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1/ BREAKING - #Budget2023 🧵 is now live

Chancellor @Jeremy_Hunt is on his feet and starting to give his speech. I'll be tweeting live on anything related to NHS pensions in particular (& lots of changes expected so pay attention!)

Read to the end, & RT once you have!
2/ There has been intense media speculation over the last week so we are expecting that will be movement on #pension taxation as per the headline of the @Telegraph yesterday.... so lets see what makes it to the FINAL budget 🍿
3/ Please make sure you read to the end

As with all of these things #TheDevilisInTheDetail, this 🧵 will expand during the chancellors speech, & finally detail will be added once the budget documents are added later this PM (including any required addenda as more detailed known)
Read 19 tweets
Your cash balance is the result of the decisions you make every day in your business.

If you're in a cash-burn mode, you must have a path to profitability. Understand the levers to pull with my 5 Pillar SaaS Metrics Framework.

Quick summary. #saas
I use my framework as a roadmap to financial transparency and better decision-making in SaaS.

Move from left to right. Right metrics for the right stage of your business. #metrics Image
Pillar 1️⃣ - Growth📈

Understanding the “layers” of recurring revenue is key to understanding growth.

➡️ New
➡️ Expansion
➡️ Contraction
➡️ Churn Image
Read 8 tweets
1/ Pleased that the government finally appear to be listening mode 👇as to what will work (addressing root cause of the "doctors tax" as they call it - AA & LTA) rather than what wont work (massivley complex flexibility)

Some thoughts, please read & RT
2/ First things first - the obvious point. Whilst both taxes (AA & LTA) important, AA is significantly more of an issue than the LTA (& also has complexity of tapering). But lets take them in turn
3/ Weve been hearing for a while that government know the LTA is a problem for higher earner in the NHS. @BorisJohnson hinted that he will "fix it" in 2019
Read 12 tweets
🚧Now and then, it's necessary to take a step back with the #GoogleAnalytics4 Lifecycle report & optimize your conversion funnel to its top form.

Get answers for all your funnel questions & user behaviour + #GA4 reports about demographic data, events, and conversions.🚀
#Acquisition reports show where your traffic originates and how users land on your website.

✅Users, where do new ones come from? The results are based on the first user.

#TrafficAcquisition is where you find the source of the new sessions. The results > are based on session.
Next! Engagement reports that let you see how users engage with your website.

✅You can use the sub-sections called Events or #ConversionEvents to determine which creates the most #UserEngagement. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) En...
Read 5 tweets
We are all being rightly encouraged to be #efficient in our trial design & conduct. Efficiency comes primarily through design choices … whether classic or more modern efficient designs … a few reflections below 1/7
A #crossover design can be highly efficient. Each person acts as their own control removing large element of variation, making the design more powerful. The outcome needs to be short term however & the intervention can’t have a long-standing effect 2/7… Image
This is particularly the case when a cluster design is also in play. A #ClusterCrossover design can majorly reduce the sample size requirements compared with a std cluster design. A good primer on this was published by @karlahemming and colleagues 3/7… ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Trying to retain your hospitalist???

Many #Hospitals and health systems struggling to retain hospitalists, why new thinking is needed?

I have made it easy for you.

@ACHEConnect @PhysiciansLead @BeckersHR @TodaysHospital
Why retain a #hospitalist?
- cost 50 to 100 k in lost productivity, recruitment of new hire
- extra cost of having #Locums and #PRNs
- Quality of care may be affected
- LOS increases by .5 days or more as per data
-takes from 6 to 12 months to get the replacement
- unstable team
What to do: I believe follows a simple process.

1. Listening/Feedback Session:
Listen to individual hospitalists:
- #surveymonkey is not okay here
- Set up a 1:1 #listening session and act on the feedback
-feel to be heard and problems acted upon
Read 14 tweets
#RapportRetention2021 | Notre webinaire de présentation du rapport organisé avec @forumrefugies @Franceterdasile @GroupeSOS et #SolidariteMayotte commence dans 30 mn

Retrouvez les moments forts en #LiveTweet ici avec nous ⬇
🔴 Le webinaire #RapportRetention2021 commence
Au programme
🔹La rétention, késako ?
🔹2021 en chiffres
🔹Le cas particulier de l’Outre-Mer
🔹Le non-respect par l’administration des décisions de justice
🔹La rétention au temps de Covid19
🔹Intervention Dominique Simonnot @CGLPL
Jean-François Ploquin de @forumrefugies ouvre le webinaire avec le lancement de la vidéo de présentation du rapport et de la #rétention administrative en 2021
Read 35 tweets
🔴 Depuis le début de la crise sanitaire, les atteintes aux droits et à la santé des personnes s'aggravent dans les centres de #rétention. Voici pendant le mois de février un florilège quotidien de tout ce qu'il s'y passe de pire. #FermerlesCRA
Thread ⬇
Ce matin, grâce au @Prefet67, juste avant de partir pour l’école, une mère et ses 5 enfants ont vu débarquer la PAF chez eux. La mère et les 3 enfants mineurs ont été embarqué pour le #CRA du Mesnil-Amelot, où une partie des personnes enfermées est confinée à cause du #Covid.
Confiné 7 jours dans une zone cadenassée, sans accès à la cour, 1 homme désespéré a incendié son matelas. Il voulait quitter la France mais aucun vol n'était réservé. L’interphone ne fonctionnait plus, les autres hommes ont dû crier pour que la PAF ouvre le cadenas et intervienne
Read 5 tweets
⚫️Ces derniers jours la situation dans les centres de #rétention est catastrophique et @Interieur_Gouv s’obstine à mener sa politique d’expulsion et d’enfermement aveuglément et sans prise en compte des droits et de la dignité des personnes étrangères.
Le #thread noir de Noël ⤵️
En #Guadeloupe, un homme est enfermé comme au moins une fois par an depuis de nombreuses années. Son consulat ne le reconnait pas, mais @Prefet971 s’acharne à l’enfermer pour finalement toujours le relâcher après 90 jours.
A #Rennes, un homme, père d’un bébé français et donc protégé contre l’expulsion par la loi, a été expulsé par surprise par @Prefet72, malgré nos alertes et celles du @Defenseurdroits. Il n’aura pas eu le temps de rencontrer sa fille.
Read 11 tweets
@sanjeevsanyal 1/n -The issue is like this:
1. Entire Collection process in Telecom is outsourced to "Collection Agencies!"
2. The Telecallers, with lil if any data, call up all customers with any Outstanding amount, however low it may be!
3. Once due date is gone, calls & music will start..
@sanjeevsanyal 2/n
4. Once next bill is generated, late payment charges also get levied and keeps getting compounded evey month!
5. So, even if 1 rupee remained outstanding WHEN U CLEARED AMT, or thought u cleared - the cycle of late payment and compunded charges starts!
@sanjeevsanyal 3/n
6. No one bothers to see if amt is for usage or late payment or what!
7. Once u cross 30 or 60 days, depending upon company, ur data gets shared with #HARD Collection agencies!
8. Calls become really tough like banking recoveries!
9. Many even say they R calling frm Court!
Read 15 tweets
On this week's episode, @YieldGuild co-founder @gabusch talks about #web3 gaming, #Play ToEarn, #NFTs, and more with @AliaksandrH.
Visit to listen and subscribe:

🗣️They talked about what prompted @Axielnfinity and @YieldGuild to move vertical in 2021.
🗣️What makes #PlayToEarn games stand out?

🗣️ How @Axielnfinity has a player #retention rate of 90% after 30 days, which is unheard of. Considering how to go to ten #million people

🗣️#Scholars of the #Guild Yield.
Also highlighted
@4NTSGuild @oddgems @NEAR_daily
Read 4 tweets
Nice to be involved in chat on potential new projects with the @MRCNIHRTMRP #retention group yesterday. While it’s on my mind...should we think of retention problems in trials differently depending on the amount of effort/engagement required of trial participants? 1/
Types of research vary in how much they ask of participants - in terms of time, risk, money, emotional investment and other aspects (combined here into the imperfect shorthand term ‘effort’, for simplicity). 2/
At one end of the spectrum is intensive involvement such as first-in-human studies, where participants have to give up weeks of their time to undergo close safety monitoring. It’s a big commitment, and as long as participants stay involved, they can hardly forget about it. 3/
Read 20 tweets
In his masterclass about crafting an effective pitch deck @YourStoryCo’s #TechSparks2020, @P_Kemps highlights some aspects that seem trivial but are important, some that are easy to miss, and some that mustn’t be missed. A 🧵-
1/ The title is as important as anything else in your deck. It should define your company in a single declarative sentence and can also be about your #mission & #vision.
2/ Tell a #story to explain your #purpose, tying your idea to a broader shift taking place in the world. Your company’s reason to be should be based on unique market/consumer insights driven by one or many of these changes 👇
Read 13 tweets
Placing students in deplorable learning environments pushes them out of the classroom and into the school-to-prison pipeline. Schools in communities of color must be environments that foster learning.

#EqualEdWeek Image
In Baltimore, for example, prior to the #COVID19 pandemic, students were subjected to schools in disrepair with contaminated water. Some teachers even had to provide their classrooms with heaters in the winter to manage conditions.

Baltimore City students have missed almost 1.5 million hrs of class time due to these conditions. That is why LDF & @ACLU_MD demand Maryland uphold its constitutional responsibility to provide adequate learning environments.

Read 5 tweets
Anything that grows have lifecycles & so must ur #startup, there are many things that influence growth, in relation to ur startup there are 6 specific stages as you develop, time spent in each stage will be different for every startup, -complete each stage b4 moving to the next
It really matters to know your present start-up stage. “Knowing where you are in your journey will help you manage your time and resources efficiently,” - Rahul Varshneya
Stage 1: Concept and Research - we all have that million dollar idea but you need to write it down and find out more information, maybe your innovative idea has already been implemented or is it even what the market wants? Do you have potential customers? #startupnotes
Read 9 tweets
La #rétention c’est fini pour moi, alors thread récap des dernières semaines passées au #MesnilAmelot. Spoiler : c’est pas joli joli. 1/11
Un bébé malade a été emmené par les #policiers à l’hôpital avec son père menotté dans le dos, alors que la mère restait au centre de #rétention. 2/11
Un homme, arrêté alors qu’il présentait des symptômes de #gale, a été #enfermé en masque et combinaison. Il a passé 2 jours dans sa chambre et n’a pas été présenté au juge alors qu’il était convoqué. 3/11
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Italian #DPA lock down the risky #surveillance law that aim to have (biometric_identification+cctv+smart_image_analisys) to check public employees punch-in and punch-out.
This time DPA analyze implementing decree.
In october 2018 the DPA did the same on the draft of the main law Image
The law is already in force (D.Lgs 56/2019) but it lacks of application rules.

The DPA is highlighting and pointing out all the issues related to the law itself ant to the application rules, that are conflicting with the #GDPR main #principles.
Main issues are:

1) terms and #definitions don't match with GDPR definitions. they have to be lined up
2) principles of #Necessity & #Proportionality are completely unattended
3) the new biometric gates can't be #mandatory
4) #alternative gates should be available if needed
Read 8 tweets
#Retention is the new growth, so if your business is struggling with retention, be ready to pivot and do something different. If you don't, you won't want to imagine what might happen. I wrote this blog for G2crowd:…
1/. Make potential customers' first contact with your product as enjoyable as possible.
Make your ad and landing page as correlated as possible. Try to keep the same voice, copy, message, and design.
2/Step into the potential customer’s brain

What are the common problems your customers are facing? Your goal is to make them addicted to your product, so point our their problems and mention your solution. Here's an example.
Read 16 tweets
Let's have our weekly #GlobalEChats and discuss the topic of #foodtech #delivery.

As #food is a necessity, it is natural that #entrepreneurs are lured into venturing in the F&B business. What more with #IR40, we often think of taking business one step ahead: by involving tech!
Now let's break this down into two types of niche within #fooddelivery and #fnb industry.

1. You own the restaurant and you are providing an additional delivery #service.

2. You don't own any restaurant and you are merely the delivery service.

The two are very different!
To help put points into perspective:

#1 is a classic example of pizza stores such as @DominosMY. Any #eatery can set up its own delivery system.

#2 is a rather new invention. Such examples would be @foodpanda_my and @GrabMY's GrabFood service!
Read 13 tweets
At our latest @MSU_IBIO postdoc meeting @HelenMcCreery presented her recent paper with @AmandaHund , @LizScordato et al. on the importance of #mentorship in #STEM & how to remediate to the lack of guidance on how to be a good mentor. Thread! 👇 (1/n)…
I loved every bit of that paper! This is something that should really be spread to all institutions and read by grad students, postdocs and PIs alike! Read it, spread it, get discussions started at your department! #AcademicTwitter (2/n)
Starting with a survey of mentors & mentees at US research unis: 70% of mentees experienced breakdowns in mentoring relationships at some point, affecting their #mentalhealth , 39% reported frequent poor mentoring, but 70% of the mentors say that they rarely mentor poorly! (3/n)
Read 13 tweets

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