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Une longue et surprenante enquête du Times sur les origines du #Covid19 qui va à contre-courant de la censure.

Les révélations proviennent de fichiers confidentiels de #Wuhan.

Amis complotistes, vous aviez vu juste. Mais c’est pire. C'est parti ⤵️ 1/ Image
En nov. 2002, des travailleurs de la province chinoise de Guangdong tombent malades et meurent d’un grave virus respiratoire, un Sars identifié comme un coronavirus.
Auparavant le Sars ne donnait que des symptômes bénins. 2/
En recherchant les origines de ce Sars, Le Dr Shi Zhengli effectue des prélèvements dans les grottes de chauves-souris (les origines de la fable).

C’est alors qu’elle est rejoint par Peter Daszak, zoologiste américain et Président d'Ecohealth Alliance. 3/
Read 20 tweets
Corona virus studies have been conducted well before the “pandemic”. In fact, the science was settled by 2016. Through their research, #DARPA concluded that #Ivermectin was by far the best medicine for #Corona. This recommendation was made to the #CDC & is well documented, so……
Answer: The goal was always to get everyone vaccinated. An emergency use authorization was required to avoid regulatory compliance measures and to get the vaccine into the arms of the world’s population. If any alternative medicine that is proven effective is available, an……
💣💣💣💥💥💥‼️ #ivermectin #HydroxyChloroquine
Read 3 tweets
1. ) @AnnieJacobsen vindicates my research in many ways.
We really need to connect with each other and get @twilabrase , @dougvalentine77 and host a space.

With that, let's begin these short but information-dense tweets that will be the basis for much lengthier posts.
2.) Operation Igloo White is the start ( for all intents and purposes) of ALL modern day Spyware / mass-surveillance programs ; only preceded by the PROMIS software and it's many interations.


... To name a few .
3. ) For many years I've spoken about the unseen influence of MAXIMUS upon the population of US and the countries they operate programs in , and have essentially subverted entire countries' governments through privatization .

David Vincent Mastran . Remember that name .
Read 13 tweets
@PiaAhrenkilde @EU_Commission @EC_AVService #mRNA-#Leyen-#Pfizer.
cc: @ Rabyna46
#WEF: At least 4 billion #UselessEaters must be #eliminated.
- #Schwab mentioned the #Chinese and #Japanese people as they have been regimented for centuries who accept and #obey #orders without question
@PiaAhrenkilde @EU_Commission @EC_AVService 1. Insider Jacques #Atalli Revealed "#Vaccine" #Genocide Plan in -81 | Dec 7, 2021
2. This missive from Jacob #Rothschild (Lifts the #Veil) was written in reply to this article which appeared at thetruthseeker | Jan 8
- "#Covid is a necessary #hoax"
@PiaAhrenkilde @EU_Commission @EC_AVService #Darpa-#WarpSpeed-#mRNA.
Revealing Symbols - Top of the Pyramid
- #Rothschild coat of arms
- The coat of arms where the knight has two blue feathers on the edges and one white in the middle belongs to the #Leyen fam
Read 15 tweets
The Dark Roots of the “#BrusselsEU” - The birth place of the "Brussels EU" on the drawing boards of the #Nazi/#IGFarben-coalition for a post-war Europe under their control | 2016
- #MI5 files: Nazis planned '#FourthReich' in post-war #Europe… ImageImageImage
The Dark Roots of the “#BrusselsEU
- The corporate preparations for #WW2 started as early as 1925, when #Bayer, #BASF, #Hoechst and other German multinationals formed a #cartel called “#IGFarben Industry”… ImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
@vonderleyen The #Qatargate #Scandal: Could It Signal The #End Of The ‘#BrusselsEU’? | Apr 21
- A vice #president of the #EuropeanParliament and other EU #lawmakers have been #bribed by the governments of #Qatar, #Morocco, #Mauritania, and possibly other countries…
@vonderleyen Inquiry Launched Into Secret Talks Between #Pfizer And #EUCommission Chief For Sale Of #Vaccines | Sep 18
- Pfizer has been holding sovereign governments to #ransom making bizarre demands asking for #bankreserves, #embassy buildings and #military bases.
@vonderleyen The #EuropeanCommission's #refusal of public access to text messages #SMS exchanged between
@vonderleyen and the CEO of a #pharmaceutical company on the purchase of a #Covid19Vaccines
- CASE 1316/2021/MIG - OPENED ON Thursday | 16 Sep 2021
Read 20 tweets
Q Drop 1144
Twitter Down.
Injection good.

5 Year Delta Q Confirmation.
Loud & Clear Comms.

@Twitter Currently Not Allowing Tweets From Desktop Twitter @downdetector:

🔍Q Anon Starter Guide
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The Q Clock

Updated 2023 Version
High Quality Download Available In Full Article

🔍Q Anon Starter Guide & Deep State Connection Maps
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Dec 3, 2022 retired Australian SAS Lt. Col. @realRicBosiLTC had an interview where he confirmed Q (active 60+ yrs). He said by mid-2023 military tribunals will kick off, as many have already been arrested, charged and executed.

Read 16 tweets
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Children of #Donbass - THE #WAR IS ON! CHILDREN vs THE #NAZIS | 5 months ago…
#SaveOurChildren deNAZIfication - Special Military QperationZ WORLDWIDE
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt cc: @ DaniMayakovski
#Ukraine. Images from the #Azov Battalion children's camp, where children from the age of 8 are #brainwashed into #Nazism and prepared militarily by indoctrinating them into a #hatred of #killing Russians. (2015)
@EU_Commission @IntlCrimCourt Ukrainian children drugged and indoctrinated by the #Nazis into shouting the #Hitler salute of "#SiegHeil" while being laughed at. (2016)
This video was captured from the flash drive of a press reporter from the #AzovBattalion at the #Mariupol base.
Read 45 tweets
@CristianTerhes @vonderleyen @AlbertBourla Swedish Radio SR:
#Sweden had to #destroy 8,5 million '#Covid19-#vaccine' shots.
- Swedish are not interested enough to take 3rd, 4th or 5th jab.
@CristianTerhes @vonderleyen @AlbertBourla #EU #Ombudsman to identify good #practices on how the EU admin keeps #records of work-related text and instant #messages | 02 July 2021
- has written to several EU institutions and agencies to ask what #measures they have in place for #documenting msgs
Read 13 tweets
Would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon?
"The aliens are coming!"

is a white supremacist / colonial trope, a fairy tale, & we need to recognize that.
🔵 I see ballons as a way for the U.S. to use radar anomalies TO CLOSE ANY AIRSPACE they want!
There's so much they're trying to distract you from right now.
🔥 ⚗ 🧪 🚆 🚉 💣

And all they have is #UFOs and #China!
👽 🇨🇳 🛸 🇨🇳 👽

Read 9 tweets
@IPiikki @turnusband "PEG-nanokantajat pääsevät kulkemaan elimistön biologisten esteiden läpi. Ne menevät rasvaliukoisina nanokantajina myös [1]veri-aivoesteen läpi ja jos ne läpäisevät veri-aivoesteen, ne läpäisevät myös istukan."
@IPiikki @turnusband #PEGylated lipids; #ALC135
ALC-135 is functional Cationic lipid of the vaxx.
-introduction of an aquenos #RNA solution.. at a specific pH leads to an #electrostatic interaction between #negatively charged RNA backbone and #positively charged Cationic lipid
@IPiikki @turnusband #SINOPEG #China Pat. #CN112220919A
Nano #coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking #GrapheneOxide as carrier
- The invention; field of nano materials and biomedicine, and relates to a vaccine, to devt of #2019nCoV #coronavirus nuclear recombinant nano vaccine
Read 24 tweets

Quiero aclarar que no es ningún delito ni falta de ética el hacer preguntas, exponer hechos reales que ponen en evidencia la versión oficial, ni retuitear y compartir información para alcanzar algún día el fin de la corrupción.
2/ Hay multitud de pruebas hace años de que es posible crear artificialmente fenómenos que antes sólo podía la naturaleza. Aquí sólo expondré unos pocos para no hacerlo muy largo. Creo que las víctimas de ayer como mínimo merecen eso. Y cualquier día nos puede tocar a nosotros.
3/ Comienzo con pequeñas pruebas circunstanciales. (Lo gordo, apabullante e irrefutable viene después).

Así se veía el cielo momentos antes del terremoto. Extrañas luces azules en el cielo justo antes del temblor.

Read 27 tweets
“Premeditated Manslaughter Coordinated at the Highest Levels” – Part 2 -Psychopathic democide might be eligible for forgiveness in rare circumstances, but blanket amnesty is not in the cards for crimes against humanity - by @TraderStef #Nuremberg2 #Amnesty… Image
#Nuremberg2 #Amnesty? - “Plandemic 3” Trailer – Seeing Through The Propaganda…
#Nuremberg2 #Amnesty? #democide - Jr. covering for daddy, sooo late and behind the curve by a couple+ years, is pathetic - not humble
Read 99 tweets
@Samuel_Gryning #Lahjus-#Kiristys. #BigPharma on jo maksanut kuolettavista #mRNA -promootioista. Jopa Suomen kouluissa on maksettu oppilaille kymppi per piikki.
- Ensi-Lahjuksien oton jälkeen ns. poliitikko on kiikissä.

@Samuel_Gryning #Darpa-#mRNA ja #Ukraina-#Maidan2014 ovat saman #siionisti -jengin tekosia ja tavoite on edelleen sama, ylivalta. #Depopulation kuten Neuvostoliitossa bolsevikkien (ns. juutalaisten) #gulagit (66 miljoonaa tapettua) ja se #NWO.
- Jacob #Rothschild lifts he #Veil ImageImageImage
@Samuel_Gryning #Jews Murdered #Czar Nicholas, Stole #Russian Assets and Conducted the #Bolshevik #Revolution
- Immediately after the Revolution, Jews were euphoric over their high representation in the new govt. #Lenin's first Politburo was dominated by Jewish origins… ImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets
💥💥My latest: How British Intelligence Sabotaged Cambridge Analytica Scandal💥💥

#MI6 #IntegrityInitiative #BritishIntelligence #DARPA #PortonDown #MI5…
There is one aspect of the #CambridgeAnalytica scandal that has never before been revealed - a concerted black propaganda campaign run by elements of British intelligence to frame the company as compromised by Russia. Now, it must be.
#IntegrityInitiative, a secret Foreign Office unit run by military and intelligence operatives, took the lead in this fraud. They fed journalists, including @carolecadwalla, material implicating Cambridge Analytica - and Arron Banks - as in bed with the Kremlin.
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Kyllä me #judaisti-#siionisti-#kasaari-#natsit sitten naurettiin.
- Sinisilmäiset #goyimit kaikkein mieluimmin alentuvat pelleiksimme, sotivat puolestamme, tuhoavat maansa ja kansansa omalla kustannuksellaan ja nuolevat saappaamme puhtaiksi, lastensa verestä. ImageImage
#EudraVigilance: 41,834 #DEAD 3.9 Million #Injured Following #COVIDVaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100% | Mar 22, 2022
- From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,814,420) are SERIOUS injuries.
https://tinyurl. com/24j2ssbj Image
#Darpa-#Roulette-#mRNA, #Idolatry in the Twenty First Century.
80 #Canadian MDs “#boosted” and dead | Oct 20, 2022
- Though many #doctors have maintained their income by complying with and participating in the criminal injection campaign.
Read 36 tweets
#PolitiFact, ovvero #Open americano, provano a smontare l'intervista nella quale il CEO di #Moderna ha ammesso che stavano lavorando al vaccino anti #COVID19 quando ancora il #Covid_19 non esisteva.

Secondo i #Puente Boys americani, Stephane #Bancel si riferisce al fatto che #Moderna già da anni stava lavorando a vaccini contro i coronavirus [in collaborazione con #DARPA ndr] in particolare un vaccino mRNA contro il MERS-CoV documentato già a dicembre 2019

Ma la domanda e la risposta sono chiare

D: “You were working on a vaccine for covid at that point covid-19 didn't even really exist”
R: “I think there was no name at the time”

Si riferiscono al #SARSCoV2 non al MERS-Cov (che allora aveva un nome)


Read 4 tweets
#Siionisti'en bravuuri on junailla #goyim'en tuhoa niiden omalla kustannuksella.
#WEF -ideologia lahtaa yritykset ...kaasulla.
#Gasgrid Imatra #Räikkölä vs. #Korsakov.
- Korsakov on #LNG -satamakaupunki #Venäjä'n 
#Sahalin'in alueella.… ImageImage
#India buying #Russian #crude oil is good economics, don’t bring #politics into it’ | Jan 12
- India is among the world's top crude oil importers. The Asian nation has been largely purchasing Russian oil…
#EUSanctions #Hoax #EnergyWar
#India’s breaking all records for buying #Russian #oil, but who is the surprise buyer? | Jan 15
- The #US Is Snapping Up Refined #PetroleumProducts From India Made From #RussianCrude Oil…
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Read 4 tweets
⭕️ ¿Quién creó el #Internet? ¿El sector público o el sector privado? ¿Los gobiernos de #EEUU financian los sectores claves?

🔎 Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, dos agencias gubernamentales de Estados Unidos, la #NASA y el #DARPA crearon el internet. (1/6) ⤵️
(2/6) Ambas agencias fueron fundadas en la década de 1950, tenían una gran financiación y objetivos claros, ser una potencia militar y contrarrestar el avance militar de la #URSS.

Su enfoque basado en objetivos específicos les permitía atraer a los mejores talentos y se les ⤵️
(3/6) pedía a los trabajadores que pensaran en grande y asumieran riesgos (Ver #OperaciónPaperclip y #ProyectoManhattan).

💰 Incluso #RonaldReagan, un defensor de la disminución del tamaño del Estado, aumentó la financiación de organizaciones que era clave ⤵️
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***A THREAD*** Why is our DNA so important?

Our #DNA is essential for life and all of its processes. Studies have shown that our DNA is capable of storing and transmitting Light. Light is energy.
Because of this fact, our DNA has been scientifically proven to be able to store and "communicate" Petabytes of information. Our DNA is also contains a tremendous amount of energy.
That's why government agencies like #DARPA and private companies like Elon Musk's Neuralink are developing Brain Computer interfaces. #BCI

Our brain cells are among the few cells in our body that can rewrite our DNA.

To what end?
Read 10 tweets

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