Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #dart

Most recents (24)

This animation shows how the polarisation of sunlight reflected by the #Dimorphos asteroid changed after the impact of NASA’s #DART spacecraft. At the beginning of the video, unpolarised sunlight, represented by wiggly blue lines oscillating in random directions, ... 1/
... is reflected off the surface of the asteroid. In so doing it becomes polarised, the reflected waves now oscillating along a preferred direction. The indicator on the lower right shows the degree of polarisation of the reflected sunlight. 2/
The DART impact ejected a cloud of debris, and after the collision the amount of polarisation dropped, as seen with the FORS2 instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope. This drop in polarisation could be due to the exposure of more pristine material from the interior of ... 3/
Read 4 tweets
#IWCON2022 — The much-awaited virtual #Infosec conference is happening in a month 😍🙌

We have expert talks covering NINE major #security verticals🔥🔥

Join us & learn new skills before 2022 ends: 👊

Here are the session topics 🧵👇 Image
#1 Cloud Security:

1. #Threat #hunting in cloud environments by @gabsmashh (#security engineer @Netwitness)

2. #Hacking #cloud: for fun and profit by Dhiyaneshwaran B (#AppSec #researcher at @pdiscoveryio)
#2 Bug Bounty:

1. My approach to accessing #admin panels by @hunter0x7 (admin pwner)

2. Reading #RFCs for #hacking by @securinti (head of #hackers @intigriti)
Read 12 tweets
'Tolling' / Transfer Pricing / Looting natural resource wealth using offshore front companies nd manipulated pricing.

#IsleOfMan #Valmet

#Menetap #ATB #Valmet #Samuelson #Browder #Dart #Khodokovsky #Abramovich #Berezovsky

#FBI Most wanted #Mogilievich & ⏩#Kinahan 🔁

Read 8 tweets
Error handling is hard, harder than you think 🤔

Let's just see a simple example 💁🏼‍♂️

In how many ways can this #dart code below fail?

The answer will surprise you 👇🧵 Image
Note: fail can mean different things ☝️

Here we mean anything that will crash the app (if not handled)

Errors or Exceptions 👇

And the answer is... 🔟

Yes, 10 ways 🤯

Basically every function hides a potential issue

What? Well, let's see them all 👇
Read 15 tweets
What if your #flutter app fails? Should you throw? Error? Exception?

#dart gives you both Error and Exception 🎯

But how do they work? Which one should you choose? 🤔

Here is the answer 👇🧵
Error & Exception ‼️

#dart has both of them, but they are not the same 💁🏼‍♂️

👉 Exceptions: conditions that you can plan ahead for *and catch*

👉 Errors: conditions that *you don’t expect*
Exceptions should be handled in your code 💻

You (developer 💁🏼‍♂️) know that they can happen, and so you plan accordingly

👉 *It is intended to be caught*

👉 It should contain useful data fields

👉 Should not crash the app
Read 12 tweets
#Futuro360 | Conversamos con Gaspar Galaz, astrónomo de la Universidad Católica de Chile (@ucatolica) y del Centro de Astrofísica y Tecnologías Afines #CATA, para conocer más sobre el impacto exitoso de la sonda #DART contra el asteroide #Dimorphos.

Comenta con #Futuro360
#Futuro360 | Gaspar Galaz, astrónomo U. Católica: “La importancia de esto consiste en que somos capaces, con los medios tecnológicos actuales de llevar una sonda a un objeto (...) y hacerlos colisionar a millones de kilómetros de distancia”

Conduce: Christian Noguchi
#Futuro360 | Gaspar Galaz, astrónomo U. Católica: "Todos los cálculos originales, considerando la masa del asteroide y de la sonda, la velocidad relativa de choque, muestran que efectivamente debiera haber un cambio en la órbita de dimorphos"
Read 7 tweets
Prepárate, que hoy a las 19:00 horas 🗓️ podrás ver en tiempo real cómo la misión #DART de la @NASA impactará al asteroide Dimorphos. ☄️

Mira aquí la transmisión en directo 👉
¿Qué significa DART? 🤔 Como sacado de una película, Doble Prueba de Redirección de Asteroide de la NASA es una iniciativa que busca colisionar contra asteroides con trayectoria hacia la Tierra y alterar su viaje. 💥 Image
¿Cómo podremos verlo en tiempo real? Gracias a su cámara DRACO, la que enviará imágenes cada segundo en tiempo real hacia la Tierra.

Una vez impacte al asteroide, se observará una cegadora luz.También el pequeño espía LICIACube entregará una visión de la superficie de Dimorphos. Image
Read 6 tweets
Warning: emotional #thread about #DARTMission.
It was 9 years ago when I started to work on @esa's Asteroid Impact Mission. This was the first time I met #Didymos. Since then, Didymos and its small moon #Dimorphos (back then it was Didymoon) became a huge part of my career.
Many things happened in my life during these 9 years. Didymos always followed me all around the globe.
I worked on engineering aspects of missions to Didymos (AIM and Hera/Milani), as well as on scientific ones, as a member of the DART&Hera Investigation Team.
I was mission analyst for AIM at @polimi (designing AIM's interplanetary transfer and MASCOT-2 landing on Dimorphos), then PI of projects to study rubble-pile dynamics of Didymos at @NASAJPL and @unibern, and back to trajectory design for Hera/Milani cubesat at @polimi
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Un nuevo superordenador que multiplica la capacidad de computación, la misión DART para desviar un asteroide, purificadores para inactivar virus, y la investigación sobre el alzhéimer y el cáncer, entre las noticias #SemanaCSIC
Léelas en #NoticiasCSIC➡️
Nace Finis Terrae III (@CESGA_), el superordenador para predecir la meteorología, analizar el genoma y monitorizar la covid-19.
La @Xunta y el @CSIC impulsan este nuevo supercomputador capaz de resolver 4.360 billones de operaciones por segundo.
El CSIC participa en la primera misión para desviar la trayectoria de un asteroide potencialmente peligroso.
El astrofísico @Josep_Trigo forma parte de la misión #DART, que estrellará una nave contra Dimorfo para ensayar un sistema de defensa planetaria
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Conversations between #Turtle & #MP
Few days before heading to Ireland, MP is coming home late after working all day on presentations he is invited to give @ECMP2022 in #Dublin, surprised to see his buddy slowing coming up his driveway.

MP: Hey buddy, what are you doing?

MP: It might have taken U some time to come all the way from park

Turtle: Yes doc, I heard U were heading to @TourismIreland island & wanted to join U. Since it would take me more time & I didn’t want to rush, I thought I will come over & rest behind your house till we leave
MP: What do U mean & how did U know?

TL: Well, my 3rd cousin from my mom side who lives in #WicklowMountains close to Dublin told me that you were coming there soon

MP: What, how did she know?

Read 13 tweets
List of my Medium articles on #Flutter 💯

Part 1 of many (hopefully) 😅
#Dart #FlutterDev

A thread 🧵👇
📌 TextInputFormatter in Flutter - Format User’s Input on-the-fly

Learn how to format user input in real-time for a text field, minimize errors and improve user experience. 🚀

🔗 Image
📌 Multi-Step Form with Flutter Bloc and Stepper Widget

Learn how to build a multi-step form flow and how to use bloc to effectively isolate the presentation layer from the business logic layer. 🚀

🔗 Image
Read 8 tweets
Un asteroide sta per colpire la Terra e bisogna organizzare una missione spaziale di emergenza che eviti la catastrofe. È lo scenario di diversi film di fantascienza, di solito più attenti agli effetti speciali che al rigore scientifico. Ma è anche una preoccupazione reale? /1
Ogni settimana vengono scoperti circa 30 nuovi asteroidi con un’orbita vicina a quella terrestre. La probabilità che uno di questi metta a rischio la vita sulla Terra è bassissima nel breve termine, ma aumenta man mano che ci spostiamo nel futuro. /2
Nel 2018 il fisico Stephen #Hawking nel suo ultimo libro, Le mie risposte alle grandi domande, l'ha definito la minaccia più grave per la Terra. Un asteroide di un kilometro provocherebbe terremoti, tsunami e sconvolgimenti climatici e metterebbe a rischio la nostra civiltà. /3
Read 11 tweets
As promised, a thread of amazing folks working in Open Source. Like most people in FOSS they probably don't get the recognition they deserve.

If you like #Python and programming, I suggest you following everyone in this tread.

Doubles as #FF

Please RT for visibility.

Follow João S. O. Bueno @gwidion

João is building terminedia and rows…
Patrick Loeber @python_engineer produces amazing Youtube content. Essential viewing for #Python engineers!

Read 39 tweets
Spent more time in the garden today. Insect populations are booming! A bit of sunshine really helps to lift the spirits.
#Hoverfly Image
Had a run of 3 good days, but just tried doing *some* of the things my lungs had allowed me to do over the weekend & over-did it by fixing the ball-cock in the toilet cistern! Lowered my guard; lungs are tight again (first time in 10 days) & I'm lightheaded. #PulmonaryEmbolism
Read 78 tweets
🔥What are #equality (==) and #hashCode in #Dart / #Flutter objects and why would you need to override these? 💙 A thread to explain it all 🧵
Object equality in Dart is defined through the == operator. This is an operator that has a return value of bool and has only one parameter which is another object of the same type this operator is implemented on
The == operator's implementation in Dart has to have 4 important qualities.
Quality #1 is that this operator should be "total" meaning that it should only return a boolean and it should never throw
Read 14 tweets
We've been tracking DEV-0537 since 2021 (overlaps: Lapsus$, UNC3661). Here's a comprehensive 🆕 BLOG 📰 covering observed TTPs:…

#MSTIC and Defender threat intel collab
#DART 👻 incident response team experience from the trenches [1/3]
The blog highlights varied initial access vectors and a slew of [inconsistent?] end goals: data theft, extortion, chaos...

One way to interpret "this actor's TTPs and infrastructure are constantly changing" is that they are loosely-organized (see: ) [2/3]
DEV-0537 / Lapsus$ shows that 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘴 can be creative opportunists and still be successful.
Luckily, the same goes for 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴.
Use this opportunity to strengthen your security controls to protect far beyond this threat actor [3/3]…
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1/Thread: #FCX30 (Doha) η νεα προταση της Ιταλικης #Fincantieri για τις αναγκες του #ΠΝ στο προγραμμα των κορβετων, η προταση που προτεινεται περιλαμβάνει την κατασκευη 1 #κορβετας στα Ιταλικα ναυπηγεια και την κατασκευη των υπολοιπων τριων στα #ναυπηγεια στην #Ελευσινα.
2/Το πλοιο αν και βασιζεται στην κλάση #Doha εχει προσαρμοστει στις απαιτησεις του #ΠΝ, η αυτονομια αυξηθηκε απο τα 3500 νμ στα 5000νμ ενω η μεγιστη ταχυτητα επεσε απο τους 28 στους 25 κομβους. Το προωστηριο σκευος φερεται να ειναι #CODOE και το cruise speed σε 14 κομβους
3/Για ανθυποβρυχιακες επιχειρησεις απαιτείται περαιτερω μειωση τιμης της ταχύτητας στου 12 κομβους ωστε να γινεται αθορυβη πλευση με βαση την κατασκευαστρια εταιρεια. Διαθετει τόσο σοναρ τροπιδας όσο και συρομενο. Εντουτοις δεν εχει αποσαφηνιστει αν ειναι μεταβλητου βαθους ή οχι
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Merhaba 👋 , bugün #Flutter’da factory constructor’ları nasıl kullandığımdan bahsetmek istiyorum ⬇️
İlk olarak, constructor çeşitlerinden bahsedelim kısaca. Temelde, generative ve factory olmak üzere iki çeşit constructor vardır. Generative constructor'lar, her zaman ait oldukları sınıfın yeni bir instance’ını döndürürler.
Factory constructor’ların da bir obje döndürmesi gerekmektedir. Ancak döndürülecek obje bir generative constructor'a göre daha esnektir.
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What is _$? #Dart #Flutter

Back in 2020, I had been working with Flutter/Dart for a while, but I had zero clue about the concept of generated code.

Here’s what followed ⬇️
I saw this strange _$ syntax everywhere.

I knew that a prefixed underscore is Dart’s way of saying that a certain thing is private but I wasn’t sure if the _ in _$ also meant the same thing.

It felt alien to see a $ sign in class/method names.
One day, I saw some code on @FlutterComm’s Slack, that used _$.

It took some courage to DM the author of that code and ask what that syntax was because it seemed that I was the only one who didn’t understand it, which is why I shied away from asking on the public channel 🙊
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Class constructors in #Dart
With some #Flutter use cases 💙

1️⃣ Generative Constructors
2️⃣ Constant Constructors
3️⃣ Named Constructors
4️⃣ Redirecting Constructors
5️⃣ Factory Constructors

A thread 🧵
#DartDev #FlutterDev #OOP
1️⃣ Generative Constructor
Most common form, initializes Class variables Image
2️⃣ Constant Constructors
It lets you create compile-time constants. This is especially important to create constant widgets in your Flutter app for better performance. Image
Read 7 tweets
The best books for app development with #Dart and #Flutter.
English, German, Russian, Italian, French
Dart Apprentice by Jonathan Sande @Suragch1 & Matt Galloway @mattjgalloway
Published by @rwenderlich
Version: First Edition
Language: Dart 2.12.2
Editor: VS Code 1.54
English | 2021 | ISBN: 978-1950325320 | 295 Pages…
Flutter Cookbook by Simone Alessandria (, Brian Kayfitz @bkayfitz
English | 2021 | ISBN: 9781838823382 | 646 Pages
Publication date: June 2021
Publisher Packt @PacktPub…
Read 31 tweets
#Flutter #Dart #CSS
CSS vs Flutter.
How to embed CSS examples in the text widget.
My success story.
Of course, you can find 15 awesome examples below.
🧵👇 Image
1 #Flutter #Dart #CSS
When I found an example, I thought, why not?
Shadows in CSS has this syntax:
// text-shadow: [horizontal offset] [vertical offset] [blur radius] [color];
// text-shadow: 0 2px 1px #747474,
// rgbo: 0px -4px 10px rgba(255,255,255,0.3);
2 #Flutter #Dart #CSS
Each shadow in the Text widget has 5 lines of code.
color: Color(0xFFFFFFFF),
offset: Offset(1.0, 1.0),
blurRadius: 1.0,
It's all good, but I broke my head when I found the example with 26 shadows.
WTF... 🤯🤯🤯
Read 21 tweets
#Flutter #Dart #CSS
CSS vs Flutter.
Flutter the containers with shadows.
How to create BoxShadow with CSS box-shadow?
21 amazing containers with CSS box-shadow in Flutter for the next app.
1⃣ #CSS vs #Flutter
CSS box-shadow: rgba(149, 157, 165, 0.2) 0px 8px 24px;
2⃣ #CSS vs #Flutter
CSS box-shadow: rgba(100, 100, 111, 0.2) 0px 7px 29px 0px;
Read 23 tweets
Let's study #Dart.
final, const & late in 3+ steps.
What is the difference between final and const?
A constant variable must be initialized at the time of declaration. It's a compile-time constant. A final variable can be initialized later, but only once when the first time it’s used.
void main() {
final int x;
const int y = 1;
x = 8; // ok
y = 2; // error: Constant variables can't be assigned a value.
x = 9; // error: The final variable 'a' can only be set once.
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