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We're taking action to help contain rising cost of living pressures in #fuel and #grocery markets.…

Read our thread⬇️
⛽We’re continuing our market study into road #fuel.

While the evidence shows that the majority of fuel price increases are due to global factors, the higher pump prices #drivers are paying also appear in part to reflect some weakening of competition in the market.
In fact, evidence we’ve seen so far indicates that fuel margins have increased across the retail market, including for supermarkets, over the past 4 years.
Read 6 tweets
🔴🔵🟡 #Thread : Pollution de l'air, pourquoi le Crit'Air 2 est impératif pour la réussite de la Zone à Faibles Émissions (ZFE) ?

@atmo_aura dresse le constat d'une mauvaise qualité de l'air dans notre Région. L'occasion de rappeler pourquoi la sortie du Diesel est capitale. 👇… Image
⚠️ Rappelons quelques faits :

1⃣ La pollution de l'air est un problème de santé publique majeur. Jusqu'à 97 000 morts prématurés en France chaque année, 1200 enfants en Europe, une espérance de vie en baisse de 15 mois dans toutes les métropoles.…
2⃣ Les ZFE ne touchent qu'une partie de la problématique de la pollution de l'air.

Elles doivent se coupler avec d'autres politiques publiques. Sur la Métropole de Lyon, nous agissons sur le résidentiel en rénovant et changeant les anciennes cheminées à bois par exemple. Image
Read 10 tweets
#MintPrimer | Demand for refined #petroleum products hit a record in FY23, led by transportation fuel.

The Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell (PPAC) said consumption reached 222.30 million tonnes in the last fiscal.

Mint explains this spike:… Image
#MintPrimer | The 222.30 million tonnes of petroleum products consumed in FY23 was 10.2% higher than the year before. The previous record for consumption came in FY20 at 214.13 million tonnes.

Read here:… Image
#MintPrimer | The increase in consumption of #petrol, #diesel & jet fuel during FY23 came on the back of growth in industrial activity & travel.

These activities recovered after slowing down in the previous two fiscals because of the pandemic.

Read here:… Image
Read 7 tweets
THEY ARE COMING AFTER OUR DIESEL - THE LIFE BLOOD OF OUR ECONOMY — @marcdaalder - doing what he's told to, told to write shit — No doubt if looked overseas we would see if this is another MOCKING BIRD Article —…
...NEWSLASH Greenie retards - There is no productivity if you can't transport things to where they need to be. To be productive.. Diesel is the life bloody of our economy , from farmland cultivation to getting stuff to and from market

But you'll eat your bugs in smart cities
.... It's simply more GASLIGHTING from a pack of agenda ridden hypocrites - lies and deception..

MORE INFO WARFARE against the minds of KIWI's... I can tell you know this assertion of costs to society is 100% incorrect, simply another fear currency
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🗞️A redução do diesel anunciada pela Petrobras pode ajudar na diminuição do preço de mercadorias.

A queda de 18 centavos por litro do combustível afeta o custo do frete, que tem efeito direto sobre as cargas transportadas por caminhões.
No Brasil, cerca 80% dos carregamentos são feitos por carretas. É a terceira redução feita pela estatal só em 2023 - o custo do diesel caiu 14% desde fevereiro.
O preço nas bombas vai depender das distribuidoras e dos postos. Para o economista da FGV, André Braz, mesmo que tenha pouco impacto no bolso do motorista, a diminuição traz benefícios.
Read 5 tweets
A BASF, maior empresa química do mundo, fará #layoff de 2600 funcionários na Alemanha: não há mais #gás para ser usado como matéria prima e matriz energética.

E aí, Alemanha?

"Ging schlecht!", diria uma menininha alemã, vendo o caos criado pelos adultos em seu futuro.
Quem me lê com frequência acompanhou a série de postagens ao longo de 2022, nas quais eu apontava o panorama destruidor que recairia sobre a indústria alemã sem gás natural barato da Rússia, um trunfo político da era Merkel.
A Alemanha não tinha Plano B e as lideranças da UE acreditavam que a Rússia de Putin estava "domesticada" e os #gasodutos jamais seriam fechados.

É a maior crise nos 157 anos da BASF. Nem durante a Segunda Guerra mundial a produção foi tão prejudicada.
Read 12 tweets
1) Op 5 februari trad het Europese importverbod voor brandstoffen zoals #benzine en #diesel uit Rusland in werking. In aanloop naar dit verbod zagen we een sterke toename van de olietransporten, maar hoe gaat dat verder als dat niet meer mogelijk is?
2) Van alle diesel die Europa importeert was in januari nog steeds 40% afkomstig uit #Rusland. Dat is minder dan een jaar geleden, maar nog altijd een uitdaging met het oog op nieuwe sancties. Hoe gaat deze sanctieoorlog verder?
3) Vanaf 5 februari mogen verzekeraars in de G7 landen en Australië geen schepen met Russische olie verzekeren als de prijs boven de $110 per vat voor benzine of diesel of boven de $45 per vat voor stookolie komt.
Read 21 tweets
Le prix du #diesel va peu à peu augmenter et présentera à terme un risque de pénurie, mettant dans une situation économique et sociale catastrophique une large partie de ce que l'on appelle la "France périphérique" tout en contribuant à accroître l'#inflation.

C'est la conséquence des nouvelles sanctions de l'#UE contre la #Russie

Le 5 février, c'est l'entrée en vigueur du #CapPrice sur les produits pétroliers transformés (issu de raffineries) venant de #Russie, en particulier le diesel.
Il est fixé à un maximum de 100$ par barril.
A partir du dimanche 5 février AUCUN pays de l'#UE n'aura plus le droit d'importer directement du diesel russe par voie maritime.

Sauf exception (Hongrie) qui pourra importer par oléoduc du pétrole brut pour quelques mois (interdit dans le reste de l'#UE depuis le 5 décembre)
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Il 5 febbraio scatterà l’embargo Ue sui prodotti raffinati del petrolio provenienti dalla #Russia. Il prezzo del #diesel alla pompa di benzina (e non solo) schizzerà di nuovo. I Paesi Ue, vedi grafico, da mesi stanno facendo incetta di gasolio russo. Cosa succederà dopo?
La messa al bando dei prodotti raffinati dovrebbe creare una stretta sul #diesel, che la Ue spera di rimpiazzare importando il gasolio da Cina, che in parte verrà prodotto dal grezzo russo, e Kuwait.
In gennaio l’Europa, secondo stime di Vortexa, sta importando dalla Russia 770mila barili al giorno di diesel, il massimo dal marzo dello scorso anno.
Read 9 tweets
#Gasgrid. #LNG alus ei tuota #kaasua, vaan kuljettaa #Venäjä'n, aiemmin #Baltiasta ostetta tavaraa n. 3x hintaan  | 28.12. @valtionomistus
- 10 v. ajalta terminaalin kokonaiskustannuksiksi arvioidaan noin €460 miljoona, eli noin €126 000 päivässä.…
#Gibraltar buys all its #LNG supplies via #Shell | 25th Feb '22
- which sources #gas from its worldwide resources,
(The #Sakhalin-2 #LNG Plant Named the Asset of the Year in the Integrated Gas and New Energies nomination by #Shell.)…
Read 10 tweets
#Tanken ⛽️ ist wieder deutlich günstiger: Im neuen @SWRdata Tankmonitoring zeigen wir das Preisniveau für #Diesel und #Benzin rund um alle deutschen Städte und Gemeinden.
📲 ImageImageImage
Der Artikel liefert jede Stunde ein Update zum aktuellen Preisniveau in Deutschland, Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz.

>>In Deutschland kostet ein Liter Super-Benzin heute im Mittel 1,89€. Der mittlere E10-Preis liegt bei 1,83€ pro Liter, beim Diesel sind es 1,95€.<< ImageImage
Dazu werden täglich rund 4,5 Millionen Preisinformationen von E5, E10 und Diesel an allen 15.000 deutschen Tankstellen aus den Daten der #Markttransparenzstelle des @Kartellamt|s verarbeitet.
Ein Mal pro Stunde verarbeiten wir die Daten und aktualisieren unser Monitoring.
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So many are talking about #diesel & #gas shortages. Just a couple of facts from the latest @EIAgov This Week in Petroleum report.

1. US diesel stocks are below the 5 year average. Typically for this time we are between 120 to 140 million barrels of diesel.

We are at 110M... Image
2. In terms of days of supplies, last year we were sitting at 30 days of supplies, today we are at 25 days.... Image
3. In terms of production of #diesel, we are above last year's 4.6 million barrels per day; currently producing 5 million barrels of day.

Okay, if production is up and supplies are down, what is the cause?

Are we driving more?
No, diesel use is down in the US.

Then what? Image
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Este programa de @salvadostv, de @FerGonzo, fue emitido por @laSextaTV el pasado domingo 23.
Desvela parte de la hipocresía de la #EU con el tema de las sanciones a #Rusia, con motivo de su invasión de #Ucrania.
Va hilo…
Del minuto 30 al 25.25:
- España fue el mayor comprador de #gas licuado ruso en julio y agosto
- Estamos todavía comprando materias primas a #Rusia: #diésel, #gas, aluminio…
- Las #sanciones a #Rusia por su invasión de #Ucrania han sido aprobadas, pero no entran en vigor hasta principios de diciembre para el #petróleo, y hasta febrero para el #diésel (un año después de comenzada la guerra)
Read 7 tweets
Haluatko tiivistelmän mihin #vety'ä tarvitaan & ymmärtää #hydrogen rooli ilman #fossiilisia?

Energiapodcast @FullyChargedShw /w upea @bobbyllew vieraanaan professori @DavidCebon kertovat kaiken #H2. Jos et jaksa kuunnella 65min jaksoa,👇pitkähkö🧵1/11
Vedyllä on jaksollisen järjestelmän 1. alkuaineena paljon käyttökohteita. 99% nyt käytetystä vedystä valmistetaan fossiilisista raaka-aineista. On kohteita, joissa H2 ei vaihtoehtoja & kohteita joissa #H2 on kallis / tehoton / tyhmä 2/11 #hydrogen #ladder
Vedyn liikennekäyttö henkilöautoissa #FCEV #FCV on helposti yksi tyhmimpiä kohteita uusiutuvalle energialle. Tästä juuri kukaan pl. lehtien yleisöosastot enää onneksi puhu, kiinnitetty twiittini on 2022 tehnyt tehtävänsä 3/11
Read 13 tweets
Discussion on #pricerise starts in #LokSabha with Manish Tewari, INC speaking:
- In last 8 yrs, 5 economic values (savings, investment, production, consumption, employment) have degraded
- 23 crore have slid back into poverty
- 77% of country's wealth concentrated in 1% people
Tewari on #PriceRise:
- 100-166 billionaires in country, but poor people suffering
- started due to BJP's #demonetization
- then #GST imposition made MSMEs suffer, still not recovered
- 10.6 lakh crore money outstanding in this sector
- 8& #unemployment in 2022
Tewari on #PriceRise:
- #MNREGA was called 'gaddha khodne wali scheme' by NDA, now keeping families alive
- Instead of filling money in common peoples pockets, in 2014-2022 4.32 lakh crore concession given to businesses
- Why imposing #GST on cremation sites? How is this justice?
Read 40 tweets
What the Ship!
July 20, 2022

Updates on Previous Stories
1⃣Supply Chain & Rise in US Container Imports
2⃣Brazil, Bulkers & China's Mineral Resource Group
3⃣US Energy Exports Increase
4⃣Labor Strikes Around the World
5⃣ US Inland & Coastal Waters

1⃣ U.S. Container Imports Rise in June as Congestion Shifts East

H/T @gCaptain @theloadstar


#supplychain #ports #rail #containers…
2⃣ Fertilizer Inflation Forces Overhaul of Brazil Ports, Railways

H/T @gCaptain @business @BloombergNRG


#bulk #fertilizer #sugar #ore #china #australia…
Read 6 tweets
Tiefgründige Gedanken zur fehlgeleiteten #Energiewende in D. Bessere Überschrift:
Wie konnte es dazu kommen, dass in D eine unzuverlässige Stromversorgung politisch mehrheitsfähig wurde?
Auszüge folgen.…
(1) "Wir erleben das Scheitern einer Politik, ...trotz des Geburtsfehlers von 2011. Schließlich hatte eine christdemokratische Bundeskanzlerin die bis dahin hart kritisierte Energiepolitik der Grünen nur übernommen, um einen drohenden Machtverlust zu verhindern."
(2) "Wer will in seinem Vorgarten auch schon ein Windrad stehen haben? Solche profanen Konflikte konnten aber die energiepolitischen Wanderprediger nicht irritieren: Schließlich beanspruchten diese irdischen Heerscharen, die Menschheit vor der Klimakatastrophe zu retten."
Read 8 tweets
#energy is life; and is the foundation upon which complex industrial civilization is built. Our #EnergyCrisis has begun; and we face the slide into #Collapse as that foundation crumbles.
#OPEC reveals production declines for May 2022.…
The #Diesel crisis won't be fixed by new refining capacity.…
Read 11 tweets
Bereichern sich die Erdölkonzerne gerade an unserer Not, indem sie den #Benzinpreis extra teuer machen, weil der staatliche #Tankrabatt das ohnehin wieder ausgleicht? - Ein #Faktensnack mit @DerGraslutscher 1⃣

#Tankrabatt #Kartellamt

.@marcobuelow stellte es vor 3 Tagen in einem Tweet so dar und bekam viel Zuspruch.


Die Grafik stammt vermutlich aus einem Beitrag der BR-Sendung @BR_quer, für die das Chart ursprünglich angefertigt wurde. 2⃣
Problematisch an dieser Argumentation: Zu sehen ist mutmaßlich der #Benzinpreis an der US-Börse Nymex:…

Das ist also ein weltweiter Indikator und schlicht der Börsenwert, den können die Erdölkonzerne genauso wenig festlegen wie den Erdbeerpreis. 3⃣
Read 14 tweets
War of words broke out between the Centre and States regarding the #exciseduty cut on #petrol & #diesel
@nsitharaman said the cuts were made in cess not shared by States so loss borne by Centre
@ptrmadurai said whichever component you cut from, the State will lose some money
@nsitharaman is right in saying the cut came from cess which is not sharable with States
> Non-sharable parts (last three rows) is increasing
> Sharable part (first row) is decreasing and is just Rs 1.4/ltr. So a reduction of Rs 8 not possible from just sharable part Image
>So, by increasing the non-sharable components of excise duties, States were already losing out
>The other issue is, if an amount is collected as a cess, it should be used for the ear-marked purposes, which the CAG found in 2020 that the Centre was not doing. Image
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Cabinet decisions today @CabinetSL
Thread ⬇️

#SriLanka #Cabinet #SriLankaEconomicCrisis
@CabinetSL @CabinetSL Prime Minister @RW_UNP briefed the Cabinet on the economic crisis in depth-Cabinet spokesperson Bandula Gunawardena

#SriLanka #Cabinet #SriLankaEconomicCrisis
@CabinetSL The daily budget deficit of 1.7 billion rupees in 2014 has risen to 5.6 billion rupees in 2022- @BandulaDr

#SriLanka #Cabinet #SriLankaEconomicCrisis
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FM #NirmalaSitharaman announces a slew of measures to curb inflation, citing PM #NarendraModi's commitment to help the poor and common man, including a Rs.8 reduction in central excise duty per litre of #petrol and a Rs.6 cut in the duty on #diesel, reports @tragicosmicomic
She exhorted all States, especially those that had not cut State levies when central #taxes on #fuel products were cut the last time in November 2021, to implement a similar cut and give relief to the common man.
A subsidy of Rs. 200 per gas cylinder for upto 12 cylinders a year, will be granted to over 9 crore beneficiaries of the PM Ujwala Yojana.
Read 5 tweets
What the Ship?
May 12, 2022

1️⃣ #Shipping Stocks Tumble
2️⃣ Roll-on/Roll-off Insurance Increases
3️⃣ @ilwulongshore Contract Renegotiation
4️⃣ Impact of #BlackSea Maritime War
5️⃣ #Diesel Costs Increase in Northeast US

1️⃣ Shipping stocks take another beating, sinking by double digits

H/T @GMJournalist @FreightWaves…
2️⃣Car Import Costs May Rise As Marine Insurance Report Warns Of RORO Risk

H/T @business…
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