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1/10 🧵🔮 #CryptoNews: Gemini's latest update states that Digital Currency Group (#DCG) missed a $630M payment due to Genesis last week 💔

🤔 As complex as it sounds, let's break it down in #crypto language


2/10 Gemini is now working alongside #Genesis, #DCG, and their creditors to provide some leeway to DCG to prevent a default. This could be a game-changing move in the crypto lending space. 🎲
3/10 Both Genesis and #CoinDesk are owned by DCG. This is significant because it means there's a lot of interconnection within the crypto industry, and one misstep can cause a domino effect. 🌐
Read 10 tweets
👏 @WhatBitcoinDid calling out @Sonnenshein, #Grayscale, @DCGco, and #EmperorShillbertine for the frauds they are. Recall they used #GeminiEarn customer money to pay themselves and prop up their fraudcoins like $GBTC...

Remember the prophecy folks... Image
Read 5 tweets

La capacité d'autofinancement (CAF)

#BTSCG #DCG #DSCG #compta #comptabilite #expertcomptable #inflation #parcoursup
Qu'est ce que la CAF ?

La capacité d’autofinancement est la trésorerie potentielle dégagée par l’activité courante de l’entreprise au cours d’un exercice.
A quoi sert-elle ?

-Autofinancer les nouvelles immobilisations, les stocks et décalage de paiement
-Consolider la trésorerie
-Rembourser le capital emprunté
-Rémunérer les actionnaires (verser des dividendes)
Read 7 tweets

Les soldes intermédiaires de gestion (SIG)

#BTSCG #DCG #DSCG #compta #comptabilite #expertcomptable #inflation #parcoursup
Quel est son objectif ?

Il permet d'analyser la formation du résultat de l'exercice.

Il est composé de

-La marge commerciale
-La production de l'exercice
-La valeur ajoutée
-Le résultat d'exploitation
-Le résultat courant avant impôt
- Le résultat de l'exercice
La marge commerciale


Ventes de marchandises
- cout d’achat des marchandises vendues
qui correspond aux (achats de marchandises (+ou-) la variation de stock de marchandise)

La marge commerciale est calculée pour les entreprises faisant de l'achat revente de marchandises
Read 14 tweets
-Thread- FINANCE

Le diagnostic financier

#BTSCG #DCG #DSCG #compta #comptabilite #expertcomptable #inflation #parcoursup
Qu'est ce que le diagnostic financier

Il sert à porter un jugement sur les forces et faiblesses d’une entreprise.

C'est donc une aide à la décision pour deux acteurs économique
-le dirigeant
-les investisseurs.
Ce diagnostic porte:

-Sur l'analyse de l'activité, dans le but de savoir si l’entreprise est profitable ou rentable (capacité à générer un bénéfice)

-Sur l'examen de l'équilibre financier, dans le but de savoir si les immobilisations sont financées par des ressources durables.
Read 6 tweets
Claims that DCG Grayscale's $btc / $eth trust are ponzis and/or on the verge of collapse is FUD from #crypto twitter void of facts and rational thought.

🧵 I outline why grayscale's $gbtc is positioned for a 100% annualized return in the next 12 months:

Data below.
/1 #grayscale funds are safe

#Coinbase Custody Trust is the custodian of Grayscale’s bitcoin, who reaffirmed that #DCG's Grayscale’s bitcoin assets are secured and not used as collateral in a manner similar to FTX:
/2 Why?
US-domiciled public crypto exchanges under US regulatory supervision are solvent. All exchange catastrophes we’ve witnessed have been a byproduct of unregulated off-shore crypto firms domiciled in The Bahamas, Antigua, Hong-Kong or some other far-away land ....
Read 25 tweets
Fud này có hợp thức hóa việc MM kill market thêm 1 lần nữa trước thềm Shanghai?

Thread đọc phần dưới

#BTC #BNB #ETH #Shanghai #Altcoin #CZ #Futures #Fud #Gemini #Geminiearn #DCG #Greyscale
1, Gemini earn ( GE ) => users tham gia để earn với APY 8% => Gemini đem cho Genesistrading vay 1.7B => Đem cho DCG => Greyscale vay => Buy the dip BTC, 3AC => Khoản nợ chưa thể thu hồi => GUSD ( Gemini USD) => Gemini ngừng nạp rút => Yêu cầu Genesistrading trả nợ
2, Genesis cắt giảm nhân sự lên đến 30%, và đang có nguy cơ phá sản cao. Việc nguy cơ phá sản sẽ công bố sau vụ kiện. Nếu không đủ khả năng chi trả thì sẽ có đệ đơn phá sản Chappter 11
Read 11 tweets
🚨.@GenesisTrading laid off 30% of its employees and is "considering" filing for bankruptcy according to @WSJ.…

1. How did genesis end up here?
2. How does this gonna affect the market and why should you care?

A explain thread.
Now, Who is #Genesis?

Genesis "was" a leading CeFi platform that provides mainly lending services for institutions.

A lending platform usually borrows money from one side and lends the borrowed money to the other side to profit from the interest gap.

That's what CeFi does.
But #Genesis is not independent, it is under the control of @DCGco and @BarrySilbert.

#GrayScale is also part of the group.

That's why you see @cameron battling Barry on CT with an open letter.
Read 21 tweets
Apparently 4 months ago #DCG and #Grayscale / $GBTC were suddenly "actively searching" for a Security Architect specifically for "cloud security standards" and "risk assessment"...

curiously tagged with #CISSP (computer security designer) and not, for instance, #compliance.

👆 maybe I'm projecting but that looks to me like the job listing I might post at the moment I was scrambling to recover from a security breach #DCG #Grayscale $GBTC
Here's some reasons about the wording used, the timing, and a couple other things made me at least raise my eyebrows:…
Read 6 tweets
1/4 Get ready for a potentially bumpy ride this week, #Bitcoin, #Ethereum and #altcoin traders! Here are 3 reasons why:

🧵A thread by @esatoshiclub
2/4Tensions are rising as #Winklevoss, co-founder of #Gemini, calls out #DCG founder Barry Silbert over $900 million in locked customer funds. Crypto Twitter is speculating about potential liquidity issues at #DCG and the impact on #GBTC and #ETHE positions held by #Grayscale.
3/4 Fear is high and #liquidity is low as we continue to see drama unfold between DCG and Gemini. Sentiment in the #crypto market remains down, with most market participants not feeling bullish and hesitant to take on risk. The current index sits at 26 out of 100.
Read 4 tweets
1/6 Digital Currency Group #DCG and its subsidiaries are facing liquidity issues stemming from the #FTX collapse. This has led Gemini to halt its Earn Program. But why? Let's find out. 👇

🧵A thread by @esatoshiclub
2/6 #Genesis, a crypto lending company and a subsidiary of #DCG, suspended redemptions and new loan originations on November 16 due to the market turmoil caused by #FTX.
3/6 This has led to Gemini, founded by Cameron Winklevoss, halting its Earn Program which relied on Genesis for lending services. Winklevoss has accused DCG founder Barry Silbert of “bad faith stall tactics” claiming that Genesis owes Gemini customers approximately $900 million.
Read 6 tweets
1/4) Reading between the lines @cameron letter concerns me deeply by drawing an analogy between @DCGco & #FTX.

Entertain me for a couple of tweets…

“Related party undisclosed loan”

Sounds like Alameda <> FTX loans
2/4) “Used to do a share buy back”

Sounds like the #FTX share buy back of @cz_binance shares.

“Do some crazy venture investment”

Sounds like #FTX venture investing

“Pump the #GBTC AUM & value”

Sounds like pumping $FTT
3/4) “You didn’t borrow? You did a promissory note?”

That’s the mechanism Alameda used to lend money to @FTX_Official executives & @SBF_FTX

I had to call out #Celsius

CZ had to call our #FTX

Cameron & others I respect are now calling out #DCG
Read 4 tweets
Su Zhu, the founder of 3AC, tweeted that #DCG and #FTX conspired to attack #LUNA and $stETH.

Is the depegging of stETH/ETH in June related to #FTX?

Let's try to find some evidence on chain.

Address: 0xd5c6a038950b977969e66f4823fd813c67048ba0

This address withdrew 110,286 $stETH ($216M) from Anchor Protocol when UST/LUNA crashed, and transferred all 110,286 $stETH to #FTX on June 8th.

After that, stETH/ETH began to depeg.

The address "0xd5c6" is a new address and received 12 $ETH from #FTX as gas fee.

After transferring all $stETH to #FTX, he transferred the remaining 10.5 $ETH back to #FTX.

We cannot be sure that the address "0xd5c6" belongs to @SBF_FTX, but it is very likely.
Read 7 tweets
1/ Loved Delphi's DeFi report 📖💰

It's the most comprehensive report I've read on DeFi 👀

Kudos to @ashwathbk, @yeak_ and editors by @Kevin_Kelly_II, Brian M h/t @Delphi_Digital

Sharing my take on their themes + projects I want (and don't) to fund in 2023

1/41 🧵
2/ Setting the stage, Decentralized Finance has gotten crushed in the bear market

Most blue chip DeFi tokens down 80-90% and the longer tail of tokens down more

What's hard to see in the price charts are the teams that just gave up or disbanded. This will take time to show up
3/ The authors call out DeFi's growth headwinds

- DeFi products are speculation based
- Onboarding is difficult
- Retaining users is hard
- Overall UX of the space is far from ideal
Read 47 tweets
there's a number of B Transfer services in Africa.
and collectively owe a few bucks to their BTC Africa Luxembourg parent.
Their numbers have been less than spectacular.
Read 12 tweets

Problemi con i whitdraw di @eToroItalia @eToro ?

1/ In un tweet, @lastknight riporta il post Linkedin di @lforesti dal quale risulta che il CEO di Santagostino e altre persone hanno avuto difficoltà nel ritirare i propri fondi da #eToro.

No FUD, just Verify ⬇️ Image
2/ Nella giornata di ieri ha fatto molto discutere il post di @lforesti dove dice che la sua richiesta di bonifico, effettuata l'11 Novembre non è stata ancora evasa. Lo stesso autore del post si chiede se ci siano problemi di liquidità per la nota piattaforma di trading Image
3/ Pare inoltre che anche altri utenti abbiano avuto simili problemi con la piattaforma. Tuttavia non ci sono comunicazioni ufficiali al riguardo da parte di @eToroItalia@eToro ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
@CasPiancey @BennettTomlin just listened to #ftx podcast. The bit when you discussed the irony re: #coindesk & #digitalcurrencygroup reminded me of one of my favourite (and I believe most under rated in importance) is #coinapult
First a reminder....Bazza Silbert....#DCG was original known as #bitcoin opportunity fund.
Here's a #coindesk article from Oct 2014 covering an investment into #coinapult which included #bitcoinopportunitycorp aka #dcg aka #digitalcurrencygroup
Read 17 tweets

债权人超 10 万名,对前 50 大债权人的负债规模约 13 亿美元,其中拖欠最大债权人 Ankura 信托公司约 7.3 亿美元,拖欠第二大债权人 FTX US 2.75 亿美元。

目前仅持有 2.569 亿美元现金。

上面说了它欠了FTX 2.75亿美元。

但SBF在 6 月份为当时濒临破产的BlockFi提供了紧急融资。

不过和FTX关系紧密的 Alameda 又在 11 月初拖欠了 BlockFi 6.8 亿美元的抵押贷款。

BlockFi现在起诉了SBF,要求其交出作为借款的抵押品—— Robinhood的股票(HOOD)。

起诉书称,BlockFi 曾于 11 月 9 日与 Emergent 达成协议,通过质押股票作为担保来保证未具名借款人的付款义务,但在申请破产之前的几天里,SBF 一直私下试图出售 Robinhood 股票。
Read 8 tweets
1/ Negli ultimi giorni c’è molto timore dietro i token wrapped di Bitcoin. Ho già sollevato qualche qualche giorno fa la questione di wBTC, ma facciamo un piccolo recap perché ci sono delle cose che DEVI sapere!

2/ C’è una forte incertezza dietro al token #renBTC per via del suo legame con #alamedaresearch. Ma, a differenza di #wBTC possiamo vedere che il suo valore è ancora peggato, sostanzialmente perché c’è ancora il collaterale a sostenerne il prezzo…
3/ La bancarotta di #alameda ha prosciugato le casse del team che sta dietro il progetto. Per questo chiuderà l’attuale versione di #ren in favore di una sorta di #renDAO. Qui @renprotocol ci spiega tutti i dettagli:

Read 14 tweets
1/ The journey of @iota [MONSTER THREAD] - From the top 5 token to the top 50 token and why it will at least get back into the top 5.
2/ #IOTA was founded in 2015 with the aim and vision of developing a #DLT protocol in which people and machines, can communicate via data & value tx permissionless, feeless, efficient and with the least technical requirements -
With a high level of security, decentralization…
3/ …and Scalability➡️blockchain trilemma.
They also wanted to develop their own #smartcontracts, #oracles, #identity solutions, etc.

At that time they already attracted the attention of the then much smaller #crypto community.

Read 87 tweets
موضوع: تحلیل سبد سرمایه گذاری 15 شرکت معتبر سرمایه گذاری #کریپتوکارنسی
1-اعلام #رمزارز های مشترک در #پرتفوی شرکتها
2-معرفی پروژه ها و توکن های فوق ، پتانسیل رشد و ارائه توضیحات شخصی
در صورتی که محتوا مناسب و دارای جنبه های آموزشی برای سایرین است لطفا #ریتویت کنید.
لیست شرکت های سرمایه گذاری بررسی شده:
#a16z #polychain #boostvc #dcg #hashkey #pantera#Placeholder_Ventures #cms_holding #blockchain #Coinfund#fabric_ventures#CMS_Holdings #binance_labs#Multicoin#DragonFly
خیلی مهم- رمزارزهای ذیل صرفا انتخاب کارشناسان شرکت های فوق است و زمان خرید آنها توسط شرکت های فوق فاکتور خیلی مهمی است، به نفع شماست که بدون تحلیل، تحقیق و بررسی، آنها را معیار سرمایه گذاری خود قرار ندهید.

توکن های مشترک در پرتفوی سرمایه گذاری شرکتهای بررسی شده: Image
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