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Arthur Hayes published an article saying that his next step is to raise money to buy BTC and get into shitcoins.


Let's take a look at what coins Arthur Hayes currently holds.
Here are the tokens stored at two Arthur Hayes addresses starting with "0xA86e" and "0x534A":
- 200,580 #GMX($14.12M)
- 6,936 #ETH($11.62M)
- 17M #LOOKS($5.12M)
- 239,628 #ENS($3.79M)
- 785K #LDO($1.96M)
- 105,814 #FXS($1.31M)
- 1.96M #WILD($1.07M)
- 330,956 #SUSHI($500K) ImageImageImage
Arthur Hayes is currently the largest private owner of #GMX and #LOOKS
Read 6 tweets
¿La dieta kosher permite el consumo de pescado? ¿Hay diferencias entre las especies? ¿Se puede comer a un pez vivo? ¿Está prohibida la sangre de pez? ¿Se puede mezclar pescado con leche? ¿Y con carne roja o de aves? ¿Se puede comprar en una pescaderia no casher? #hilo
🐟 🐡 🐠 🦈 Image
La ley judía platea dos condiciones necesarias para que un animal acuático sea kosher (que literalmente significa 'apto' para la ingesta), deben contar con aletas y con escamas. Esto aparece en la Torá en Vaikra 11:9 (Shmini) y nuevamente en Devarim 14:10 (Ree).
De estas reglas se aprende que están permitidos: anchoa, arenque, atún, boga, brótola, caballa, cornalito, corvina, dorado, jurel, lenguado, merluza, mero, palometa, pejerrey, salmón, sardina, trucha y más. Hay que tener cuidado que los nombres cambian según el país.
Read 26 tweets
1/ Kava’s excited to highlight our partner, @SushiSwap, and the value this Tier-1 #DeFi protocol has brought to our community and ecosystem since their deployment earlier this year 🧵
2/ Sushi has launched Sushi Academy v1, a comprehensive guide to all things #Sushi and DeFi.

It’s a great resource for #Kava users looking to learn more about the #DeFi space. ⤵️
3/ In 2022, Sushi deployed its Trident AMM and #BentoBox to Kava.

Since then, users have spun up several custom pools, used Onsen farms, and added liquidity on Kava, all via the familiar #Sushi UI 🍥

Try the @SushiSwap pools today on the #Kava EVM. ⤵️…
Read 6 tweets
1) Sushiswap short position strategy

Sushiswap Crisis

Sushiswap CEO, Jared Gray, recently mentioned deteriorating Sushiswap yields and the possibility of depleting the Treasury fund within 1.5 years. Accordingly, a governance proposal was proposed on Dec 6.

#Sushi #Sushiswap Image

Approx 0.05% of Sushiswap transaction fee is being distributed to holders of xSUSHI (tokens for $SUSHI stakers) via Kanpai protocol, 10% of which is being allocated to the Sushiswap treasury.

According to the proposal, existing structure is changed as 100% allocation to the Sushiswap Treasury for 1 year or until new Tokenomics come out.

TVL, price, and market capitalization are all on a tremendous decline. Image
Read 7 tweets
Hey #Arbinauts (💙,🧡) #ArbitrumAutumn 🍂 is here!

The speed at which DeFi innovation is happening on @arbitrum currently is really astounding 🤯

In this thread we'll cover the latest projects 💎 - As usual, there's a cheat-sheet for the best opportunities on Arbitrum 👀
Why Arbitrum?

✅ Arbitrum is secured by Ethereum, arguably the most secure L1 Blockchain, with the highest TVL, most devs and longest history

✅ Arbitrum is the fastest growing ETH L2 scaling solution

Stats by courtesy of @SixdegreeLab & @superamscom 👇…
Why Arbitrum?

✅ Arbitrum has the highest TVL out of all ETH L2's and is also among the cheapest wrt Tx fees according to @l2beat #L2fees

✅ 40+ dApps >$1MM TVL according to @DefiLlama

✅ Continued improvements to increase decentralisation 👇

Read 36 tweets
FTX有挤兑风险,顺路提个醒,根据@lookonchain 的数据看。Alameda目前可随时操作且价值超过100万美金的代币主要有:




有相关币种的朋友可以关注走势,早做判断和对策 Image
SBF投资的币种 ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
$SUSHI "elected" a new chef!

You didn't think voting controversy only existed in the Trad world, did you??

Let's discuss the pathetic vote, the results, and what it could mean for @SushiSwap and on-chain governance moving forward
Headline: Jared Grey, former CEO of DeFi platform Eons Finance, won with 83% of the votes. A landslide!

Reality: The vote was held in the depths of a bear market, and only ~2% of eligible voters actually voted. Democracy!
In that 2% that DID vote were FIVE whales that basically decided the whole thing (11M of the 13M votes).

And those whales? VC firms.

Specifically, @CumberlandSays and Golden Tree with a combined ~8.1M of the 13M votes.
Read 21 tweets
Identitário "lugar de fala"/ "contra apropriação cultural" não se cria nesta página, tá ok?


Pq @romulusmaya arrasa.



(RM drops the mic)
Preparando MAIS! Esqueci do Wakame 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵 q tb vai junto. Deita na BR, Newton Kichimoto...
Misturinha pronta, esfriando. Na hora de enrolar ontem foi Atum, Pepino, Kani e cebolinha. Hoje o peixe vai ser salmão😉
Read 10 tweets
NADA diz "#sextou" aqui em casa como #sushi #faitmaison #lowcarb by @romulusmaya pra sentar com Sugar-Dude na frente da TV e botar os filmes das plataformas de streaming em dia.

(com Tina atuando como extra na produção, claro)

Sugestões de títulos, por favor?? 🙏 Image
Tava nem sabendo...
Já vi q deve ser quente! 🤔
@Cesare87254983 @Cesare74486345 @rcmiguez Image
Read 4 tweets
Dünyada #Bitcoin'den sonra en ateşli fan kitlesine sahip 2.proje, #Ethereum'un en zayıf rakibi #ADA #Cardano hakkındaki düşüncelerim:

Bilgi paylaşıldıkça bereketlenir.
RT+FAV yapmayı unutmayı dostlarım.
Cardano, #Ethereum'un kurucu ortaklarından Charles Hoskinson'un dahil olduğu bir ekip tarafından 2017'de piyasaya çıktı. CEO'su Charles, çıktığı günden itibaren sürekli ''ben matematikçiyim, akıllı kontratlar yakında geliyor'' diye diye yatırımcıları 2017'den 2021'e kadar uyuttu.
Bu süreçte tek yaptığı sürekli yeni whitepaper yazmak oldu. Ancak enteresan bir şekilde normalde uyutulan coinlerin fan kitlesi erirken Cardano'nun kitlesi genişledi. Kitle genişledikçe beklenti arttı. Beklenti arttıkça fanlar adeta birer pazarlamacıya döndü.
Read 13 tweets
1/ I just read #KuCoin's 2021 Annual Report and 2022 Forecast on the Crypto Industry.

Here are my key takeaways, a thread. 🧵

Lets go! 👇👇👇

#DeFI / #NFT / #DAO / #Stablescoins / #Memecoins / #Risks Image
2/ #BTC and #ETH remain the undisputed market leaders.

🔸BTC was the best performing major asset in 2021
🔹ETH has also been gaining traction as a store of value

ETH becoming deflationary is a big change (pictured).

More on ETH next 👇 Image
3/ #ETH Gas Fees

ETH network occupancy rate was over 98% in 2021 (pictured)!

This is close to its resource critical point leading to high gas fees / the scaling problem.

#DeFI ecosystem is limited by the performance of ETH.

ETH2.0 is expected in 2022. Next, #shitcoins 👇 Image
Read 18 tweets
Uni写完以后就准备写 #sushi 了,相对前边那些Token,CRV和Sushi还算是比较了解的了,Sushi直到现在我还在挖,大概有一年多了,之所以还挖就是因为懒,ETH和USDT币队,应该是挖的第一个DeFi了,也是从Sushi才真心体验到无偿损失的含义,虽然U本位资金是多了一点,但是ETH本位即便算上挖的Sushi也亏好惨
如果说Uniswap是第一个高易用性的DEX,那么 #sushi 就是第一个基于Uniswap的机枪池,当初迁移流动性大战硬生生的搬空了七成的Uniswap的流动性,也开启了第一个基于DEX的流动性挖矿,刚面市的时候火了一把,后来也一直是话题之王,包括第一任大厨跑路,社区闹事,SBF接盘,一直到现在launchpad。可惜了
我们照常先看 #sushi 的活跃地址,价格以及与 #BTC 价格的对比,蓝色的是BTC的价格,灰色是Sushi的价格。通过价格对比也能看出来,Sushi也是大盘币之一,跟随BTC的涨跌非常的明显,价格走势几乎和Uni没有区别,但是活跃地址数量实在是太可怜了,这也是因为没有市值团队的原因吧,按理说SBF管理下不至于
Read 11 tweets
Dostlar bugün yeniden hareket geldi piyasaya altlar ezilse de hareketler güzel. Bir süredir spotta mal almanız gerektiğini söyledik. Verdiğimiz coinler de harekete başladı. #Sushi #AVAX #Filecoin #MATIC vesaire hepsine girişler var. Bazı konuları konuşalım #BTC #Binance ++
Dostlar bu dönem öyle Kaldıraç kullanılacak bir dönem değil. Hareketler genel anlamda suni. Kim ne derse desin bir algı yayılmaya devam ediyor. Spotta mal alıp panik yapmadan bekleyenler kazanmaya devam edecektir. İlla kaldıraç diyenlerin pek şansı yok. ++
Çünkü silkeleyerek piyasayı yukarı çekiyorlar. Yükselmesi bizim için tabii ki çok iyi bir durum kar alarak malımızı koruyarak devam etmeliyiz. Tabii bu sert yükselişin bir de düzeltmesi olacak sonrasında altlara da güçlü hareketler gelecektir. ++ı
Read 12 tweets


PP Kritt sebagai Branding Intern di sebuah Startup dan Billkin sebagai CEO yang in desperate need of sustainable branding strategy untuk memperbaiki image nya yang dingin nan galak. ImageImageImageImage
🎟Written in Bahasa sometimes in English
🎟Slight 🔞, Slight fluff, Slight angst
🎟Pls do Ignore the time stamp (unless stated otherwise)
🎟Purely fictional for entertainment purposes
Characters unlocked💸 ImageImageImage
Read 611 tweets

With the upcoming release of the AMM Trident and NFT marketplace Shoyu, @SushiSwap is poised to capture increased DEX market share as well as build out its moat, all while becoming the most complete DeFi ecosystem.


Trident is a one-of-a-kind AMM model that increases LP flexibility as there are 3 new pools:

- Weighted Pools (Think Balancer)
- Hybrid Pools (Think Curve)
- Concentrated Liquidity Pools (Think Uniswap)

Increased optionality = decreased capital elasticity

Sushiswap's native NFT marketplace is also releasing soon, and this should bring plenty of new and incumbent users. $SUSHI is also trying to make NFTs more interactive by building a metaverse display, and allowing for creators to experiment with 'social tokens'.
Read 7 tweets
A thread on food and cross-pollination
Military research regularly cross-pollinates into consumer innovation - Stainless steel was originally invented for gun barrels, and Microwave ovens invented during research on naval radar systems (the inventor's chocolate bar melted in his pocket when working on radar systems)
The reason so much orange juice is consumed today is thanks to the research of Linda Brewster, who used a debittering enzyme to reduce the bitterness of Limonin in all citrus juices. Without this, the shelf life of orange juice is very short.
Read 16 tweets
Me fui de visita a DESTINO SUSHI, último servicio antes de las vacaciones
Un lugar soñado no solo para probar rico sushi sino para los amantes de la cocina Nikkei. Comida de verdad, sin espamentos ni paparruchadas extravagantes
Spoiler: estuvo buenísimo
T R E M E N D O 🍱 M E N Ú
Había para elegir menú de pasos o a la carta. Obvio elegí de pasos, sentí la magia en el aire. El instinto no me falló: hubo magia y de la buena
Imagínense q hicieron este menú para cerrar la temporada, cuando abran en 1 mes va a ser escandaloso 🙂 Image
Todo el staff la rompió, salió todo impecable. Diego -chef propietario- y todo el equipo se lució
El maridaje fue genial además de novedoso, probás cada bocado y hay talento
Se notan la voluntad en todo
Demasiado bueno para ser verdad
Read 13 tweets
1/ So after a while bunch of updates at @Vertalo_ , we released a new V-token smart contract suite formatted on #tezos today.
2/ now y’all know that #defi is crazy hot. So many transactions happening on @UniswapProtocol (thanks for the airdrop!) and all the various DeFi liquidity pools, farms, etc. It’s super exciting.
3/ But #eth gas prices are going parabolic. And so smart contract minting prices are much more like omakase #Sushi than they are street vendor #hotdog
Read 6 tweets
Make Sushi Safe Again😍😷
(Momo Sushi in #Burlington is my FAVE... especially the torched Chef’s Special roll🤤) ImageImage
If anyone has recommendations for #sushi that’s a drivable distance from #BurlON please do share...
M&E House sushi&ramen is SO good! Thanks @MPaiMD for the recommendation🍙🤤🍣
#OntarioSushiTakeoutTour2020 Image
Read 3 tweets
As now #DeFi is populated by retails, it's a trading heaven.

Here's a handy small textbook that will yield you more than farming.

#Stages #consimp #TA ImageImageImageImage
Read 23 tweets
Pues me voy a animar como dije el otro día a hacer un proyecto 365, pero en vez de haciendo fotos, editando fotos mías antiguas, random, basadas en el mood de cada día.
La única limitación que me voy a poner, va a ser el formato 1:1... A ver lo que sale xD
I´ll say it also in English :)
I´m gonna try a photography 365 project, but instead of taking photos, processing old random photos of mine...
Only one rule: the square format.
Let´s see what I got, which will be directly affected by the mood of the day...
Read 114 tweets

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