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Interna #PRO

Para presidente:
Qué dulce … 😗
Relax 😎 Image
Es una pena realmente, que personas que seguramente votarán a JxC como yo, salieron “como kirchnereristas” a atacarme, e incluso buscando otros tuits!
Mandaron MD para salir a “trolearme” ¿…?
Obviamente que me llegan porque soy macrista de la 1ra. hora.
Lo puse a HRL hasta 1!
Read 6 tweets
New iOS in #Markets

Indian #Options Speculators.

There has been a huge surge in #Retail and #Proprietary trading in #Options and more specifically in #Index Options.

The Data & Charts below are just #Crazy and getting crazier.
1) #Retail Participation went through the roof in 2021

Some Moderation now in 2022-2023

#Retail in Cash Market From 3 cr in Jan 20 to 11.7 cr in 2021.
#Retail at 3.2 cr participants March 23.

3x jump in all participation from Jan 20 !! Image
2) Everyone is an #Option Trader

#FIIs are just 9.5% of #IndexOptions Premium Turnover !!! From 21% in Fy20.

45% is #Domestic Prop ( #Broker trading on its own behalf )

35% is #Retail.
Retail + pro = 80%
#Retail is almost 4x of #FIIs.

Btw #FIIs own 20% of India. Image
Read 12 tweets
1- CW.. #Pro-Life, #WholeLife & #assaultweaponbans

If you don’t think protecting tiny school children from being slaughtered with military style assault weapons at their elementary school is a pro-life issue, will you at least consider re-considering?
2-But the 2nd amendment…

There were cheers when the US Sp Ct ruled in Dobbs that a right to abortion was not rooted in our nation’s history or tradition or explicitly enumerated in the Bill of Rights. I am among those pleased at the opportunity to protect all human life.
3-the military style assault weapons being used repeatedly to terrorize & murder children & innocents going about their lives didn’t exist when the 2nd Amendment was written. AR-15s and other military/LE weapons weren’t even fathomable then & their protection shouldn’t be now.
Read 8 tweets
1/🔍SEC Chairman Gensler suggests Proof-of-Stake (PoS) tokens may be securities under the Howey Test, but @Conste11ation's $DAG with Proof-of-Reputable-Observation (PRO) evades this definition. Let's dive in!🧵…
2/💡PoS tokens raise concerns as investors expect returns by purchasing and staking tokens. However, in @Conste11ation's PRO, tokens are bonded to increase the reputation of a node, not directly tied to utility.
3/📈With $DAG, tokens are directly tied to bandwidth, not mere staking for returns. This distinction separates $DAG from other PoS tokens and potentially keeps it out of the SEC's securities classification.
Read 7 tweets
Con todo respeto, su nota es #Larretista. Dentro de #PRO aún no hubo elecciones @fstraface ⤵️
“La grieta también tendría un determinante moral, porque quienes están “del otro lado” subvierten con sus acciones valores de integridad, libertad y defensa de la vida”.
“La propuesta de Horacio Rodríguez Larreta es disruptiva para la política as usual, pero casi de sentido común para quienes ven el progresivo deterioro del país. ¿Por qué vamos a insistir en ese camino si sabemos que no funciona?”, textual.
Su olvido de mencionar que #CFK está condenada, que #Massa es parte de este gobierno kirchnerista, se nota.
“Por supuesto que en el kirchnerismo hay episodios y personas asociadas que demandan una condena ética y el accionar de la Justicia”.
Read 9 tweets
Dr. Alan Anderson here to present #crizanluzumab (which is approved for age >16 to prevent VOE) and its effect on #priapism. Long prescreening to capture these occ events. Needed 4 in prescreening 14 weeks. 1/n #ASH22 Image
24 patients met the eligibility criteria. Received 5 mg/kg and then q4 weeks and checked outcome at week 26 and treated for 52 weeks. Also reported #PRO. #ASH22 2/n
This is the baseline data -- first reported at age 13-17 years, often daily or every other day. If this is surprising to you, think about how you are asking your #SCD pts about #priapism? It has a significant impact on their life! #ASH22 3/n Image
Read 6 tweets
[#Thread] Aujourd'hui, j'ai eu des questions sur le #Bitcoin d'une collègue femme de 57 ans.

Elle en a entendu parlé sur la route du travail à la #radio et notamment à cause de l'effondrement de la livre Turque.

J'ai donc essayé de lui expliquer le plus clairement possible ⬇️
Déjà, je tiens à rappeler que les femmes aussi s'intéressent au #Bitcoin, même si elles sont peu nombreuses.

Ensuite, ce qui m'a touché dans la démarche, c'est l'âge avancé de cette personne et qu'elle ne fasse pas partie de la génération #internet.

Mais sans aucun préjugé.
Une dernière chose, ce #thread n'a pas pour vocation d'aborder les aspects les plus techniques. Les maximalistes y verront peut-être des incohérences.

Le but est de faire comprendre avec des #images et des termes simples le caractère fondamental du #Bitcoin et son environnement.
Read 22 tweets
#internas #Argentinas 🇦🇷
Provincia de Buenos Aires

Es @diegosantilli es el #PRO y se sumarán los ya candidatos que sume la #UCR.
Votá como quieras, pero el voto útil es el de @juntoscambioar

¿Cómo quedaría la Lista a Noviembre?

#JxC en Provincia de Buenos Aires, @diegosantilli 🆚 @ManesF:

2do. lugar con 30%:

La minoría se integrará en los lugares titulares de Noviembre los lugares 3, 8, 13, 23, 28 y 33 (y suplente 5)

#Santilli 🆚 #Manes

Diferencia mayor al 30%?

#Santilli 🆚 #Manes
Con más del 30% y hasta el 40% de los votos válidos emitidos, la minoría se intercalará para la Boleta General de las #PASO2021 de #Noviembre2021 en los lugares titulares:
3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 y 33.
(Suplentes: 3, 6 y 9)

Si @ManesF saca más?
Read 9 tweets
Passage of the #PRO Act is the top priority of the labor movement. It is supported by the AFL-CIO and its 56 affiliated unions. The #PROAct has also been endorsed by unaffiliated international unions and a wide variety of civil rights, religious, and environmental organizations.
Strengthening outdated labor law is key to rebuilding the economy and restoring fairness to the workplace. We urge you to support this vital legislation.
To date, you have heard from workers, union leaders, and allied organizations about the urgent need to pass the #PROAct, which would give workers a voice at the table to bargain for better wages, retirement, health and safety standards, and other vital benefits.
Read 25 tweets
Hago un comentario sobre @Stolbizer, y las respuestas suelen ser... raras.
Son #paso2021 y @mauriciomacri no compite.
Me gustaría que quienes trabajan para el gobierno o tengan algún interés “especial- monetario” por tal o cual candidato/a, no hagan un juicio.
Tuiteo con la mía!
Y tuiteo CON LA MÍA, porque lo que está en juego es la República. No digo que la usuaria sea tal o cual cosa.
No hago juicios de valores. Es solo un ejemplo, y porque me ha contestado.
¿Sin son del #Pro?, ya sabíamos quién ganaba una interna que debió darse.
¿Por qué a mi?
Tengo la misma libertad de expresarme a igual que todos/as.
Tampoco soy un afiliado al #PRO.
Una pregunta: ¿no hicieron elecciones internas en el Pro para elegir a @PatoBullrich presidente?
¿No le armaron una lista opositora interna?
¿Fue un consenso o un arreglo partidario?
Read 10 tweets
#Arg 🇦🇷
El expresidente Mauricio Macri fue entrevistado en @todonoticias este jueves.
El fundador del #PRO y líder de @juntoscambioar, respondió a las preguntas de las oficialistas Luciana Geuna y Maru Duffard.

Qué bien manejó la ironía con las “entrevistadoras”✌🏽🚩Geuna, y la Duffard, la que fue a cubrir el lanzamiento del libro de su Jefa #SinceraMiente y persiguió “al Beto moderado”, en su primera gira por México 🇲🇽

La candidata? ANTONIA 😁

Querida @mariuvidal, piense!
Si querida propiedad privada está en riesgo!
No, no vivís en un termo!
Lo que buscabas quizás, se me ocurre, digo...que por ahí querías que @mauriciomacri te hable del Papá Francisco y mañana “armar una polémica”.
Otro fragmento de @todonoticias #VC
Read 13 tweets
[Ahora] Congreso provincial del PRO
en #Bariloche

📍 Nacimiento de un movimiento anti-tomas que trabajará en retomar el estado de derecho; se invita a los que quieran colaborar con la causa.

"Tenemos que ser los defensores de las víctimas y del estado de derecho. Bienvenidos los que quieran colaborar y sumarse"
"Necesitamos en partido fuerte que les de representación al vecino y a los ciudadanos [en Río Negro] Hoy lo tenemos". 💪
Read 7 tweets
#WatchtheState: Our weekly update on patterns of State violence in India.

Here's a quick review of reported instances of State violence. @project_polis

Follow the thread for more:
#AllIndiaRadio Has Downgraded National Languages to Regional Ones: The decision to shut down the central news units of #AIR in several Indian languages in Delhi & shift them to their state capitals is in line with the hegemony of Hindi. @thewire_in…
Following Assault on Muslim Boy Outside UP Temple, Hindutva Groups Harden Communal Rhetoric: Emboldened by Police not opposing bail to prime accused, right-wing groups are using the situation to fuel hatred. @thewire_in…
Read 28 tweets
Gather round ya’ll, It’s time for class!

This one is called "Stop Repeating History: Finding Solutions for Fall 2020 #Pandemic Schooling that are Rooted in Partnership and Humanity" (Note: It is not sexy).

To know how to move forward, first, we have to look back.
Here, we look back to the inception of public education in the United States, and how it has always been situated in capitalistic enterprise for better, and mostly, for worse.

This is a hefty thread. I use it to build context. So often, we separate ourselves from the past.
We are in grave danger of repeating it. As you find your position, I hope this synthesis will support your stance, particularly one that is #pro-kid and one that will undo anti-capitalism in schooling.

Through this brief surfacing of American History, I hope families and…
Read 45 tweets
1/n #Thread on excerpts from an #essay "A #group is its own worst enemy" by Clay #Shirky ( #Social #software)

Original article can be found here -…

2/ hardly anybody really studies how to #design #software for human-to-human interaction.

so many of them just throw things together and allow themselves to be surprised by the social interactions that develop around their software.
3/ As soon as the Internet happened, s/w stopped being solely about computer-to-human interaction and started being about human-to-human interaction. We had new applications like the Web, email, IM and forums, all of which were abt humans communicating with 1 another through s/w.
Read 17 tweets
Slowly digesting #ASCO20. Lots of fantastic patient-reported outcomes #PRO work incl in #phase1 #oncology.

5 presentations that caught my attention:
1/5 eRAPID (#7002) @DrKateAbsolom @UniversityLeeds.
💡RCT of weekly #PRO reporting and self-mx vs usual care for pts on chemo.
❗️ ⬆️early sx control, self-efficacy and #QOL w/o increasing clinical workload.
❓adapt for IO/ targeted therapy, monitoring during #COVID19
2/5 Creating composite PRO-CTCAE scores (#7018) @BiostatGirl @EthanBasch1
💡Developed algorithm for composite scores for PRO-CTCAE, combining frequency, severity and interference into a single metric like CTCAE.
❗️Will aid PRO-CTCAE uptake/ interpretation in trials/ routine care
Read 7 tweets
It's that time again, folks: Apple Day 2019. Let's see what we're gonna get.

Follow along with our livetweets here, and check out the liveblog for even more:
The opening video is a reminder of Apple's more iconic devices, Mac, iMac, etc. #AppleEvent
Let's get right to it! First up: App Store #AppleDay
Read 84 tweets
Abrimos hilo de jingles electorales de la campaña Argentina 2019. Pueden ir agregando abajo a medida que les lleguen nuevos. Arrancamos con @Kicillofok candidato a gobernador PBA: no sabemos si es oficial, pero nos divirtió mucho y es bastante pegadizo
Seguimos con @SergioMassa candidato a presidente por Alternativa Federal. Con la melodía de "No te creas tan importante", el jingle "Sergio Massa presidente"

#ComPol #Argentina #Jingles #Massa
"Acá está / Kicillof / Para volver a la inclusión social" dice el estribillo de este reggaeton que también impulsa la candidatura de @Kicillofok para gobernador de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.

#ComPol #Argentina #Jingles #Massa
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@Jay_Severin Ann used Saul Alinsky tactics and called concerned citizens conspiracy theorists over a son of a Mitch and a$2,125 bil kickback
@Jay_Severin She owes us and Glenn an apology which is the only reason I will tune in to her Monday
@Jay_Severin She sounds like she is out of touch with Glenn and viewers I am even more proud of Glenn now He handled a curve ball great #Pro
Read 4 tweets

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