I will describe the current situation and survival plan for #LUNAtics 🗺️💎

Maybe this is the most important twitt in my life. Don't lose faith and please SHARE IT🙏🔁

First, sympathy to all people affected, I am with you ♥️ I lost a lot of my money too... 😢 We are together 🤝

Whatever the situation you are in at the moment, please remember that it is only money. Only money. Your life is worth more than dollars 💕

IMO $LUNA and $UST was never a #ponzi, but the fact that an effective attack was carried out completely destroyed the project 📛

We're currently in a death spiral, trying to keep peg $UST killing $LUNA tokenomics, the road to zero is inevitable 💀

But we have plan...

3/🧵 Image
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Real world analogy of what happened to #LUNA...

1/ Once upon a time, someone came along, let's call him Do.. and he said "Let me start a new country". I shall call it #TERRA because my country will have digital land

And he did.
2/ But like any country, Do needed a currency. Since the whole world (off chain) used USD, he said. Let me make my own currency, #UST. It will be worth 1:1 to USD and therefore he pegged to this currency and #UST was born
3/ But #UST was worthless because his country had no value. It was just a fake land sitting in the Internet. So Do said "I shall raise money for my country". And to do that I will issue a token called #LUNA and tell people they're all going to the moon with me
Read 21 tweets
This is gonna be an epic 🧵 of show clips that also contain all the intel to give peeps perspective on how important it is 2 keep track of the $vix along with $spy & those epic Goku levels 😁👉this show covered some #Metaverse #NFT tings as also😼👉
This is a clip from the insanely well timed show “Foto 📸” where we not only gave a tour of our @RTFKT #Lootpod & intel on #VirtualRealEstate but also helped peeps a ray of 🌞 in an otherwise very 🌧 late Feb as markets were derisking rapidly $spy #nft
Skeleton Krew 💀 a very aptly named show is definitely also a set look fav cooked up by @directorvale 🙏😻👉 in this show we used discord / show sentiments 2 #TA an instabanger in both $TSLA & $btcusd #Bitcoin  this show was full of all kind of 💎’s

Read 35 tweets
Hoy os voy a destapar la mayor ESTAFA PIRAMIDAL de la historia.

El peor sistema #PONZI, con casi 20 millones de personas atrapadas ACTUALMENTE.

Probablemente TÚ mismo hayas caído en esta #estafa.

Dentro 🧵 de…

Para ahorrar disgustos de los que aún no sean conscientes, quiero empezar este hilo advirtiendo, que si eres trabajador en activo, cuando te jubiles no recibirás lo que te han prometido. Serás uno más de los atrapados en esta estafa.

Y a continuación entenderás por qué:

Se trata de un sistema piramidal en el que se diferencian:

- Jubilados (parte de arriba de la pirámide).
- Trabajadores en activo (parte de abajo de la pirámide).
Read 43 tweets
Understanding (3,3) – Is @OlympusDAO The Future Of #Cryptocurrency, Or Just Another Ponzi? 👇
1/15 Welcome To Olympus

Though @OlympusDAO's team is mostly anonymous, it is the brainchild of Zeus, who ideals for it to become the #decentralized reserve currency of the #cryptocurrency space.

2/15 Instead of pegging their value to a #FIAT currency, @OlympusDAO seeks to back each of their native tokens $OHM through a basket of #cryptocurrency assets much like a centralized bank.
Read 17 tweets
Hi @hmblank , Fijn dat je reageert, ook omdat je vraag over #bitcoin als scam-/#ponzi-platform een fundamentele is. Ik doe een hierbij draadje om je van repliek te dienen. Ik pak daarbij een viertal van je tweets mee.
Ik wil toch eerst bezwaar maken tegen je argumentatie in deze 👇 tweet. Populair gezegd: "Geen #bitcoin hebben is bek houden". Dat is een klassieke drogreden (…) die erg populair is onder Bitcoiners.
(En de zin fiat & skin in the game beats logic.)
Je kernvraag is of ik een onderscheidende eigenschap kan noemen die #bitcoin tot een #scam/#ponzi/#piramidespel maakt. OK!
Maarre, #ponzi scheme is goed gedefinieerd begrip en mensen die het gebruiken wegzetten als 'intellectueel lui' is niet sterk.…
Read 12 tweets
#Blockchain teknolojisinin 10 yılı aşkın süredir hala günlük hayata dokunamaması ve #bitcoin nereye 3000 coin oraya ise #Btc bana göre şuan #ponzi nin kralı. #Proje çok iyi sözleri şuan için boş. Bunu çok kez gördük. Projesi çok iyi dediğimiz paralar bile dibe vurmuş. Hala ++
#bitcoin den ayrılmamış. #Decentralized diye öve öve bitirelemeyen sistemin #btc nin fiyat aksiyonunu birebir tüm piyasada uygulayan robotların eline geçmiş olduğunu bir tek ben mi görüyorum? Fanatik olmaya gerek yok amacımız para kazanmak. Para neredeyse oradayım. Bu aralar o ++
yüzden çok fazla #yatırım yapmıyorum. #IDO #whitelist #airdrop #gem kovalıyorum. Güzel haberi olan bir #coin olursa alıyorum.#Para akışı şuan bu yönde ama böyle #Blockchain sistemi de olmaz çünkü #yatırım yaptığı şeyin teknolojisine whitepaperine tokenomiğne dikkat eden yok ki! +
Read 9 tweets
Shouldn't have touched my friend.

Don't listen to somebody who runs a literal ponzi AND pyramid scheme @goldsilver_pros. Thanks for posting a rebuttal page Richard that makes it easy.

Let's run through #HEX shall we? 👇

First off, you need a bit of humility. 30 =/= 8.5 (or 28) Image
From your own page.

- You ADMIT HEX is backed *by air*. "Whatever" is a very large range, and that includes Zero.

- Your argument against Bitcoin being a scam is "people own it". People are easily fooled.

- Ethereum isn't a scam, but there's no calls on its longevity either. Image
Finally the bottom one. There is a KEY difference that makes Bitcoin and HEX substantially different:

The process of mining costs labor/resources. Simply locking up cash, doesn't.

"Anybody wanna pay me dollars for funny money? i'll give you more funny money later!"
Read 22 tweets

In the run up to the #USPresidentialElections2020 when the characters & stories seem more mind-boggling than ever, it can be difficult to discern...
'How the fuck did the world end up here'?

Some great answers/insight here #Kleptopia 👏📕
Uncivil & Outright Criminal Behaviour seems to have been normalised throughout societies everywhere;

- Politics
- Crony Capitalism
- Social Media
- Reality TV
... Even Sport 🧐

I've tried to get my head around it with the help of some good books & following smart journo's Image

To understand the rise of;
-Strongman leaders
-Shady financiers

& other maniacal actors worldwide, there's some good reading in the pics below & above👀

#politicains #bankers #crooks #spooks #crime #money #power Image
Read 26 tweets
@dan_azzi was so successful in servicing #Iranian customers in #Dubai dodging sanctions, @StanChart promoted him for their #Hezbollah customers in #Lebanon. This is why Dan has never criticized #Hezbollah or the #Taliban. He's a #terrorist banker for hire.… ImageImageImageImage
Further evidence @dan_azzi was complicit in #moneylaundering for #terrorists. The reason he sold @StanChart in #Lebanon is because of @BDL_Lebanon compliance in #FATCA which prevented CEO Dan in washing #Hezbollah money. Now you know why he hates @RiadSalemeh so much.
#FinCEN ImageImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets

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